Comments posted by mmmendal


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0 1. mmmendal commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#11 I get what you are saying about PC culture: they overuse the word racist and other things. And I am cool if someone makes a joke personally about me in the same way you are expressing.
Who cares, you ask. Maybe some don't but making a negative comment about a country/nationality on a public platform such as Snotr reduces the quality of the environment of said platform.
In other words: I would hang out with you smi and probably have fun but as a frienly snotr user I just feel like I should express certain boundaries of acceptable international behaviour especially on Such a great site like Snotr.
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+2 2. mmmendal commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#7 It is a sarcastic remark with clear meaning that bad driving and, possibly, foul language should automatically be attributed/categorized to Russians or as Russian. Maybe I am not making myself clear well enough, so I am sorry if that is the case. What if such a thing was said of your (reader's of this comment) country?
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-15 3. mmmendal commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#1 racist
I expect to be voted down but that doesn't change the fact of your comment actually being racist.
This is the very reason why Snotr was carefully considering including "Russia" as a category.
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+10 4. mmmendal commented 8 years ago on video RC Car Racing

Loved every second of it. Would've loved to see slow replays.
Highlights for the replays: Jump over 3:04, bump 4:05, final bump and crash 4:36
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+1 5. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video A Capella

IMHO the category is not "Parody" and more like "Weird"
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+9 6. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Poignant Norwegian #DearDaddy campaign highlights rape culture

I get the part of making sure that people are not verbally abusive to others and especially to your children but there are also other steps that parents and kids should be taking to prevent such terrible things.
How about asking your dad to bring you up well enough not to get drunk and not to hang out with clearly bad and abusive people: make your child a truly strong and independent person. How about asking all the parents to participate in their local communities to organize activities for youth that will occupy their minds and time with better things than hanging out and doing drugs (alcohol is a drug too).
I am no genius but this video just seems incomplete at best and as the title suggests poignant.
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+1 7. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Man Carves Pumpkin With Guns

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+8 8. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Change your opinion

Impressive blind Jiu-jitsu fighter
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+1 9. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video No problem ...

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+7 10. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Automatic Mario

Sounds to me like the intent of the game designers was to make the game sounds make musical sounds from popular anime covers if played by a the game-bot?
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+1 11. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Bear on a motorbike

I believe #7 refers to something like this:
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+10 12. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Helicopter flying extremely low over the street

The level boss has arrived.
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+3 13. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years

LOL 1:36 they respected the roll.
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+2 14. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Beautiful Beach Glows by Bioluminescent Phytoplankton

#1 you are welcome
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+4 15. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Security cameras are awesome

Accidents is a bit more appropriate category for the video IMHO.
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+14 16. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video This Wave Pool Does Some Strange Things With Water

The older video was way more fun:
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+4 17. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video More Bubble Magic

One of the best videos on how investment banking and derivatives markets work.

Seriously she has great skills. Best I have seen so far.
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+1 18. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video How locusts perceive the signal to swarm

I believe this is what #4 refers to:
Also this is relevant:
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+17 19. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Just dancing in the street... what could possibly go wrong?

not exactly family friendly material for snotr IMHO.
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+2 20. mmmendal commented 9 years ago on video Man says "I Love You" to his wife 15 years after being silenced by ALS thanks to eye track

Dam you onion ninjas.
They are all heroes.
Indeed an inspirational prove of true love.
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+15 21. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Lars Andersen: a new level of archery

Awesome would be an acceptable category for this video as well IMHO.
It is more than just sports it is history and arts made interresting and awesome.
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+6 22. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video My first day with my drone.. couldn't have gone any better!

I really liked this edit of the video:
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+11 23. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Questions

Cocaine is a hell of a drug L :D :D :D L
Absolutely owesome editing. My stomach hurts.
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+8 24. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Bill Gates drinks water that used to be human poop

The problem here is the amount of NOx ( ) and other toxins released after burning in the furnace. Trust me when I tell you that the whole question is in the furnace/electricity and not the water. I was intimately involved with such technologies a while back in Europe. There are way more simple and more clean ways of making pure water. These guys use a simple rotary furnace and just are lucky to be picked up for funding while their tech most likely produces highly toxic gases.
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+6 25. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

#7 realistically Russians are somewhere in the middle of the country list of vehicle accidents (a bit better than african and arab countries). But it is true that dashcams do make russians look stupid on the internet.

#4 New law comes to force in Russia this year which will make drunk driving a crime punishable by about 5000 USD and removal of driver's license for two years or several years in prison in case of fatalities.

All of this summed up still does not excuse some terrible accidents that you see.
Lets hope in the future we see less fresh material for such compilations.
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+1 26. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 5

#1 what is wrong with you.
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+21 27. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video This cat is crazy!

Russian cat reacts to the fall of ruble.
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+1 28. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video The Most Radioactive Places on Earth

And this is another reason why smokers should stop killing non-smokers with second hand smoke. Quit or don't do it in public.
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+3 29. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Great Horned Owl Goes for a Swim

Just keep paddeling till you get ashore to dry up and fly.
Good lesson for us all.
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-3 30. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Man saves a squirrel trapped on rocks in rapids

I wonder how it got stuck there in the first place while staying dry.
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+3 31. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video This guy handles the G force test like a boss

For those who are curious the challenge starts at about 12:00
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+4 32. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Racing Mini Quadcopters Advanced Course

I want to see it as a pro sport with world championships and all.
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+4 33. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Man Goes Crazy During Street Interview and Rips Shirt

He is on Charlie Sheen, the drug.
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+1 34. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Richard Turner - The Cheat

#1 the point is to listen to people clapping and not to what he say :P
but yes I fet the same way #1.
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+2 35. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Fail Compilation July / August 2014 || TNL

So many dumb ways to die :x
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+2 36. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Shore Googleglass App

There should be a "turned off by your geeky device" bar on permanent full red.
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+9 37. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Barefoot Skiing behind Airplane

One of those times when you have to go to youtube to watch it before admins fix it:
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+14 38. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Predatoddler

The cutest unmasking I have ever seen. :)
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+1 39. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Slackline WorldCup 2014

2:38 at first I thought he spit then I figured that it is his balloon popping.
Pretty cool sport. Wouldn't mind to see it in olympics.
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+2 40. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Laser pointer vs chickens

