Comments posted by ol1v33r


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-1 1. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video German Engineering versus American Technology

pulling a jumbo jet doesn't mean shit ive seen some dude do it with a bit of rope he held in his teeth. car is still good nevertheless
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0 2. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How to make your boomerang come back

My favourite tune as a kid definately listen to this its fucking hilarious, im gonna put it as my ringtone.
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+2 3. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video A hunter in a tree-stand gets an unexpected visit.

This is a bear related video about the bluff charges of black bears very interesting.

Also how funny was that dude at the end.
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+3 4. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Instant Slushies

If this works for me i am gonna be so stoked, you can't get slurpies in the uk anymore and if it turns out well i will be a happier more diabities prone person
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+3 5. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Rattlesnake Release with a Bonus Chuckwalla

Dude you totally flooded my bedroom let me see if i can drink this mess up.
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+3 6. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video POV Footage Of Climber Rescued on Cascade Mountain in Banff National Park

Fucking Awesome by those guys some fucking beers.
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+2 7. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How to cross a river with two excavators. Ask Russians!

if i was the driver i would totally tip them in for a laugh every once in a while.
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+2 8. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Hallucinatory Optical Illusion

Can someone confirm this for me what was the expected outcome. I didn't get any visual effects at all. I was full screen and read all the letters. Am i missing something?
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+27 9. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile In Poland

No really its proving that heroin or other similar drug concoctions mean that people are anesthetized to pain and have a lack of care for their own well being.
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0 10. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Motorized surfboard

I was really pshycd till i read the comments. I hope they come down to like the under $1000 point or forget it.
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+8 11. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How a blind girl sees the world

#3 makes a great point. Words are not accurate. When i say red and point to a red square on a piece of paper that you and i are both looking at we might both see the same red square and both call it red but in your mind you might actually be seeing it as how i see blue. We just don't know, This also relates to mental schema which is why I believe sometimes we feel like we are on the same "wavelength" as others. a schema is a set of memory associations for a particular topic. eg Cereal. When you hear/read the word cereal you will have some memories associated with that word. I may picture cornflakes in a box where as your first thought might be lucky charms or something. Perhaps we get that sense of understanding when we share a similar schema with someone. This is really just the tip of the iceberg of the problem. Its very interesting area of philosophy and psychology closely related to what is known as the other minds. This is the premise that we don't know what experience is like for other people and it may be completely different to our own. The same way in which blind people can't comprehend colour even though really we don't actually comprehend it ourselves for sure. Hmm interesting...
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+3 12. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How to handle rejection like a BOSS!

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+1 13. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video 1,000,000 matches lit all at once

4:01 people
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+3 14. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Bat infestation on a roof

Some poor fucking neighbour is gonna get that shit next.
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+3 15. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Fastest way to put on a swimcap

i wanna know how the person who worked this out thought yeah lets try that.
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+1 16. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Neighbour of the year picks up 17 year old from School in a Lamborghini, then matches and doubles al

#2 i think that is the reaction in most countries that have phones and the net these should probably take a video of them doin it and post it online so we can comment on it.
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-2 17. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Escalator Helicopter Gone Wrong

Very good #8. Well played sir. That was very punny indeed.
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+1 18. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Rain Frogs

that time lapse of the stars was great.
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+2 19. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Jaehoon Lim performing at Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde

I bet his pockets are full of bird shit.
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+3 20. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Dancing to Billy Jean

too fucking awesome.
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0 21. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Electric fence...

Just so you know this is fake it is not possible to be electrocuted by pissing on something as when you urinate you do not get a continuous stream of water but it has partial breaks in the stream which do not allow the current to flow (ha ha flow, funny) anyway go watch mythbusters peeing on the 3rd rail
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0 22. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video German engineering

As a man with ocd (correctly written as cdo) I can say that my ocd side can agree with the hygiene issues. My man side says stop bitching and drink the beer. But then my man side then says again that this robot has no tits so therefore it would suck as a barmaid But then my man side says yeah but this robot won't moan like a wife/gf would so its a winner. The difficulties of deciding stuff as a man never end.
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-2 23. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Street artist makes portraits... with lollipops.

