Comments posted by oleHashow


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0 1. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Using phone while driving

#1 like fighting fire with fire idea?
you do understand to rear end someone who is doing lane split, you need another one who is doing exactly the same but even faster :)

and then you loop it to infinity. so we must agree with #2
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0 2. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Josh Neuman || Bails

#2 one would think so yeah. Could you explain to me, how can one eat road with full helmet on?
Even slides hardly produce little more than frustration with failing and knowing it could be done better.
Also i would more worry about brains at old age than back
Sure immovability is bad, but it doesnt help you if no one is behind the wheel.
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0 3. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Nicest Christmas ever -

#8 fyi
maybe it would be useful to see different perspectives before you go stupid.

But hey usually we have to be stupid to defend our position.
People who spread religion know this. Thats why science is kinda a joke.
Until they bring it to you in a easy to use box.
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0 4. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Nicest Christmas ever -

#5 lol i refused to watch that one just based on the tittle. It seemed like a lie i didnt want to get triggered :)
i guess ill have to look at read comments :)

PS: yeah i agree. he should be happy not sad. Still not quite the same. Tauting them wont get them out of their caves.
I was listening to Criss Hedges. He thinks we need to go get them and bring them out into the light.
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0 5. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Formula 3 crash

#1 im not sure should i clap or slap. Ill just go with facepalm
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+1 6. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Nicest Christmas ever -

#1, seriously? are you looking for a fight?
or why is it that you call people out by names?

Tell me what does make country socialist? i mean they all take taxes some spend more on army other spend more on health.
what is the difference?
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0 7. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

Lol :) ty

Yeah my problem, my mind races and sometimes i forget what i just wrote and like i said reading isnt my strong suit.

1st i wrote "forgot" maybe i learned something.

So when i go of on a rant i get so much work :) it would be better if i would just relax. :)
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0 8. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A guided tour of the big guns at the 2017 Big Sandy Shoot

#5 2nd amendment is for hobby?
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-1 9. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A guided tour of the big guns at the 2017 Big Sandy Shoot

This included the largest civilian owned gun - the 152mm Russian D20 howitzer.
Funny even if they are at 'war' they can trade :)

I must admit i like this video. But damn 152 mm for self defense :)
Im so confused are these guns part of 2nd amendment or just like souvenirs people brought back home from wars?
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0 10. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#203 i guess thats on me. I dont like to read so i dont know explain things in writing.
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-1 11. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Pay for your sins the easy way

#1 Bribing a god isnt funny to you?
man you must be in the gutter i fell sorry for you :(
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0 12. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

Let me 1st address JJ fishhook nick name and ask you if you understand mirror J now? :)

TBH im too lazy to find out atm there is share option somewhere lower on the screen :)
i think you should manage it find share and copy paste when you get to picture i guess
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0 14. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

i guess i need paint

PS: do you see my masterpiece?
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0 15. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#191 im too old to learn new tricks :)
Did bucky do goldstain?
seems like i need to find nick name for you

Im leaning towards fishhook :) if you would only know how to write 2nd JJ in mirror.
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0 16. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

I was just thinking where is seen :)

Neighbour(underlined) in America is spelt(underlined) Neighbor

i think it is a way of revolting, like an adolescent. When it grows up and wants to be a big man.
Tells his father he can stuck up his old ways and see the future. We use less letters now its economical or something or just different is enough.
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0 17. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#187 i was looking/watching/seeing the video in the past so i used past tense

As, i was watching it but didnt finished the whole thing.

Ok i think i get it.
It doesnt matter past-present, task wasnt and still isnt done. so setting it back into time isnt ..or doesnt need to be mentioned?

this probably just works for negative ?
if i would saw it already i could talk in past tense
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+1 18. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

Younger Dryas Impact Crater Discovered in Greenland?
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+1 19. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#183 yeah i love it, i still didnt saw whole thing. I was amazed by the whites in our eyes so that other people see what you are looking at, to improve cooperation.
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0 20. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#181 i find old videos with my comments via {View posted comments (297)}

"saprophytically obtain agreements that were juxtaglomerular to a new order." :)

you lost me i hope it make sense, some micro organisms and kidney cells ?
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0 21. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#179 rich:) in words!
May i just kindly add, you can be annoying with that page counting. But you brought me here so im glad you guys tamed cobra. he was really annoying no kindness added.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

0 22. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism


Yeah i went a bit off what can you do at least i can understand it :)
Maybe this is what im talking about.
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+1 23. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism

#2 tbh i dont watch him talk, i just listen.

What i hear him say is better be blunt than lie and pretend you are nice.
So i guess free speech is a joke we are buying.

Those 7 words G. Carlin mention are in 'gulag' already.
And many words mean exactly opposite of that i would think they mean by its core root.

So social, is something so basic to human we cant be without. Kids would just die and we wouldnt be here. So taking care of the weak is our primary concern and this is given for o so many animals, all mammals.

Last night i saw a guy who supports death penalty and doesnt support abortion. :) where is the logic in that.
But i see his thinking process death penalty are for those who deserve death and that "kid" could be next Jesus or something. Clearly they are waiting for him to come but "they" come in different colors that was represented to them so they dont like "them" and they kill "them".
And they wont see him come until they will be poor. Then anyone who will help them will be Jesus.
"" are Jesus reincarnated the people who fought for poor and had to die for it.
Come to think about it maybe reincarnation is history repeating itself.

PS: and economics if just to make things harder to track, so the illusion of this slavery goes on and those who dont obey by it. Im free if i agree with the lies they portray thats all it is.
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+1 24. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Florida Highway Patrol Pursuit Hits 142 MPH, Then Cruiser Catches Fire

#11 i had friend killed by cops. This sounds wrong :)
i had a friend who was killed by cops what i meant
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0 25. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Florida Highway Patrol Pursuit Hits 142 MPH, Then Cruiser Catches Fire

#10 :) its not really that i hate cops i have friends who are cops, i had friend killed by cops.
I have cops letting me go, after they got me drunk driving, i had cop follow and stop me for driving reckless, while ignoring the guy i was overtaking driving 1/4 under speed limit
it is complicated to say at least.
What pisses me off, is that when they are the ones who should respect the law in the 1st place and then they clearly exhibit total incompetence its like double whammy. THen it boils down to guns and how violent states are and how they train their people to use guns instead of extinguisher or 1st aid.
Or at least have enough sense to send 2 cops on patrols since we are only humans and we cant be trusted, are we telling the truth the whole time? So it is easier to spot corruption.
But in this case maybe 2nd one could at least think a bit there cant be a lot of people like this.

Did you even watched / well listen to this video?

But tbh im not the one who hates cops, it is not my cop. My taxes are higher, but i get normal cop. :)
Who isnt as stupid as this guy is and doesnt waste everything while he should collect money from drivers.
You know you get better things, if you pay a bit more.
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+3 26. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Florida Highway Patrol Pursuit Hits 142 MPH, Then Cruiser Catches Fire

He needs to give himself a ticket for doing U-turn, clearly illegal move without siren

Let me just point out that cop does not recommend you to do this, he does not do this so often(prob about the pursuit).
He goes out to put out fire in grass with fire extinguisher :)
While telling the other driver to wait, as he will put this grass fire out and write them a ticket.
Then he failed to workout how fire extinguisher works oblivious to the fact that he should think about fire origin and not turning his back to it, grass needed burning anyway (end of april dry grass would not live there for anything)
But on the bright side as long as he knows how to use a gun, he is a good guy with a gun and now more good guys will come to help him so if anyone need save place here was the spot.
Clearly good guys were there within like 5 minutes Poor guy is so useless he cant do shit, can not even save his own shit from fire. He forgets keys, computer, wallet, g-lock, ammunition, shotgun everything he doesnt take out one god damn thing all he does is call for help and waits for it.
lol amazing
"Fucking talent" only thing going for him is he is white and i guess he kinda speaks English
Clearly too useless to try and read the instructions of fire extinguisher.
This is why 2 cops are always needed on patrol one can read other can write.
This one was the wrong one :(
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0 27. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video How to defeat Hypersonic-Missile?

Anyway i bet this would speed up delivery, if they figure out how to stop it :)

The positive side of progress?

PS: JJ domestic terrorism is 2 handed double poke and money is wasted!

Only way is to stop the nonsense :)
If we cant protect the whole world, anyone and everyone is at risk,
But, hey lets hate those who we terrorize in the name of whatever, but mainly profit :)
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-1 28. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video How to defeat Hypersonic-Missile?

@ Dennis
Funny is your selective memory.
USA never ever was in war and took something from others :)
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+1 29. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A different way to heaven

8. JJ humanity? i guess if you think that man who cant or wont bullshit women are at loss here.
Or maybe in greater context when we let this kind of fairy-tales fly. We should be talking more meaningful stuff than heaven and hell.

I think i said this before, but if bad people go out without paying for their sins. World is left a bit more hellish than it used to be and it is up to us, to "pay for this sin".
That is socialism what probably Jesus wanted to tell us and they had to kill him and as far as i understand it he died so we wont have to, if we dont raise this question again.
And we all know, there were way to many people who asked and had to die for this.
They always make sure to kill the ones who want to be good and change their status quo at the top.
Pyramid is best human can come up. The people on top are to smart to let anything else kick in to topple them down.

War is a racket!
Some are wasting money, others are losing lives.
We all know it is better to destroy than to give, if you destroy something this makes people work and that means jobs and that is good for the economy.>:)
Capitalism or slavery 3.0 as i call it.
Dont forget to feed the machine!
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+1 30. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Cow loves to play fetch

I wonder who is milking this "cow" :)
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+1 31. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

You are so clueless you cant debunk something you dont even understand so please go learn what evolution is and then try to disprove it.
But until you dont understand what you want to disprove, you wont disprove it.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

0 32. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

#33 lol ok

you start with #29 olehashow ..... and now i should understand this as directed to #7 austin :)

and im the one who is stupid, ty you made my day
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

-2 33. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Did evolution happen? (David Attenborough v Harvey Carey, 1980)

TBH i feel like even a question from the title and start of the video is misleading, implying evolution doesnt happen anymore.

This debate was done back in Darwin times and evolution won everything is going according to this evolution model since then till now, unless they find better model and change it, but changes are so small it stays evolution.

This guy know so much about past evolution i dont understand anything but pictures, but to know it all, is just easier to say god/creator did it. Make some money and put food on the table.

But best is to look into animal fetus and how similar they are at start in womb and 2nd is giraffe
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

-1 34. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Very close encounter with a black bear

lol how was this a bear hunt?

people even dont know what words mean

i do more hunting when i look for sweets in supermarket.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

-3 35. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

you came here claiming your family was murdered.
and when i asked you about it you chose to change topic and now im the pigeon. :)

Talk about projecting :)
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-1 36. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Story Of The Drone Strike That Saved Hundreds Of Lives

#9 'shot them selfs in the foot' as in let the planes hit the building. i saw that on CNN
Norad was down 1st time ever as i recall, but fell free to correct me.
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-1 37. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Story Of The Drone Strike That Saved Hundreds Of Lives

#6 lets not forget 1st they shot them selfs in the foot on 9 11 so they can blame others.
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0 38. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Tax System, Explained in Beer!

a partial refund to someone who has paid too much for tax, rent, or a utility.

How can you say people dont pay taxes get rebate?

Please use simple words so we can understand you
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-2 39. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

#28 well you lied so who the fuck cares what you say!

PS : i was nice i wanted to know more about your family tragedy.
But you started talking about imigrants or refuges (you dont even know the difference i guess) and then you also throw in welfare.

These are the things you think of, when you are asked a question about your murdered family?

WHY the fuck should i be a nice to a compulsive lair?
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-1 40. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Tax System, Explained in Beer!

4 out of 10 dont pay taxes?
piss poor country!
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-3 41. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

#21 So you think believing in imaginary things isnt extreme, i bow to your stupidity!
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-3 42. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

19. ughlah

True out history we have people who claim there is god and you think this unprovable position is not extreme?
Please explain how you came to this conclusion :)
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-2 43. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

yeah yeah yeah but you claimed your family was killed .
and now you forgot about it.
Spare me the bullshit you writing.

Clearly your values are fucked up, if you think talking about immigrants and refugees, welfare system has more importance than your own family being murdered!

or are you just pathological liar?
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-2 44. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

#14 How can you compare Islamic extremism with christianophobia.

Maybe you could tell us more about their deaths and in what church were they murdered?
or maybe you just say this cause they were Christians at the wrong place at the wrong time.

In my eyes Islamic terrorists are fighting capitalism.

