Comments posted by sealand


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+3 1. sealand commented 11 years ago on video Rare colour video of London in 1927

#4 Dunn & Co on Oxford Street in London was my first job in england. We did a roaring trade in hats there in the late 80's
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+1 2. sealand commented 12 years ago on video Bad tidings

And when all the planets in our solar system lined up in the 80's the earth was ripped apart... Good times.
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+3 3. sealand commented 12 years ago on video Tough Granny Takes a Hit

#3 I've been hit by a car and yes you do the strangest of things just after if your still concious. I got my puncture repair kit out and apparently tried to fix the puncture on my mangled back tyre. I was kneeling on my smashed up knees and then stood up and walked on a broken ankle. Adrenaline, best damn drug ever!
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0 4. sealand commented 13 years ago on video what happens to your bag when it goes behind the rubber flaps at check-in.

#3 what happens to your bag when it goes behind the rubber flaps at check-in. (with cameras attached)
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+2 5. sealand commented 13 years ago on video Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter

#2 What are you talking about?? Which part of Ireland do you live in?
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-1 6. sealand commented 13 years ago on video Speed Charcoal Drawing

#18 Generally you will start with the eyes. once you have them right every thing else falls in to place around them. It's the way I was thought.
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+28 7. sealand commented 14 years ago on video Rats laugh when you tickle them.

It never ceases to amaze me when people realise that animals are sentient beings that do more than just exist to eat and mate. I don't know what this guy was smoking when the idea to tickle rats as a scientific study came to him but some one needs to fund him so that he can help us understand better the emotions and feelings of other animals.
::(|) ::(|) ::(|) For him
::(|) ::(|) ::(|) For the clip
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+27 8. sealand commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

I'm having a bad day so seeing people hurt themselves is comforting in a perverse sort of way >:)
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+33 9. sealand commented 14 years ago on video Chubby cuppy cake boy

That is so wrong :'(
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0 10. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson fail

Damn gravity pockets! :D
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+3 11. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Puppy can't roll back over

Before everyone starts shouting for animal welfare would you not consider that maybe the ball of fur actually likes chilling out on his back?! I have a dog and two cats, some times they just do strange things for the hell of it. It's one of the reasons people keep pets, they all have little quirks and can always make you smile
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-3 12. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

#(removed comment) I'm not dishing anything out, just stating fact. We could all have multiple accounts for giving thumbs down, your a sad little man and by the way regardless of what you think smilies doesn't automatically make everything you say amusing.
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-3 13. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

#18 I clean up after my dog
#(removed comment) cock sucker as always
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+11 14. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

There is a saying in Ireland, He/she deserves to be shot with a ball of there own shite. What idiot looked at the family pet one day and thought, "I've had a brainwave!" Following that how the hell did they then manage to find another idiot stupid enough to produce the damn thing. Life! Just when you think you have been around long enough not to get that surprised at what people can come up with... Someone comes up with a bag for your dog's arse! How the fuck did we become the dominant species??
Now if any one wants to come round and try put that contraption on my pit bull, I'll set up the video camera. You'll be viral in a matter of hours
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+29 15. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Hold your breath

#3 Ya think??? Personally I can split myself in half and send my legs to the shop with a note in my pocket so the top half can stay home to watch TV
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-4 16. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Super Bowl 2009 commercials

I was gonna run out and get some doritios, changed my mind
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+1 17. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Giant vortex gun

#2 They changed that story. The wolf said, "I'll huff and puff and blow your house down". The little pig said, "Fuck off or I'll sneeze on you"
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+3 18. sealand commented 15 years ago on video India - A lot of skilled driver

#7 I got my first driving license when I was working in Trinidad in the 80's. It was pretty much like that in Port-of-Spain. I think the license was issued on ability to break, hand gesticulation and colorful insults shouted out your window.
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+6 19. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Clapping Orchestra Makes Rain Sounds

Yep! Sounds real. That pretty much exactly what we've been listening to for the past 3 days.... In August which is meant to be our best month here. :(
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-3 20. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Studying English

#(removed comment) No just yours you stereo typical racist. I have no desire to interact with you.
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-3 21. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Studying English

#16 He's the type of person that makes the rest of the world hate his country. He seems to think smilies make him funny, BTW I'm Irish too, not one of those "plastic ones", Born and raised here
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+1 22. sealand commented 15 years ago on video The worlds fastest...

