Comments posted by scratchy


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0 1. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video Accomplices of animal abuse

#5 That is a stupid generalization you are making, where do you live ? You don't have circuses ?
I am appalled by animal trafficking but calling a whole nation full of different types of people sick and heartless is pretty dim.
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+4 2. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video Pizza night!

#1 Yeah just look at how miserable they seem. A real sad bunch. But I will say those pizzas are lacking some mozzarella.
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+6 3. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video Russian Zip-Line

1:57 Man I would have pissed myself too in that situation.
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0 4. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

#3 Well I disagree, the Weinstein story had the positive effect of pushing people to speak up and helped expose a bunch of alleged rapists and molesters. However I think that in a years time when all the hype will have passed we will be back to a pre-Weinstein state of affairs.
And I think it is important to consider the severity of wrongdoing, because of said hype everyone is being put in the same basket and being crucified. Which in my opinion is risky and opens the way to false accusations.

And yes I was bummed, as in sad, but I see where your mind went you dirty bastard ;).
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0 5. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

#1 I was so bummed to see Kevin Spacey get caught up in all this, he is one off my favorite actors. And if any off this had come out before the Weinstein fiasco the consequences would not have been so severe. It seems like sexual harassment is the latest "trend" and that in a few months the same case wouldn't get a second look.
But then again I am biased because I like the actor and I selfishly wish he still had a career. When all is said and done we only know him through his movies and he might be a completely different person in real life, so it is hard to say that they were wrong for firing him.
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0 6. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video The Jaw-Dropping Art of Bull-Leaping

#5 Except if you watched the video you noticed it isn't about bull fighting. Or maybe you missed the part where it is expressly stated ? And I might add your comment is quite vague, what can we expect about what ?
I agree bull fighting is wrong and cruel but bringing it up just because the theme of the video sorta kinda resembles bull fighting doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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0 7. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video Le Mans 1999 - Peter Dumbreck's HUGE accident! Mercedes CLR-GT1 CRASH!

How nice of him to crash that hard without disrupting the race, that's some good manners right there !
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+4 8. scratchy commented 7 years ago on video Tree is so huge it took 126 photos to show it all

#3 Seeing as the tree is in a forest there might be obstacles, like other trees. Plus you would need quite a wide angle lens and that would distort the picture. Don't quote me on this though it's just my assumption.
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+1 9. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video One of those days 2 - Candide Thovex

#5 I don't know if you have ever seen ski videos but this one differs because the image doesn't need snazzy music to get you pumped up. Instead of five different cameras and heli-shots this guy uses a gopro. That is why I said the footage was raw. And I would rather watch the interesting parts than having to sit through the parts where he gets from one jump to another.
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+10 10. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video What a save!

It's odd to spin off like that there, the corner wasn't that tight, and the guy's has got skills to get the tail back in check after going sideways like that.
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+6 11. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video Japan Tech Rope Rescue Competition

I would have thought they would at lest get harnesses. But they way they make them out of rope is spectacular.
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+2 12. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video This Chairlift Malfunction Is Pretty Terrifying

#8 What you are saying is simply not true, in France the regulations are VERY strict. And of course they buy the cheapest equipment so do airplane companies, they go to the cheapest bidder once his product answers to a certain standard, set by ... (you get the gist) the very strict regulations. Your cheapest bidder argument only works in a situation where there are no regulations and the company does not face liability charges. That situation could occur in some countries (not usually the ones with ski resorts).

As for the article, that accident should have been avoided if there was proper maintenance on the lift. On a maintained lift this can't happen. The brakes need power to open not close so even if there is a total loss of power the brakes will clamp shut.

