Comments posted by robthegingerone


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-1 1. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video America's history by Michael Moore

I have a question for the vocal Americans on this site:

If we can't trust our own nations news media or the US networks (both of which have been slated by Americans) who should we listen to for an unbiased and accurate view of the USA? Should it be American tourists (that small group of Americans that possess a passport and use it) or should it be those Americans that will stand up and have a voice on here? Or is there another option? As I feel that many of us not from America would love to have more information about the USA, so that we can make informed decisions to back our arguments up. Or is this request going to go unheeded or result in some more name calling?
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+1 2. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

British/European as explained before.

Anyway have you oldfart ever worked with a woman? Or has the distraction of sex been too great for you and you have found yourself chasing her around the workplace unable to think about work or anything beyond sex?

I don't suppose you see anything wrong with your attitude towards 'gays' i.e. leave them alone and don't have anything to do with them in case they want to jump you. Why is it possible for you to have such an opinion about one choice (homosexuality) but not another (religious freedom, personal opinions etc)?
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+1 3. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

Wow oldfart 'gay'. And your redneck problem with that would be what? In the event that nooitaf was as you so put it 'gay' what would the problem with that be? Is it a case that you can't be sure about your good old marines now that 'don't ask don't tell' is enforced? You know all those men spending so much time together... does your little ideal come crashing down if the men protecting you are interesting in saving your arse for their own pleasure? And if that's the case what does that say about USANumber1 as he hangs around with soldiers in his spare time whilst riding his harley in his leathers? hell oldfart sounds like you need to sort out what's going on at home before you worry about the rest of the world.
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+1 4. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

BombDiggady I appreciate what you are say re: home country bias. Not entirely true however, I, as previously noted, am British but feel I am more than capable of criticizing Britain and all its problems. I know they are there because I see them everyday and have to deal with them, to deny them would be ignorant. There are also good things about my country , do they out weigh the bad things I don't know. I will quite happily discuss things I have knowledge about and therefore feel I can have an informed opinion about but to discuss something unknown have have a strong opinion about is pointless. How can anyone hold/defend an opinion without knowledge of the subject matter?

However the problem I fell the non-Americans here have been trying to make is that America is not loved for its foreign policy. It may or may not be for the greater good (I'm not sure anyone on the planet can come up with a definition that everyone would agree with), but to expect everyone to agree with you is wrong. America does wade on into things, sometimes without obvious reason, to 'improve' things, but this is subjective and should be open to free and frank discussion without reproach or fear of being labelled as anti-American and made the next target for improvement.

Just because the USA is big and powerful does not give it the automatic right to set the rules and enforce them. That when simplified to this level sure doesn't look democratic does it? And after all isn't that what the USA wants for everyone?

Anyway can I ask where the USA gets its opinions/policies for the rest of the world when Americans themselves state that the media (any nations) can not be trusted and that they don't care to leave their own country to investigate the world outside their door?
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+1 5. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

My confusion was caused by two Americans (13ip0lar & USAnumber1) having both those views I mentioned. Surely, that in itself, says something about this American ideal you're advocating. And at what point does the American ideal that is being pursued in Iraq etc become empire building? Something that America historically at least is against.

This I would love to see "stand on any street corner and voice my opinion on the government,the war,or the economy without fear of being censored by anyone." wouldn't they move you on and then most likely do you for jaywalking?
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+1 6. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

Okay now I'm confused. Is the USA a strong country full of Patriotic men or a weak country being invaded by unskilled, free emergency medical care using, whining immigrants?
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+1 7. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

Ah the joys of being called a snob as i questioned an american as to his first hand experience of the topic he was discussing. Is it unreasonable to question a country for having a wide reaching foreign policy that endangers other humans when its own population the same people that in theory create that the policy have little or no understanding of the world outside the own state let alone their borders?

To reply to your question regarding the WW1 debt it seems to me having looked this up as suggested some bloke called Hoover put repayments on hold. Now can anyone tell me who he was and if he had authority to do such a thing?

Or we could take this debt to be a re-inburstment towards to families or all non-USA soldiers killed in those incidents, that have become so common they had to give them a name, of friendly fire.

As to imigration I beleive it has a place in any society othewise it will stagnate and die from inbreeding (be that social, economic or biological). Why do you have such a fear of it?

A question to an american is it still possible to enter the United States through Ellis Island?

As to moderator on this site I beleive they are here to ensure comments don't become racist, anti reglious (towards any religion) or flaming, please correct me if I am wrong as I read the rules earlier today when I joined felling compelled to respond to the comments made earlier.
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+1 8. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

So does this mean you have a dictionary but not a passport?
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+1 9. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

WOOT he can spell. Ah glad to see you not beyond critising any fair discussion when you meet a dyslexic.