I don't think the video is fake here is what i think actually happens. Its a con, the guy has someone else carve a lollipop using a toolto make a lollipop that looks like the dude then he swaps out the one in his mouth for the head looking one with slight of hand and then charges people for the pleasure.
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+3 24. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Refillable Canned Air

fucking awesome that canned air is such a rip off.
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+31 25. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Inside the world's quietest room

i would pay five bucks to go in there for a minute
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+3 26. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

This would probably make your teeth fall out quite quickly and affect your jaw, and there are probably a host of other things which could be potential problems. Who knows though. I think his point about the potential benefit of helping people where a food source is a problem is very important.
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+5 27. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Dancing RC Plane

That was well choreographed to the music.
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+29 28. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video I Could Watch This Forever

I can see why he needs it damn he drinks a lot of cola.
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0 29. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Guy rolls his car 7 times and walks away

They took yer jerb!
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0 30. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video The evolution of a raptor suit (Jurassic Park)

That thing still creeps the shit out of me, that scene was so fucking intense.
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0 31. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Instant Ice Cream Rolls By Street Vendor

Ice Cream Making Skill Level Asian.
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-1 32. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Overconsumption

Purple Chicken Ninja. Wtf was that pink/red stuff on the fat mummy pig at her hind quarter laying down. Great video really captivating nicely edited and put together footage.
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-1 33. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Burning stuff with 2000ºF solar power using a Fresnel lens from a old TV

Anyone else calling fake on this. It melts glass but doesn't cook an egg straight away cause the egg is to reflective . (the glass though that doesn't reflect the light or allow it pass through it. And its burning wood and metal pretty quickly but he lets his little kid eat off the concrete right next to it with a spoon. Call me a cynic but...
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+2 34. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video "The most amazing beaver experience of my life"

Totally misleading title.
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+8 35. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Friendship has no boundries

People Suck animals rule.
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+7 36. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Is it better to walk or run in the rain?

Seriously someone link to the mythbusters episode.
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+17 37. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video MYO - Wearable Gesture Control from Thalmic Labs

Someone should make a What this will really be like video for this.
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0 38. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video What Google glass will actually be like.

That is the best what google glasses ... video yet
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0 39. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Most logical movie fight scene EVER?

Still more realistic than most hollywood films, I mean come on Home Alone. As if you would bother to go buy groceries, you'ld just order pizza every night.
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+8 40. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Scuba Diver caught in scary rip current

TLDR: Might or might not be a rip, just the water pulling him, he's in the sea what do you expect. Dunno why youl'd shit yourself though, I only pee in my wetsuit personally.

I don't know if that is a rip you can't tell from the video. But it is basically the current of the overhead breaking wave pulling him along in the water it wouldn't have taken him too far by the look of it and he'll swim back unless he gets eaten by killer penguins. It could be a rip but there are quite specific geographic features required for it to qualify from a technical stand point.
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+12 41. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video The cutting edge

Seriously that was fucking impressive best trick ive seen in a long time, any ideas anyone?
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0 42. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Glass

Awesome job guys really great example of doing something your passionate about.
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0 43. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Daytona crash as filmed from the stands

I thought they were calling the beer guy.
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0 44. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Best Bus Stop Ever

#4 is right. as mildly amusing some of the videos are, they basically say look we can waste all of your money we took from over charging you on stupid stuff so we can rip you off more in the future cause you'll think we're kooky and funny. Yeah I think #6 is right as well.
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0 45. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Amazing timelapse of Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

Nice shots, i bet the Gov follow our movements like that. Anyway does the camera auto adjust for exposure when the light levels change as it gets darker?
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+4 46. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Guy falls off of ski lift

Yeah but wtf was he doing hanging from it in the first place i suspect he climbed out.
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+2 47. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video F-18 Catapult Launch (Cockpit Footage)

I like how with all this modern technology they still use wing mirrors.
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+3 48. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video This is why I love Russia

I think they have their feet wedge into something and they are basically doing hamstring/lowerback pull up things what ever there called but wire seems more likely.
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+5 49. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Parrot with tourettes

Yeah cause polly want a cracker is so fucking godly.
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0 50. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video 3D doodler

When this pen can do all the same shit as photoshop and illustrator in real life. Then Take my money now.
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-2 51. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How to fix a bad tattoo

Fucking troll adverts.
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+7 52. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video MY MIND BLEW UP.

