Comments posted by ncc1701d


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+6 1. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

Organ Doner !!!!!!!
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+6 2. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Brain Orgasm Fail

No kidding Sherlock....
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-11 3. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Cat Tape Experiments

Remove this s***
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+2 4. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Extreme christian view of Pokemon

They will outlaw sex next, "YOU ARE IMPOSING YOURSELF OVER THAT GIRL" either that or TAX it...
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+11 5. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video The rear-view motorcycle helmet

Why has nobody thought of this before, great idea...
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-2 6. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Awesome piloting

If they ever decide to remake Airwolf, i think they have found there pilot...
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0 7. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Craig Ferguson on Twilight

Each to there own, i suppose...
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0 8. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Your business card is #$@!

I've seen better looking BEERMATS. Tosser...
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+7 9. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Aicraft accidents

I have never had a fear of flying, cant say the same for crashing though....
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+45 10. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Spider man faceplant

At least that mask hides his spidey shame... :D
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+2 11. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Kris Holm unicycle mountainbiker

This guy is mental, i got scared just watching him on the bridge...
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+2 12. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video 2 Girls 1 Cup Song

Well that was s±;t :D
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-11 13. ncc1701d commented 15 years ago on video Bird eating a finger

Cruel b@stard, give it some food...