Okay so it looks like I will have to spell (probably badly) out my observations about your world view:

-I am glad if Britain has paid back their monetary war-debt even though they could never pay back the families of the Americans who died saving England from certain destruction. We were helping England long before Pearl was attacked because no one else would and they asked for our help.

Now when did Britain and England become one place?
I am by birth British and by geography European but I can appreaciate the difference between USA and North America. I don't know who would be more offended to include Canada as part of the USA.

-I sure don't see the world as perfect but the US is still the best country in the world even with our problems.

On what basis do you make this judgement? Have you been abroad or even left your state?

-What other country has so many foreigners trying to enter it by any means possible? This country gives too many hand-outs to people who give nothing back to society....they are leeches sucking the blood out of tax paying citizens. It would be nice if more skilled and talented Europeans showed up here instead of the lazy crowd we have been receiving.

Now you obviously haven't heard about Britain or Europe in general. Since the end of the cold war and the changes brought about in Europe (Some could say by the USA 'winning', last player still standing) since the end of the cold war the has been a massive movement in population towards the west. And guess what Britain is the end of the line literally with the EuroTunnel. Guess what not all of Britain like this.

Now as to the USA having too many hand outs? Free medical care anyone?
And anyway isn't the USA made up of foreigners? Or did I miss something. Oh yes and how many good old americans would be prepared to do the low paid crappy jobs that foreign works are prepared to do?
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+1 10. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

I personally don't care what your religion is or how often/well you practice that was not my point. It was that you will find religion as being a key issue in a large percentage of wars and dissagreements on the international stage.

As for repaying our monetary debt to the USA, would you be in the strong (economonic) position you are now in (barring enron, bank failures, credit crisis, slowing of the property market etc) now since world war 2 had it not been in itself WW2. Can you please explain what made the prosperous 50s 60s onwards possible given the great depression of the 30s other than WW2. Where did all the money that you lent to Britain go except back into your economy?

Also your knowledge of the world is shown in your response there. Would you care for them to be shown to your errors or continue in the good old American way?

Now I dont claim to be knowledgable on the whole world but I have dealt with all six continents both in business and socially, Yes including Antarctica, and feel that I have some understanding of what people are like globally. Can you claim such a posistion?
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+1 11. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

Why did the USA get involved in WW2? Was it just to protect their loans to Britain of $4336million? Did we also forget about something happening over in the pacific, oh what was it? ah yes Pearl Harbour.
I would like to point out that Britain has repaid it debt to the USA as of 31st December 2006, including the interest, before anyone can whine on that it was a free loan.
As for Americans and their world view it is widely reported both in Europe and the US that your nationals are highly unlikely to have left the stste they were born in let alone own a passport to visiit some of these foreign places you claim to have such interest in when it comes to invade, oops sorry send aide and support with substantial strings/conditions attached.
As for your concerns, USAnumber1, regarding muslims and there 'extreme ' believes about all other religions, ie they must be destroyed, you will find this is true of many other religions including the RC church. That is how religion works, your chosen religion is number 1 and all others are bad and should be detroyed/ignored/overcome. And writting that I see parallels between the USAs national policies and religion. Your way is the only way and must be believed and to question it is unpatriotic/dangerously terrorist/communist/(insert something Amerivcans dont like)ist etc.
So really USAnumber1 what is your point? Why is your world view so perfect and without reproach?

"Love and kisses the Corinthians" to quote Eddie Izzard
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+1 12. robthegingerone commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

Why did the USA get involved in WW2? Was it just to protect their loans to Britain of $4336million? Did we also forget about something happening over in the pacific, oh what was it? ah yes Pearl Harbour.
I would like to point out that Britain has repaid it debt to the USA as of 31st December 2006, including the interest, before anyone can whine on that it was a free loan.
As for Americans and their world view it is widely reported both in Europe and the US that your nationals are highly unlikely to have left the stste they were born in let alone own a passport to visiit some of these foreign places you claim to have such interest in when it comes to invade, oops sorry send aide and support with substantial strings/conditions attached.
As for your concerns, USAnumber1, regarding muslims and there 'extreme ' believes about all other religions, ie they must be destroyed, you will find this is true of many other religions including the RC church. That is how religion works, your chosen religion is number 1 and all others are bad and should be detroyed/ignored/overcome. And writting that I see parallels between the USAs national policies and religion. Your way is the only way and must be believed and to question it is unpatriotic/dangerously terrorist/communist/(insert something Amerivcans dont like)ist etc.
So really USAnumber1 what is your point? Why is your world view so perfect and without reproach?

"Love and kisses the Corinthians" to quote Eddie Izzard