Comments posted by rearcushion


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0 1. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Windows Prank - Remove the Shutdown button

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+2 2. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Amazing stunt

#19 lol :D
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-1 3. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Indian tractor movie

#4 LOL maybe you should watch more movies! retard!
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0 4. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Speed boat does a wheelie

#2 learn to swim
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-1 5. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video When you do it... do it right!

LOL ganja!
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+1 6. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video How to forget someone that you talked to 5 seconds ago

LOL the last one is good.
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+1 7. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Idiot of the year?

what a nincompoop! :D :D :D :D
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+2 8. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#1 - #33 comments.ROFLMAO. WTF!
Be real!
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0 9. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Restaurant prank

#17 & #18 Do you think it's an amateur video? It's a parody FFS! You two are GD feeble.
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

0 10. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Beat machine

DUH! How can this be state of the art? It's just a simple electronic spring coiled metal gadget. No remarkable degree.
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+2 11. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Sony Bravia "Domino City" ad

Pfsss.. another humdrum commercial from Sony. FAKE!!!
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+9 12. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Artificial insemination

LOL. poor dude, a small fry.
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+1 13. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Dew sled

#6 you all eat human feces. shite
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0 14. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Restaurant prank

This is apparently scripted but it's hilarious though.
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

0 15. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Restaurant prank

uto-utong unggoy! :D
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+1 16. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Law enforcement dealing with the public

#12 is right. Not all Americans are nincompoops, but it's sad to say, there are more of them than they think of.
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-1 17. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Law enforcement dealing with the public

Dumb Caucasians. :D
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-2 18. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video US Navy crash

I think it's the pilot's first flight. (As a flight school Student). ehehehe
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0 19. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Army accidents compilation

The big ending was totally fake!
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+1 20. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Yet another "Drink Milk" commercial

These cavemen never thought of teeth bottle opener, really primitive. Nice ad though.
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

0 21. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Need a buddy?

Nice Ad.
#(removed comment) sucks.. a fag! lol
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

+1 22. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Men are stupid

These people are just fags. They need insurance too. LOL
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-3 23. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Weird water accident

seen it already on youtube
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+5 24. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Good dog

;) smart ass...
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+4 25. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Good dog

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+3 26. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video 5.6kg (12.3 lbs) cat

This is from Asia. The bottle of "sake" and a plate of "Gyosa" show that this cat is from Japan. But they don't eat cats there.
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

+1 28. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Skate park basketball shots

duhh!! every single shot was successfully done with maybe 100 attempts.. feeble! pfssss..
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+1 29. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Copying Goes Wrong

what a doofus....
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-1 30. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video World fastest clapper

duh! what's the point?
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

+1 31. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Driving a truck in Eastern Europe

lol lol :D #6 you're funny!
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+4 32. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Interesting animal facts

"an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain"
Yeah! I know some people like that.
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

0 33. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

very nice! looks fun but such a waste of time.
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+1 34. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Sweet tired cat

Cute Pussy! >:) >:) >:)
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0 35. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Broken arm

hahaha corny!
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+2 36. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Don't judge too quickly

nice work! :D :D :D :D
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+1 37. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Insane battery hack

"panis" as in 'it sucks'!!!!
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+2 38. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video I don't need subtitles

:D nice one
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0 39. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Americans are NOT stupid...

Americans.... tsk tsk tsk.. this report is probably fake but it shows reality.
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+3 40. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Zoom into Concrete

#(removed comment) for your info. asphalt + aggregates are the most preferable materials for road pavement.
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+4 41. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video For 9 bucks you can do whatever you want to a rental car

american idiots.. these doofus are menace to society.
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0 42. rearcushion commented 16 years ago on video Russian swimming contest

#9 nice observation.. ehehehehe
a doofus diver though. lol