Them chickens need to increase frame rate of their head movement :P
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+2 41. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Google Car

I think that in a hopefully close future may every person guilty of DUI be made to use only self driving cars for at least 10 years.
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+5 42. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video A nice day on a Russian beach

#9 I get that it is a joke and I smiled myself, but it is just that a lot of people (especially young ones) have very little idea about Russia and people get their image of Russia twisted by countless online videos and hollywood movies that make Russia look like a place of ugly/evil/stupid people who live in a place of constant winter and darkness. Such rethoric brings division between people. Let's keep it down, at least on Snotr: generalizations.
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+4 43. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video A nice day on a Russian beach

#3 and #4 Novosibirsk is in Sibiria and located on a river.
Here is a link showing southern citiy in Russia having nice beaches:
I know that it is common to put Russia/russians down these days but please do not be silly.
Trust me when I tell you that very few russians plan their vacation in Sibiria.
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+27 44. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video The most easily scared guy in the world?

I like how he laughs at his own videos and after the pranks. Nice to see the friendly atmosphere of the pranks.
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+8 45. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Volkswagen - Eyes on the road

#3 The video gives a hint at 0:20 about the use of some kind of location based broadcaster.
Here is more on the story:
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+16 46. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Guitar Player

Wish I was there to give him some money. Amazing.
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+2 47. mmmendal commented 10 years ago on video A top down view of our inner planets in SpaceEngine

Looks like Celestia program:
But I am not sure.
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-1 48. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Quantum Computing

but on a serious note: I hope this tech, if successfully implemented commercially, will not be used to create a total surveillance of all, but to make cures in a bkink of an eye or perfecting traffic.
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+12 49. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video 40meters Motorbike Base Jump

correct conclusion he made in the end. todella tyhma
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+5 50. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Extreme Couponing to Feed the Hungry

Seeing him giving away food made me feel happy. I only imagine how happy he is.
This is the most practical way to feed the hungry that I have seen.
God bless him.
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+5 51. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Juggling Around Iceland

#1 and #3 are you twins?
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+44 52. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Animal Defenses

That boxer crab looks more like a cheerleader to me.
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+35 53. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Material Science

#2 "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke
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+3 54. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Trampoline Fails

2:28 reminded me of this contra jump:
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+19 55. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video The cat funny talks with birds

This is a common thing among cats. Mine used the same sound but it can sound a bit more like coughing when they get more annoyed by their inability to get the birds. Sometimes they respond to your requests in this manner and it feels like they curse at you. For example when I would tell my cat that she was not allowed to do something she would start making this dolphin/cough noise then walk to another room while still cursing left and right for about 15 seconds.
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+1 56. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Bitcoin Explanation

Here is an article for those who want more info on the subject:
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+3 57. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Fountain Pen Writing, awesome sound and look

Beautiful calligraphy but the sound it makes is annoying.
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+91 58. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Brutal Self Inflicted Nutshot

We should thank him for removing himself from the human gene-pool.
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+14 59. mmmendal commented 11 years ago on video Japan develops a new method of demolishing buildings-by shrinking it

One one hand Japanese can be very weird but on the other they can be very efficient and innovative. Gota love them.
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+5 60. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video the greatest "oh crap" moment caught on camera

My stomach hurts from laughter after last two videos. Thank you, uploaders and snotr.
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+8 61. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Snow Vehicle Concept (1924)

Some more info about this invention:
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+7 62. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Riding a shovel

That cannot be good for your tail bone. Some padding should be used I guess.
Otherwise a fun video.
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+13 64. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Bird Buggy

That bird is a better driver than some humans.
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+19 65. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video The Most Beautiful Thing

Made me cry with tears of joy.
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+39 66. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Now THIS is what "Lighting Them Up" really means!

Back to the future.
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+41 67. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Thank you for making us look good by posting only good videos we submit.
Thank you for letting us watch only the best picks of the web.
Thank you for creating a friendly environment: good moderating.
Thank you for making Snotr my favorite site on the web.

Thank you Snotr: its admins, mods, uploaders, and commenters.
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+8 68. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Pig Rescues Baby Goat In Water

To me it looked more like the pig ran over the goat, but that's just me I guess.
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+22 69. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Power of mother nature's plants

Is that a burp sound effect at 2:35? :)
Cool plant indeed. I saw it in one of the local flower shops.
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+12 70. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video DIY Camping Stove

#1 and #2 The description of the video has the link to the video where it is actually working.
But here it is again if you cannot see it:
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+25 71. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video First World Problems

When you make a comment on snotr and you notice that it had a typo in it but someone already commented right after you so that you cannot correct your mistake.

Pee limbo cracked me up. :D
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+12 72. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Food devastation in 2500 frames per second

I enjoy the coolness of the slow mode but sometimes I feel bad seeing this cause I was raised to never throw away or waist food because there are a lot of people who do not have it.
P.S. weird music
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+5 73. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Animated fly-over of the US

... and trillions of US dollars federal reserve gave away to big banks (to non US banks too) to pay even bigger bonuses to people who made them fail.
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+5 74. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video A golf shot you rarely see

#4 I believe it is just called an Ace or whole in one. Althoug I also feel like there should be a specific term for this kind of whole in one because Ace or whole in one are terms for all such strokes, i.e. they do not mean such a clean whole in one. Birdie is one of the terms used to describe a score better than a standard score fot a hole (i.e. a hole demands thee strokes but a player got it in two: score=2-3=-1).
Below are the terms for scores under par:
Birdie = -1
Eagle = -2
Albratros or double eagle = -3
Condor or triple eagle = -4
Ostrich = -5 (this score has never been achieved)
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+1 75. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Strike Vaporizes Powerline

What is that high pith sound at 0:21 ?
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0 76. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

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+1 77. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

I know that scientists say that this universe must have been designed or there are multiple universes. The latter cannot be proven hence what we already know is that there is a designer. I don't expect any thumbs up. I just simply point out science of our day.
So many misconceptions of religion in this video but who cares, right (if you get thumbs up you MUST be right)? I am just annoyed by the same onesidedness of atheists as many religious groups have when very obvious facts are just ignored.
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+13 78. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Paper Speakers

I wonder if you can use it as a microphone like you can with your earphones?
Walls could literally have ears under wallpaper then.
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+2 79. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video SUPER MoonWalking

New olympic sport: moon skating :)
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+3 80. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Woman scared in a rallycar

She reminds me of a screaming :(|) from the "planet of the apes". :D
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+14 81. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

#(removed comment) Those are minecraft blocks.
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+20 82. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video True Sportsmanship

#5 she won respect and friendship.
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-10 83. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Snoop Dogg on "I Get That Alot"

Interesting that they showed only non black people believing him.
I suppose black people weren't as fooled.
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+5 84. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video $10,000 Car That Runs On Air

This video came to mind Especially 2:20 of that video.
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+3 85. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video A Liberal Prison System - Bastoy Island, in the fjord of Oslo, Norway

4:52 Of course this may not work for every country/people in the same manner but Norway found a solution which gives them best statistic in the world so shut up and at least learn something all you haters.