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+4 53. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills

That is the sort of girl i am gonna marry
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-3 54. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Sculpting a female face in clay.

Whats the difference between a clay woman and a real woman? A real woman just won't shut the fuck up.
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-2 55. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video The fastest robot of the world

Skill Level Asian (stolen from Jabafara)
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+3 56. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video How to feed the homeless

It's nice to see them enjoying doing a good thing it is also a shame that we have to have childish pranks to get us to do these things instead of just helping out less fortunate people all the time.
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0 57. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video The voyager satellite witnesses the death of a star

cancer troll
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+2 58. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Nitroglycerine detonation in slow motion

I like afterwards how the guy is in the back like trying to be all casual like i'm not on film this is what i'd be doing anyway.
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+4 59. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video This RAVEN knows EXACTLY whats it doing

Ravens and crows are very intelligent.

I was going to link to the clip of homer in bed with the murder of crows saying thats Russel Crowe, Cameron Crow and Crow Diddly but i couldn't find it this clip is equally funny though sorry its on youtube and especially sorry its a hulu link.

(you should make it easier to instantly upload a vid here and have a share link for it for once its approved although how you can bother with approval when you are going to put on that video clip like the transformer dresses idfk. TLDR
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+1 60. ol1v33r commented 11 years ago on video Transformer Dresses

Seriously this video title is totally misleading. Unless she turns into a robot and then starts putting clothes on i am not impressed by this at all.
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+2 61. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Mc Donald's Song

you do realize that this is probably a mcds advert stunt
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+2 62. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Kitten cam

Onwy dum cat wideo I wiked ewer.
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+5 63. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video A tour of the ISS orbital laboratory

Most awesome video ever. Every second was fascinating. Wish I could go to space. Little scary up there too though.
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-2 64. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Cool Things to Find

isint this just the song from that apple ad with different words
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-1 65. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Puppet Dance

Only time you'll see white people dancing well.
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+2 66. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video A good chase

I really didn't think that was impressive. Plus not that i give a shit but that was a needlessly dangerous high speed pursuit they would not have chased in such a manor in the UK.
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+5 67. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Mouth Juggling

I know this guy he learned this from his mother who used to play catch with him when he was a child only she didn't use her mouth. Ahh good time's i think her name was the amazing Ping, and she certainly did pong.
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-5 68. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Ice cream any way you want it, in 55 secs

Cool idea for a business, but she is a thieving b**ch Heston Blumenthal famous Chef did this ages ago, plus probably loads of other people before him too. Plus i hate advert video clips like this. Also someone will probably die from ingesting liquid nitrogen like the comment in that other nitrogen video. Plus i am in a bad mood cause i have to get upfor work in a few hours. And it is blatantly overrated like those shake places where you choose all the candy you want in them and they blend it up and it tastes crap and not as good as the combination should when you thought it up.

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+23 69. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Too late to run now

The power lines sparking looks really cool.
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0 70. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Stuntmans Brutal Parkour Crash!

Face Plant Fail
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0 71. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Star Wars FLASHMOB

I like how the cute asian girl's micro expression was fuck i'll be seen on film with this douche.
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+10 72. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video This is what samurai can do

I think this might be a setup. I think he had cut those things with his sword earlier and then used slight of hand to pretend he did it then.
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+6 73. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Man Holding Baby Suicide Attempt

If I was one of the workers I would totally jump down onto the airbag after it finished.
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-11 74. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Crystal the Monkey

Ok is no one going to say it? Really. Paw Nation. You get that right? Think aboout it. now listen to what they are saying and this is so much more hilarious. On another note urine is sterile so it is not really that unhygienic just smelly.
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+4 75. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Jetski backflip

That is the coolest video i have seen. I always dreamed of having a jet ski in a pool when i was a kid. Now i'm old at least I can watch someone else do it on the internet instead. Ahh shit my life sucks, where's that bottle of asprin.......
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+2 76. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Chicken VS Barney

This is just glorifying violence plus cruelty to animals, extinct animals, puppets and bad dancing to children.
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+4 77. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Hexaflexagon Safety Guide

Just in case anyone wanted to know this is a video by Vihart. Does other cool math videos too.
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+4 78. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Juliet finds out!!

