Comments posted by pilch


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0 1. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Thundercat - The Movie

awesome stuff snarf snarf
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0 2. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Drunk people compilation

har har the one at the end is funny :P
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+2 3. pilch commented 16 years ago on video The future of tennis

well that was dull
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+4 4. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Nissan Skyline burnout

holy crap o_o that's one hell of a car :>
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 5. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Angry German Kid vs Lasse Gjertsen

LOL amazing :D
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-1 6. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Mac VS PC VS Linux! South Park Edition!

lol.. so much, i meant to say :D
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-1 7. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Mac VS PC VS Linux! South Park Edition!

spook if you hate snotr so fuck do us a favour and take a long walk off a short bridge
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-2 8. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Not the Most Graceful Back Flip Video

ow o_O
Picture of pilch5 achievements

0 9. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Funniest Video Games Glitches

rofl awesome stuff :>
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0 10. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Popping a water balloon at 2000 fps

@ #4: of course it does! :P

hmm you'd have thought people would make some different slow mo videos ;_; guess not
Picture of pilch5 achievements

0 11. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Playing with a truck

wow that was dull
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+2 12. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Aggressive in train

long live techno viking! \o/
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+2 13. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Camaro stunting on highway

How daring.......... What a gimp.
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 14. pilch commented 16 years ago on video The "let me in!" cat

Awesome, wish I had a cat now :(|)
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 15. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Female weightlifter gets owned

arf, fail
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+3 16. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Three bottles of wine in 1 minute

Hate to see guys like this exploited for a cheap laugh. These people should be ashamed of themselves.
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+3 17. pilch commented 16 years ago on video The perfect celebrity?

rofl, nah I gotta agree it doesn't really look very feminine at all! quite handy shopping skills, but maybe he could have spent a bit more time making it look more... hot :P
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+5 18. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Unnecessary Censorship

cookie monster! woo! :(|)
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+2 19. pilch commented 16 years ago on video Segway vs. Yoshi

gz on "PDT" personal transport dinosaur.. :(|)
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-1 20. pilch commented 17 years ago on video How not to Drag Race

strange how that guy didn't seem to upset that his car was a complete failure :P
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 21. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Insane battery hack

arf, funny stuff xD
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+2 22. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Playing with barrels

you can get smooth physics like these even on a less powerful machine, just type

sys_physics_cpu 0

into the console and it will render the physics using gfx card processing rather than your cpu (i think), and it will run much smoother. give it a try! \o/
Picture of pilch5 achievements

0 23. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Human super soaker

lol crazy
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-1 24. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Man fires a gas station

what baffles me is the pumps have no mechanism to stop fuel from coming out when they aren't actually inserted into a car.. but lol at that dude, he stood by it for so long, credit to him :P
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 25. pilch commented 17 years ago on video The Machine Girl trailer

bahahaha drill bra, love it :D
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+3 26. pilch commented 17 years ago on video RC plane crashes

arf that dude at 1:10 looks like he wants to kill himself >:) memo for him, learn some flying skills before wasting your money \o/
Picture of pilch5 achievements

-2 27. pilch commented 17 years ago on video A crappy situation

arf, classic
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+6 28. pilch commented 17 years ago on video A blonde and a 3rd grade geography question

wonder if nasa could put enough rockets under america to send the whole place into orbit... would solve a whooooole lotta problems
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+2 29. pilch commented 17 years ago on video An elephant throwing darts at balloons

lol that's pro :(|)
Picture of pilch5 achievements

+1 30. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Review of the worst video game ever

haha, at least that game was good for giving all of us who haven't played it a good laugh watching this :)
Picture of pilch5 achievements

0 31. pilch commented 17 years ago on video Post-it notes waterfall

what a totally pointless waste of time, imagine how many hours ir must have taken to do that...