PS:excuse my ignorance but you didnt tell much about the incident, so i m left to assume a lot.
also according to this your family must be extremely unlucky,

i would assume you are talking about WTC 6 deaths
1 grand mother
2 or more of your uncles
and 2 or more of your cousins

that makes it at least 5 of 6 killed from your family?
I highly doubt this is the truth
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-1 45. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Big game hunter who killed giraffe faces social media backlash

#4 Lets be honest we dont see her giving away the meat. We see her at the corpse. so dont sugar coat it.
People can say about her whatever they want, isnt that the rule of the land you live in?

It would be totally different story if she would record herself feeding those kids as a cook not as a hunter. You can bet your pretty $ she wasnt near those kids.

Always a good strategy to compare yourself against worse people, so you dont have to better yourself.
Just like saying USA has no gun problem, Puerto Rico does.
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0 46. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Courtney Hadwin: 13-Year-Old Golden Buzzer Winning Performance - America's Got Talent 2018

Mere fact that it is called industry, should give us the chills.
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0 47. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video First Monster Jam front flip

#1 Lets just hope this can be replicated to elevate this... i would say boring sport, till i didnt saw flips.
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+1 48. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video South Korean Girl Group Performs in North Korea

#6 you wish :)
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+3 49. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video South Korean Girl Group Performs in North Korea

#1 i cant imagine living in society being in constant fear they gonna take my gun and freedom.
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-1 50. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Hilarious Footage: Starbucks Sensitivity Training

@Austin. Should i start with a compliment that you are inspiration to form a better sentence or line of thought. So i would kinda want you input or anyones, if you want to chip in.
As for PC it is sad that we cant use colorful words. I mean my (word) and you (word) have totally different meanings. While if it is just a word, tone of it, might be hard to describe or even harder to prove its meaning. We can always, try to save us with just kidding.
But to the question
Is same sex marriage slap in the face to women?
I must be honest here im looking for a quick fix dont want to go into too much research about marriage, how it came about. But seems to me it was there to protect women from all men, but one.
While he might do, whatever he wanted to her, at least it was just one, but we dont need to go into that hole.

PS: just try word god, im all about we stop using it or translate it into 'every person has own god' we call it individuality? Or what ever makes you get up in the morning.

PPS: On further thought even my word can be taken both ways depends on the history implied.
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-1 51. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Do Pedophiles Rule the World ?

Well tbh pedophiles are excellent puppets. Your bring them the goods and they do your bidding.
Thats how the real rullers are never found we only chase shadows.
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+1 52. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Elevator of Shame | Crowd Control

Did only women take the stairs?
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-1 53. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Bear gets hit in the nuts for messing with water tank

Amazing play it off like it didnt happen just like someone is always watching and taking notes where the weak spot is.
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-1 54. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Archie Bunker on Slavery

#7 yes, it is a bribe to the rich.
Sure social programs are good bribes as they prevent evil thoughts to sprout up.

When will be 'to big to fail social program'? Most people call their god, to help them out here.
But wtf can god do but wait till everyone dies and then evil man already done all the fucking he had time to do.
If you need money sucking hole do this social program, not using money on banks and military.
To reward people who scam instead of people who help.
Were you saying something about civilized?

With a story i just wanted to point out, there is nothing new to find here.
It is an old story of man exploiting men and women, since we started writing history.
and you can take it whatever way you want. But you generalized and threw it out together with whole bible.
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0 55. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video This Horrifying Ride In Japan Is Pedal-Powered

#11 Sure it is extreme. But you cant really count USA as civilized can you?
Civilized people dont go around the world dropping bombs.
or sell weapons on both sides.
In civilized society, we dont need guns to protect ourself.
Is bar full of drunk people civilized? Probably not.
Civilized society should never let police have opportunity to kill someone.
Death penalty should i understand this as somehow legal. Relic!
No wonder justified killing is such a popular believe.

Maybe it is extreme for most normal people, but killing is well accepted norm.
It is economically most sound outcome, IF you neglect to take into account the backlash.
Sooner you kill someone less man-hours and paperwork(woman-hours? :) ) with him will be, if he doesnt look like a person who is paying taxes even better. I also say him since girls can get raped and work on that program of abortion not being legal. So there will be more people to put down without roots and hope they will play along otherwise well have to shot another-one.
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-1 56. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Archie Bunker on Slavery

#5 I would argue trickle down economy is just better sounding word for bribe. Sounds like everyone gets a piece.
Social programs is bribe also.
We give our people bribes so they do what we want them to do. Just like we teach kids. If you will be 'good' youll get treat or dogs.
Some need just kind words others promise it will all be better.
and [ego-leaders alpha male type]people have a need, to tell people what to do and they promise heaven and earth, if they do it.
Im sure there is a story about this in old testament.
What is 'good' or is god good who's god is good and so forth.
New cover same shit!
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0 57. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video This Horrifying Ride In Japan Is Pedal-Powered

Im scared climbing a ladder but i have no problem climbing a tree. Somehow those branches comfort me with a thought ill hit everyone of them on the way down.
I guess it comes down to what you chose to do on the ride enjoy the view or get scared.
If heights dont scare you, ill take it you lack the imagination of you free-falling and splattering yourself down bellow.
Wanted to edit :)

Rooted is the key word for being stable. Went to look if you read my other post :)
i see you did. Maybe i should continue my rant there.
But uprooted slaves or jew nation. This trend is among us since history began.
We uproot people and then blame them for acting like weeds
At least have a decency to kill them, but no lets exploit them and then wonder why they go off. :)
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0 58. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video This Horrifying Ride In Japan Is Pedal-Powered

Im scared climbing a ladder but i have no problem climbing a tree somehow those branches comfort me with a thought ill hit everyone of them on the way down.
I guess it comes down to what you chose to do on the ride enjoy the view or get scared.
If heights down scare you ill take it you lack the imagination of you free-falling and splattering yourself down bellow.
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0 59. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Archie Bunker on Slavery

This is what you get with trickle down economics. People scrambling around for droplets and no roots to grow.
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-5 60. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The guide book that helped black Americans travel during segregation

#4 Monkey see monkey do, we are shaved apes with skin color.

So black were denied services for years and years, well documented fact is it?
and you find one instance as to say 'they are same shit as we were, but we have grown and they didnt.'
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-1 61. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#35 yeah it sounds a lot, but if you would see the graph and maybe understand it
You might notice that there were 6k racons reported to have rabies in just one year.

Also what sounds like, is not, what it really is since i clearly didnt tell you the whole thing i give you some space to come to your own conclusions.

So if 93% of rodents are hogs with rabies and all of rodents occupy less than 5% of all wild animal cases and further more its next to impossible to find rodent who gave rabies to a human.

While you changing the subject to where i live i would like to change the subject to officers actions.
They are much more telling how scared he was, my location has nothing to do with it.

There was no report of rabies or wild biting animal before policeman came there and block both lines of the road to show people how to kneel-shot rodent.

Deputy get in hogs face stomping his foot and shooing it away, but hog doesnt recognize his authority and when he backs up to get/give space, hog takes it as it is winning so it charges and it gets shot. Deputy circles around it and shot it again.
To put it out of its miserry?
sure, good job on 2nd shot but it was fucking 5 seconds to late that 5 sec winning circle is what you need to understand how fucked up this guy is.

But while writing all this i would like to change my statement from scared to psycho!
While driving down the road he notices a hog doing stunts on a road deputy stops and block road, people were already rerouting when video starts.
Big scene pump up adrenalin into both actors, fake retreat and use range, when it charges.
Clear set up to trick animal to attack you so he can shot it.

PS: anyway your argument with rodents is flawed so you want to move to my location and that is irrelevant. Policeman encountered confident rodent and he didnt know how to deal with it. What else he could do, but shot it. Maybe if he would let it go and wait for road kill let it happen naturally so to speak.
Im 100% certain, this is not his job. This was fun times for him, it was like lunch or smoke break.
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+1 62. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

#33 im not sure what study you looking at :)

if cdc counted 371 cases. that is a fact, not a study.
If you would look at graphs you would see there are lots more other cases of predatory animals with rabies and on further research you might notice there is hard to find cases of rodent to human rabies transfers.

At this point you might come to conclusion that this cop was scared and acted in fear for his life.

You are so pro gun,police, and American that you can't think straight.:S
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0 63. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

Rodents are very rarely infected with rabies.

From 1990 through 1996, in areas of the country where raccoon rabies was enzootic, woodchucks (groundhogs) accounted for 93% of the 371 cases of rabies among rodents reported to CDC.

He was scared, not informed and to solve problem he uses his tool, gun. :)
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0 64. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Dutch comedy sketch explains how the modern world sees America’s baffling gun problem

Best thing about this is, cops are fucking scared of everything and they like to shot, when it doesnt go their way.
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+2 65. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video That Time a Guy Parachuted Onto Devils Tower and No One Could Figure Out How to Get Him Down

Should use spare for 2nd jump. Base jumping would be born
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-1 66. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video New Necklace Could Prevent Drowning Accidents

I approve traditional methods of learning how to swim.
hight of water, life guards or at least other people who are better at swimming and lots of floating devices.

I wonder how this 30 sec trigger detects, it has to activate.
This head pulling device... consider step on a nail or bed of nails. .... its better to spread out and you sink less and its air bags are way high up hardly on level with nose.

And like all vertebra we are prone to prone in any substance, baby nirvana.
Bra with air bags is better option.
I would wait for later version.
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+2 67. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Incredible dishonest cutting & editing of Jordan Petersons Vice interview

#14 last bit new thoughts now could i rationalize existence of religion and how it progress.
I was toying with thought what is/was the difference between them to take hold why was it better.
Pure evolutionary thought.
I guess with Jesus was self sacrifice, with islam i wanted to say maths and with science reason.

Postscript is PS
The P.S. is the most charming part of a letter. It’s the wink you give as you walk away.
Yeah im sorry train of thought is trump like :)
I never passed any written test. My language is maths only language, that is true. everything else is/can be distorted. I failed economics like a joke, i couldnt figure out why my math was true but my answerers were wrong :) Lol im on tangent again. but could be true who knows it kinda fits.

I kinda think of PS if you dont understand 1st part, PS part will go totally over you.

Golden rule? what else do you need about morality?
As for science 4.0, i have a friend who questions everything, but god. Science is religion for him.

Back to my earlier post.
I guess what want to say animals dont know debt, debt is what makes us work-slavery.
And he doesnt take this into account when he FF to jesus and community.

Human animal is social until it find money then it is a community ergo communism.
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-5 68. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Incredible dishonest cutting & editing of Jordan Petersons Vice interview

#12 That is main problem with him he knows our mind best. And it makes it scary when he claim its all about god. While we know it isnt, if it were we would all be already up for this god.

Problem with JP is that he is telling the truth and it is right. But what he isnt saying makes him wrong in general assessments of things.
I have spend watching, listening him and comments under, for a while now.
Not so much of his lectures but public forums, when he get questioned.

So it took me a while but i found his weakness in this interview.

As he explains it here to me society came to be due to evolution, that is in our dna for 1/3 of a billion years and social animal and community are part of animal world, we are the same but with abstract thought.
He conveniently forgets that we can write and do taxes and tell people they owe us while animals cant really understand this. So...his basic knowledge about this difference makes him un-intellectual to me and it doesnt really matter how good he is at his mind tricks. or what part of DR he got from anywhere
At the end of this interview. He says he has done a smart thing but not courageous thing so he is not a hero :)
Smart thing in capitalism is to sell out!

Are you smart or intellectual, monkeys are smart!

PS: For a man of god saying that reality is hell gives a conflicting statement also.
I like these people much more they tell me so much more than JP and it was 1st time i saw them dont even know how they end up in you tube.
and after that something new to me mind blown
Im far from knowing anything but i know that JP is wrong.

To go onto a tangent about religion judaism 1.0, crist 2.0 with lot of forking, islam 3.0, science 4.0
If i recall correct old testament is about good and evil, is the duality jing and jang different or just depper understanding of this?
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-2 69. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Incredible dishonest cutting & editing of Jordan Petersons Vice interview

#5 We agree that he believes in god ?

His grasp of history is wolfs and apes, jesus communism :)
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-16 70. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Incredible dishonest cutting & editing of Jordan Petersons Vice interview

JP! admited he picked a side and he is team god, so i dont count him as intellectual.

PS: lots of loonies around :) tnxs for down-voting without any comment shows me why we are still fighting god wars :)
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-1 71. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

remember this diamond?
", they refuse to drink and smoke and thus deny good publicans revenue"
This goes beyond anything you ever wrote. This clearly means you are prepared to write anything.

Also you kinda accused me of not reading well or understanding you. While i just wanted more information, if you provided a link, i could decide it is 'fake' news.
Yes you also missed my 1st reference to diamond, so dont judge.
I copy pasted it again so there wont be any confusion.
If you need bigger context you said this about Muslims.
Treat others as you want to be treated.

But tbh i though you had agenda so i wanted your words. rather than link.
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-1 72. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

#11 i dont need to tell you we are all unique. :)
You must understand that diamond i found isnt cracked so i have to question what i think is bs from your side.
They have only decoded something like 3%.
This mystery hasn’t been solved yet.