So don't be afraid and go skiing and brake your leg going down the slopes ;)
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+5 13. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video This Chairlift Malfunction Is Pretty Terrifying

Not going to happen any time soon. I am working for a ski resort in the french alps the summer and they test every lift with the maximum capacity weight to check the brakes.
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+6 14. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video Casual trilingual conversation with little girl

#5 Well I grew up in South America with a British mother and a French father and that did the trick. Now that I am a bit older I realise how lucky I am, in other circumstances it would have taken me ages to learn all three languages.
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+9 15. scratchy commented 10 years ago on video Anti-Gravity Wheel?
Even more amazing when an old man does it :P
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+5 16. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video Urban climbing

#3 Let me break this down. 1- Wearing out the walls ? are you serious, these are stone walls. There are stones that have been climbed on for ages and haven't budged. As for the branches kids didn't need this incentive to start climbing trees :D Plus this guy didn't just decide to climb our landmarks without asking first. And he got permission. This brings me to the second part. 2- Broken bones ... not likely. He got permission because he is a world class rock climber and he is less likely to fall on these climbs than you are walking down the street. To a top notch climber this is a walk in the park. Finally, I live in this wonderful town so I can certify nobody attempted to re-enact this video or was hurt as a result of this video. I hope I dissipated your fears. Here have a monkey for the long comment :(|)
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+19 17. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video Hula Hoop Man

Impressive yet quite disturbing :D
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+7 18. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video William Spencer at the Berrics!

I think some people fail to see the skills and creativity involved in this video. #1 The song alone is enough to put a smile on my face ;) #2 Try doing a simple ollie one of these days and you will understand that they make using two skateboards, flips, slack-lines, look easy when it is quite far from easy.
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+16 19. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video Rifled Slingshot

This technically makes no sense :D , but it is awesome ;)
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+17 20. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video When Lithuanian soldiers are bored

#2 You don't say !!! I was convinced this was real >:)
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-4 21. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video Arctic Fox raids Polar bears' leftovers and bird eggs

#2 That is an easy one and her is the answer,
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+9 22. scratchy commented 11 years ago on video Calisthenic workout by Frank Medrano

#1 "Light" exercises seriously ? If these are the light ones I want to see the heavy exercises :D
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+3 23. scratchy commented 12 years ago on video Cinema's Slaps

The famous Archie slap from The Rock'n'rolla is missing. One of the best slaps ever :x
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+5 24. scratchy commented 12 years ago on video Flat Ground Tricks 1000 FPS

I have got to disagree with all the comments above, #1 you find it boring, I find it awesome. The amount of skill and the slowmo witch enables you to grasp the way they control the board, I find it incredible. #(removed comment) If having fun and geting to be very good at something that makes me happy is a wast of time than we should all waste time like this.
I'm just sayin' ... O:)
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+44 25. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video Mad aligator

Well at least we know his brain didn't sufer any injuries :) But that might be related to the fact that he doesn't have one >:)
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+3 26. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video German soccer fans

It is called football. The game is played with a ball and your foot hence the name FOOTBALL. ;)
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+8 27. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video SUV

The solution to trafic jams show up with that and it will disolve :D Also every rednecks dream.
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+11 28. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video Wrestler Fail

Must be a shock feeling real pain for the first time >:) It is all planed in advance and they still get it rong :S
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+9 29. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video Fitness-training

Still a bit flopy but he is geting there :D
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+6 30. scratchy commented 13 years ago on video Fred Syversen 107 meters (351 feet) cliff drop world record

Probably the bigest mistake of his life :D He is very lucky :x
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+87 31. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Rugby Answer Interview Fail

This guy is a philosopher "I'll have to think about it ... Think about it deeply" :D
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+8 32. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Nice slap

#(removed comment) You would have a point if people did say first but they don't not here anyway. And just to be shure I looked at the comments of the last twenty vids. ;)
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+6 33. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Storm Freerun

It seems like the laws of physics don't apply to them :S Nice skills ;)
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+2 34. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Dark Side of the Lens

That guy got his priorities right and is living his passion npt anyone can achive that ;)
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+2 35. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Chimaera

