Comments posted by sambo1986


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+3 1. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Your printer is a brat

lol best part was when the keybourd screamed "he's hitting meeee"
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+1 2. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Remi Kart

not street legal number #12? and theres me thinking the police wanted mario's autograph :P
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+4 3. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Dancing Grizzly

jiggley wiggle wurrt? ladies and gentlemen id like to welcome you all to the brown bear show!
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+5 4. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Dream Fail

hahaha that made me laugh so hard! poor doggie! my parents dog does something similar to this, not as dramatic tho! the dog was going at full sprint! hahah
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+2 5. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video More risk, more fun

haha i agree #8, i like the way he flaps his arms as tho its guna get him further ^^ nutter! :D
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+2 6. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Best baseball game ever

wow what a great way to cheer up the local comunity :D
what programe did this broadcast on?
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+2 7. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video High-Velocity Falcon

wow thats fast :O imagine the impact that speed has on the falcons prey, damn KO it befor it knew what happend!
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+6 8. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Blind date

hahah good comercial
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+6 9. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Dad doesn't understand :)

got milk?
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-15 10. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Beatboxing flute

hmm intresting concept, i dont think it quite works that well together myself :S

good try and intresting :)
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+2 11. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Slow motion fish catch by bird

i vote king fisher. im sure iv seen the attenborough docu. nice clip! :)
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+6 12. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Painful diving blooper

owwwwwww haha, thats one of those thank god it was you and not me moments! looked painful... sounded painful.. i think she needs a cuddle
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+5 13. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Friends - job interview

hahah that commercial is awsome!
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-3 14. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Interesting magic trick ever

he told us "the people at home" to stand to our left of the screen, i think that has something to do with it landing at moon (human race= lazy.) i however gave up when i was pointing at the cloud and he said " and i know your not on cloud" i loled :P
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+27 15. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Giant 'Sea Serpent' caught on film

its on its deathbed, comes to the surface and gets poked around until its dead -.- pritty lame tbh
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-1 16. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Prank call by 8-year-old

awww that was so cute lol. i love the irish accent. that clip wouldnt have been the same with say a welsh girl

like the guys at the end said, she has a great future ahead of her :D
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+4 17. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video How to open a bottle of wine without an opener

lol my uncle showed me something similar, basicly you need to create a wave of pressure (hitting the bottom) the wave then travels up the wine inside the bottle and pushes on the cork.can do similar with an opend bottle. with an opend glass bottle, fill it so theres about 5mil gap from the top and hit it hard with the palm of ur hand. it will smash the botom of thebottle off
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0 18. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Schizophrenic dog

haha seen this vid befor. dogs are a dominant species, this dog is kinda crazy tho, seems like its proving that its HIS toy.. to HIMSELF. hahah nutter :O
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+20 19. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Amazing bird fishes like a human

stuff like this happens quite often in nature, its just rarely captured on film. we live in an amazing world people, you wil be surprised at how diverce some animals can be when it comes to feeding :)
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+7 20. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Canoe launch fail

too many pork pies? LOL
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+6 21. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Bud Light - Fighting Cockatoo

hahahahaha, the dude got bitch slapped of a parrot! class :D
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-3 22. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Crisis songs

hmm such a boring video for me, hope some of you out there like this. i just think its a waste of time :(

hopefuly its brought some of you a moment of pleasure!
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+11 23. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video The Past, present and future of the World

strange, the tectonic plate(or whatever they are called) started grouped together, then spread apart(like it is today) and then formes back together, maybe our earth knows we dont mix too well :P

#1, if you think about it, you HAVE lived long enough too see it happen, allbeit computer generated ;-)
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0 24. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Speed riding the Eiger

awsome video, this is one of those "why hasnt anyone done this befor" moments lol. i would love to try something like that, id beter learn to paraglide! :D
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0 25. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Ronald McDonald

thats the strangest video iv seen in.. maybe years... WhatTheF?!
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-5 26. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Incredible trike jump

haha that was quite a nice jump :D shamefuly i would have liked it more if he had failed :D
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-1 27. sambo1986 commented 15 years ago on video Prison Break tribute

hahaha the last one made me laugh pritty hard :D awsome video ^^ reminds me of one i saw the other week were a baby tries throwing a cat into a pool, but the cat wtf pwns it and the baby ends up in there, and the cat stays dry ! :D
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0 28. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!

haha thats amusing :D got one set of lungs on him!
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+2 29. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Foot 2008

#6 im presuming the first shot was into an ambulance, iv never seen a french ambulance but im presuming that van is one :P
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0 30. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Eating the world's hottest pepper

"idiot" best describes that man. it all seemed real until the ending, maybe him just showing some editing skills? :S

his face around 2:16 seemes abit fake too? iv seen people eat hot peppers (not these tho) and not had a reaction like that. or is that purely because of the 1mil count?
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+6 31. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video A rally car in your room

"he says what happend"
"well all of a sudden there was a car in my bed"

haha pmsl

bad crash and very lucky for no one to be harmed,the driver or the owner of that house!
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+8 32. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Twins

realy you guys didnt like that? i thought it was funny :D
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+3 33. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video T-Mobile "flashmob" commercial

maybe T-Mobile just wanted something difrent, and something people wouldnt expect them to do... like this video, got people talking about t mobile has it not? thats a sign of a good comercial ;-)
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+8 34. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video T-Mobile "flashmob" commercial

wow how amazing, truely inspiring! thats the first vid in a long time to put a grin on my face :D
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+1 35. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Fastest gunman ever?

#2 he is using "blanks"

#4 a gun can fire as fast as it can reload, but i think your correct,a revolver has quite a slow reload rate

after watching this again, i realy do think its bull shiz lol
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+2 36. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video New Apple Macbook Wheel

made me laugh when he said "everything is just a few hundred clicks away"
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0 37. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Figure skating fail

hahah awsome videa! wish that would have hapend on the british "skating on ice" rubish i was forced to watch most weeks, woulda made the numbing dullness of it much more bearable
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0 38. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video The Sling Shot Man

truly a talent he has. takes me back to my blackwidow days smashing bottles/hitting tins from across the river :D
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+3 39. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Petter Solberg owned

hahah run forest run! i bet he though *oh sh!zt* when he rolled of the roof
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-3 40. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Fastest gunman ever?

hmmm im not convinced, tbh i dont think our brain/muscles could react that fast :S
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+4 41. sambo1986 commented 16 years ago on video Realistic computer effect

thats amazing, hopefuly this is what they will use for future game/film characters. maybe they already are? O.o