TBH looks more like they didnt really decode it. Best bet is they wanna tailor it to history.
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-2 73. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

#9 i asked you to tell more im glad it somehow got out.

So i guess my thinking goes, if we dont know in what language this was written. Why would someone look just into hebrew anagrams?
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-2 74. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

#7 if you cant, you cant. i can live with that. You just wrote a lot of things and you kinda didnt had too.
So if language is turkic, Why would be doing anagrams with hebrew relevant?

I m just surprised that you admit error and you cant back track your train of thought and maybe repair the damage you made and you rather chose to point out things that are a problem in the world. While not even considering to say something more about what you just wrote.

1st you discredit turkish angle... then you promote your agenda.
And when you get slap, you point at something else.

PS: you still didnt explain that diamond :) keep up the good work
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-2 75. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

#5 Could you elaborate what was your error? i feel like everything is.
remember this diamond?
", they refuse to drink and smoke and thus deny good publicans revenue"

Stay focused if you fail, own it up, do not point at other problems we make.
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-4 76. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video A turkish engineer appears to have solved the voynich manuscript.

#1 Must be their tendency to keep books crooked.
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-1 77. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Crushing and Slicing Red Hot Steel with Hydraulic Press

1:20 forming of flat earth? :)

just imagine
what kind of things, would you do?
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0 78. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Boomerang. The Men of Fifth World | Tribes

#7 ty i stand corrected. Didnt realize they were so primitive.
since they produced The Secret of Dreaming: An Australian Aboriginal Myth of Creation
i thought too highly of them without knowing anything and still dont knowing much.
I guess im back to original statement.
So what i gathered is. Best case scenario, their populations has doubled or in worse case it halved.
or maybe vice-versa from your perspective.
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+1 79. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The Last Time the Globe Warmed

#3 Do you fill your head with sand and shake a lot?
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0 80. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video The face reveal of How To Basic

#6 i went to see, i guess it is as funny as stupid can be. I must admit i laugh.
i saw like 3, toilet was egged was pretty bad one. brownies was as stupid as it can get. with the fish in the blender. seems like i already forgot 3rd one.
#7 you should be proud to get special treatment and forget the suffering it caused you. You should feel like you were touched by god himself.
We must admit at least this way, it is known from where the influence comes, if bot would be down-voting, it would be more worrying.
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+2 81. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Skin trade: how minks live on Danish fur farms

#4 why would you assume i can live without money?
Clearly you are missing my point.
What im saying is. there is no bigy to abuse anything for profit even war
or woman and children or animal or plants or apps or whatever.
Basic moral im sure most of us think of animal as our everything. Without them we would not exist.
I guess, it is too much to expect from a human to understand, how does it feel to be caged, since for most of us best option to deal with people is to cage them.
So shall we talk life and how much money are you prepared to give to have clean water?
What is prosperous? successful in material terms; flourishing financially.
Basic math tell you there is finite amount of material in universe and this story ends up with giant black hole. If anything manage to gather everything, there is nothing.
To big to fail ring a bell?
If you look at global debt, where do you see this prosperousness?
Bottom line, war is a racket!
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0 82. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video How Long Does A Severed Head Remain Conscious?

People with money get nice things even swift death. 1:07
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+3 83. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Skin trade: how minks live on Danish fur farms

and people think we dont need regulations. We are 'sick' animals, when money is our goal.
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-3 84. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Holycrapola , San Francisco Full of Poop and Needles

#7 The point here is, years ago you'd "move" these people along,
Signed into law in 1830 by President Andrew Jackson, the Indian Removal Act provided for the general resettlement of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River to lands west (Indian Territory)
Did i went to far back ?
Just admit it, all you care is money.
nein nein nein!! people have to work to have house and pay taxes! otherwise concentration camp. hitler emoji
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-1 85. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Boomerang. The Men of Fifth World | Tribes

#5 no im not.
Tell me about wars in Australia before it was colonized.
Where did you get information 28 years.
i could say everyone in their left mind, would love to go back.
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0 86. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Holycrapola , San Francisco Full of Poop and Needles

#1 nice one i almost didnt like but towards the end they get to big picture.
addiction to money :)
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-1 87. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Boomerang. The Men of Fifth World | Tribes

#2 What do you want to say? That they are better of now, because they have jeans and metal axe. How do you think they survived the history before penalty colony was placed there.

Im not sure but ill come to fast conclusion so correct me if im wrong.
No clothes, no private parts, no reason to think something is mine or hide, no fights and no war.
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+3 88. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video When your house is at the top of this street

Poor people, dont see the sign :)
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-2 89. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

#13 nothing to nit pick facts, USA didnt want korea to be liberated by so called communists.
ff 60 almost 70 years, still war.
War is what USA sells or give for free, if you dont want to buy it,
In best scenario they make you fight for them against someone else.

Also to think economy is not war is so naive in capitalistic world it is almost funny.
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-2 90. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

"he has already got North Korea to the table"
Did he really when was that?
ahh miss information!

"However, American officials said the meeting in Finland isn’t part of the process leading up to a planned meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but would be an informal discussion of the sort that have occurred periodically among former officials, academics and experts from the U.S., North Korea and South Korea."

Lets not forget N.Korea is a good symbol for USA and its war on communism.
It is a massage in a bottle.

They just didnt want to be liberated by USA, so they had to be bombed until there was nothing to bomb anymore. and every year USA remind them of the threat.
So it is entirely on USA, why this war still inst over. They want to have it.

#3 ISIS, AL Qaeda, mujahideen ... never ending death to the west massage. Do you really think it is over.

Osama bin Laden, captured war criminal assassinated by US in international waters. :)
Correct me if im wrong, but wasnt he from Saudi Arabia. Freedoom fighter against Soviet Union, supported by USA, i bet they didnt want him to talk to public.

#5 let me elaborate when i say you only understand money.
you understand, you need to get money to buy.
And you probably think, it doesnt grow on trees, but that is just an expression to make you laugh or scare kids it is hard to get it.
While it is doing exactly that.
When left and right dont debate how much money will go into war machine the trajectory of states is clear.
We will fuck you all, if you dont listen to us. Communists or should i say crusaders?
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+1 91. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

#5 you seem antisocial!
That is, what you get when only thing in the world you understand is money. :)

I can still find people are being killed by hurricane in Puerto Rico half year after the storm.
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-1 92. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release

#13 Reason!
as in common sense or intellect!

You need super power to protect you when you stealing from others.
You need super power to force other into your economic system.
You need super power to promote your agenda.

You sound like a communist.
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+6 93. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video How to park a car...In Russia.

Flawless logic!
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0 94. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release

#10 ok so we agree you are in WW. 3 of them you started them all!

War on smoking, war on alcohol everything is a conflict and people die.
Some violent deaths, other unnecessary.
Im missing war on fatness, but i guess that is more individual war since science is kinda joke and it is pointless to have healthy individuals. We need more fat people to take up more space.

But lets go back to ww2 and USA helping out the rest of the world.

Hitler's fault was, he opened the east front with Russia and when operation Barbarossa didnt took Moscow by the end of 1941. Germany already lost east front and was just a matter of time. So USA or no USA, west of Europe would be liberated sooner or later.

But yeah in this scenario, maybe capitalism would fail
Would it be better, if there would be no Vietnam, Korea and other?
Maybe if Islam would not be so against the west, if west would really forgot god and teach science, not morality and let them figure it out and maybe this would also mean people would not go off with bombs or guns or trucks or poisoning water collectors.

and we are left with war on drugs. When did prohibition worked?

So one could think of a better future without USA involving in Europe at all.
Like i said before build that wall and we will put a roof over it!
Stay home and kill each other please or learn to produce civilized people! God fearing bunch of idiots no thank you.

Do you understand that you let person, who leads you and should take action, pray!
Pleading with god to make things better! how sad is that?
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+3 95. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release

#8 WTF are you talking about you are waging global war on terrorism, drugs and communism. Those are all world wars! Not 1 is happening on your soil.

Sure use threats to get you point across how very communistic of you!

If you talking Warsaw pact it was signed 5 years after NATO.
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+2 96. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release

#6 you must be shielded from the fact that USA is in war 93% of its existence and before ww2 it got its personal best 5 years without war.

But lets move to the END, as i see it ww2 is still ongoing you never left Japan or Korea or Germany. Footholds all over the world not really diplomatic of you is it?
I mean most civilized countries have embassies as footholds. You know the peaceful diplomatic socialistic way with talks, not using force as communists do.
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-2 97. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release

#2 anything that lives is intelligent, if you chose not to communicate with them you are missing out.
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0 98. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Last Week Tonight - F*ck the European Union

Sure fuck is foul language jet everyone is a product of this action.

this is foul language, branding the stress of war into more palatable word.
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-1 99. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Egyptian TV Host Kicks Atheist Out of Studio, Recommending Psychiatric Treatment

#15 stork tale time?>:)

German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket held in their beaks. The babies would be dropped down the chimney of a hopeful mother. Households would notify when they wanted children by placing sweets for the stork on the window sill.
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0 100. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Last Week Tonight - F*ck the European Union

#1 So where are you moving ? near US or further north towards since climate change?
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0 101. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Egyptian TV Host Kicks Atheist Out of Studio, Recommending Psychiatric Treatment


"Alexandria was founded around a small, ancient Egyptian town c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great. It became an important center of Hellenistic civilization and remained the capital of Ptolemaic (Greek) Egypt and Roman and Byzantine Egypt for almost 1000 years, until the Muslim conquest of Egypt in AD 641"

Im not sure, but i think your history line is flawed.

Seems to me Alexandria was best foothold for conquering Egypt also seems to be a reason why Muslim took capitol in land for lack of the ships and subsequently disadvantage to defend coastal city.

So when you talk about their technological advantage are you talking about times when they build pyramids?

"The last of the great pyramid builders was Pepy II (2278-2184 B.C.), the second king of the sixth dynasty, who came to power as a young boy and ruled for 94 years "

PS: Also lets not forget there is a lot of controversy around who how when and so on around Ancient Egypt and its pyramids.
I sometimes think about gods as corporations as in. When corporation wins a game of monopoly it becomes god.

It's regular propaganda keep the sheep-people in the dark and tell them stories about the light.
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-1 102. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

27. fjwjr

we cant respond with real points to idiotism you are writing.

Are you still claiming that guns are same.
Since universe started im guessing?

Do you understand it is pointless to give you points, if your foundation of knowledge is so poor we cant even talk.
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-2 103. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

#24 "The guns? Nope. They are basically the same."
error: 1d10t
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-4 104. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

"I m the law and take it to corporate!"
We can kill you but cant get your money back or let you eat since you disturbing taxpayers and its too much for us to feed homeless, even if we are in feeding people business.
Problem is it is all staged, we do not buy food for 2 and then sit at different tables.
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-1 105. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

#2 Tbh all people who hold on old writings deserve to be mocked.
Just like guns change with time, we should change believes or writings.
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-2 106. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

#27 "The question is whether more homicides are committed due to the presence of guns."
Are you saying this killing would be as effective with any kind of tool?
Dont you think he would need to use lots of energy to run,stab and probably fight people.
How many times did you try to stab someone while he was running away?
Dont you think he would need to drive a car really good to run over people in school?

"So your problem is that you're failing to distinguish between homicides committed with guns and homicides caused by guns."
intentional and unintentional discharge of fire arm?
This is not the part when we decide about the punishment for a person that killed someone,
This is not the part where we give everyone the gun, you already have the guns and you are proving you cant handle them.

"Take those homicides out of the stats,"
You are funny! You dont even want to hide the fact that, stats are there just to be manipulated to y/our advantage.
So what you are saying is that racial inequality is real at least you admitted to one thing.

Is it so hard to understand that people who are poor have less to live for and therefor their lives can be on edge of doing something that might end with death and some decide to took others with them.
We dont need to look far to find a perfect tool for the job - gun. You know, you can be dumb as citizen of US and still you are smart enough to pick up the gun, not car or knife.

And lastly private militias :) so it was corporate takeover and they still hold reins with gun lobby making sure US citizens stay scared for their life and frankly dont have time to think and relax. Instead, it is somehow better - here take our legal drugs and work hard. We dont need you after 60 anyway.

In 1940 while rest of the world was in war, US were at home shooting each other? :)
No wonder you were last in the game you love to play - war, US pushed on to flatten part of Korea.

Social values failed in US, because people knew, white people have the power and money and they dont like to share it even between them. So dark skin people were kicked out of this club since family, not community. Private vs public.
Private is what country permits you to have. So it can be your right to have fire arm, but it can demand from you a lot more than just drivers license and enough money or something a bit more drastic.
While in reality person who wants a gun at age 18 could be taken classes about guns with guns under control for years before and even at 18 you get a low cal pistol. at 21 after extensive training or in army police you can upgrade this license to carry to something with more punch as to say.

guns are for the prevention of tyrannical government,
When your president says ill pray for you, doesnt this means he is a tyrannical clearly he is the last one to pray and 1st to act.
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-2 107. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

#25 right lets all assume that soemthing that was written long time ago is sacred.
its like talking to some of those god people.