Correction for moderators: It should be Oslo and not Olso in the title.
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0 86. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

CO2 is a problem. We are running out of fossil fuels. :O Oh nooo.
Please don't kill me if I know these are not true statements but a new propaganda.
However. We do need to better our technologies to reduce truly poisonous emissions.
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+1 87. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Blackberry Actually Made Something Cool

At first I thought he spoke of the RIM (blackberry makers).
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+4 88. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Watch out for the modern pickpocket

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+5 89. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video America ...the age limit works so well

How about not portraying alcohol as something cool in the media. The problem isn't accessibility of drugs, it is how they are perceived. We should make drugs look lame and create environment of sports and arts for youth.
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+1 90. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Plane pilot with ballz of steel

Felt nice to see something extreme without red bull brand for a change.
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+17 91. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video The old man and the sea

The song is very fitting.
P.S. I read the book.
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+9 92. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Autistic 13-year-old math prodigy

Real life Sheldon Cooper (especially at 2:50)
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+8 93. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video X-Games Event Is A Disaster

At first I thought that something was off and then I heard female names.
Now I don't mind women driving/riding but you can just tell the difference.
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+1 94. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video You've Felt It Your Entire Life

Temet nosce
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+13 95. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Fire fight

#1 I was hoping it to be a bit faster choreography but not gone wrong.
#2 the music reminds me of mortal combat so it is quite appropriate.
Loved it.
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+6 97. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video See around corners using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging

Looks like it is too slow for live feed of moving objects but could be very useful in hard to reach places like archeological tunnels that are to small for man or camera.
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+2 98. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Stealing Time

Why did he shoot himself in the first place?
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+9 99. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Dog welcomes Soldier home

I get the same reaction from some dogs of my friends quite often. Yeh some dogs are just very emotional.
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+1 100. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Volvo - Project Re:Brief by Google!

For those still wondering which "plugin" Sizzlik spoke of: I use adblock plus on my firefox. I am sure there is adblock for chrome as well. Also Noscript can help remove ads but make sure you allow scripts you actually need.
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+8 101. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Connecting on the Internet

The title is wrong. It should say something like Public Key Cryptography.
Here is a more fun explanation:
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+5 102. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Snow Circles

#2 I believe these are made by Simon Beck and this is his way to treat his sickness: by walking. He just decided to make something beautiful out of his exercises.
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+22 103. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Mustang Burnout & Chase of RC Drift Car

LOL at the very end. I wonder how many RC cars have they used to make this.
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+24 104. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Things that brings us together

Couldn't stop laughing. :D
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+23 105. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video I Paint

Amazing, captivating, and enjoyable.
Thank you for uploading, prekazi.
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+1 106. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Fort Steuben Bridge Demolition

Can someone explain why there are two waves of flashes? 1st at 0:26 and 2nd at 0:29
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0 107. mmmendal commented 12 years ago on video Girl can say any word backwards!

#10 and it sounded like "cat nap redneck" :)
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+5 108. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video LADA: best brakes in the world

LADA Transformers - even less than meets the eye.
#5 actually very funny.
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+22 109. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video SOPA Cabana

In Finland just a few days ago one of the main ISPs and its virtual provider were told by court to ban access to piratebay and related domains. This is serious people.
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+6 110. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Scottish construction workers down under

0:08 Satisfaction :D
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+14 111. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Sugar Plum Fairy by P.Tchaikovsky - Glass Harp LIVE

#5 This is a song of a second character of the second act in the nutcracker's suite.
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+3 112. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Flyboard

I guess you get the ironman flight feeling with this suit.
Can anyone please translate what are they saying in general?
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+32 113. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video The Best Gun Fail Accidents - 2011

5:05 :O WTF
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+6 114. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Holiday fail compilation

#2 (it was a fake though)

Quite a few are not fails in this video. It is more like masochistic wins.
A fail is when something could have gone according to plan but didn't.
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-5 115. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Aerialist Seanna Sharpe 285 Feet Over The Williamsburg Bridge

I completely get the beauty and thumbs up for the art but we all know how it could have ended. One's life on the edge should not put another's life through a potential horrific trauma.
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+9 116. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video 'True 3D' Display Using Laser Plasma Technology

They should have done the Darth Vader simulation and in blue color.
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+3 117. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video on a dime 3000

Fastforwarding the video is much more pleasant than watching at normal speed which gave me nausea.
Otherwise pretty nice video.
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+3 118. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 5

#2 Us the Russian members of Snotr already expressed our opinion that we do not mind to have a Russian section. We however do NOT want it to be called "only in Russia" cause it gives a very wrong perspective. IMHO "From Russia with fun" would be ok. I say this, we are all creative here on Snotr. Why don't we all try to come up with some funny name for the section which will make everyone happy. Then again I feel like people from other eastern European countries may feel like they also deserve their own section since many times videos are mixed from many CIS countries.
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+18 119. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Epic dubstep

He does harmonica in this video
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+5 120. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Carving a pumpkin with fire

Cool science teacher.
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+10 121. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Butcher Knife Nunchucks

Balls of adamantium
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+23 122. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Everest elevator

She pressed the same elevator button again :O
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0 124. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Compilation of reporter fails

1:00 WIN <3
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+4 125. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Self propelled robot walks only by using its own weight

walking golf drives
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-3 126. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video "Bad Salsa" not bad at all !!

