Comments posted by pyr0


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+31 1. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Cheating in Middle School

In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test, and said, "Johnny I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests."

Johnny was astounded and asked Mr. Johnson to prove it. "Well," said Mr. Johnson, "I was looking over your test and the question was, 'Who was our first president?', and the little girl that sits next to you, Mary, put 'George Washington,' and so did you."

"So, everyone knows that he was the first president."

"Well, just wait a minute," said Mr. Johnson. "The next question was, 'Who freed the slaves?' Mary put Abraham Lincoln and so did you."

"Well, I read the history book last night and I remembered that," said Johnny.

"Wait, wait," said Mr. Johnson. "The next question was, 'Who was president during the Louisiana Purchase?' Mary put 'I don't know,' and you put, 'Me neither'."
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+26 2. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Mother Dolphin Carries Dead Baby Calf For Days

#1 Compared to us humans, actually dolphins miss a few things.

They live in peace without atomic bombs,
they don't pollute the whole planet,
they don't kill themselves in their greed.

They are the superior race.
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+61 3. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Momma told you not to play with your food

Squirreltastic! Use it to produce energy! >:)
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+28 4. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Nagai Hideyuki Drawings

Pencils and spiral note pads - $5
Ordinary small desk - $20
Skill to draw amazing optical illusion that gets posted on snotr - PRICELESS.
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+21 5. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Smoking Kid

#3 What you feel after smoking a cigarette, is how non-smokers feel the whole day. Smoking does not give you anything. It takes something from you. It makes you miss and demand more and more. Smoking is actually one of the worst addictions that exist.

It is ridiculous how smokers can like that. But what's even worse is, that many smokers do not even care of their passive-smoking children and their environment. I hate to watch them spread their rubbish all over the cities.
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+36 6. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Dad riding with daughter on ride

That face is just PRICELESS >:)

Thanks uploader, you made my day!
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+37 7. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Little girl VS Beatbox Champion

Birdbox and beatbox, that was awesome! ::(|)
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+24 8. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Cat Game fail !

Does whatever
A Ninja-Cat does.

::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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+6 9. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Make Anything Into A Keyboard With MaKey MaKey

#1 Let me explain by using the banana space bar example 00:08:

When Makey makey detects even very small electric current flows through its button terminals, it forwards a defined keystroke to the computer. Actually it is a very sensitive USB keyboard. The electric circuit is closed on this way: Alligator clip - hand - banana - alligator clip. There are just a few microamps (you don't notice that very small current at all) flowing that are enough to detect the "button press".

If you look closely, you will see that all example applications need ground wires at the "earth" patch for closing the electric circuit:

play-doh gamepad: wristband
pac man pencil joystick: wire held by left hand (probably), pencil lines are graphite, which is conductive
dance dance buckets: all buckets are wired, other thin wire is held in right hand
piano stairs: no idea from this perspective
banana piano: black wire held in left hand
human synth: wires held in hands
cat photo booth: wire in water bucket

Btw: Cat flooded the cat photo booth: 1:13 :(|)
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+81 10. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Working With Bears

A man wakes up one morning in Alaska to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages and sure enough, there's an ad for 'Bear Removers.' He calls the number, and the bear remover says he'll be over in 30 minutes.

The bear remover arrives, and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun and a mean old pit bull.

'What are you going to do?', the homeowner asks.

'I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, and then I'm going to go up there and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat. When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go. The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van.'

He hands the shotgun to the homeowner.

'What's the shotgun for?' asks the homeowner.

'If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog.' :D
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+43 11. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation May 2012

Damn, these fails get nastier every month! :x
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+9 12. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Roof Jump Into Kiddie Pool

Splish splash I was taking a bath!