We can paint them with UN letters
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-2 108. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

well tbh USA could pull its army back and clean the place up. Before telling others how to live their lives.
Saying that you cant find 300 mil fire arms is pathetic, if nothing else they could at least try.

2nd amendment is nothing else but approval of weapon trade and letting it unregulated is bound to have more and more unregulated guns out there.
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0 109. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

So this psycho it talking to the world and want to explain to other psychos, that they will die, if they do terror.
Seems counter intuitive, its hard to reason with mentally ill. Thats why we label them as mentally ill.
and if you forget who is saying these words and in what context it is almost like.
We will kill anyone who wants to learn!
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-3 110. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

This is inspirational from my perspective, not weird at all :)

#11 Thanny i feel like this is more "weather" related thing... where people closer to poles need to take care of each other because winter is coming and together we are stronger to survive it. This goes beyond god or family as you dont want to have resentful people among yourself.
As in ill show them respect and you burn down the house or just firewood.
As in people always pool together true winter, it makes their social values much higher.
Also people take care of each other and this lovers the motivation to be corrupted and their wealth is growing.

Also i bet there are more poor people on the south where is warmer and you dont need a house or heating to live and more poor people you have larger pool of people you have who might be prepared to do something criminal to get to another day.

No correlation you say.
How many people did toddlers killed with and/or without guns?
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+4 111. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Gun owner "destroys" rifle after Florida shooting: ‘Now there’s one less&rsquo

#6 if guns dont kill why do they use them in war?
im mean according to your logic it is easier to kill people with cars and knives
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-1 112. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video FALCON HEAVY LANDING 02/06/2018

#11 well according to my video each boom has 2 booms so close to each other that we think it is one.
Now they say each rocket has its own 3 booms.
3 booms per rocket times 2 rockets times 2 booms per one is 12.
Im surprised we hear anything at all. :)
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+1 113. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video FALCON HEAVY LANDING 02/06/2018

#4 ultrasound what does this word mean to you?
as far as i can understand this word it means sounds that you cant hear

I feel like you dont understand something here.
but all sound speeds are same no matter their frequency.

So rockets are coming down at super sonic speed as in faster than sound so you cant hear them.
When they start breaking and speed goes below sonic and that wave front that bunch up together is so called sonic boom. if you dont hear 2 kinda booms. must be something wrong with your sound since you want to see them.
But you probably want to talk about that circle thing that happens when sonic barrier is broken around the plane.
Im not sure how this works in reverse since this was not breaking the speed barrier but going under.
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0 114. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Future Fire Truck Concept - Great Animation

#8 Yeah and this futuristic view doesnt consider network of cars that will be able to get information about fire location and routes of fire trucks so in-the-way-cars will move out of the way.
How convenient was this animation without any big cars or pick ups delivery cars and so on to use this mono trail.

I guess this puts into another perspective. if there are designed lanes for 2nd and 3rd level traffic.
i found this link when i was thinking that it better to have 1 gyroscopic column. Somehow i feel its easier to control one leg than 2.
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-2 115. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Future Fire Truck Concept - Great Animation

#4 Do you want to tell me there is no water with that power cable? where is all the water then? in those tanks for counter weight?Maybe some sticky foam?

Also this counter weight means that you cant fight fire on both sides. might be a bit inconvenient.
Anyway im sure plugs for water and power can be installed on buildings on every level or 2nd or 3rd.

Also i feel like big buildings should have fleet of drones like extinguishers.

There is not much need for those mono track wheels.
Cars will be automated so the network will know to move away even before people will see firemen coming.
Also i hope this might finally mean no more sirens.

As for nuclear lets assume its not safe to have shit loads of nuclear reactors driving around waiting for someone or something to make it a dirty bomb.
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+9 116. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Future Fire Truck Concept - Great Animation

Why would you drive there if you can already fly?

I see fleet of drones(automated with sensors) with seats or fire hoses flying around building spraying water and picking up people and taking them to safe places.
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+2 117. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Long Range Paradise

#1 Alpine Ibex prob, but they shouldnt be up there in winter time.
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+1 118. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Package Thief gets Instant Karma

#3 was sarcastic - wink devil face

seems like he was more fit to do the pick up part maybe he was also better at driving.
He could do it alone why would he take her on a heist? :)

#4 i must admire your vote on woman equality and her as being equal participant in this.
It is safe to say he told her to do that im sure he think she need exercise otherwise he wold do this alone.
He probably accused/amused her of being clumsy as in we know why we are here.

#5 american flag puts your story at risk,Love your effort.
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0 119. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Glock-Fishing Underwater...Invasive species removal

Im sorry for being ignorant when you say job done and/or getting it done.
It will never be done killing adults while their young hide
Same goes with shark they cant hunt small fish that hide near rocks. It need to get in the open and they understand that they need to stick close to rocks they are build to defend the position more rocks around the stronger the castle and deep inside that castle are eggs and/or young ones. I dont know much about their life circle, but i do understand that they have some strategy to make sure their offspring has better chance than others.

And yeah im up in arms{words} because of guns i feel like there are better tools for the job.

PS: Im annoyed they didnt mention they pick up all the metal they throw around. We recycle metal since we can smelt it and we also understood and forgot how bad lead for human is about time war lobby joined the rest of population. We are really happy with this decision to start making eco friendly bullets.
i must admit. Would be funny to see living organism using glock casings for their protection and move it around like a shield.
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-1 120. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Glock-Fishing Underwater...Invasive species removal

#12 you are missing the point of what im saying
edible fishbait is overselling

"whatever works for getting the job done" are you sure job is done?

Your link seems to contradict your story of job done, so what is it?
Unfortunately, NOAA researchers have concluded that invasive lionfish populations will continue to grow and cannot be eliminated using conventional methods. Marine invaders are nearly impossible to eradicate once established.

Do you know the story of Sisyphus?

We should find better way to disturb their life cycle.

I think that when you kill big predators more small predators will pop up meaning you need to shot even more bullets. I guess that is capitalistic solution, just put a bandage over it will leak but we can make money out of it.
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+2 121. oleHashow commented 6 years ago on video Glock-Fishing Underwater...Invasive species removal

Non lead bullets, i guess we should be thankful.

edible baitfish - isnt bait fish something fish eats? so why does this have to be edible? Seems to me they know they are stretching it, but this will make guns look good when used for good.
It only makes this video amusing and makes these people with guns even sillier.

Im thinking electric rod with grab hook and collecting net and you just pick them like garbage on the street its not like these fish are made to move and evade.
You can stun them and bring them home alive ready so serve fresh.
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-1 122. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Self Driving Robot Attemps to Beat Valentino Rossi (MotoGP Champion)

#1 looks like they do not understand physics or maybe they wanted human like robot driving.

They just need to equip it with controlled weight distribution left and right and soon it will be much faster than human.
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+4 123. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video FoldiMate Early Prototype in Action

Every day we lose one of these jobs!
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0 124. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Former banker in San Francisco confronts new reality

Block chain will make bankers obsolete at least i wont moan after them.
And this security/banker does not know much, if he was paying rent all his life and he has 2 college degrees.

I wont miss car noise or its exhaust,
i wont miss the car horns and sirens or jams.
even 911 will go, i can imagine network of drones with electromagnets deployed to prevent crime. To stop a bullet might be a bit far fetched, but im sure it would at least spoil aiming.

Progress is slowed by the people who dont want to lose their jobs so they hold on for dear live and do everything that is possible that this status quo wont move.
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0 125. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

#22 perfect i forgot the context :)
context spiting image of Trump, is this irony is irony funny?
why am i laughing? so many questions
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-3 126. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

#11 Austin

You assume way too much.

i said anything can be funny with a good sound track and this does not mean i found this clips dialogue funny!

But as you pointed out, it must be funny since it is true.
Stupid things are funny since your mind cant even comprehend why would someone say or do stupid thing like this.
it is a sort of polite way of saying "you are crazy"

The fact that being a judge has nothing to do with defendants claim that people, dont have a chance in court, is a reason why you need sound track laughter so you provoke people into laughing.

Blackness has nothing to do with the joke it is there to promote black people.
Sadly the joke isnt even close to funny when you think about it. So it promotes black people in bad light.

Im a bit confused on your wording when you say sux2bu uploaded it?
Dont you mean he submitted it?
Considering you are good with words this should not happen to you.

About this video

Published:1 day ago
Submitted by:sux2bu / this is the source of your information and you change it why?

Clearly you were provoked! now stop digging a hole for yourself your anger is clouding your mind.

Seems to me that lot of funny things are really sad when you think about them for real.
Still you must admit sux wasnt last line of defense and he is not to blame why this video is here.
Most of us understand why video is here you somehow chose to ignore this and went public tagging and flagging sux2bu 2nd time why?
Clearly you should be smart enough and go for shadowy figure like but i get it you want to cut it at the source well fuck you my friend you already killed burimi in my eyes.
Funny how people up voted your comments here and then end up being sad when you killed him. If he comes back it will be like Jesus story even better.
Was this really what you wanted to do or was it haha funny shit happens?

Check this one out.
You wrote "they refuse to drink and smoke and thus deny good publicans revenue," about muslims These are, its like finding a little diamonds in your brain Hilarious stuff i must admit until i think about it.

Im not sure if you knew that video was there to provoke before you wrote 1st words here or much later does not really matter, now you know.

Now stop being a moron and take one for the team USA was and is wrong. Clearly you lost on social front there is no way around it!
And when you point out that nothing has changed in almost half a century even funnier, or sad when you think about it.

Let me explain to you how funny is this we the people decided that it is fair to judge people fairly by the book and then we understand that this book doesnt work since people who write book they write it from their perspective what is good for them and not for all and book does not like to be changed.

Peer to peer review in science is fuking hilarious only the most serious people make it true most of us just die laughing.

Did i rant jihad is same as communism? the part of socialism that uses power to get things done like money or army is communism and same goes for jihad it uses force for islam and i fell like i should put capitalsim here the bad part of economy? maybe vise versa i didnt go this far yet.

I guess it does not even matter capitalism is good cop army is bad cop.
In words of famous politician from Colombia
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-1 127. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

9. sockcooker commented
socc er comment -ator i thought i was reading live game thinking to myself
And off we go!
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+3 128. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip


When you ask what was so funny you are the one who is impolitic
When joke that has to be explained is not a joke anymore.

Now do you understand how unwise your question was?

i just told you what i think you did its not like i voted on your question and it is clearly there to provoke.

I responded on #4 when you started moaning about your stupid question.

PS: clearly i didnt even bother to read #4 post
but when you say Ha ha. It is funny because it is true.
seem to me you kinda understand what is funny about this? so why stupid question?
Ha ha. It is funny because it is true. even 30 years later.

It just shows how piss poor social justice is. Go capitalism!
oleHashow I don’t know what is more disappointing, your lack of confidence in Sux2bu’s ability or capacity to answer a simple question
He answered you! Why would i be disappointed?
Clearly your long public letter to him is a sign of disappointment.
Clearly you think his capacity to answer a simple question is below par.

So you had to answer it yourself and point out how f.ed up your country is good work.
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+5 129. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

you came out fishing for a racist response thats why people dont like it.

But smiling and laughing is contagious, so with good sound track you can laugh at anything
Even 10 little a fun song. Doesnt mean it has good message.
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-2 130. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Liqueur Chocolates (1965)

#2 sad? the boring work in an assembly line, would you do it? sure, i would do it for a mouth, i would eat so much, i would not care about it anymore.
Do you really care that 3 people touch your sugar before you get it?

And im sure you can find some Chocolate artist who would make you these sweets, but are you really prepared to pay his/her profit and waste your time to find artist, pick/order/get these sweets?
or is it smarter to buy them at store and support automatic process.
Its not like you dont have a choice what to do is it?
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0 131. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Lazy dad gets 3yr old daughter to do an oil change

#9 talking about kumbaya my lord song? >:)
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-1 132. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#21 talking to people? i was very angry man a while ago, but i got lucky HDtv made me turn TV off and now im much better.
i could say ditto to you :)

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. ... by wiki
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-3 133. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#19 its not my stupid language so deal with it.
2nd the story where you say dude with the hair wanted to shot at police.
3rd i have good hair, i let it be, i dont make it some sort of nice form for you to enjoy it.
4th im not on a guy with hair side. Im just saying police shouldnt use force when they had situation under control.

in my opinion you went of the rails and you are the one who calls for more brutality.
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-8 134. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#12 Law is to get Neanderthals like you in check so i can see why you fell law is an ass.

are we making up stories again?
Maybe "shooter" wanted to run away and hide his gun.