Excellent smithers.
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+26 79. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Peacefull Rejection Of Riot Police in Madrid

I question whether this was actually peaceful. Although there was no physical violence, there was the intimidation and threat of the crowds potential for overwhelming violence from the large number of people through their movement and actions. So just because it wasn't violent does not mean it was peaceful in perhaps the true sense of the word. What do you think?
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+1 80. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Kid Loses Stutter When He Raps

I think it might be because rap uses a different part of the brain involved with speech (ahh shame poor kid ain't going no where in rap he got no taste he likes drake)
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+1 81. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video The Bridge

No one mentioned the third option of letting them all die that would be the most fair thing to do treat them all equally.
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+3 82. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Playground in Africa

It just shows how over protected people are in the west. I don't agree with being wreck less or dangerous but there is something to be said for letting kids do potentially dangerous things. (sorry for linking out cba to upload)
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+2 83. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video And the Gold Medal goes to ...

pretty sure they were trained to do that. Just saying is all.
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+2 84. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video You think you are brave?

No that's bs master_shake there are plenty of things which can kill you which can't outrun you. poison, knives, cars, falling off a cliff. Animal wise there are crocs & aligators and lots of others which i cant be bothered to think of
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0 85. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video $5 Bluetooth Car Hack

How do i do this for cd.
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-4 86. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video A great way to share a Coke

the people who made this should die and someone needs to take this off snotr.
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+3 87. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Why is it Dark at Night?

This video is boss, the only thing i am slightly unsure of is:- Are the distant stars turning infra-red because they are going away from us at a faster rate and their wavelength is increasing or slowing down like the record and lowering their wavelength to infra-red?
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+1 88. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Star size comparison

"This is your captain speaking todays in flight movie will be ..."

(Please please please PLEASE be goooood)

"James Cameroon's ..."

(thats ok could be Rambo, Terminator 2, Aliens, True lies even Avatar. Come on Terminator)


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+4 89. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Actually you are at the center of the universe, search on snotr for a video called "Travel INSIDE a Black Hole" created by "vsuace"
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+28 90. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video F1 Car in Lincoln Tunnel

He would have taken the same side both directions because they would have cleaned and prepared the road surface before the car could drive on it. But more likely because they had all the cameras on that side how else do you think they got those stationary shots.
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+1 91. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Final Destination in real life

There was a tv show where this dude crashes into a fence and a fence post goes right threw him and sticks him through the chest upside down in the car submerged in ditch water and pinned to the seat.

Also this dude should have kept more distance from the truck in front he is right on that trailers ass. He might have stood more of a chance of avoiding it if any.
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+3 92. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Pass Out Drive Through Prank

the one at 1.14 who was like "really" she didn't buy it. and the guy at 1.16 just didn't give a fudge either
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+6 93. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video A car stumbles on the street

3...2...1... We Have LIFTOFF.
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-5 94. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Simplicity.

was that basically a stealth blue ribbon advert.
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+5 95. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video ROBOT BUTT?

ahh vsauce great youtube channel.
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+2 96. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Hippo saves Zebra

What no mouth to mouth?
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-6 97. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Flyboard Family

Look its some dancing water fairies, more like the retarded flying dolphin wannabe family.
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+5 98. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Secret Pool

That's great till you have to clean the dirt and leaves off it before each time you want to use it, unless you have a maid of course.
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+1 99. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Diver plays with lava

Like all good scientists & children he is poking it with a stick.
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+2 100. ol1v33r commented 12 years ago on video Go, get it boy...

No you're all wrong if you watch carefully it is the guy kneeling on the floor who picks up a rock taps on the side and then throws it in like a grenade after the door is kicked in.