Now call the ambulance :x
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+36 13. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Money and imagination makes for a cool garage

The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least. <3
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+4 14. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video ZeroN

3:18 WTF, my dirty mind tricks me even in science videos ! >:)
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+5 15. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video 18 kg Barracuda Jumps Into Fishing Boat

Barracuda: Yay, lucky me, just escaped from that great white shark. Uhm, where am I? Doh!
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+2 16. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video The Oberfranken Steakknife Massacre

As usual, that guy somewhat beats FPSRussia in style. Nice vid but I was rather thrilled by the gatling gun like slingshot in the intro!
Looked it up:
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+20 17. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Alaska Bush Pilots Are The Best At What They Do

That is pure skill. I am a Cessna pilot and

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+43 18. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video The Most Annoyingly Cute Thing Ever

This must be fake, it's his girlfried in a dog costume. :(|)
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+2 19. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Baseball Trick Batting Shots

That guy got (base)balls! :D
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0 20. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Flying into the eye of a Hurricane

It seems that I am the only one who is afraid of flying! Flying straight into a hurrycane - that would be hell for me!
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-1 21. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Quadrotor Machine Gun

Fpsrussia is some crazy badass.
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+16 22. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Coolest dishwasher ever

Teacher: Where have you been yesterday?
Girl: I was flying supersonic with our transforming jet dishwasher to bring my mother's coffee mug that she forgot at home in the morning. I lost my homework in the turkish canyons btw.
Teacher: Sure and I am Santa Claus.
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+19 23. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Monkey Vs. Cat

After all that bullying by the :(|) I was hoping that the >:) (cat) bit**slaps the :(|) in the face => :x
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+4 24. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video What Could Be Hidden In The Tap Water You Drink

I want this camera !
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-4 25. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Red - Jay Chou Portrait with Coffee Cup Stains

It seems it is so easy to paint with coffee because she looks quite bored.
Anyways, nice picture.
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+6 26. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Time Warp - Card Throwing Slowmotion

That flame-bursting balloon at the end was simply one of the most amazing things I have ever seen on snotr.
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+6 27. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Tea Party in Super Slow Motion

Now let's see the same with a porcelain store and the giant slingshot >:) >:) >:)
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+34 28. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Charter Bus in Rock Tunnel

Not a single scratch! Awesome >:)
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+8 29. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video It's Like He's Dancing With The Bike

One word:

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+28 30. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Reunion between Anita and the wolves

One wolf marks his territory right away in front of her at 1:03 :D
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+8 31. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Black Bike Vol. 1

That guy has just awesome skills. Nuff said.
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+41 32. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Awesome chemistry professor

So glad this actually made it to snotr! 8-)
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-8 33. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Man vs. Canada Goose

The goose is just protecting its eggs or something, but as always people need to disturb nature :(
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+2 34. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video An eagle, a fox and a cat

I bet she's throwing away lots of food so the wild animals keep coming to her.
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+19 35. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Heroes Return

I hate war.
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+6 36. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Walk Up Mountain; Get Buzzed By Glider

Wow that's awesome!
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+5 37. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Python eats Alligator, Time Lapse Speed x6

"I am a python, you, alligator will be assimilated. I will add your biological distinctiveness to my own. Resistance is futile." >:)
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+15 38. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video ANGRY BEARD

Stop Motion at its best ! <3
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+26 39. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video A Different Kind of Boss

#3 as long as money rules the world, nothing will change in this regard.
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+27 40. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video A Different Kind of Boss

Proud to be German!
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+10 41. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Ukrainian Drunk Master vs Glass Bottle

Anyone care to translate? 8-)
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+45 42. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Giant slingshot insanity

Honestly, compared to FPSRussia this guy is at least very creative and ingenious! Keep these awesome slingshots coming! Love it! ::(|)
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+8 43. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Late Reaction

#8 that was a dead link!
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+2 44. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Incredible Whale Encounter - Mother Gray Whale Lifts Her Calf Out of the Water

Let the whales alone!
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+1 45. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Brandon MCcuien Tricking Sampler

After that, Brandon is getting laid for sure.
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+2 46. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Mad dog