And only thing he could shot was one of his "3 legs".
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-7 135. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#9 police should never escalate situation and they did escalate situation.

In a context of car bombs, im happy all in this video survived.
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-5 136. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

How can you dont understand what i meant? :)

i told you choke is ok defensive move and hit isnt ok attacking move

You came back with damaging defense is better than justified shooting.
Sure it is better than killing a man, but should we hold police to higher standard?

Thats why im saying there was no need for damaging defense jet you somehow accepting it as something normal.
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-2 137. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

" damaging defense, instead of having to blast the guy to death in some sort."

do you understand the words you are using :)

"this officer had proper martial arts training"
"They don't train martial arts the way MMA fighters do"

In Judo, the rear naked choke is known as Hadaka-jime
this is not mma it is defensive, not offensive.

" try it yourself while laying on your back with a raving lunatic on top of you."

Btw officer chose to go on his back, he had his neck and legs in body lock, he wanted to stretch his spine, with his right arm he pull them back on his back and then 2nd officer came in to help. And rest i already said what was wrong and you responded with damaging defense.
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-4 138. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun


you need 2 hands or you need to grab your shoulder around his neck and use your head to put pressure, to do it right, This officer was not sure what he was doing.

And his palm strikes were piss poor
Better try open hand slap over his ear or cover his nose and mouth to block airways or use real choke and block his airway.

But when 2nd cop came he felt advantage, he had to give some strikes in.
He went on offense while they were in power and that was wrong move in my opinion
He didnt have to hit, he should just apply rear naked choke until tap or out cold.
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+7 139. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video All 6 lanes of major highway I-85 in Atlanta just went up in flames and collapsed

#1 well it is awesome, 3 homeless people wanted to get warm and this is the result.
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+1 140. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video What to do after crashimg into the wall @ 486 kmh

But that was where Torrence's luck ran out. In his next race, a semifinal against Brittany Force, the engine in Torrence's backup car exploded. Force won with a 3.685 at 327 mph.
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-1 141. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Man rides hood of school bus after driver refuses to open the door

#13 how did i get into this? i hardly mention NRA i was just talking about guys hat!
and i was talking to #9 when i was telling him to not call the police and shot RPG.

and you came here defending NRA people. 5+10s of millions of them. Like they are all good and you know all of them.

"climbing clock towers" i think #10 was thinking about this guy.

im not sure who you thought of?

PS: i asked you to remove me from your stupid post now i had to respond.
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-2 142. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Man rides hood of school bus after driver refuses to open the door

#9 i cant really believe this scenario.
Its hard to hit someone in the face true window from higher position at close range, but if he would hit her you should clap for the kids, since your wife should have its window closed in AC car.

Because personally I would get out of my car stop the bus and call the police.

Maybe you should call the police 1st and tell on them before you start something stupid like chasing a bus to stop it with car or on foot. :)

Why bother calling the police just RPG the damn bus, fuck them stupid turds, i dont have time to argue. When police finally catches up with you. You tell them the bottle story and its all ok.

PS:i can make up stories also

They saw NRA hat and saw potential to provoke him and they did a splendid job. Show dumb people at their best, yelling at someone.
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0 143. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Man rides hood of school bus after driver refuses to open the door

#7 what was his point? teach kids a lesson by yelling at them ?
i could go on and on, clearly he was upset about something and that is no way to communicate.
It is sad when old man dont know what kids are doing and they want to use force to get them strait and then we wonder why they repeat the action on someone else, they can bully.
If You're Gonna Be Dumb Lyrics by Roger Alan Wade

PS: is that NRA hat? :)
PPS: i think that hat is the instigator. Maybe kid-s had a point?
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+1 144. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Railroad thermite welding

#8 i guess this railroad next to my home didnt get the memo. :)
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+1 145. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Railroad thermite welding

#4 i d say this one is better
I think reason why they dont use trains to repair tracks is to let track open for commercial traffic. But if you can move tool of track is faster, than drag the whole train tool back to station, so other trains can pass.
Probably have lots to do with cost efficiency, capitalism isnt about easy work its about profit.
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+4 146. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Railroad thermite welding

#1 clearly 2 different things, but what makes me wonder is.
Why do they fuse "tracks" together i thought there should be gap since metal expand due to temp difference maybe since its Sweden, but more confused than impressed.
i have this physics "joke" in mind, track from a to b is longer in summer than winter. Then they teach you thermal expansion.
But i do see benefit, since that gap makes lot of noise and more traction, when wheels hit next "track".
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0 147. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

omymind how did i miss this?
thankyou for telling me about burimi.
Anyway seems like there is much talk about this topic of who has the right book?
We talking old testimony new, quran and i wanna say marx. and we should put science somewhere.
So Jews i think all they understand is old book and they use human sins to their advantage. The pyramid scam im sure, it is known to you.
It is pointless to think this is not the root of the problem.
So this scam is probably older than known history they hold history hostage as well. its not like 911 was really what they are telling us. or JFK or now ill go even with moon landing fuck them.
They lied to romans, they killed their own Jew Jesus and they seed a new faith with new testament and we should believe that every thing is ok.
Something similar had to happen to Islam im not really sure but they know together we are stronger and we will get them on our side with love.

Science and French revolution capitalism is born. Then Marx and we dont understand Marx maybe if we did we would understand that socialism is heaven and capitalism is hell.
Communism and Jihad is to resist hell.
God is in every single person and you dont need church but there is duality
right good wrong bad.
Somehow i feel womans should run everything war economy, we man we are just to lift things and sperm d.... Male ego is cardinal sin it starts most of evil.
Real problem is that capitalism done so many horrible things you cant blame anyone who is prepared to give his life for whatever he believes in.

Im sure all capitalists who think killing someone is perfectly fine. Dont know shit.
Problem is they dont undestand that everyone who uses money is capitalist and socialist since he agrees that money has some value. even muslims and other faiths.
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0 148. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

#14 i do admire your enthusiasm, but problem is in system....oil companies operate, just operate in this system. This system is bad for humanity. Its not them.

The problem is always in the system, we know every single living creature is a mistake that should be admired. Even not living stuff and Donald or any dictator in history. They did it against the odds. But they did it with power and money. Not by reason and logic.

Logic is something i think i use when i play pyramid game.
1st you learn, invest time and money then preach and teach then harvest. This is basics. But usually you see out there is tiny pyramid scams where you need to spend or invest money then recruit other soon you have god loving meeting with dress codes and high fees. Biggest known to me is "Scientology" and forget the ones that are not spoken of. Just forget them.

Still there is a time, when time to harvest comes it has to be by force.

And its same for every book. Old testament more or less how fucked up human can be. New testament we are better. Quran we are better. Science we are better, we are batter to fuck up. We are still just human no matter that kind of tool we get.

oh someone came to gave me down vote check this dude on you tube Bright Insight
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-2 149. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

God is faith in humanity and capitalism is faith in money.
And Marks thinks profit should be shared onto humanity not individuals.
we dont need to talk about who is sharing the loss.
For someone to profit other-s have to lose. good and evil.
Good way to make someone lose is to bomb them.
Good way to not get bombed is to have Nukes in air water and land.
Is this really the way? there are better ones, just threaten them with bombs and money. economic terror - when bank do it legal its called something else is it too big to fail?

Now lets see how many socialist are here, i think every communication is social act, being social is human nature. So when people agree that they will represent one flag that is socialism.

And communism is when socialism on human lvl fails and we need to take force to get things done the way we want to.
Bring army money what ever is needed to get it our way.

Jihad is same as communism. When spreading of faith on human level fail they need to get drastic.
As for Catholic Church clearly roman empire was communistic and clearly church wasnt shy about using force and other form of intimidation.
Then economy was born. shall i go on? we found new form of intimidation. Money and with printing even better now its electronic its fucking fantastic.
Anyone can come up with something and say its true as long as there is enough people backing him up. Doesnt matter if its true or not. :), but we must agree on one thing. Science is the best to know anything. We dont know shit we just know what they tell us.
Omg science private corporation science is fucking evil "ha", here i found the circle back to plastic science. why wasnt this science invented before polluting the planet? Noone calculated the waste this would produce ofcorse not. that would be stupid. who would do such a thing.
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+1 150. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

i dont want to go too far with my rant, but im energized.

So from what i think i know about plastic bottles is that coca cola (i cant find any information not even wacky ones). But lets just focus on what really happened when they switched from glass to plastic.
Capitalism and corporate greed.
Do i need to explain that glass is and was recycled and costs of using it was is higher, quality is better and they come up with a plan how not to recycle.
20-30 years later they are going o o o we fucked up lets make other people work for pennies. So they wont die in filth.

You can call it an idea that made that person rich or company or how it was all better, clearly it isnt. And same goes with other bright ideas of capitalism. All they care is profit noone is looking for the long run and then we are surprised, when we are lied to for their profits and hoping well get an idea. And we start to lie to get things, we steel and we are generally pro money. And money doesnt care. Thats why we have laws to make living better like recycling, registrations of cars, guns, hint hint
As in our great leader said i know your isle is in the middle of water, but before we help you there is a small payment of debt that we need to talk about.
I was watching "manuching the goldman sack robot guy" .. he said they send money, water and food to Puerto Rico. How fucking sad is that?
its like here is y-our money, we dont have paper towels you can make bum fire like Narcos guy did when his family was displaced.
Price gauge is another term that is a great product of money dont care capitalism.

Starting to think USA is hijacked by communists pretending to be capitalists.
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+4 151. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video A river of non-stop plastic waste in Guatemala

Lol clearly someone is selling them those plastic bottles i wonder who?
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0 152. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video How Do You Transplant A Human Head? - Earth Lab

#2 you were faster
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-1 153. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

#12 the real reason is cold war and that americans have to be scared of someone so they have no problems investing in army
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-2 154. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

Totally biased the wrong person got sub tittles i understand her perfectly, im not sure what the man in the hat was saying.

Its kinda funny that person who uploaded the video doesnt know what he was saying :)
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+3 155. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video People Rescue Air Jordans from Foot Locker During Hurricane Irma

#1 i would say dark humor would be when they would drone building with looters in it, that would teach them a lesson. so this is clearly white humor or maybe i should call it racist humor
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0 156. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video BUGATTI Chiron 0-400-0 km/h in 42 seconds

The 0-400-0 manoeuvre is the first step on the way to a new world speed record for production vehicles

stupidity is overflowing how can this be speed record if top speed is 400?
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+5 157. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Close Call Lightning Strike In Canada

Nice demonstration why not to stand under the tree in a thunderstorm, but why would you build under it ?
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0 158. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Reckless Mini Cooper Gets Served

#11 ty
i just wanted to point out that truck driver didint know he was there on the road with an idiot,
If he would be aware of this fact maybe he would break more or if he would saw that he needs to stop and go full break, but he didnt went full break couse he expected for mini driver to carry on.
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+1 159. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Reckless Mini Cooper Gets Served

#7 thank you for the 1st part of your comment however i have a problem with 2nd part.

Road is going down hill and im sure you all noticed overtaking and crossing double yellow line
Since im not familiar with yellow lines in the middle of the road i think they are more important than white ones.

Since the road is going down hill and there isnt any houses around it is hard to expect child coming out of somewhere. And even if it comes it gives you time to think that you need to do full break . Not just easy breaking couse someone before you is flashing break lights.

Anyone should expect to see breaking lights flashing when someone over takes you in line.
you tap a break a bit and the space is there, even more down hill, but when someone over takes you you dont expect them to go to full stop for no apparent reason.

Well the apparent reason is road rage!
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+2 160. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video He Heard Cries From Under The Sidewalk…

what had have happened here was there was a construction site 3 4 days ago and dog seeked refuge to give birth and then workers came and finish their job.
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+3 161. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video 5 Reasons Why Finland Is A Global Education Leade

#1 but humans are social animals
We should care for each other thats the 1st line of defense against any form of disobedience.

at least this video revealed you as antisocial!
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-1 162. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Russian cyclist evades death

#27 ok i get that biker wasnt in proper lane, i totally get this, and if we go by the book.

car stops in the middle of the road for no reason.
Why dont you see this mistake?

Then car driver waited for 3 seconds before deciding to crash into biker

car driver lost its advantage when he stops for no reason and biker got the advantage couse the car is crossing the intersection while biker might go forward or right
biker has the advantage and is 1st in line to clear the intersection and car driver didnt respect biker at all.
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0 163. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Russian cyclist evades death

#25 legally left to turn right.
im not sure what part of this is confusing to you?

Well i guess what you are saying this was civilian arrest for traffic violation.