Great performance. Doubt they can do all of it in salsa 10-15 years from now so it is good that they get to enjoy their youth like this.
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+5 127. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Back to the Start

#4 if we were to not eat meat AS MUCH and save all the seeds and other resources that go into meat production then there would be enough food to stop hunger anywhere on the planet (I heard it from Food Inc or some similar documentary).
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+29 128. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Meanwhile, in Russia

Love how he smiles even in such a situation. :)
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+8 129. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Quantum Levitation

Wish we had videos like this in my science classes instead of lame concept drawings in our old textbooks.
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+5 130. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video The Feynman Series - Beauty

2:46 words to live by.
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+3 131. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Rocket Launch 35 km (22 mi) above earth

This is very impressive. Such rockets usually achieve altitude twice smaller and the parachute systems fail often too. Pretty impressive and beautiful.
#5 You need a permit from FAA.
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+10 132. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Day vs Night

There is a saying where I am from: everything that is knew is a well forgotten old thing. Lovely animation and good message.
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+32 133. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Speed Comparison GT vs. F1

You must have jedi reflexes to drive F1.
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+3 134. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Metamorphose

cameraman: alright show us what you got. One. Two. Three.
ridiculous laughter :x
cameraman: so how does it feel?

:) instant Russian camouflage
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+5 135. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video 50 Cal Machine Gun VS. 250 Watermelons

#4 He is NOT Russian. He grew up in Georgia (that is the state in USA).
This video was shot just outside Cleveland Ohio.
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+32 136. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Drunken russian falls from 5th floor

In case anyone wonders what they were saying: They were telling him to get back into the window and when he fell they told him not to move. Then he told everyone to get away from him and stood up.
This was scary to watch but I was told that drunk people seem to get injured less in these cases because their muscles are relaxed so there is a good side to being drunk if you fall.
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+2 137. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Orangutan Saves A Baby Bird

I think there is a connection between 0:21 and 4:33 It just wants more bird poop.
Now I say this as a joke but something inside me tells me it may be a real causality.
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+1 138. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video ARM Powered LEGO/Nokia 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube Solver

It's like it is dancing with the music sometimes in the video. :)
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+5 139. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Shocking illusion - Pretty girls turn ugly!

Another brain failure as Neil deGrasse Tyson described it.
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-8 140. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Odeon Scares

Thumbs up if you would have punched him.
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+7 141. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Guitar Baby!

#2 and #3 the description says it is a viral commercial.
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+4 142. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Mountain Climber

Cameraman did amazing work filming especially at 0:38?
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+4 143. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

#5 you must be agent Smith from matrix.
Terrible, terrible destruction. Hope they can rebuild and replant the beautiful trees.
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+37 144. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Top Gear - The Marauder

It requires a zero point energy module to propel and flux capacitor to steer because it exists in more than 3 dimensions.
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+12 145. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Cat boxes dog face

The cat doesn't get that the dog is enjoying getting massaged.
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+13 146. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Mr Bean - iTunes ad

Mr. Bean is epic with that music. :D
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+4 147. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Magic Rings Illusion

#2 I thought it is a he. But I guess it can go either way in this case.
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+3 148. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video 430 kg (954 Lbs) Deadlift

Previous video comes to mind. >:)
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+4 149. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Handfeeding a great white shark

If she is an expert why does she touch the eye of the shark at 1:58. I thought sharks don't like when their eye are being touched.
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+4 150. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Bird Balancing Trick

Hoped it would get the balance by the end of the video but still cute.
It's funny how he gets angry and starts biting the ball.
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+20 151. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Serious Diabolo Skills

I like how he enjoys himself smiling. He's a good showman.
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+25 152. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video how to stop cats urinating on your property

He should have put more of those traps.
I am a cat person but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
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+1 153. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Run

Linking park song "in the end" comes to mind.
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+8 154. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Art With Salt

TBH I could not believe my eyes.
Amazing how such artists can see the picture before it is drawn and just draw it so well for those who can't.
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-3 155. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

#9 Just as science can be used to make our lives easier and amazing so can be a religion. Please don't generalise. (vise versa with miserable and misleading:nazi scientists) It all depends on the mindset of people practicing it.

#10 Alcohol hurts not just your liver but your brain as well as other organs.

This is amazing development, however I am afraid that majority of people will not be able to afford it and thus it will be available only for elite class. Repoman anyone?
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+11 156. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Chelles Battle Pro 2011 OFFICIAL RECAP

I want this to be an olympic sport.
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+17 157. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Rubik Record From Spain

Current world record of 6.65 seconds is held by Australian Feliks Zemdegs
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+8 158. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Cat Gives Thumbs Up

:) In the end.
Cat: there, satisfied?
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+10 159. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Maze game reaction

Looks like a sketch from SNL. :)
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+17 160. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Traktor stuck?

Innovation is a must in such conditions.
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+7 161. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Awesome Slow Motion

#3 I felt like I was high watching this.
Great video except for the spit at 1:59.
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+5 162. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video The Skin Gun

#7 I believe the issue is with embryonic (about 100 cells) stem cell research. Basically some people believe that cloning and then killing human embryos is unethical. Researchers now say that adult stem cells are as good as embryonic but without all the ethical problems.
#10 It is not and I can understand your disbelief. It does look like alien tech. This is however the present of our medical science.
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+3 163. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Double Decker Racing

German efficiency at its best 3:30
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-1 164. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video wipeout

I just don't see anything special in this particular video of whipeout. I like the show I just don't think we should have just a usual part of it here on snotr.
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+8 165. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Airport Security

This is reality in US
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+2 166. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video helicopter crash compilation

That is one lucky guy 2:10
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+3 167. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Fast Painting - can you guess what it is?

