Comments posted by metiodfanhunter


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-12 1. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Yuja Wang plays the Flight of the Bumble-Bee

Hey #16! imagine you put those fingers to real use like pulling a gun trigger! Now the military would be proud just like the chinissee (slitty eyed fuckers,Ahem,Ahem,cough,) goverment. :) :D >:)
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-7 2. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Other side of sports

I would shoot those fuckers with a bigass shotgun.(except for the badass hot chicks. Save em' for me!)
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0 3. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Interestingly trained dog

Shit! The last one made me laugh so hard!! :) LMFAO(Laughing my f***king ass off)
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+1 4. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Pepsi Max - I'm Good

#1: you fuckwad!
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0 5. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Freaky dancing robot

reminds me of a gaylord. ha! whoever read this is a FAT GAYLORD
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0 6. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Very angry cat

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-2 7. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Medieval soldier prank

i would punch right there if i was the one who got scared
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0 8. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Dance fail

Wow this video got a lot of comments. By far the most ive seen on snotr! :)
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0 9. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video $1.4 billion B-2 crash

if you want to bomb a place, just crash the plane and it will do the job. NO NEED TO DROP BOMBS! :)
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-4 10. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Door prank

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+1 11. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Ownage compilation

I love it!!! good job Snotr!! #1, I agree! :) ;) :D >:) :(|)
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-4 12. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Door prank

WTF? :|
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0 13. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Data security - Harddisk shredder

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+1 14. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Too much power

#(removed comment) , wierd and wierd too :(
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0 15. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video How to fix a TV

Beware.... of the TV fixer!! OHHHH.... :D
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-1 16. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video LineRider "Make Believe"

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0 17. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video NBA mascot bloopers

:) 1:35 i love it!
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0 18. metiodfanhunter commented 15 years ago on video Parkour fail

i love russians
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+2 19. metiodfanhunter commented 16 years ago on video Big mouthed woman

damn, i wouldnt want to be her husband :D !