#14 I guess some of the nicest scenerys in the world, mind blowing time lapses,and one of the best sports on earth is not enough for the average snotr viewer :S But hey criticising viedos on the web is so mutch more fun ;) Really great vid lots of work and imagination went into that without mensioning the skills.
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+9 36. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Skoda Fabia vRS "Mean Green"

Very i maginative >:) But it would be hard to do mass production if THAT car was built in that way :D
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+8 37. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Women Can Park

This is clearly a FAKE >:) Women can't park.
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+28 38. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Real life GTA pursuit

3:9 Did anyone notice the civilian driver comes back and quicks the suspect while he is down >:)
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+38 39. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The New Guy

"You haven't noticed ? you've been lying here for four years..." >:)
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0 40. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video We no speak Americano

I bet their hands must hurt just a little >:)
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+5 41. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Ministry Of Silly Walks

Monty Python is the best :D
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+29 42. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The ringtone that grows girl boobs...

This is the best invention yet >:) This guy is a pervert... :D Very interesting...
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+6 43. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Funny France commercial about telling good stories

Remember seeing this on TV great ad >:) It's a shame we don't see more like this one ...
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+5 44. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Timelapse Montage

Breathtaking :O ... Very nice vid :)
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0 45. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Stage Bloopers

The Show Must GO On !!! >:)
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+13 46. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video How much ash a 20-a-day smoker makes?

This is so funny >:) It's a shame that advertising and public mesages on TV are so lame now a days :(
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0 47. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Speed Riding - Antoine Montant in CLAIM

The french really have a horrible english accent (i am french) >:) . Very nice vid, I live a little higher up in the french alpes and it really is as beautiful as in this vid ;) Now I want to ski .... :S
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+3 48. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Red Arrows

The slightest imperfection and they are all dead >:) These guys must have quite a lot of preasure on their schoulders :S
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+33 49. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video highway truck crash

He just did a tail wip with a 20 tone truck. >:) Pure skillz no tragedy. :D
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+3 50. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Cat Parkour

Parts 0:8; 1:25 and 1:41 are not real cuz it's part of a set up ad for catfood in france ;) But the rest is perfectly true ans awesome cats are really agile :(|)
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+7 51. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video assembling and disassembling a car in 4 minutes

They could raise funds for the army by seling stolen car peaces >:)
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+15 52. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Great White Sharks Devour A Whale Carcass

They look hungry >:)If it took them only a night to eat that whale it can't take long for them to eat a human body :S
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+22 53. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Weird cat

He is just doing his yoga >:)
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+23 54. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Slow motion of bear shaking water.

Slow Motion changes the way you see things completely.
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+8 55. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video MIT's Seaswarm

I have a more simple question , what if ther is a wave ?:S cuz the ocean is not always calm.
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+7 56. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

That is why coyote NEVER catches roadrunner >:)
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+1 57. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Rowing Reporter Fail

I thought blondes were suposed to be dumb. >:)
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+22 58. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Packaging Playing Cards In China

:O wow that is so fast. Faster then a machine ;)
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+3 59. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Pineapple Express

This has already been said but all you guys MUST go and watch this movie.

"-This you see this... ther is no hair under here bro

-What's the significance of that ...

-It makes me aerodynamic when I fight !" PRICELESS

It couldn't stop laughing for the entire movie.
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+4 60. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video History of Greed

He didn't know the sying ... :S "Women do not grow on trees" >:)
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+36 61. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Bike Rack Fail

The engeneer who disigned those is so lame. The thought that bikes might be stolen didn't strike him. :D Or maybe his cousin has a bike store >:)
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+9 62. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Micro Scooter tricks

MAD SKILLZZ !!! on a miniscooter ... kainda ruins it >:) but still mad skillz
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+2 63. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Urban Raset (Rémi GAILLARD)

#11 Or just go on to his web site
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0 64. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Unique multiplication style

#17 no that is not Chinese style it's just simple maths. >:)
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+4 65. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Piss Prank Fail

They look so dumb and usless too. >:)
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+16 66. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Cruel Japanese Prank Show

The way he crawles to the door is priceless >:)
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0 67. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation - August

Some of these people just understood the meaning of EXTREME sport, some others are trying to make every day life EXTREME
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+21 68. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Bus Hijacker

#3 Yea maybe, but he might just be the dumbest hijaker ever. >:)
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+2 69. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video What is Tricking ?