I thought he was painting Conan O'Brien.
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+20 168. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Unbelievable Spinning Disk

I would have liked to see some markings on the disk to see its circular motion around its center.
P.S. #5 is correct
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+3 169. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video How Ancient Egyptians Did Math

When we were taught in school we were forbidden to use calculators and thus for me it is still much easier to use the decimal system. This system may be useful in dealing with large numbers by hand though.
One of my math teachers said that we use decimal system cause humans have 10 fingers (digits).
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+7 170. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video About Conformity

#3 there is no cure for a society but there is a treatment for persons: stop watching TV, or listening to radio. Reading is more liberating way of acquiring information although still susceptible to conforming but at much lesser degree.
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+6 171. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Tourist Swarmed By Monkeys

This is a trailer for Hangover sequel.
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+1 172. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Tech Support - Parents

Forgot to mention to all those people who help their family/friends remotely that there is a nice program which helps in these situations.
Also Skype has "share screen" functionality which is also very helpful for remote help:
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+12 173. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Tech Support - Parents

I agree with #5. However when mom asks for 20th time which mouse button to press I get like Howard is in the video. There are good questions and then there are just repeated stupid questions (mouse buttons and minimize/restore/close). Now, stupid questions are eliminated by everyday use of a computer even for elementary tasks. Some people just do NOT want to think and instead they think that you need to lead them every step of the way even if those steps are completely identical day after day.
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+2 174. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Intel Commercial

Looks more like SSD capabilities of launching any app in a second. That's just what came to mind watching this. Otherwise a nice ad.
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+2 175. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Remote-controlled paintballing tank

He needs to talk to this guy and add that system too.
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+5 176. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Rear View Of a Flying Arrow

#6 to be more precise time of whole flight was close to 4.5 sec so average speed would be 32.22 m/s (145m/4.5s)
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+6 177. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video 1913 Harley twin still on the road!

The sound of the engine is so classical Harley. I actually enjoyed listening to it.
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+4 178. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Bull Poker

#1 I believe that whoever seats the longest wins the pot. Totally agree with #4 and #5
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-3 179. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Free Throw

Borderline fake unbelievable :O
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+3 180. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Star Trek door at home

I expected a bit more Star Trek. Still kudos for the project. I liked it.
#12 girls like when guys are not lazy and/or dirty and this guy is non of those plus he is a good engineer/renovator.
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+5 181. mmmendal commented 13 years ago on video Fortress of Solitude cave

#5 I get what you are saying but people have to wear special suits to be in it for a while due to sauna like environment, although it should not be a problem for true romantics. Also I believe it is now flooded again unless the scientific teams pumped the water out again.
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+2 182. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Diving Infinity

#18 :) Sorry, I meant 1:57.
Thanks for mentioning that.

P.S. Note to myself not to post comments when I am sleepy ;)
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+4 183. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Diving Infinity

1:75 two men in the air simultaneously in same trajectory consecutively is wicked crazy and awesome.
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+19 184. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Stealing the Catch

Here is the video #1 referred to

I go to feed birds when they start to migrate back north in the end of winter (ducks primarily). Our seagulls are quite aggressive and stupid but the crows and ravens are surely the wisest and very patient. It is quite a lot of fun to see similar situations in real life as in the video.
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+7 185. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Vanessa Mae plays Toccata & Fugue

I like how she is smiling during the performance. Most classical performers are so uptight.

#2 IMHO she does nice modern improvisations of classical pieces and is generally a fun and happy looking person during such performances that is why she became quite popular aside from her brilliant skills. And YES she is hot.
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+4 186. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Russian Car Crash Compilation

#7 You can get banned for such comments here. Sure even I (born in Russia) don't mind a joke or criticism about Russians but such behavior as yours is offensive in this case.
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+12 187. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Navy SEAL Extraction

Looks like they can break the motor on the boat by doing this otherwise very well done extraction. Good piloting skills.
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+21 188. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Michael Winslow the man with 10,000 sound effects!

"My bathroom is a rave party" :D Reminds me of my university days.
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+3 189. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Aung Zaw Oo Showreeel 2010

He deserved the music.

#1 I know, right? I rewatched it too and I still can't believe it. It's like he is a real flying master from those Chinese movies.
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+14 190. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Tow Truck Fail

Mario death sound should be added at 0:10 >:)
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+10 191. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Israeli Military Testing 'robotic' Snake

It looks too pervert-tech to me. :)
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+2 192. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Particles

The best educational representation of this concept I have ever seen. This is what I mean by learning actual science on Snotr - great video.
I believe this "mystery" is related to the reason why Einstein was puzzled.
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+8 193. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video North Korea military parade

#13 I feel sorry for the people in that country. Saying things like that do not help their situation and only worsen the situation. I personally believe they will collapse economically unless China will support them.
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+4 194. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Portable chair

I heard a sound of an autobot transforming in my mind.
Pretty neat. More than meets the eye.
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+5 195. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Biobus

I hope that the kids don't lose interest later with their teachers trying to make them just another brick in the wall.

Science is about fun thing around you. As in previous video about traffic control, if you put fun in things people will be much more productive. People learn on Snotr actual science sometimes just because it is fun.
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+11 196. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Nice slap

Even though the title spoiled it a bit I ROFLed - KO :x
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+1 197. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Battle of the Brains

#5 I would also add that when I get downrated, aside from feeling a bit sad, I learned to feel quite happy cause I get to learn something new: I go and research why I was downrated and usually I learn something new and quite useful for myself (i.e. I started to understand electricity much better from being downrated in the recent video about a fake taser, because I actually went and read some material on the issue thereafter).
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+4 198. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Stun Fone for iPhone!

90 000 volts :) , will not cause any permanent damage :D
would have been funnier if he would have said over 9000 volts ;)
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+39 199. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video The Backwards Girl!

Sounds like a horror movie.
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+4 200. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Condoms

This moment from Friends comes to mind
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+9 201. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Drunk Santa

Amusing video but it is a fake because at 22 :22 :20 on CAM A 0:01 he enters the parking lot and then on CAM B at 22 :22 :20 (the same time) 1:03 he approaches the elevator. Also the video jumps from 22 :22: 22 to 22 :22 :23 on CAM B as if it was cut however the timer moves smoothly the whole time.
Sorry if I spoiled it for someone. Just being observant.
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+1 202. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Fight Choreography for "Wolverine"

:D The very last guy says "Oh Shit" before he is thrown :x
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-16 203. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Love Noodles

:) a bit predictable though
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+3 204. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Frank & Kasey

I say its a fake only because he actually threw the ring: it could have gone so wrong because of it - too big of a risk to be real.
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+14 205. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video The Monk & The Monkey

I liked the lesson of the video but what was the purpose of sending the monkey to mess with the kid in the first place.
I guess I think too much
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+40 206. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Snowboard Face Plant in Cold Water

#2 I think it was a girl who fell.
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+4 207. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Hybrid Assistive Limb from Cyberdyne

Similar suits are made in other places:
However I truly like the sexy Japanese style with all the lights and very compact design - not bulky at all unlike other ones.
Also quite a great achievement in making right drivers for detecting the nerve signals. IMHO this is the direction of cybernetic bodies or at least limbs of the future.
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+2 208. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video ISS Tour - Welcome To The International Space Station!

