Comments posted by saturas


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+3 1. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Hubble: Timelapse of V838 Monocerotis (2002-2006)

FYI: these are not the Hubble's images, this is CGI based on Hubble's grayscale and foggy images, all the colors are added manually by a human. That is how Hubble works.
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+1 2. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Truck smashes into overpass

#7 to film it and upload it to web is better than prevent the crash... what world do you live in..the one with common sense, right? :-)
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+4 3. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Truck smashes into overpass

#1 maybe he is not familiar with that strange and reatarded Imperial unit system which is used only at 3 countries in the whole world ;)
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+1 4. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Appearances Experiment

Well, we are animals, in this case similar to hyenas. People think if they help well dressed (assuming with a lot of money) guy there will be some money-crumbs for them. So I thing helping the well dressed guy is only the representation of our lowest needs, so we behave like parasites. There is no empathy or will to help another human being, so we are still cave ppl despite we act like civilized.
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+2 5. saturas commented 10 years ago on video NASA spotted a square "hole" in the Sun

Nothing spacial, similar holes are there since the begining of our observation. e.g. in july 2013 there was a hole almost all over the north hemisphere. (source:
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+1 6. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Fuck the poor

#9 Thats your naive point of view, reality is quite different. 90% of poor/homeless ppl are themselves the cause of their problem. There is very few ppl who became poor/homeless while not being the reason. Poor/homeless ppl will remain the same despite the milions of money spend on saving them with no meaningful result and society should finally understand that. This is the point when our poorly designed social habits go against the laws of nature/space and thats never going to be right.
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0 7. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Collapsing a floor by filling a room with water!

man, you cannot call this paper-wood shack a house :D
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0 8. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Are you are a good liar?

I thing only retarded ppl draw things in different way then they were told to do, not introvert and bad liar ones. The results of this test seem to me as more likely nonsence than anything else.
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-4 9. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Looping skills

#8 Go kill yourself you stupid intolerant bitch. People like you is the disgrace of mankind. Can you understatnd that art is a matter of a personal taste and your opinions CANNOT be impose to others. Next time just leave a comment about your own opinion. Insulting ppl due to opinion - worse than Hitler.
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-2 10. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Wood Trick

#10 yea, sure ;)
"The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it."
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-4 11. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Looping skills

#6 I am not saying he is lame. I only said it seems boring to ME, having no rhytm changes etc. It sounds like jammed disc or so. Despite I am a guitarist I have no idea what is the point of doing such loops, maybe the purpose is simple - to create a viral music video. I dont know, I dont care.
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+1 12. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Wood Trick

#7 lol yea, I trully do not understand how there can be still several countries not using metric system, we are in the 21st century ffs.
I hope thats not because metric system was initialized in France :P
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-9 13. saturas commented 10 years ago on video Looping skills

IMO the loop = no progress, no rhythmics = boring/tiresome sound
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+1 14. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Karma

#5 The lane closest to the middle of the road is considered as the "fastest one", while driving on the left/right side does not matter. Any vehicle using it MUST allow any faster vehicle closing from behind to get pass, obviously by changing the lane. This is common sence IMO.
#7 Ye, karma belongs to sci-fi and to ppl without judgement :D
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-5 15. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Whether you like soccer/football or not, this is pretty incredible

#8 logic on vacation? :) If there were nothing to lose, why running like a mad across the field then? Also one detail: "losing 1-0" - wtf is this suppose to mean? You are winning 1-0, but you are losing 0-1. To lose 1-0 does not make any sence IMO. :D
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0 16. saturas commented 11 years ago on video A clever little cube

A nice utilising of the gyroscope in deed.
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0 17. saturas commented 11 years ago on video How do Russians tow trucks? Volgograd calls in the big guns to deal with heavy snowfall

#2 well, its not possible to do so, because a tank is not capable of continuous movement due to tanks's tracks mechanism
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-4 18. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

#27 You seem to be super clever, and I believe everything you say ;)
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-1 19. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Airport's security officer saves a baby in an amazing catch

all of you bitching about my removed comment are forgeting one important thing - a baby does not weight 60kg, and his bones are not made from paper. Do you even realize that all babies and children usually fall down in the incomparable better (mean safer) way than the adults does. So I still believe that the baby would be fine even after hitting the floor.
About the baby's skull - it hase the same amount of bones - 22. Only difference is that the baby's skull has some kind of gaps between some of them filled by fontanelas (ligament lamellas) which disapper in the age of 2, not 20 ;)
Anyway I am happy I forced you kids to think at least.
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-1 20. saturas commented 11 years ago on video The TronicalTune

hm, you have to have a regular Gibson, Les Paul or Ibanez guitar to use this, so good bye.
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-5 21. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

lol, nice clip :) But in fact there is a "no contact technique" used in order to disperse an attack. e.g. Russian Systema
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-3 22. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Helix Fries

looks nice, but its seems kinda hard to eat that and do no look like an animal, if it is served on that stick :D
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+1 23. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Arnold Schwarzenegger - "Who do YOU want to be in life?"

It forces me to go work out everytime I see any Ardnold's video such as this one :-)
And please stop talking BS about steroids, that was a different times, ppl didnt know how bad they really are. Similar situation as the heroin was being used in medicine for a long time untill we discovered its negative influence.
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-3 24. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Computer Parts

#12 you dont really believe that, do you... anyone with working brain would do that in the exact opposite way - 1st to sort out metalic and plastic parts, boards with electric components, then to shred them. To shred and then to sort is utter bullcrap. Also many harddrives must be destroyed in the magnetic smelter because of sensitive (mainly goverment) data.
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-1 25. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Computer Parts

Ecology in the 1st place, lol. Ever heard about graded garbage? I see all kinds of material smashad (not recycled) in one place.
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+1 26. saturas commented 11 years ago on video What ever happened to this guy and his invention ?