#16 They kinda allready have 0:11 :D
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+1 70. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz Kicks Kid in Face

Funny how the guy plays against kids to have a chance and still has to kick the kid in the face >:)
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+3 71. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Skater Saved By Backpack

#13 Your comment is so usless and full of fake facts. It sounds like you come from some greater country (russia I believ) wich is behind France on the list by ranking for GPD (gross domestic product).I live in France and have never to this day eaten frogs, it's just a tipical meal like so many others. And I bet I can find lots of Russian dishes wich SOUND digusting. As for the last comment,well it just reflects your lake of maturity.
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+1 72. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video 6 Year old football wonder kid

He has got lots of skills , I am not even close and I'm ten years older. But that ball looks a little to big for him >:)
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+14 73. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video So, how much?

I have noticed that the best ads are always for beer , bud ,heineken .... >:)
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+8 74. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Waterproof gecko

You can make a water proof coat with it >:) All thought you might need about a thousand of them. :D
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+17 75. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Model boat floating

That is so amazing... :O
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+1 76. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Super Mario

I suck with one guitare he is brilliant with 2 :S
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+1 77. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Scuba Cat

#(removed comment) Hey you just did it again :D
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0 78. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video VW Race Touareg VS Snowmobiles

#6 That is why they are not in a city they are in a sky resort ;) .
I love top gears , all the other car shows are boring.
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+8 79. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation - July

awe Awe AWE Some of those must hurt!!!! >:)
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+1 80. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video How NOT to get rid of a whale

Cuting it up is to much work lets just blow it up it's much more fun to.
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-1 81. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video 3 euro joke

#(removed comment) But the thing is the law says you have to serve a customer :D
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+1 82. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Yet another Old Spice commercial

#7 Exactly. Ads are so stupid now i don't watch Tv cuz every 40 min a least you get 5 min of stupid crap.
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0 83. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Shark pulls man in

#13 exactly what I was going to say . >:)
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+8 84. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Scuba Cat

#(removed comment) So you hate yourself ... ? :S And I hate people who start a comment by saying "I hate people..." >:) #6 ther is a saying in France wich says " Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide" and transalated in English it means cats who get hot water thrown at them are scared of cold water. And all that to say that people who want to scare cats away often use water and some use hot water wich explains why SOME cats are afraid of water .
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+3 85. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Epic Bum Bum

Not the best Carmina Burana I have ever heard but this is the one I most enjoyed. O:)
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+3 86. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Video Games and Moral Choices

When i play video games I don't focus on moral problems tha is why i play video games they have no concequence on real life. So great vid, very interesting but I somtimes pick a sniper rifle in Grand Theft Auto and go kill civilians to pick a fight with the police >:)
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+5 87. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Drunk guy tries to escape police office

" Well maybe this will be the leson he needed cuz you can be sure he is going to have a hell of a headach in the morning. " :D He might feel a little stupid too. >:)
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+6 88. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video funniest parrot alive

#1 That is the only funny part.
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+1 89. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Dog does backflip

I know a few dogs capable of the same thing when u throw a stick at them.What I find funny in this vid is the owner of the dog who even if he trained a thousand years couldn't do a backflip and then he goes and slaps the dog ... :S ?
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+21 90. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Mind Control Robots

Ahhhhh Surrogates :S
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+9 91. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video One Fat Guy wants to get on TV

#4 Maybe he doesn't have any big mirrors at home >:)
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+1 92. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Security Guard Takes Himself Out

Why did the guy who put this video on line record himself laughing ??
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-5 93. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video US Navy drill team in Norway

That's nice and all but is it usefull in battle :|
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+2 94. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video EXTREME Longboarding Bombay Hills NZ