#9 I think you should check out what Michael Schratt has to say on the issue. You will be amazed.
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+3 209. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video You just can't fix stupid

This video made my morning except for the last one which was just scary.
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-1 210. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Table Tennis 4 life

For all those unaware. Swedish are also good at tennis. It is by far not just Chinese, although they are quite good.

Gush I hoped while watching my level would be higher than his 9 years old level but then again I need to play more often (I played since 12).
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+1 211. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Storm Freerun

I know that this is a sports category but to me this is also awesome.
My nephew made me do some of those simple jumps once which was fun, but these guys are doing quite amazing athletic performance.

#20 I think #11 already mentioned it.
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+1 212. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Iron Mountain

I watched a documentary once (by BBC if I remember correctly) about life after humans and according to it the only thing that stands a test of 1000 years are records made in clay.
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+8 213. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Robot Chefs

I wonder just how stable is that two wheeled tray at 0:31 (wheels feel too small for real life use stability)
0:43 he is mad about cucumbers :)
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+2 214. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Canal Jumping World Record

I understand that fast climbing and jumping properly is the key in doing this but to me it looks like the hardest part now is the landing. Looks like 5 or 6 meters (6 yards) of free fall into sandy ground. IMHO they should make the landing zone softer to get better records now.
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+8 215. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Scottish - Irish - English - American - Eleven

Scottish and Australian accents sound alike to me. I like them both. Accents make our lives so much more colorful and funnier.
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+5 216. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Football double fail

This must have been even more frustrating for the red team since it was close to the end of the match.
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+1 217. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Reporter snowned

remove www. from the link I provided. sorry
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0 218. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Reporter snowned

If you use Firefox then I would suggest:
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0 219. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Chimaera

(i) The music in the beginning of the video sounds like Ronald Jenkees's Disorganized Fun:

Anyone knows the main music track?
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-1 220. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Chimaera

1:44 was that a whole bag of dynamite? SWEET!
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+29 221. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel Fail

It played too much Portal
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+16 222. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Orchid Mantis Catching A Wasp

I wish there was a slow mode.
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+6 223. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video They See Me Rollin'

Nice (s)lowride for such a cute gangsta.
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+5 224. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video The Man Behind The Sound Effects

TBH good sound effects make me enjoy an action movie more than other aspects. It's just something about the sound making you feel like you are there in the action.
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+42 225. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Epic Muay Thai Fight

:D They went WWE on each other, except it wasn't faked.
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+1 226. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Cat vs Metronom

#1 Reminded me of Michael Jackson dancing.
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+19 227. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Hang Glider Crashes Doing Loop

Poor guy.

Unrelated to the video:
Just found out there is
There is also a Russian version of snotr (.ru domain)where admins pay people for comments (that is funny and sad).
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-2 228. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Bombardier Beetle

FYI This beetle is used extensively in support of creationism:

You can also see the mechanics of his defense mechanism in the video.
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-3 229. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Head Injury

Watched it several times and still don't understand what happened exactly. Did he hit his head or he got kicked back by explosion in the yellow device/gun he held in his hands?
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+4 230. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video How Toilet Paper is Made

My university teacher said that there is quite a bit of fluid flow math involved at this stage 2:31.
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-1 231. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Great White Shark Accident

#4 totally agree. This is not the first time I am wondering why they make such big openings in those cages.
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+3 232. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video A cure for litter

#7 I disagree. It looks quite easy to produce in mass. The only problem I see is that it will get filled very fast. These should be placed at a more logistically effective locations (supermarkets).
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+5 233. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Cameron Marshall ASU Hurdle

I heard Mario jump sound in my mind when I saw that :)

Link for the sound:
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0 234. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Fishing Bloopers

That is one funny redneck.
Here are a couple more links from snotr:
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+23 235. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Yellow Snow

#1 I'm sure he'll mark the territory for real after that.
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0 236. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Mega Train 2010

3:11 Nice jump on the billboard.
Pretty dangerous to do that Mega train, exciting too.
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+5 237. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Marines' Silent Drill with an Oops

The Oops is at 2:28 for those who can't wait.
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-2 238. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Thai life insurance

0:57 The audience is not consistent with his son's style of music 0:30 unless I am missing something.
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+2 239. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Dog Learns Echolocation

#4 Here is the link:
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+6 240. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video HOW ITS MADE - Gold

#5 I see what you are saying however today gold is expensive mostly due to uncertainty in other major currencies and economies or political stability: it was 5 times cheaper in 2000 than today.
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+4 241. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video SNES - 100 Super Nintendo games in 10 minutes!

Those did bring back some good old memories. Lots of time wasted though.
P.S. Raphael was the best in TMNT fights 9:18 .
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0 242. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Aron Ralston's Story

#5 my thoughts exactly. How did he get out from that trench without one arm, exhausted, and loosing blood all the time?
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+14 243. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video 6 year old skateboarder Asher Bradshaw

It is nice to see kids doing sports rather than playing them on a console. And this one does an amazing job too.
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+4 244. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video McLaren F1 engine test

That was some stress testing!
Unbelievable how hot it got in the end.
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+10 245. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video chainless chainsaw

Couldn't stop laughing. :D
Wish there was a ROFL smily on snotr.
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+5 246. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Bicycle Dismount Fail

#4 Agreed. For it to be a fail a viewer (us) should be able to imagine a safe/correct way of performing a task/challenge (dismounting in this case). It is more of a design fail rather than a dismount fail.
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+50 247. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Schwarzenegger you are a creepy man.

0:31 Tai cho puy must mean "I'll be back"
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+3 248. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Girl goes crazy with her cam's special effects

1:18 reminds me of alien
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+2 249. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Maradona fighting

He even fights as if he is playing soccer: trying to pass his opponents.
0:08 such a sidekick fail.
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+5 250. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Person swapping experiment

It is called change blindness:
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+38 251. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Live crabs vending machine

When the crab moves his legs in the container I felt very sad. It is not just very cruel to animals it has to be unhealthy too. Good find but sad.
Can anyone translate please what they say?
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+3 252. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video To ride an elephant...