This video is a total rubbish, well its the FOX news afterall. The vid quality is like from 1960, there are no information that can either prove or disprove its a free energy (which is nonsence here at Earth with its physical laws), but its definitelly a funny video that any1 can comment without any knowledge :)
Nevertheless the fossil fuels have the most energy contained inside. We dont know any other natural substance with such energy so far. And we cannot use the inner energy of a random substance, because we dont know how to do it so far.
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+1 27. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Motorcycle drives 300km/h on Autobahn, gets passed by Audi RS6

#5 Not only germans, but yea germans are good at adhering to the rules. We have 3-5x more expensive highways then rest of the world in the Czech Republic, yet we cannot drive faster than 120km/h in most of their sections because it would be a mortal danger. As a bonus we are forcet to pay a highway-fee despithe the fact none of our so called highways does not meet the EU highway standards (like angle of slope, radius of curves, amount of lines, etc.)
Not mentioning tha fact more the 50% drivers are not able to use the mirrors. I guess they see only forward, thatswhy almost none of them let you pass :(
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+3 28. saturas commented 11 years ago on video How to pull out car from a frozen lake

The education system must be really terrible in most of the countries around the world. When I see how many ppl is amazed by this, which is in fact a simple reel. And thats a subject matter of physics at basic school.
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-6 29. saturas commented 11 years ago on video How big a truck blind spot really is

and I should believe that all those cyclists were beside that truck all the time? lol what a fake
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+15 30. saturas commented 11 years ago on video iDiots

#8 you should consider visiting a doctor
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-5 31. saturas commented 11 years ago on video 12-year-old kid teaches himself Blue Devil's snare book

#2 this has nothing to do with talent, its about practice, anyone can do it.
It seems like all ppl amazed by this have never played any musical instrument in their lives.
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-5 32. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Hologram Effect!

#10 lol, you have no idea what you are talking about, do you? hologram X holograph, potato X potata. snotr comunity = bunch of ignoratd douchebags
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-4 33. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Hologram Effect!

Have you guys ever seen a hologram? e.g. in StarWars, IronMan, or a real scientific one? None of them shows a distorded image by curvy mirrors as this illusion. Its impressive for sure, but definitelly cannot be called hologram.
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-2 34. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Hologram Effect!

nice show with mirrors, but where the hell is that hologram?
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+1 35. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Porn is different from sex in real life

Just another proof that probability and statistic in wrong hands cause nothing but bullshit, kinda funny this time :) This issue is totaly out of any math capability.
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0 36. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Realistic Liquid Render

seems realistic in deed, but at the end there are too many bouncing blobs like they are from a rubber, water does not behave like that.
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-4 37. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Tom Grosset Is The World's Fastest Drummer

This guy can hit the trigger 1208 times in 1 minute, thats nothing impossible, almost every person with decent coordination can do that after months of practice. Sadluy I found only several drum covers of movie soundtracks from this guy, no actual song or album... He is no match for e.g. George Kollias from Nile (200 to 280bpm here at youtube /watch?v=Mnxm1qh_1rw)
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-8 38. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Boom! Lauderdale power plant razed

#10 that video provides nothing but blurry footage of colapsing building. Why there were so many pillars cut with perfect shape (instead of twisted cut that will be present if the pillars were broken by pressure an heat) like cutted with termit? You are problably one of those kind of ppl that still believes that USA-NSA is spying all the world only because of safety of americans, just lol.
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-8 39. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Boom! Lauderdale power plant razed

#8 only idiots withouit any knowledge of phisics and civil engineering believes that twin towers went dow due to plains crash. Controled demolition it was in fact.

#1 in 21st centrury the world is focused onyl on money, so do not expect any invention that actually make life easier. Expect war and hunger, that is our destiny.
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0 40. saturas commented 11 years ago on video A lightning strike at 11000 frames per second.

#1 you can only see the "return stroke" because there is a much more amount of light released when the lightning is discharged. But ofc the lightnings travel from the cloud to the ground and back again. Sometimes there are even more discharges in one channel, so the lightning seems blinking.
Average negative lightning electricity 30kA, difference of potential 100MV, carrying the charge 15C.
The positive lightnings are 10x more intense, last 10x longer, can hit several kilometers from its "home cloud" and produces a massive amount of radio waves with extremely low frequency.
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-4 41. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Fire with Fire

#24 you can go fuck yourself as well :P
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-4 42. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Fire with Fire

#22 you never typed drunk/tired...if you have no arguments, you came with grammar, what a lowlife. Find the meaning of the word "prevent" your problem with misunderstanding my text should be fine then.
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-7 43. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Fire with Fire

#3 I didnt ever said anything about 100% guarantee you dickhead, l2read you stupid disliking morons
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-20 44. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Fire with Fire

Well, this is clearly a nice thing to hear. BUT why they forgot to mention how to prevent peaople from getting cacer at all? Eat fruit and vegetables ONLY from your own garden. All the fruit and vegetables you can buy at any supermarket are litarely crippled with all the insecticides and similar chemical crap. So besides they have like 10% of vitamins they should, they have 0% of anti-cancer substances which are naturaly present at home-grown fruits and vegetables.
So the intention of US goverment (maybe it was one a senator) to deny ppl from having their own garden and force them to buy all stuff from corporates is now even more obvious. Pharmaceutical industry has some huge strings to control their puppets, in this case a politicians.
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+1 45. saturas commented 11 years ago on video Now this is a street performer

#1 Who did tell you such a nonsence? I am able to drinking beer, scratching my ass, having a pee and even farting. And I am doing all of that at the same time :)
However this man reminds me the groundkeeper Willie at the simpsons episode with Sherry Bobins.