#5 Maybe the guy with no shoes is just very stupid.
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+2 95. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Truck Driver

#8 Maybe It's the house of his BOSS burning >:)
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+7 96. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Imitating Some Birds

Skills !i! :O
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+9 97. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video BMW X5 Stunt

So if we sume up all comments it's just a bunch of idiots with money >:) and I totally agree. #5 Same for me.
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0 98. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Tug Boat Ride

That looks funnnnnnn :(|)
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0 99. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Eclectic 3.0

Kickass vid it's all right the soundthe image up one ;)
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+1 100. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video What (not) to do with a ladder

Feel the rush !i!
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0 101. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Goal keeper does Fly kick

The guy who was hit is the first football player not faiking pain :D
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+1 102. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Pool Jump Attempt

Lol that guy just created a new trick >:)
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+2 103. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The Chipophone

Not only teh organ but the guy has SKILLS !i! :O
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+3 104. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video super bici ...bicicletoide..

#2 #7 I would like to see that bike going round a corner.
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0 105. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Excited puppy plays with baby.

not a puppy morons! it's a fully grone shelty :D
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+4 106. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The Best Motivational Video You Will Ever See!

He managed to catch the students attention but most of all he got them thinking cuz you can allways try that speech with a normal guy it will not work. Thumbs up ;)
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-11 107. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Subaru Outback: Lap 'n' Snack

I can't choose between the car or the lap'n'snack >:)
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+5 108. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Made by Cows

I like inventive ads like this it gives a brake from the usual ones :)
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+3 109. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Snowboarding POV

It all looks easy because he is good but I know for sure it's not as easy as it looks 8-) And now I can't wait to be on my skis a gain :S
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+28 110. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Hail Storm in Oklahoma City

You will not need a umbrella today but a helmet is not a bad idea >:)#3 INCOMING FAST
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0 111. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The Simpsons

Well I don't get this vid for the simple fact that I live in France and for that reason I only watch the simpsons in french :S . However I was surprised that Bart's voice was a women.
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0 112. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Frozen Grand Central

What if they feel like scratching their nose :S :D >:)
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+4 113. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video FAIL!

1:7 "and an other ne bites the dust" >:)all that seems very painfulll :S
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+6 114. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Doggy Beatboxing

If I wer that dog the guy would be missing a hand >:)
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+9 115. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Mass panic in Netherlands

More then the screaming moron I thind the reaction of the croud was out of proportion. I mean do you start running 0:16 or crie 0:53 when you hear someone scream ? I understand some of the familys got frightened because of kids but the rest of the people are just ... sheep. Ther is no other word. I do agree that the guy who screamed is a prick, and #2 that's what schould hapen to him.
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-7 116. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video One Trillion Dollars

Dis vid COULD have been interesting >:) if you cut the horrible voice and the lauzy parts and ad some muZic.
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+60 117. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Birds Cover A Parked Car

The latest High-tech car defense system 8-) . No one is going to steal his rid >:) .
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0 118. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Gabriel Iglesias - drunk driving

#15 same feeling . I love this guy :D
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+9 119. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Kopps - Benny's Dream II

A vid with cops and no donuts :O !?!
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+5 120. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Retired making pranks

LoooooooooooooL >:)
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+4 121. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Making the Google Chrome Speed Tests

Yea boriiiing >:)A lot of people to do it, Kainda makes the first vid look bad.
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+6 122. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Budlight Sleigh

"Do you smell barbecue ? ..." >:) I love Bud ads.
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0 123. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Roadside Assist in Uzbequistan

The car can almost not move on its owne so that's what happens when It goes big >:)
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+5 124. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Kittens and an Easter egg

#13 I agree too. :D #14 You call yourself "masturbator" and you talk about gay :S , nice.
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+4 125. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video milk explosion

Revenge is cold 8-) in this case it came straight out of the fridge >:)
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+6 126. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video bobtrack downhill skateboarding