0:40 ouch. That moment was definitely for the entertainment of the kids.
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+1 253. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Biker vs. road sign

#15 is correct. I made a remark which is not correct according to the rules of Darwin Awards. Although it is not a serious matter I still apologize for increasing misunderstanding of the term. If it is moderator's wish they may remove my incorrect comment to limit the misunderstanding.
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+36 255. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video 16 Building Demolitions at Same time

Chinese do cool things in large scales.
I'd like to see a 10 story building "knocked out by bulldozers".
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+2 256. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Flexible Dude

Pretty cool.
2:35 symbolically reminds me of the financial crisis.
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-7 257. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Star Wars Gangster Rap

Foul language warning would have been nice.
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+8 258. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Beer Slingshot Fail

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+2 259. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Responsibility of Strangers - Social Experiment

I believe there also a factor of how confident the robber is. Int this 0:52 instance he is calm but in this one 3:07 he obviously looks guilty.
Conclusion: they should test it with the above mentioned factor as a constant otherwise you can't really draw a conclusion based only on the factors they tested for in the video.
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+30 260. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Biker vs. road sign

Darwin award nominee for sure.
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+2 261. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

Just a couple of thoughts.
Kidnappers aren't usually so confident (in broad daylight too) when they kidnap hence so many people thought it was a parent. The child should have done what #14 said and also if she were truly being kidnapped it would have sounded/screamed more believable than just a bad mannered child what in return would have made more people react on a primal level (not sure but felt like it).

Also a lot depends on the culture. I remember when I was in Israel, two kids came to my defense only because my parents were talking to me in a dissatisfied manner.
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+3 262. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Lizard Drinks Orange Juice

Such a gangsta face in the end. #2 totally agree.
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+2 263. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Fall down the lotion stairs

Ladies in white clothing are not allowed to participate I suppose.
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+35 264. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Wall Flip Fail

Now we know who is behind that mask
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+5 265. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Dude loses head

This one is somewhat easy to explain with artificial shoulders and stuff. However how do you explain other tricks like this
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+5 266. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video When Deer Attack

In a different program about the same incident it was stated also that that male dear was hitting the guy cause it thought that the female dear was inside of the guy and it was trying to get the female to come out of the guy.
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+6 267. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Bobsleigh Helmet Cam

#1 If there is one thing I learned from snotr it would be that humans can do just about anything they put their mind into. I get inspired by such videos quite a bit.
#6 I think you are right. It is similar to a lot of races where drivers learn the trek first otherwise its too dangerous.
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+2 268. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Photoshop's New PhotoBomb Tool

#5 I agree.
Photoshop is a very powerful tool now and the parody on its powerful tools is targeted mainly on its users (it may still be funny for others just not as much).
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+6 269. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Monster Energy Fred Crosset Urban Trial

I felt my kidneys make adrenaline just by watching the bridge part.
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+5 270. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video seagull thief

I agree with #1 however I kind of understand the cat too: 1)the bird is almost the same size as the cat so the cat thinks that it can actually hurt it (the beak is quite sharp after all) 2) the cat doesn't have to work/hunt for food so it doesn't care about it just like kids don't appreciate what parents give them sometimes cause they didn't spend hard earned money on it. From my point of view the cat is just cautious. Mine also had similar behavior even though it was quite aggressive hunter: it could catch swallows (20 cm wingspan) but it would not pick on crows even if they sat with their back to it.
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+5 271. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Fastest Goalie ever makes INCREDIBLE block from across the field

He is so freaking fast that it felt almost like a fake.
He should be an olympic sprinter some day.
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0 272. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Armless Pianist Liu Wei (Winner of China's Got Talent Final 2010)

It amazes me to see disabled having more ability than abled people.
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0 273. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'

#9 The uploader provided the link right below the video title. Here it is once more . I believe you can get their recording there. You can also see how they did it.

P.S. Great achievement. Very nice. I was in a choir for 8 years myself.
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+7 274. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Bank Robbery Foiled by Customer

When the video replays the incident I first thought that the robber won and came back to continue the robbery (I have stupid imagination sometimes). Anyway the robber looked like a nervous dushbag so I would agree with #4 cause the gun could have gone off at any time (although I don't think it was even a real or loaded one).
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-1 275. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Washington Capitals vs New Jersey Devils

When guys fight on ice they fight like bitches, however I would not want to fight any of them on ice or otherwise.
3:09 number 8 proposes a dance (looks like quickstep) :)
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+32 276. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video world burping champion

Such epic music for such epic uselessness.
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-2 277. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Aston Martin ALMS Flying At Mid-Ohio Raceway

Happens to me all the time in NFS.
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0 278. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video can u resist?

Impressive but jackass guys are still cooler/funnier.
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+3 279. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video robot transforms

Sometimes I wish I was a kid who lived in Japan and had a chance to play with these cool toys.
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+2 280. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Snowkiting at it's finest

Very nice.
My dream hobby is
But I think I should probably start from snowkiting which is quite amazing too from the looks of it.
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+5 281. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video how an aeroplane is built

Its like pie: at first it is boring and maybe ugly but in the end its nice and beautiful.
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+4 282. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Poker Hand

Amazing how some people know when to fold with a strong hand.
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+3 283. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Australia's Next Top Model - Final Fail

#4 May be. But I was just pointing out the same thing that #3 mentioned.
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-8 284. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Australia's Next Top Model - Final Fail

I have no words. I don't know what to say.
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+6 285. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video 8 BITS

kudos for dedication and effort put in making of this but it just feels like it could have been used in a better project
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+4 286. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter

TBO when watching their youtube channel I felt like whenever the wings are flapped the craft goes down instead of up so I feel a bit uncertain about the success of this design however I still respect what they do.
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+6 287. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Custom Foam Bubbles

It would be nice to have it bigger so that whole words could be printed but still very nice looking printouts.
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+44 288. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Naughty Baby

She minds him kissing her but doesn't mind him grabbing her breast in the end of the video?
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+41 289. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Sean Stephenson Dance Party Video

This guy certainly has a healthy attitude towards life.
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+19 290. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

There is a social experiment secretly being done on us here on snotr
just kidding :D

Seriously though one may have different values but there is no need to be an AO. And having different values doesn't make you a homofob.
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+3 291. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Understanding Southern

1:37 took words out of my mouth
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+6 292. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Shopping While Black - Social Experiment

This is a very fertile ground for a tyranny to arise when we don't stand up for each other and protect each others' very basic rights.
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+8 293. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Juggle a Bobcat at work

I guess I have too much imagination cause I was thinking that the bobcat lost something important and was looking for it.
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+5 294. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Cirque Du Soleil: Kooza - Wheel of Death

I wonder who gets more adrenaline: the performers who have done it a bunch of times or the audience.
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+2 295. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Powerfull model speed boat

1:00 It looks like sonic boom but with water waves
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+11 296. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video The funniest Dj in the world.

