Comments posted by muirdrive


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+1 1. muirdrive commented 12 years ago on video No waves today..

I am completely puzzled on this one. Is that a tidal pool that they were digging towards or a lake? Hope some one can tell us who was actually part of it. It looked like a good time though.
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0 2. muirdrive commented 12 years ago on video Dr. Michio Kaku on Learning from Outer Space

I can also imagine and today it is actually true, that there is no life in the billions of universes out there. You can run probabilities using high numbers and of course you are going to come up with an answer that there are other intelligent life forms out there, but in the end your math teacher would tell you that the answer is also a probability. We are the "Privileged Planet" and wake me up when they find another one. These theoretical physicists are real dreamers and this guy has become a millionaire just by basically making up stuff and the Star Wars generation sucks it up like a bear on honey.Look within and find a universe.
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-8 3. muirdrive commented 12 years ago on video Fantastic Fungi The Spirit of Good

:) When I was a child in Scotland my Grandma taught me that the Mushrooms knew certain things about the natural world that we could not understand as humans. They seem to be intelligent, but that brings up another question? Where did that intelligence come from? As a good Presbyterian,I know the answer to that.