So when i see bunch of kids driving parallel to each other blocking whole right side of the road i shoudl plow true them and teach them a lesson.
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-1 164. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Russian cyclist evades death

#23 Maybe if you would have some brain cells you would understand that, if biker were to turn right he would not be as far left as legally possible.
if he would take proper lane far left you would argue that bike lane is far right and bikes should be on bike lane, but biker know his best option and that is imagine bike lane near proper car lane.
sure biker will block traffic for those turning right but they need to break anyway and they can move onto bike lane.
Biker was nice to other cars that might go forward and let them pass.

but as sale said it look intentional golf drives pull up stops waits for like 3 sec and then perfect hit.
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+3 165. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Chicken Plays Operatic Aria on Piano Keyboard

#2 its a scam red light is not only guiding chicken, but also show the only key that works
You can press any other and you wont get note from it.
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+5 166. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Dog climbs ladder

#3 this dog could work for fire department.... is already working on "earthquaked" house.
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+5 167. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Drones vs Lightning ?

science? :)
just a bunch of kids want to blow stuff up
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+1 168. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

#14 let me troll you a bit :)
i know its kinda pointless to even write this since you will go off the rails with something not relevant.
It is stupid think that you only know 1 form of not being silent
SO why did you went this way ?
Were you sarcastic ? if yes maybe you should go all the way and promote terrorism
Why would people just burn stuff if they can blow it up.
Do you want to see your country in flames that is money well spend my dear tax payer.
or maybe you are the real troll here ?

PS: it must really suck to be u

PPS: to the one who down-voted my comment. I wonder what you think about people 100s of millions of years ago ?
clearly you have different views than most of people on earth since 2 dominant theories are evolution and god made us and they dont go back more than quarter of a million years.
To think that humans were here, not 100.000.000 years ago, but 100s of millions of years ago is so of the scale that i really wish to know your theory.
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+3 169. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

100s of millions years ago people were.... not really there. :)
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0 170. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Verizon Hum Rider rises above traffic

wrong category
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0 171. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Woman Escapes After Being Kidnapped, Locked In Trunk Of Her Car

#9 7% :) where do you get your information :) its fake

i see 265 views. Is this the value to go with or my 3-10 veiws only count as one viewer.
anyway im pretty sure at least 100 different people viewed this video and only 16 of them voted, so that is 16% of people that care enough to rate it and ratings arent all good. So i would argue only 7% of them saw value in this video.

And the value was she got out alive, at least one happy story from US you got to be so proud
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+2 172. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Air Force One New York City Flyby

5# 10 years :)
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-1 173. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Woman Escapes After Being Kidnapped, Locked In Trunk Of Her Car

#5 sux2bu
Do you want to tell me, that people in pitch dark would not notice gloving object.
and i might understand that little kids would not know how to read, but grown up woman cant read pull? you got to be kidding me :)

So to prevent gun crimes instead of making guns illegal its easier to put up these kind of precaution.

Probably next advice would be jump out of the trunk at full speed so you ll have more distance from robber when the car stops. Since they just want to take you to the woods and dispose of the body.

PS: everyone get cars with this new feature that "will" save you.
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-1 174. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

#45. snotraddict
Not sure when we got knife in this fight but i guess smart thing to do is play along see what happens if you convert since the other way is certain death.
What to chose our believes or their believes?
it depends in what layer you are, closer to core harder to swing and therefor more likely to kill or be killed for your believes.
And like you said most people are in swing state. They dont care one way or the other "just give me peace and well be fine". And that means for all groups or nations.
As you said this number goes up quickly it goes up even faster with more of those earth cores(like muslim cristianity and so on)

Why do you thrust ISIS when they say they will do something and dont thrust your goverment when they say they will do something?
Maybe we could, go out on a limb and invite one or a family of refugees into our house and live with them exchange our points and maybe ill go to far here but use them as a protection as we are being good to them they might be good to us and tell those bad ones we are ok. :)

Numbers 2 and 5 are kinda the same and 3 is mild version of same category
do bodily or economic harm ? for a country with probably 1st in lawsuits and killing in general, like domestic wasting your own lives or abroad, USA is no.1
So you are kinda same shit as you portray them,
We must admit considering there are 24% of them world wide their kill count should be much better dont you agree?

1 and 4 are kinda same Its not like any country could be a shining sample of gay and women rights. sure it is getting better. but not even close at the point. where you can point out at others and say how bad are they. its a weak move and a distraction.

2007 – Senator Barack Obama, campaigning for the presidency, pledges that if elected he will repeal the "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy within 100 days of taking office and allow gay men and women to serve openly in the military.
took him 3 years to do that
June 26, 2013 – U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a portion of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which restricted federal employees in same sex marriages — including military families — from receiving federal benefits.
As i understand above like 20 years ago you decided to hate gays and 15 years later you thought you were wrong. Who knows what will happen in next 3 and a half :)

As for women maybe we could say its like 100 year history and equality is still a dream
Also i think their women are covered, couse men cant handle them selfs just think Trump grab her by the pussy and o those 3 Bills O'Reilly and Cosby and Clinton.

Dont you think paedophiles in catholic church was underreported, not by media but catholic church itself?
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-2 175. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

Thefox you just scared of Islam couse you dont know it.
if you would know it you would probably think otherwise and saw, through religion and real reason for those acts.
America is in constant war since its revolution and before and im scared of USA.
and in every war they go, they use god as excuse.
So someone could argue this god is scary as well and we would be better of without it.

And as you say every person can be extremist you just need to push him far enough.
No matter the religion or faith he has.
Still i would argue that majority probably more than 95% of those things you mention were made by men not woman.

So we could argue that we would be better of without men or at least let women in charge. They like to talk and see other perspective. Man is to strait forward and it soon comes to my way or high way to heaven (or hell).
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+1 176. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

i dont get it is there a difference in value if you pay with real money or ebt card?
and how can this ebt card be so transferable?

besides you pay taxes with real money, not with food stamp cupons or ebts. or whatever you want to call this so called lesser money that can only be used to buy some items on market.
Why does gov chose to take your money and transfer it to a less value item and call it like its same thing. since it clearly isnt.

tbh gov is enriching itself at your expense. Your anger is missguided
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+7 177. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

yeah Burimi she said she was born in Detroit.
And she clearly is doing something illegal since she went off so hard with all the profanity.
and that make me believe she is a criminal and believes only in the money she have, not in any kind of god.
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0 179. oleHashow commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

omg what a jerk "this person wasnt nice to me so ill try to kill her !"

maybe a person who fucked up at driving in right lane should wait until a nice person comes along or road is clear, not escalate this situation to attempted murder,

driving licence is gone and 5 year ban before taking harder tests to get it again.
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+5 180. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher (Soft-boiled egg shell cracker)

Now i understand Chinese!
Why would we use whole line to name one thing
if you can just draw the damn thing
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0 181. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Bear Bait

#7 ty, i was thinking he should have grizzly gun since he kinda knew he was in grizzly country.
i guess he wasnt really planing to harm them and he seems a bit too cheerful commenting on the event. I d say he went in poking and got more than he asked for.
Did same grizzly attacked twice?
Somehow i fell it is safer to be motocross rider with all the noise and armor for knees, arms, body and head gloves and boots and there are lot of sports or work places with protection gear to chose from.
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0 182. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Bear Bait

He had a pistol and chose to use bear spray!
Amazing act of animal loving or just asking for it?
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0 183. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#18 911(inside job they pick up the evidence and hide it, as they dont want to show evidence for this shooting) and in general going in is more fire department job

Dallas they used remote bomb vehicle. also Dallas was an ambush orchestrated in direct response to police killing, i think it was Baton Rouge.

You shouldnt get boner for anyone who get killed. what is wrong with you :)
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+1 184. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video World's Largest Ship Elevator Opens at Three Gorges Dam in Central China

#12 110 meters mean 11 atmospheres of pressure it is hard to contain that kind of pressure. and also it is probably more time consuming to fill up the water than just lift it up it is not like they dont have enough power near by
there is 7560 tons of water in that lift when no cargo and it is 3.5 m deep so 30 times more would mean 227000 tons of water.

The elevator will cut journey times for passenger, cruise and small cargo ships passing through the dam from over three hours to about 40 minutes.

Larger vessels still have to pass the dam by means of a two-lane, five-chamber lock chain like climbing stairs. "Large vessels walk the stairs, small ones take the elevator" to pass the Three Gorges Dam for some time to come.
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+3 185. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards?

Someone didnt watch countdown :D
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0 186. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#16 i agree with structure and anarchy, but if Clinton can avoid providing email and Trump can avoid paying taxes isnt this anarchy? maybe they should be killed before this guy who doesnt really impact our lives at all.

Officers didnt go in when they saw the gun and no one was running away. Officers took their time, they could take even more time or even just let it be since victim didnt pose threat to anyone and even when they come back they didnt go in they made him come out and they were behind cover.
So where did they go in? they could come more prepared and this riot would be avoided.
Also did riot police went in ? they were just standing there :)
Dont shit me with going in, they are not rambo or some special ops guys who go behind enemy lines.
Going in means to go somewhere where odds are against you.
4 against 1 isnt going in in no shape or form.

you know what Stalin said
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
Clearly you wont see this as a tragedy until it will hit closer to home.
And this is my whole point i want to fight this police power to kill before it hit closer to home.
Well point is to make guns hard to get, so police wont have to shot at people as a protection.
Maybe police should go protest these gun laws you have to make it a safer work place.

Would you give up your gun so that police would have safer work place or you rather see shotting and riots.
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0 187. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#14 Why does someone has to have power to kill?
Power to kill isnt something we should take lightly. So police should strive towards protecting everyone even the bad guy.
1st they arent all bad
2nd even if they are bad. They are probably good for someone.

Pretty simple point you made with escalating. We are aware that things arent always so simple.
So bad guy is doing something bad, he is escalating things
and then cops show up with guns they make things even
and then gun is drops sure this is simple, but we know better dont we?
Things dont always go this way
already said "People die without guns, with telephones with toy pistols. You name it im sure it has happen already."
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0 188. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#12 understand that police shouldnt have this power
They have the upper hand and the might of the state on their side. Thats why they can never abuse this power and just kill whatever they are scared of.
justified kill - i thought justice is something we get in court, not on the street.
Street justice is something criminals do, not police.
And yeah lets not play cops and robbers in kindergarten we are talking about real lives here.
Almost everyone has a family that cares for them, not just police.
Why do you imply only police has family?
Are we talking about this case. People die without guns, with telephones with toy pistols. You name it im sure it has happen already.
But lets say we talk about this case in particular. Please do correct me if im wrong,
So this black officer and the one in red shirt were parked on this spot in plain undercover clothes waiting for someone else, but they saw victim/criminal park(ed?) near them and they glanced a blunt and brush it of, then the v/criminal raised a gun.(state where you can open carry?).
They moved out put on their police vest and hopefully called for back up?
Then they came back and started to confront this person before even back up arrived im sure this confrontation could be handled in a different way.
There were like 4 officer and only 1 officer shoot him 4 times and while he was on his belly, they wanted to put cuffs on his back and one officer seemed displeased when v/criminal was squeezing his hand as in v/c is resisting him.
Someone, probably Kerr the black chief guy, said they were giving him CPR... but i never saw the victim on his back.
Also that Kerr guy amazing statement just watch start of John Oliver it is about being transparent while he decides what will be shown :)
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-1 189. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

Ok there is a difference between protest and riot
1st let me just say i wasnt aware about the riot magnitude.
Thinking about the aftermath. Maybe it would be less destructive if police would wait for him to shot at them. Then they would be justified and we would not have this riot or any riot or protest against police shootings.

I dont want for anyone to end up death. people can dodge a bullet or 2,
My friend was shot with a gun on his chin and exit wound out the face and he was lucky enough bullet didnt hit brains or eyes or hearing systems, but lost some teeth, broken jaw line and cheekbone.
Police should not escalate any situation.
They are there to protect and serve, not kill people.
Im sure killing people isnt their job description.

also make some better laws about guns so blue team wont be so scared
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-8 190. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#3 nope they are in NRA they keep that country hostage under their gun law
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-11 191. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video CNN reporter hit by protester, knocked over

#1 This protest was against police shotting and hiding evidence.
It is justified as you gun wielding lunatics say when police kills.
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+9 192. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 84 year old Singer/ songwriter

always a pleasure watching this man again
reminded me of this one
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+2 193. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Two Dozen Police Officers Escort Siblings On First Day of School After Dad Died

#4 where did you find black? why do they have to be black?
in whole video i saw one black guy
you could just left that black out and i would believe you,
but you had to bring in black since they started with blue
now we have teams and we have to fight right?
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+2 194. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion

i thought adds is short for commercial add as in advert
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+2 195. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion

is this karma, facebook adds.
i dont like them i dont need so many adds.
so i told facebook, i dont like your adds
ill blow up your spacaship, if you dont stop with those adds
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+2 196. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion

i told him he should put down those adds >:)
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+11 197. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Near miss or epic evade ?

ken block forgot to open garage doors?
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+1 198. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video World's biggest aircraft crashes

#9 tbh we didnt saw much in that video
It was mostly our imagination backed up with our experience and knowledge.

its not really so much problem for me, if video is here or not the problem rises when people stand up and want to delete the truth
I keep thinking about that capitalism socialism farce
That video was very offensive to everyone who understand, we would have anarchy without social order and we pay taxes to maintain and this order for good of everyone,
Video stayed on as it should
It has to be there for the record so other people can decide is it true or false.