#8 your dog asks for permission? Smart dog! :D
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+27 47. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Bobsled ride , helmet cam

That thing is faster than my internet connection :x
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+3 48. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Vytautas Mineral Water

I saw butts and boobs, so this vid is a thumbs-up!

click here 0:50 2:11
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+9 49. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video The Change is Here

1. I read #2's comment and I was like :|
2. I checked who is the video submitter, then I was like :D

3. Who cares, snotr is still awesome! 8-)
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-1 50. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video What a trip through a wormhole would look like

Even as a hardcore snotr user, this is a bit too nerdy IMO. 8-)
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+7 51. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Tron-ish dance

Photography not allowed, that'll somewhat destroy the illusions!
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+32 52. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video A Rare Look Inside Pixar Studios

And I thought I have a good job.... :'(
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+60 53. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Unimog is still the best

I bet that thing can climb trees.
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+6 54. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Sometimes it's hard to be a man ...

This guy certainly does not need a pooter >:)
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+25 55. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Evolution Of The Cell Phone

iphone or not, that was so f-ing awesome! If I had a projector like this I'd play with it the whole day!

Thanks submitter!
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+9 56. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Man Buys a Safe On Ebay...

Why is the world so addicted to money?
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-4 57. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video 11 languages

I bet he is single because he does not speak the language of love >:)
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+3 58. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video SUPERHERO

That was hilarious! Reminds me of The Gauntlet Challenge. Need Milk!
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+9 59. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video street trial et dirt backflip vintage ladies bike

Snotr is getting better and better! Love it! Keep up the great work!
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+4 60. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Swiss satellite being sent to clean up the mess in outer space

This robot picks up the frozen poop from the ISS so it does not destroy satellites.
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+19 61. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Another amazing bike downhill

This is awesome. I'd SO break all my bones at the first jump. But anyway, I got a nice POV without any risk! Thanks Snotr!
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+12 62. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Street Drummer

0:25 techno viking move at the right :D
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+5 63. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Epic billiard board

I'm getting sea sick just from watching this !
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+3 64. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video If men and women switched roles

1:10 that's the most hilarious humping move I've ever seen in my life >:)
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+1 65. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Eminem Violin Cover

#7 it's C-3PO btw!
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+7 66. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video FIBA best score 2011

#1 #2 well whatever, it's a 100% win! (Look at the score!)
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+71 67. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Ready, Set, Go!

#1 actually this was a cool kitten burnout.
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+1 68. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Rescuing the dog

That sad eyes of that poor creature made me almost cry, hope that this dog gets a nice home! It deserves it.
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+12 69. pyr0 commented 12 years ago on video Online Dating Video

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+19 70. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video I'm Yours by Jason Mraz Using Cell Phone Buttons! (Phone Cover)

Remembers me of the old school days back in the late 90's where you could create your own ringtones out of a sequence of button presses. That was great!
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0 71. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Turborider

Welcome to Germany. FYI: This ride is turbocharged, it's no stock GSX-R 1000.
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+4 72. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Italo Romano

This guy is awesome! Well, his 'handicap' is even an advantage when it comes to downhill skating since his center of gravity is way deeper. I am absolutely sure if he got some braking gloves he would beat those guys with ease:
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+23 73. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Exploding waterballoon..

Give her more balloons!
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+35 74. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Drum and Bass

Awesome performance, watch how all cars slow down when they hear him 8-)
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+19 75. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Curiosity (almost) killed the cameraman

That must have been the most intense heartbeats in his entire life.
If I was the guy, I'd simply leg it with my pants filled.
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+4 76. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Butcher Lady Needs Help With Garbage Bags

That must be Mrs. Lecter!
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-14 77. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Reporter Close Call

F**k me? Sorry, bro, I'd rather take a ride in that aircraft than f**k you.
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0 78. pyr0 commented 13 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

I was drinking while whatching this vid and I gotta clean my computer now.