Comments posted by pizdalizac


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+1 1. pizdalizac commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Underwater Swimming White Tiger

OMG! :O i want one as a pet, its such a beautiful creature
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+17 2. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Wiley Vs. Rhodes

i dunno about you guys, but the smile on that runners face is really irritating :|
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+1 3. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Hybrid Assistive Limb from Cyberdyne

#1 and #4 ... no there is not gonna be a world domination of robots, people always think shit like the terminator will happen, its impossible, robots cant think, therefore it wont happen, for example, u wont see these rehabilitation robots out of nowhere just say to themselves "hey, lets start killing humans and make more copies of ourselves", that type of decision requires thought and knowledge, and robots have neither, they are just programmed to a specific function, and they stick to it
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+2 4. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Iron Mountain

#17 yea i kno its obvsious, but alot of people in america are still blinded from the truth by the media
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+5 5. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video This is one bad little fridge!

Drink Bud Light = Get Smashed
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+3 6. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Iron Mountain

#10 Wiki-leaks already exposed some documents from the 9/11 attacks. I will try to find the document if I remember where I read it from. But basically, they lied to us about the 9/11 attacks.
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0 7. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Reporter snowned

i wuda kicked each and every one of those lil fukers in the face if they did that to me
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-1 8. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Marcel the Shell

marcel's voice makes me wanna crush it ... annoying piece of shit ...
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+6 9. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Largest EOD detonation so far, Khost City Afghanistan

MAAASSSS RESPECT to #3 for risking his life to go over their and help those in need
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+46 10. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

German quality :)
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+14 11. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Crocodile penis eats fish

imagine that ... it cud be a way of stopping girls from getting pregnant
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+3 12. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Incredible parcours skills

anyone know the name of the song?
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-4 13. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Cop Bends

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+29 14. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Whiny girlfriend ?

F*ck her in the mouth. It outta keep her quiet. :D
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+10 15. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Incendiary Burnout

Pollution :|
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+5 16. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Panda Attack

Oh please, this isnt as bad as when u think of how theres people out ther actually hunting panda's
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+16 17. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Nature by numbers

Did u kno that PIE is derived from 3.14, just read 3.14 backwards in alphabetical letters:

4 = P
1 = I
3 = E

Its not that relevant to the vid, but yea :)
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+4 18. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video How NOT to be a Soldier

#7 ur rite, its a wire, u gotta look closely tho
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+1 19. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Nintendo sixty-fooooour

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0 20. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video The Russian Onslaught

i'd recommend people watch "The End Of Suburbia"

its a documentary that basically talks about how we're in the age of finite war, because oil is running out, and how our future aint gonna get any better than WW1 and WW2, so yea check it out
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+68 21. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Forehead Tittaes

What difference does it make, we're still staring at titties ...
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+1 22. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Amazing vehicle recovery truck

Thats why we have handbreaks, so that shit like this don't happen O:)
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-2 23. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Depressed whale

that is reallyyy ............ somethin :|
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-9 24. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Ed Alleyene-Johnson

veryy nice ... now who likes pussy?!?!?! :D
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+4 25. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video The Sandpit : tilt-shift timelapse

agree with #1
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+21 26. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Who killed the cat?

guy at the end was a perfect ending "i feel like my whole life is ridiculous, really" lmaooooo win
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+1 27. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video That is how you win a game

wow ... mario died, thers something u dont see in every game lol
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-4 28. pizdalizac commented 14 years ago on video Best Rugby Hits

#9 so i guess any guy who doesnt play a sport isnt a man :S , yea that makes perfect sense ...
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-4 29. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

#(removed comment) so why hasnt canada been attacked yet? dont u see that theyre attackin only their enemies, those who caused damage to them b4
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-2 30. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

#(removed comment) let me explain this to u in the easiest way, lets pretend ther is an islamic boat, and whoever is in that boat is muslim, but lets say one person in that boat decides or is plannin on bombing something, like the innocent ppl in that boat, since he is about to commit a crime against the islamic law and humanity in general, he is thrown off of that boat and is no longer a muslim, he is thrown off the boat by god, because he disobeyed a rule of god, get it? Im not sayin that these people who terrorize the innoscent arnt muslim, ofcourse they prolly were muslim when they committed a crime, but once a crime so great like killin an innoscent is done, then that person, whether he or she was a muslim or not, is NO LONGER a muslim. And ur sayin that its islamic law to behead or take a hand away, its NOT islamic law, trust me, read a quran man, and wat about the muslims living in america and canada? wud u consider them violent? canada is such an easy country, hardly any crime, so wats the point of indreasing their security rite, if its an islamic law to bomb those who arnt muslim, then why hasnt any muslim in canada done so? ill tell u why, because its bullshit, ur makin shit up, as for 9/11 attacks, that was a set up, and everyone knows or shud kno it, so just seriously stop being an ignorant idiot, and go read something, cuz i can see u have no juice in ur brain
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+6 31. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Latte Art

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+6 32. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Just don`t ask...