I think ther is some kind of missunderstanding :D . #3 good question I guess it's a bike he is on, or maybe an other board.#4 HE(the scater) IS holding the cam part of the time.But you can see that some times ther is a guy behind him filming 1:21 . 8-)
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+6 127. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Groomsman Taken Out By Windmill

Yea :| don't try climbing on things if you don't know how to. Wait no go on it's funny >:)
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-2 128. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Unnecessary Censorship

**** me that was ****ing hilarious !!! :D
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+4 129. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy - Who Wants Chowder

#8 believe it or not I got the joke without the link.Ipecac is a natural extract wich trigers regurgitation.
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+10 130. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Smoke Inhalation

I'm going to be a firefighter :D .
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+2 131. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Woman parks car...

O so my mum isn't the worst car parker in the world that's good to know. ;)
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-2 132. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Non-circular gears and planetary gear.

#I was about to post the exact same question. >:)
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+7 133. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Honda U3-X a Sitting Segway

Hey wait that is alternative to walking :O how lazy is that.
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0 134. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video iPad Skateboard

Just give me the Ipad and keep to the normal skatboard :)
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+1 135. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

It's funny how the miseries of others make us feel good, and some of those people are really dumb >:) the rest are just unluky :S
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+2 136. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video One evil hamster

Looks like one of them is triing to catch up with the other one, and the other one is doing exactly the same thing. :D This could go on for ever >:) .
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+1 137. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Stop boring Hugh Laurie.

Is ther really that little to say about Hugh Laurie >:)
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+2 138. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Well, that's one way to play the guitar.

freestyle :D
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+1 139. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Where are they now?

Hilarious. 0:41 "Is this the Irak, do you have any maps such as" :D
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+7 140. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Cute Golf Juggling Girls

If I was the cameraman I would keep zooming in, but not on the ball. >:)
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+39 141. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Kill streak of a Darwin's Beetle

One more of nature's wonders. 4:3 but "she doesn't seem to be in the mood" lol
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+2 142. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video moto 2 crash

One could compare moto pilotes to sheep one falls they all fall >:) .
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-1 143. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Google chrome speed tests

#12 same for me. 1:54 and down goes the boat >:)
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+3 144. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Runaway street saw slices into side of house in Lorain

#1 excellent Lol :D . Did the guy get fired ?
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+2 145. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video New ASIMO learning capabilities

I-robot might not be a sience fiction movie any more in a few years.
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+21 146. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

Well ther might not be any damage to the back of the car but if you have a closs look at the wall you see it was breached from the inside. That means parking walls are not very solid.
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+11 147. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Another "Did You Know" Video

So if 70% of the facts are made up it means that 30% are not. I would very much like to know wich statments are true. 8-) #7 marmalade you can't comment a vid if you have not watched it. The last part of the vid says 70% of all that info is made up so they kainda did it on purpous.
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+18 148. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Cordyceps

Great footage and all very enterestin.
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0 149. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Merry-go-round of death

Old vid but each time I see it I can't stop myself from laughing. >:)
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0 150. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Best office prank *ever*

Very nice :D It must feel strange. #7 It means "What the fuck?"
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+2 151. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Skiing on one foot

From personal experience I know that is very hard. It's easy on one ski if you've got the other one still on, but on one ski and having lost the other one it's much harder. Question of counterbalance i think.
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+17 152. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Snake Bite Caught On Camera

I said AWE!!! twice.
-when her arm started swelling
-when i dicovred the price
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0 153. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

I have one thing to say. Marmalade you said we are all entitled to an opinion wich means we schould have some tolerance when other people express an opinion difrent from ours. Well you schould show a little more tolerance for what you see and hear to. This does not mean you schould not express your feelings but just not so harschly. It's all a question of diplomati.
Forgive me for the spelling mistakes, I am triing to emprove. :)
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-1 154. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Jet Lawnmower

I guess ther was a lot of work behind that project and it all ended in flames. It's like lego you bild you brake and you try again. :P
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+1 155. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Water drop falling in sand

It's funny how slomotion can make a faling drop interesting. 8-)
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-1 156. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Parliamentary voting in Russia

That is scary they get elected to represent citizans and they just have better things to do. Asimilar event took place at the french parlament in france cuz they wher all on holiday a dau early.
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-1 157. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Tornado forms in front of car.