Dont delete educate

PS: i think it was bonobo chimp
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+1 199. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Thesprotia - A Magic World

guerrilla gorilla
where is tool using monkey ?>:)
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-2 200. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video World's biggest aircraft crashes

#5 Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

closing your eyes doesnt mean it didnt happen

maybe you should fuck with the zoo that let this happen
not with institution that let this out.
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-1 201. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video World's biggest aircraft crashes

im so angry this censorship where did the frog go :(
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-1 202. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

here is a nice long lesson in history of capitalism and its shadow socialism
Socialism is a criticism of capitalism on a philosopher level.
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+1 203. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Woman Breaks Police Car Windshield with Bare Feet

#5 what do you mean HIS windshield?
I mean clearly you should understand that police is state founded, so why does he have to hit her?
He failed to secure her properly and now he is mad, since she has done damage.
When does this logic ends "force with force"? Revolution or just another poor person f. in the a
Are you telling us you would rather see yourself without a grill, than fined for destruction of state property?
surly we can all agree that she didnt really try to escape, but lets say she did and all it was done to her was one hit in the leg, but i really think the hit came when she started to push at side window.
and even that hit is laughable since policeman kinda wants to hold his phone with shoulder against his ear.
at this point he lost his phone and violence decreased to just 2 more pulls.

So in this video we can all see how people are violent when nothing of theirs is at stake and the second they start losing things, the decrease in violence is observed. :)
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-3 204. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

#20 good point not only they suck at socialism they suck at capitalism as well and now they will elect dictator, couse they cant thrust corrupted politician. Greatest reality show on earth.
Once mexicans pay for the wall rest of the world should chip in for the roof.
And all this riddled with news how ex military guns-down police couse police has a shitty attitude towards people to whom they give guns and then became scared for their lives and this is good enough reason to shot at anyone.
While they stir-up middle east region couse of their oil appetites. Giving europe refuge migration to deal with, probably of a magnitude never seem before in history. and using these civil unrests for further excuse to promote war.
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-3 205. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

#17 you cant be brainwashed couse you dont understand what capital and what social means take a day off and think about those 2 words for a bit
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-4 206. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

#4 dont be jealous, you should vote for bernie
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+1 207. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

lol this person is amazing and he calls this work. He wants people to work and dont educate them remember good old days when only some people could read?
so he is saying socializem provides health, education, paid vacation, retire, sick days, paterniry maternity leave and the list gets longer... and these are bad things?
while capitalizem provides corruption and that is enough said.
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+2 208. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Top 10 Countries with the most Sexworkers!

#2 Doesnt negative correlation mean more-less? since positive means more and more,
Legalizing and regulating means, doctor approved and save work place, if nothing else you can run to police and tell them whats going on and if it is illegal you cant do nothing else but cry and dull the pain with drugs.
As for income you wont see much 40 year old athletes
Athletes use drugs, everyone does its just more common for low income people to use bad quality drugs couse they cant afford better ones

jim jefferies on prostitution
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+4 209. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Humpback whale shows amazing appreciation after being freed from nets.

#2 he said
we all believed it is a show of pure joy, if not thanks,
you saying it is aggression and courtship ? does the whale want to rape them?
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+2 210. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 7 Ways to chop an onion

noone crying :( so onions were hurt during this demonstration
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+3 211. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 0 - 100 kph in 1.513 seconds

#5 looks like it lasts 1.513s
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+2 212. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video A five YEAR time lapse!

like ants with legos and a plan :)
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+1 213. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 10 Uses For Virtual Reality

you can put any proffesion into vr and it is usefull as a learning tool
so basicly its use is only one and that is learning tool
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+3 214. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Employee Of the Year

#1 yeah me to
since im watching them driving on the hoods so much
they really need glass suction holders

PS: i had bad experience driving on a hood of a car once and i wouldnt want them to get hurt, but id love to see it in more extreme version
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+4 215. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 20,000 bees chase follows car for 2 day after queen bee gets trapped in boot in Wales

it wasnt trapped
queen found perfect location for new home and driving a car with all doors and windows opened woudlnt make it go out
it had to be found and removed
and if your intend is to kill them then maybe vacuum cleaner might do the job
but clearly owner didtn want to kill them thats why he called experts.
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+3 216. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Video camera attached to boomerang 'new footage'

#1 moving camera position after video was recorded
i think we all like to see making of ...this is like 2nd position
then there are those 360^ cameras like
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0 217. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

see now you are getting the point what monsanto is doing
you know of revolving doors?
pepole working at monsanto then fda then monsanto again ?
im pretty sure those are facts and not something you need to hear both sides

polemic you say
shouldnt be polemic kept at parlament
seems to me they left this rabbit out the bag a bit to soon
and now whole freaking country has to run with it

i thought we have those people there to talk so ordinary people dont have to.

but please convert me i wanna be a beliver
tell me your research so i can see the light
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0 218. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

i must admit that i started hating monsanto after i watched some documentary how they got like 70% india-s farmers under their grip.

but i found this as my 1st search
1st 15minutes is enough said from my side

ofcorse you didnt say anything
anything good about monsanto is in their commercials where people are payed to say good things about them.

to go back in monsanto's past
1920-30 PCB polyclorinated biphenyl (banned after 50 years and still present all around the world top to bottom)
they were producing uranium for atom bomb
agent orange vietnam war
saccharin in cocacola,
aspartame, bovine growth hormone
and now gmo

bottom line - usa is waging covert war on the world and should be charged with crimes against humanity

PS:why would they need epicyte
and is this the kind of research and development they talk about when they say they spend 1.7 bilions of dolars on research - buying other firms.
seems to me they are kinda shit at research.

imagine when they figure out how to sterilize us via this shity research they do.
the real problem is that i do not fear unintentional, but seems to me they are going for intentional.
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0 219. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

ok im sorry, by non license holders

but patents or licenses restrict, in order to protect patent holders
dont you agree
and you said it after sexual reproduction seed arent same
and since this farmer isnt proffesional breeder hell probably have worse seeds than proffesional seeder will produce for next year that will probably be even better than last years

so it should be in farmer interest to buy their seeds not couse he have to, but couse he wants to. since these seeds will give him better yield than his own seeds.
why do you need to restrict

thank you for link newer thought its so complicated. :)
still its funny to see that they are getting patent or certificate and all they did is cross breed or in gmo case invented a little bit of its genome.
and they control everything

but tbh if they dont make watermelon in banana or strawberry flavor its not really an invention

and i ve read that 10% of breeding companies control 75% of world seed market seems to me they really dont need so much patent protection. like up to 20 years on product that is changing couple of times a year. just insane

we are lucky nikola tesla lost his chance to patent alternating current and what if tim barners would patent www.

so patent is bad for everyone, but its holder.
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0 220. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

1st about my bullshit
Justice Kagan concluded that Bowman could resell the patented seeds he obtained from the elevator, or use them as feed, but that he could not produce additional seeds (that is, crops

2nd about your bullshit
searching for non gmo patents yield nothing so give me an exsample
here is some failed attempt to do so
They were saying they did something but they didnt
They probably just found a particular gene that does that and then say they did it.

Long before money was here farmers saved and plant their own seeds.
If we go back to Bowman he went beyond what most farmers can do and produced his own seeds.

You need to understand that people who produce seeds are farmers, as well. Their goal is to harvest seeds and other farmers goal is to harvest crops.

Of course there are plants that crop is also seed like beans. As were soybeans in Bowman case.

#12 agree great point and the real reason why they shouldnt be in the vault
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+1 221. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

yeah my bad we need to buy new seeds every year couse of the patent on gmo seeds.
and those patent holders restrict reseeding harvested seeds by non gmo patent holders
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+2 222. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

science? seems to me more like commerce go to ver... use free then buy, you should cut out the part at the end

i thought gmo seeds cant produce new seeds so you have to buy new ones every year from them.

as for cannabis it survived a lot even before people came along so you shouldnt worry about it
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+1 223. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video 600 foot Insane Rope Swing over SHIPWRECK!!!

tbh i dont care about jumps, but that landscape is amazing
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0 224. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Track N Go on a Jeep wrangler & Grand Cherokee

#2 no amount of side traction can help you when center of gravity is on down side of the slope any object will start rolling down hill that why its best to use wheels in that direction
or tracks
since my englisgh is kinda poor here is a buldozer that shows you what is good for your idea

why would you drive on the road with tracks?
winter conditions ? you have chains for that
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0 225. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Miami Road Rage Car vs Motorcycle

#9 thank you
but you cant blame motorist to pass standing cars at red light. Car drives fault all the way

attempted murder if you ask me
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0 226. oleHashow commented 8 years ago on video Crane collapses in Lower Manhattan

crane went down for over 30 stories and you talk about sound effects
#8 thank you
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+2 227. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Would you ???

i would ..... watch this all day
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+1 228. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video $4500 Ferrari Steering Wheel Sticker

#20 good point
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-3 229. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video $4500 Ferrari Steering Wheel Sticker

its easy to correct your mistake
you need to turn the turn signal before you turn the turn wheel

why is this way better you ask?
1st other users see your intent before you start doing your intent by turning your wheels and some cars like to move before you turn the wheel
also turning wheels on spot isnt good for tires
and 2nd thingy is you wont get confused what is left or right while its up side down
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+6 230. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video $4500 Ferrari Steering Wheel Sticker

a bit late to use turn signals since your steering wheel is already turned :)
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0 231. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video How To Break Your Back On a Trampoline

butthead gets whole new meaning
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-1 232. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

i offered a lot when i said the grass wont grow behind solar panel

but you like to talk about global warming and other stuff that doesnt really have anything to do with this video
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0 233. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

it is impossible to talk to you since you always changing subject

i was here just to highlight your bullshit so others will see
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0 234. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

well clearly the person who stated that meant that grass wont grew in shadow of those panels.

Maybe solar farm should be placed on roofs and roads

Let me know when all the developing world's countries sign up for that

you are just a dumb troll

like they make cars and infrastructure that consumes fossil fuels
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0 235. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity

this doesnt explain much to me :)

the difrence in time they are talking about is just the time that information has to travel to the observer
so time is time and it will always go at same speed

if you would get real time information from the ship it would be the same, but since we are waiting for light to bring us this information and that takes time
it takes 8 min to get light from the sun.
closer less time further more time
and this is the difrence in the speed of clocks.
so we have distance d1 in meters and distance d2 and c speed of light in meters per sec
if we devide these numbers we get sec
d1/c +- d2/c
simple as that
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+3 236. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Beer Pong Dun

you got to love 3 angle shot of this action
i bet single shot wouldnt make it to snotr
so i guess he was expecting fame good or bad doesnt matter
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+2 237. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Helping Someone Across the Street

wondering about emergency lights also i guess it wasnt such a big deal to even have those lights on.

Id say he was slacking on his job didnt want to do work, if he would be 1st on the scene
so lets stop and help old lady and hit 2 birds with one stone.
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0 238. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

well thank you for history lesson
i know this one boston tea party people destroyed tea and probably ships also
from that british eastindian company, which sold opium to chinesse.

so historically once upon a time people sold drugs legaly own other people
there was heroin in cough medicine for kids
things change why cant you see better future without guns?
or are we still just animals

also it is kinda strange to expect tyrannical ruler if you have democracy.

But tbh i could be wrong since US gov transported out twin towers without properly examining what really happened there
and i (asume) that there would be kinda easy to find all the steel and figure out what happened to it.
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+1 239. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

oh now i get your point
since there are other laws that are worse than your its ok for you guys to have semi good law that kinda hold shit together and shouldnt be better it is good as it is.

and you showing me laws of other war ravaged poor corrupted countries how good they have it right ?
maybe im dumb couse i dont really know that 2nd amendment isnt a law and cant be changed

you should have 250 year old guns then. Did your great great great grand pa left you with that pump gun?
Probably you made or bought replica right?
or maybe you think the tradition of killing people ever since Columbus named native people of america - Indians.
nice tradition i dont get how can you be proud of that
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+2 240. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Samurai slices 100 mph baseball in two halfs

#1 what kind of fight do you expect?
clearly you need a range weapon to defeat this
all other situations would end up in less than a sec.

this is just an opening
shows you how fast you can lose your head, when you lift your chin to see samurai face.