#2 but if u say no, they'll disagree with u, and if u agree with them, they get mad at u, so really ther is no way out of that question (also from experience)
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-3 33. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

#(removed comment) u definetely either made that shit up, or u took it from an unreferenced site, and i bet ur american, so u wud say something like that, its best u dont say anything

#(removed comment) that girl got beat not just because she was carrying a cellphone, of which is banned in her school, but she insulted her teacher too, so it its a policy and she broke it, and she made it worse on herself to yell back insults to her teacher, so she deserves a punishment becuase she disobeyed a law, not a law of islam, but a law of the country, its like in america, where kids arnt allowed to bring guns to school, so if a kid brings a gun, ur saying he or she shud go unpunished?

#31 those who take the quran in a violent way, are disobeying the real rules of the quran, and are therefore, not muslim, islam isnt violence, its peace, u guys seriously need to read the quran, the media here obviously goes against islam and makes it look bad, how about instead of listening to a bunch of idiots on tv, who have no education watsoever, why dont u learn something yourself, honestly
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+6 34. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

#(removed comment) read the quran, and figure it out yourself the truth rather than listening to what the media has to say
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+9 35. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

#22 terrorrists in general arnt muslim, the quran states that if a muslim kills someone innoscent, or even commits suicide, such as suicide bombing, they are not considered muslim, people dont understand that because theyre too ignorant to pick up a book, and find out the truth about what islam really is
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+1 36. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Google Nexus One: The F*ck u iPhone!

#4 nope, this video is just stupid :)
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-9 37. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Ride the Beam

In 2028, an asteroid will impact earth spreading 1000 km in radius, and in 2230, the same asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs will hit earth again, and so the solution is to create a lazer that will destroy these asteroids b4 it destroys us :)
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+1 38. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Puppy takes a squat on news desk

its a sign lmao
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+1 39. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video The world is getting more dangerous

oh we're definetely making the world a better place :|
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+1 40. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Rooster says "hello"

aha he's the next dinner :D
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+1 41. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video The Burj Dubai finally opens

#1 i think its good that they are building up, rather than spreading wide across open land, spreading throughout the land means destroying more habitat and causing biodiversity loss, so yea i think thats one of the reasons why

p.s. we need biodiversity to survive
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-1 42. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Brand new asphalt in Bosnia

#(removed comment) dumbass
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0 43. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Girl hits roof on school bus

dumb bitch
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+5 44. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Around the globe in 2009

#14 very good man
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-2 45. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video We got that B-roll!!

this is some useless B-oring sh*t ....
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0 46. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Ex-Microsoft employee

i dont believe him, thats the dumbest reason to get fired for
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+8 47. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Dog foils robbery attempt

wat a dumbass
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-7 48. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Racist HP webcam

F*CK .... RACISM!!!!!
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-1 49. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video 150kg of Thermobaric Explosive vs. Car

shit ...
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-16 50. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Never get off your couch again!

THAT .......... IS F*CKIN STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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+2 51. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Papercraft

THAT ........... WAS F*CKIN INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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+6 52. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Every Band In The USA

these guys are such fags
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+12 53. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video L.A. Springs a Leak

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0 54. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Ford Fiesta presentation fail

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-8 55. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Christmas cement truck

#(removed comment) so that they could repair any damages on public property
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+5 57. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Rally Crash

i wanna see that happen from the camera mans perspective ...
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-7 58. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Guitar Hero - Christmas Light edition

wat a waste of my time ....
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-3 59. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Russian Talent Show

Are you sure he survived? :S
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-1 60. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Pond watersking

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-2 61. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Tribute

can someone please tell me the name to this song?
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+3 62. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Dog Rescued

#18 Perfect :)
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+2 63. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Dog Rescued

#15 not all iraqis are Muslims, but a large portion of them are :)
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+4 64. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Will Smith

Scientology = Ignorance
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+8 65. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Beginner Smashes Motorcycle Into Wall

Camera - "Is it just a nosebleed?"

Idiot - "Yea"

Camera - "Oh ok, fuck :) "

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-2 66. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Tribute

does anyone kno the name to this song?
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-3 67. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video The cliff house

#2 the end results of shagging in that house would be epic :D
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-1 68. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video US Special Forces Hostage Rescue

#(removed comment) thats offensive u piece of shit
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+1 70. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Smart boys

#5 is 100% correct
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-4 71. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Panic Attack! 2009

This vid represents our future of war, seeing how the japanese are already making armoured mech robots, and human androids, and the americans with robots such as the boston big dog, or the half human half robot SARCOS, but yea, i hope u guys get the idea :)
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+6 72. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago on video Late for work