1:33 Funny how the lady needs to get away from the tornado even when it's behind them.
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-2 158. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Seinfeld from a serious point of view.

Is this vid suposed to be funny or somthing cuz I obviously missed that part. >:)
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+7 159. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video High five etiquette.

Very instructive vid :D . #1 I couldn't have said it any better either.They managed to make it look scientific nice touch 8-) .
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+4 160. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Team Celebrates Too Early

Ther is not much to say. This scene has a pathetic side cuz you do feel bad for the losing team :S for just before you burst out laughing >:) .
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-1 161. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Smartphone domino

Thtat's some powerfull stuff. They have just given us the proof that italian workers are bored and don't know how to fill the blanks between lunch and cofee brake >:)
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0 162. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

Well we have got a battle going on all very long 2 diferent points of view but alittle long to read :D
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+3 163. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Exploding fireworks factory

Must have been hell inside.#5 exactly like popcorn.
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0 164. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Hydrogen fuel cell RC car kit

Yea it's all great but when do we see this technologie put into cars at a big scale.
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+2 165. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video 10 Million Birds

I hate the two birds who wake me up every morning, just imagine how it would be with 10 MILLION of them. >:)
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+7 166. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Need an upgrade!

Very good, and most of all "That's 12.99 please" 1:59 >:)
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+4 167. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Chuck Storm on the beat

Lol that only happens in movies that guy is blind
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+18 168. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Stevie the professional regurgitator...

Free willy. You know when wy see guys with crazy skillz on snotr one of the comments is ussually "I wish i could do that" or something similar but not for this one :D the skillz are ther but ther's no way i wish I could do taht >:)
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+1 169. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

#(removed comment) I think they are called the COASTAL CREW
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+3 170. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Table Slide Fail

Did that guy think he was going to jump over the table or is he realy dumb
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+2 171. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video The Transparent Car

Whell that's the best idea ever. Some people don't manage to avoid colored cars >:) so just imagine if all cars wer transparant. So yea produce massivly I want to see total chaos. Great ad very interesting for once 8-) .
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+3 172. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Nice camouflage

#7 very nice link and very interesting.
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+5 173. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video This is why you should pay your rent

Eat fish it's full of good stuff, like vitamines and plenty of other things. And if you forget to pay your rent once you won't forget twice. >:)
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+3 174. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Chubby Baby Does Weird Tile Slide!

I don't find this vid funny. And most comments are really fucked up. Let's see #(removed comment) that comment is scary what's going on in the guy's mind.
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+4 175. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Curious

That was before comercials became boring stupid and useless.
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+3 176. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video bunny hop flair

That's some skill and #20 marmalade extreme sports and girls are not imcompatible but i do agree they could of made BMX bikes a little biger. :P
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+5 177. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video annoying student

That teacher is on a rampage. Iwish i had some teachers like that school wouldn't be so boring.
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+5 178. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Serbian special forces

#(removed comment) I agree most countrys have effective special forces but it doesn't change the fact that you are a complete moron and you have a stupid name.
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+3 179. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Evangelical TV: Mom spanked the gay out of me

Just for the record not all kids pour sand down each others butcraks. 0:27
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+4 180. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Don't mess with Ukrainian lawmakers...

-Told you the umbrella was useless today.
-Oh you'd be surpised :D .
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+6 181. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Baby sitter

U can keep the baby I'll take the sitter. O:)
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+4 182. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Stunt City

Wher is this place? Cuz ... I'm movin' in!!! :D
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-1 183. scratchy commented 14 years ago on video Airbag Seat

At what point do you get so bored that u go out and do stupid usless things like that. :D