Comments posted by nZL


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0 1. nZL commented 11 years ago on video Bitcoin Explanation

#2 what? where? it's been at 100 for a couple of days now
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+1 2. nZL commented 12 years ago on video Our history in 2 minutes

#1 can you name some "major" ones then? Or better give sources to learn from
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+9 3. nZL commented 12 years ago on video Exploring Monument Valley by RC plane.

The music is: QBig - Last Train Home
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-6 4. nZL commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!
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+1 5. nZL commented 13 years ago on video I ate your candy

#7 more like future snorlax
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+6 6. nZL commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

We could be even ahead of this if people weren't so irrational.
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+24 7. nZL commented 13 years ago on video Emergency Solar Phone

#1 that's not a zombie, it's Zoidberg
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+3 8. nZL commented 13 years ago on video Stuxnet : The Real Deal

holy shit :O
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+4 9. nZL commented 13 years ago on video 10 Fastest Production Cars

How about Lamborghini Aventador?

#9 kph means kilometers per hour
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+14 10. nZL commented 13 years ago on video How to Photograph Wolves at Wolf Park

2:35-2:44 on the left - so cute :D
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+2 11. nZL commented 13 years ago on video How It's Made - Baseballs

#7 it's not 8 to 10 thousand per person, that is just impossible since they would have to make more than 14 per minute. The whole factory which is 350 workers produces that amount so it is 23-28 per person in one day.
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+13 12. nZL commented 13 years ago on video Siberian Micro-Art

incredible :O
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0 13. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Visual Improvement

this is a really stupid commercial
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+8 14. nZL commented 14 years ago on video A cure for litter

A cure for litter? For how long? If this was everywhere the people would get used to it after a while and everything would get back to normal. Even if it showed some increase I doubt that it would've been worth all the production costs.
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+4 15. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Famous Last Words From Classic Films Mash-Up

#11 The Departed
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+20 16. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Yet another reason to love football

Owned. Epicly.
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+3 17. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Rollercoaster Trivia.

Is he on shrooms? :D
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+71 18. nZL commented 14 years ago on video lightning

Slowmo would be interesting. This is a screen from 0:23
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0 19. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Jozin z bazin

It's about a swamp monster ;)
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+5 20. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Darth Vader being a smartass

classic :D
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+1 21. nZL commented 14 years ago on video Dog rescue in a Swiss lake

This is such a bullshit, it's a fuckin dog, it can swim ffs. And what's with all the people? I don't understand this at all.
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+1 22. nZL commented 15 years ago on video Policeman faces death

If I was that cop, I would beat him up so bad.
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+2 23. nZL commented 15 years ago on video News Report

double headbang, ouch
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+59 24. nZL commented 15 years ago on video Tattoo Your Eyes

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+1 25. nZL commented 15 years ago on video Baptasia

#16 Stigma by Noisia
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-4 26. nZL commented 15 years ago on video Wiley E.

#5 No, it is not.
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+16 27. nZL commented 15 years ago on video Wiley E.

#1 It's from "Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy"