Comments posted by psBigFanSnotr


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+1 1. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Shawn Farquhar

Is wearing a pinstripe suit a condition of being a magician?
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+4 2. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

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+3 3. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Tribe practices euthanization

Some things ARE universal, then :D
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+2 4. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Absolutely monstrous waves rocking ship

Good thing I was already taking a shit when I started watching this!
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+2 5. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video If

#6 I know right... and why does snotr even do that? this isn't their video.
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+16 6. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Will & Jaden Smith, DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro Rap!

Why hasn't Will Smith aged????
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+3 7. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video World's Roundest Object!

This is Veritasium's channel on youtube and I recommend everyone watches it. He's very good at meeting members of the public and challenging their flawed notions of Newtonian physics.
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+7 8. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Mesmerizing Chinese crepe vendor

Can anyone tell what the ingredients are at the end? What is that wafer-like thing he puts on top?
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+3 9. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Ducklings stuck up on a wall

The eggs have hatched and they're now looking for the river. Some will probably die on the way there. It's all part of natural selection.
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+9 10. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video TED: Learn to read Chinese ...

#2 or should I say, fire symbol, followed by woman symbol... right?
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0 11. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Mythbuster's 10th anniversary

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+4 12. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Map of Europe - 1000 A.D. to present day

Poor Hungarians...
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+2 13. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video How Special Are Your Physical Traits?

But the question is, why are dimples sexy?
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+3 14. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Movies vs. Life

I lost it at the point where they zoom into the picture x50 to find an perfect image :D
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+4 15. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Sea creatures

First one looks like my wife.
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-8 16. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Puppies Vs Stairs

Those dogs are such pussies.
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-1 17. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Rain Frogs

BBW gangbang?
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0 18. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Cool Teacher

I too felt uneasy about the god thing. The video about an inspiring teacher suddenly turned into something else. I hate to be 'that guy' because of course it's an inspiring video but the god thing and how he reconciled it didn't sit well with me at all.
Where some may see enduring faith, I see a man who entertains a god delusion because it comforts him. Sure, who am I to tell this brave man how to cope with his situation. The truth is, it made me uneasy.
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+2 19. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Attack of the Tumbleweeds! (in Texas)

This is exactly what happens when I try to make a woman laugh.
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+3 20. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video 136 mph Rally Car Jump

Rally > F1
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+7 21. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago on video Crazy stuff going on Japan

"All right, now let's build a nuclear power station! What could possibly go wrong?"
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+15 22. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video How Malian Troops Train


[voice-over] For want of sufficient ammunitions, Malian troops have to use their imagination.

[interview]They are pretending the enemy target is right over there, in front. They are trying to get the target. The other squad is coming over to support them and together they will make the objective.
Whereas the other squad that has gone over to the left side, [accent too strong to understand]

[voice-over] This assault made no victims, but the army can't wait to get even after last spring's defeat.
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+1 23. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Giraffes Fight To The Death - Kalahari desert

Ok, I'm gonna have to say it... DAYUM NATURE, YOU SCARY!
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+5 24. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Numberphile 158,962,555,217,826,360,000

Alan Turing broke the Enigma code. And he was shamefully treated for winning us the war.
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0 25. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video MOTIVATION 2013

Sorry to be 'that' guy but the inspirational statement at the very beginning contains a spelling mistake so utterly ridiculous and blatant that it really spoils the point that is being made.
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+9 26. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Silo demolition

But where is the banjo music?
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0 27. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

#19 this guy is using Dawn Soap to wash his cat. You know what Dawn Soap is right? 1:10 in the video. Do you honestly still believe that was a flea-wash? No, we are witnessing an idiot who is borderline torturing his poor cat for the amusement of his internet audience.
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-5 28. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

A few things:

1 - you don't wash cats. They wash themselves. some breeds may need washing but nothing resembling this.
2 - if your cat has fleas, take it to the vet.
3 - this video borders on animal torture. That plaintive meow is one of suffering.
4 - he is holding the cat in a horrible way, with his hand on the cat's chest. This applies pressure to internal organs and is very unpleasant for the cat.
5 - if I ever meet this guy in person, I will punch him in the teeth. At least, he can defend himself. This poor cat had no choice. This video is no laughing matter.
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+5 29. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

In the meantime there are 60 million empty homes in China. Their growth is slowing down, just like the rest of the world.
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+2 30. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Crow unties the laces and tries to steal a pan..

#5 maybe. But it's possible the crow is intrigued by the worm-like appearance of shoelaces. Crows like shiny things too, which could be it goes for the pan. It would be interesting to test crows for their ability to understand cause and effect but I'm not convinced this is evidence of it.
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+3 31. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Yu Ho Jin

Translation of the introductory speech:

'He's only 19 and you will be amazed by this kid's gracefulness, subtlety and sheer class. Yu Ho Jin!'
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0 32. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Pendulum

Ok I was like WTF then I :'( when they float up to heaven and grow young again...
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+3 33. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Cat Demands to Be Petted

Hell I'd be asking to be petted too if I were the cat.
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+3 34. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video How Virus Invades Your Body

I look forward to seeing the HIV video.
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+5 35. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video Watch out for the modern pickpocket

Well, I've ordered myself one of them card reading devices. Let the fraud BEGIN.
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+2 36. psBigFanSnotr commented 12 years ago on video boy knows how to do it, with persistence

She's clearly asking for it, she's not wearing nappies!