#3 I think he had that for breakfast:
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+5 297. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video 2 stage cluster water rocket to 810' (246m)

Was hoping to see the rocket go above the clouds but still quite impressive work.
Anyone who thinks it is easy to do from above comments I feel sorry for you.
It takes quite a bit of engineering with somewhat complex equations to calculate things related to rocket weight/fuel ratio, aerodynamics, etc.
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+25 298. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Music (video) mashup

Very nice recycling by Norwegians.
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+4 299. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Super High Jumping Cat

Very nice spots. I want my next cat to have such fur spots.
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+40 300. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video man threathens judge

0:24 that is exactly what you are: DONE
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+8 301. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Noncompliance

0:33 Looks almost like he actually wanted to laugh as an actor. Great actor he is.
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+21 302. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video House Explosion

Made me appreciate the dangers of such professions much more.
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+19 303. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Bus Hijacker

I would have likes to see an interview with the hijacker.
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+6 304. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video 90-year-old man recounts experience he had in WWII.

I have been watching snotr since the first video was posted here. Trust me you are wrong #(removed comment).

Great video. It is videos like this that make me come back to this site since it has started.
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+21 305. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Exchange t-shirts?

0:31 does he say "Yes niga yes yes"?
No pun intended just curious since his accent sounds like eastern European.
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+2 306. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Lemurs are junkies

I wonder how those insects haven't gone extinct with those lemurs always looking for their next fix
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+56 307. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Nutrigrain ad.

there has to be cocaine in it
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+5 308. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Mountainboards

Love these videos cause they actually give me some ideas on what hobby/lifestyle to pursue.
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-3 309. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Press Conference Hop

0:12 Did he just fall?
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-2 310. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Expensive Car Crash

why is the back of the car white/beige on such a car? or is it even the same car.
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+22 311. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Massive 2 Airbag Explosion In a Clothes Dryer

1:08 "we are ready to blow"... evil lough... grunt

that made the video for me before the explosion which was quite WOW
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+3 312. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Lucid Movement: Slow motion compilation reel

Just love great music with videos on snotr.
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+10 313. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Support Crane Needs Support

I have seen so many of these videos by now that this is exactly what I expect every time I see these things.
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+4 314. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Latvian girl...

she doesn't need to drink from 0:04 bottle after this to get wasted

0:14 I think she is swears
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+7 315. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Smoke Grenade FAIL

At least it didn't end up in his pants (or inside his cloth).
This one screams DARWIN AWARD.
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+3 316. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Dancing in the rain

Very nice dancing skills.
And nicely synchronized with the music even though I can't tell if it is the one they dance to.
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+5 317. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Magic switch move.

I can still see his hard breathing after climbing into the box. Other than that its a pretty much flawless performance.
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0 318. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Would you buy the pizza after watching this promoter?
Attention grabbing? Absolutly
Getting you interested? Yes
Arousing desire? Maybe?
Getting you to buy it? Maybe?

I personally would not buy from this pizzeria but I appreciate the effort of their marketing which is much more efficient than most in the same marketing technique, especially at attention grabbing.
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+2 319. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Nuclear Bomb stops a gas leak in the USSR

3:43 Ya think!
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+2 320. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Camera Man Hit At Le Mans 2010

What does the other driver throw away at 0:28
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+3 321. mmmendal commented 14 years ago on video Cute dreaming kitten

This video is like potato chips: you got to watch it more than one time.
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+5 322. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video 10 puppies vs 1 cat

she actually loves them cause she just plays with them and licks them(the end part) although they are too much fun for her.
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+4 323. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Future of Photoshop

I miss "you suck at photoshop" vids
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0 324. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Snoring Duck

my dear grandma snored like that
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+4 325. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video No Blinking World Record

According to the time counter she must have slept with her eyes open as well
I know its just an ad.
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-5 326. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Barack Obama's consistent smile

Well I guess he wears the same tie and suit all the time as well.
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+4 327. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video iGun Traffic Rampage

He commits suicide with an iphone app in the end: how sad.
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+1 328. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video No signal / out of service phones

Nokia phones have a secret code which will boost their signal but it will use up your battery much faster.
Not sure about the latest models though
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+6 329. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Where shooting stars come from

Call me crazy but I always wondered about this.
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+9 330. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Twitter in real life

#(removed comment) is trying to figure out how many people actually like reading hidden posts
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+3 331. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Hammer and feather drop on moon

You better not drop it on your toes there.
Closest hospital is 384,403 kilometres (238,857 mi) away.
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-1 332. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Balloon space flight

#2 I think what we heard was the sound from camera rubbing against its casing. However since there is still air at that altitude there is a potential for the sound wave propagation as well just not as strong as in normal conditions.
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+1 333. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video CSI - Best Intro

Morpheus is still kicking.
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+10 334. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Cat jump gone wrong

Jackie Chan reincarnated as a cat
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+4 335. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Bird eating a finger

Every time I watch it I expect it to bite that finger.
It also sounds like a dog from that weird dog video.
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+1 336. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Super Go-Cart

NFS: Go-Cart Unleashed
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+1 337. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Super Go-Cart

NFS: Go-Cart Unleashed
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+2 338. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

That bully is the worst fighter ever. The kid on the other hand has some training or is just plain natural fighter (probably the latter). Of course keeping it cool is a big part of his victory.
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+5 339. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Hang on tight!!

I bet this happens at least once a day in these water parks. :)
Happened to me once once too.
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+6 340. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Panama Canal time-lapse

A bit foggy but another nice time-lapse video.
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-6 341. mmmendal commented 15 years ago on video Sexual Harassment

Its funny but if its real news then i feel sorry for people who watch that expecting to see any real news.