Why do you think their culture is so polite couse the gene to stare at people, was killed in the past
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0 241. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

all countries means you are comparing 3rd world countries and 1st world countries dont you get that?

and you clearly didnt saw stats couse you would notice there are blank spots where they dont know how many people were killed or how many guns they have

31% i thought we were talking about firearms
if you want to scale it up maybe talk about US exporting war to other countries?
wonder how many people US residents killed outside their borders

its nice that you hide with those 150 milion people you are all criminals couse you wont obey the law and who made you the spokesman for all those people?
so as you said it before criminals have guns you have gun and you wouldnt give it away to your gov therefor you will or already are a criminal.

also i think 150 milion is like 50% of you all you telling me every 2nd person in us has registered gun?
1st link did you even read it?
do you understand what it tell you ?
they had a ban on guns in 2007(since2002) and they lifted that ban 2012 and they need license and regulate arms transfers.
2nd link is from 2015
Do you understand how we count days and years?
if you do :) you are comparing US to Puerto Rico saying.
As in they are even worse so USA are ok(probably fgreat in your mind).

TBh i think those 150mil should be transfered to Puerto Rico and wall it up.
earlier verison was wall up USA let them kill each other
Maybe it would be better on a smaller lot so people would kill each other faster.
Also its kinda hard to conceal weapon on tropical isle.

lol it says here president is barack obama
lol lol lol lol haahahaha hahaha
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+1 242. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

#18 i thought you were saying something
but you just copy pasted some stats that arent complete
Sierra Leone and Puerto Rico dont have any civilian firearms who then is responsible for those homicides with firearms. this statistic doesnt include illegal firearm and those are the real problem.
Since people dont plan to kill people with registered gun, some do , but they are at the end and im prety sure you would kill also if you would have a chance to do it justified.
im kinda sorry i dragged you into my comment, but since you are here would you give up your gun if your government decides to ban them?

i was thinking guns that killed those people were made in Usa, since usa exports more than 50% of all firearm exports in the world.

point is that im annoyed with the fact that NRA claims that people kill people, not guns
yet you cant say that 3 year old killed his mom. im prety sure gun did it,
you may also say that it was an accident,
like car crash then soon we ll have a debate about autopilot cars or no autopilot cars couse people kill people, not cars and every one should have self driving car and roads will be safer.
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+1 243. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video We are (apparently) here to stay

Seems funny that you claim that police is handling fire arms responsibly
Maybe throw in army also?
Still if a person comes to kill you - your locked firearm wont help you
and if a person comes to rob you - shooting at them is kinda overkill, dont you agree?
anything else you need gun for?
oh right sport ? lol what kind of sport is aiming
real problem is that USA is making way to much arms and they cant sell them abroad for good money so they sell them to you residents of usa at like high prize as you say. So that your shity economy some how holds and your weapon race keeps you in top position so you can play police or dictator to whole world and have your oil.
Last time the land where US is now, was invaded by europeans. So i dont really see what is the problem here, why are you paranoid that someone will invade your country?
and privately owned fire arms are like 10% compared to what government holds. So you also wont be able to resist your government.
i bet they were made in usa
also i think its dumb to compare 3rd world country with you guys who shoot for fun
Also people who have guns in those countries have guns to kill people, not kill deers or shoot at targets.
How can you feel free if you need a gun to protect yourself?
It is much harder to kill something without the gun
so why you want to have it easy ?
damn psycho
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+2 244. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Cube in a cube

title missing 1 cube
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+5 245. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Whale hunting in Indonesia to survive

ungula: i dont get your comment seems like you think they killed the whale for economic reason

maybe for a show, but i think they just need it to survive since they dont have supermarkets
you should probably watch whole series human planet
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+1 246. oleHashow commented 9 years ago on video Military Ray Gun • ADS Electromagnetic Radiation Weapon

what i like about this is how blunt they are with tehnology name
active or advanced denial system

as in you cant prove that we are heating that spot
so basicly it is something wrong with you
we arent doing anything
our hand are clean

kinda magic act
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-3 247. oleHashow commented 10 years ago on video Dover Police officer sings Taylor Swift's "Shake It off "

no hand, one hand driving, he should get tickets even suspend his driver license
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-1 248. oleHashow commented 10 years ago on video Crow rescue

Grizzly bear shit has bells in it and smells like pepper.
outdoorsman to wear little noisy bells on clothing
Does this ring any bells?

but. i just wanted to say


PS: why would he bother with feathers and bones if he has plenty of juicy fruits there
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0 249. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

we will never know until we die and even then we wont know couse all our input sensors will be down and no new input for infinite time is worse than any kind of jail or freedom.
only problem humans have is moral compass if we somehow steer it in the right way heaven will be on earth and for ever ever after, maybe not for ever since its kinda given that sun will burn out.

money is biggest magnet on our compass

so afterlife is what you done for your family friends enemies earth and even universe before you die will it become more heaven like of more hell like is kinda up to you
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0 250. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Best Job

sure nice video but so lame commercial slogan
how can they claim they sponsor moms and even if they do we all know being mom is least paid job so its a double edi
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-14 251. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video close call...

i think our law say that if pedestrian is on the street s/he has advantage. as in all cars must stop. in fact even if you see pedestrian standing next to road crossing you need to stop and let him her pass.
so i see ambulance fault since it didnt lover its speed while closing to cross section and didnt pay attention to why that truck was at stand still.
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+28 252. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Truck pushes car down on highway

friday the 13th 13 min till 13 hour
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+13 253. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Glider flight made easy

its easy to see , but i cant land this thing on my legs
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+3 254. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Russian convenience store

is this the evolution of safety line
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+8 255. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video X-Games Event Is A Disaster

equal rights mean equal track, but much more entertaining :)
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+5 256. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Stuck on the Road: Who Would You Help?

i dont buy this. Word travel fast and they were filming whole day ... well i think they were filming more than one day. So it isnt that hard to get an idea how to get on tv.
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+1 257. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Someone Like You Cover By Connie Talbot

kinda sad to see her singing under the stair case. i guess talent must be forged through harshness of this world, but i still dont get why this girl doesnt have somesort of recording room in her house. Ill just blame Simon for this!
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0 258. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Neat Frisbee Trick Shots

to much time yes
to much after effect time yes
yes yes ?
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+5 259. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Hit and run caught by bus

tbh i rather land on the hood than under the wheels and 2nd part happens when you getting squeezed while driving on the right while having 1 meter high concrete wall there.
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+3 260. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

please people clearly she wanted to cut him off so he wont be able to pass. Replay 1st couple of sec until you get it
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+4 261. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

must be one of those days. >:)
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0 262. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Chinese build record breaking bridge


13th longest and 6th highest
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-2 263. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video 15 meter python, world's record snake

#7 you need more prof ?

this report is 2004 so its old news and this snake still didnt get into

snakes are measured death or sedated that way they cant trick you into being larger :)
this one was measured with just a claim that it was at the both ends of the cage at the same time.

also im not entirely sure but im guessing with my worm expertise i can make them look larger just by stretching them not sure if that is correct way to measure their length
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0 265. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Honda's new theft deterrent system...maybe

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+2 266. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Questions no one knows the answer to

outer space isnt fixed, only thing that might be fix location would be center of the universe .... where the big bang and streaching begun.

and about multiverse thingy isnt that just one bigger universe.

as for alien maybe we just dont know how to look for them and they dont have time to bother with us.
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+32 267. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Cockpit view of a night landing!

i would not find airport
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+34 268. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video football player shares booger with young friend

i hope young friend grows up and break his legs in a match
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+3 269. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Amazing rescue of a blind dog

so noone cares about the flea family that lost its home and probably their lives. >:)
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+8 270. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Sand Flea Robot

where is the sand?

maybe it wont work that well on softer surface
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+3 271. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Wheelchair Bungee Jumping

Wheelchair Bungee throwing maybe?
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+32 273. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video POV Of A Firefighter

pov firefighting so much more positive than pov police
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+1 274. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video What a trip through a wormhole would look like

blackhole cant be wormhole
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+9 275. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Tarantino // FROM BELOW

i never liked 1st row, but tarantinos movies are great from any row
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-2 276. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Snooker World Open 2012

i thought they have to call what they will do
just to avoid dumb luck
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0 277. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Wingsuit Crash

dude ia ok
will be jumping in 3 mouths :)

Watch Conan - Season 2 Episode 58: Khloe Kardashian Odom, Jeb Corliss, 2/29/2012
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+1 278. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Weird sounds of frozen sea in Odessa, Ukraine.

i d say its waves moving ice up and down combined with ships metal hull grinding solid ice in the distance
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+6 279. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Swiss satellite being sent to clean up the mess in outer space

just deploy magnets when they get too heavy they will fall down and burn
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0 280. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video LED suit surfer

why is title fail there
ps: i cant delete my comment ... my comment WAS crapy and i couldnt remove it so i need to post a bit less crapy comment
pps; imagine how shity was the 1st one
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+3 281. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Huge rope swing makes for some fun times

rope swingers old news , but the rock is amazing.
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+5 282. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Samsung Phone Guide

i never cut tree to whipe my ass

i use botteled water
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+2 283. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video Leaping Lizards

any tailed animal will do this
its a nature of tail
nature designed it to navigate

even fish and birds will use it in similar matter bird on ground or fish jumping out of water i bet you saw those white sharks jump out of water twisting and turning to grab that seal.

the future of jumping robots is bright, but i kinda fail to see its benefits.
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+6 284. oleHashow commented 12 years ago on video EUhackathon 2011

am i the only one that think scripting and hacking arent same

what im saying is to hack you need to know how to script
but you arent hacker if you know how to script

open source hackers is oxymoron
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+6 285. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video How fast wildfires can move

i could outrun this one :)
so im guessing this one is kinda slow
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+5 286. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Monster Tajima's Record Breaking run at Pikes Peak Hill Climb

they should print smily face on his mask
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+4 287. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video 2CELLOS Cover Nirvana Classic "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Love it!

like every rock/metal music done on classical instruments
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+1 288. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline

10 min later say it all about these adrenaline junkies.
instead of getting new hip he is gonna try again with old one
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0 289. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video ABB concept Robot FRIDA

its a mime
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+2 290. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Baseball Bat Defies Gravity

gravity works fine
bat did not stay in air

Amazing bat balance, might be better title
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+4 291. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video This is why we love Poland

#5 couse of word kurva they are even better than russians
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+6 292. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video In soviet russia...

the real water comes out of the sink like a fountain :)

it is advisable to boil it before using it
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+1 293. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video The Dudesons

dudesons are awesome! i watched 4 series
are there more? :)

need to check right away couse here are some inserts i didnt saw yet

and remember not to try this at home these people are profesionals they been doing this since kindergarden. before they had cameras to record and show it to the world.

omg so much laughter just recalling their stuff
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+1 294. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

#13 what about 36 hours dedicated to prepare man and mashine before flight? 6-12 hours seems quite reasonable
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-2 295. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Serious Diabolo Skills

kid is clueless
i saw people- doing this and it was not like this :)
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-6 296. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Danny MacAskill Plays Capetown

i got bored so i dont know whats so fun about it to talk to others
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+6 297. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Phil Ivey Quads

#1 fitt checked on river
#8 it is a tournament
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+6 298. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Crocodile Attacks Elephant!

Elephant fish crocs.

This one got away :(
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+2 299. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video How Moken children see

natural selection he who see best gets food faster and then he has time to make more children like him
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+7 300. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Individuals from Sudan are brought to the USA, cultural differences emerge.

1st they tell them not to walk in groups, then they preach them about freedom.

Seems like freedom was sold long time ago.
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+4 301. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video How to make a big bang..

nothing to do with big or bang

should put 7 kg of black powder and evacuate the room
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+2 302. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Googles Dark Side

maybe this might fix corruption?
people would evolve
we wouldnt have dark secrets anymore
no more paranoya that someone is recording your every move
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0 303. oleHashow commented 13 years ago on video Awesome High Speed Compilation

#7 if you record something in 1 sec and then play it in 2 sec
it is slow motion, doesnt really mater what kind of camera you are using.

thow high speed camera with more frames per sec does make slow motion much more enjoyable
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+1 304. oleHashow commented 14 years ago on video Escalator Accident

#19 ofcourse they are goign down! right one fail to go up :)

but read #20
120 people*50kg is 6.000kg :)

it suddenly stopped and moved in the reverse direction,

police was also taking some photos of the rail is that a large crack on the rail where you put your hand on ? 0:51
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+1 305. oleHashow commented 14 years ago on video Escalator Accident

finaly it came a time that pissed me off and made me register
all this stupid comments people are putting up here.

no 15. back up? They were on the way up. Clearly 2nd escalator with people facing down should give you that clue.
no 14 china and tokyo dont mix

botom line is i dont know what happened but seems to me like gravity still works and there should be some mayor breaking system to stop all this weight from going down