#8 Maybe, maybe not. He was posted on Snotr before and the general consensus from viewers was that he is an arrogant self absorbed asshole.
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+2 23. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

The circuit of Ireland drove past my house years ago. My strongest memory of the whole thing was seeing a complete windscreen sailing through the air towards me from a car that hit a wall after taking a corner too fast.
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+4 24. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

If this get's anyway amusing from 2.59 will some one let me know 'cause that was as much as I could stand
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+6 25. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Effective alarm clock

If someone pumped the compressor to max ya think it could smack him against the ceiling? Now that would be worth watching! >:)
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0 26. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Failing long-haired rollerblader

I could have saved him the self inflicted pain and knocked some sense in to him with a baseball bat after the second fail
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-3 27. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Super cow

Doesn't really make sense to me. By the look of the animal you could process twice the amount of beef from one of those monsters, is it not a bit like putting all your eggs in one basket. Two normal size cows probably eat the same as one of those. If you loose one of them you still have beef.
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-9 28. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Laziness is the mother of invention

Dumb ass lazy American, another five years he'll be washing with a rag on a stick
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0 29. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Flying Pitbulls

I have a pit and would love to try this with her. The only down side I can see is some poor unsuspecting person suddenly having only three tires on there car as they drive past my house :S
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+1 30. sealand commented 15 years ago on video The Keyboard Cat

Only made it 1.28 in to this.
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+4 31. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Sweet mini pig

I kindly request that snotr remove this video! My wife comes here to watch the clips and I'm damned if I'm having a pig in the house with all the other bloody animals. Woke up face to face with a pit bull this morning, she could have done with a breath mint, (We nearly divorced over the loris clips)
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+19 32. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Extremely long tongue

#3 They aint thinking about the kissing
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-7 33. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Don't bully your dog

Dog is goD spelled backwards.
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0 34. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling 2009

The English have a special type of crazy all to themselves.
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+8 35. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Transforminators

What would we do without people with way to much time on there hands.
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+7 36. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Pygmy Jerboa

Well there's a kick in the ass from nature. WTF happened? Looks like they ran out of bodies and just stuck some legs to a head? 'Dude! No one will notice. Now lets figure out what we can do with this T.H.C stuff!'
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+21 37. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Badass police dog

I'm going to be good from now on
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+7 38. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Karate Boy vs Chicken

That's right! Run you little bastard
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0 39. sealand commented 15 years ago on video Duck and Cover

I'm still not sure what I'm meant to do with the duck :S
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+6 40. sealand commented 15 years ago on video How traffic jams are caused

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+5 41. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The boy with the incredible brain

I have not logged on as a member here for quiet a while because old fart/usanumber1 is an ass hole that just gets on my goat and again he offends.
My youngest son has a learning difficulty. Give him a math problem and he will solve it without a pen and paper. The best old fart/usanumber1 can do for this vid is throw a pointless insult.

Shame on you!!

The only joy you seem to have in life is insulting other people because you are under the impression that you come from a superior race...

NEWS FLASH!!!! you come from a country of mongrels and your attitude is one of the reasons that your country is hated by most of the world.

To every one else. I have enjoyed this site and thank you for educating and entertaining me but it is time for me to leave.

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0 42. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Tricks for treats

maybe there feeding them the babies that USAFucknut was talking about in an earlier post
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+2 43. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

Proved what? that your self righteous ramblings piss people so much that you stop people from thinking straight. you are the shit on humanities shoe
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+2 44. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#36 apologies I meant #(removed comment). that wanker irritates me so much I cant think straight
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+1 45. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#36 what else is there to do with you you self opinionated irritating fucking shit head. You are an idiot, you come from a country full of idiots and no one cares what you think any more and again fuck off and die
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+2 46. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#(removed comment) do the world a favour and fuck off and die
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0 47. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Idiot of the year?

Bet he voted for bush >:)
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+1 48. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Information overload

#(removed comment) You are the reason people dislike americans
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+3 49. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Accident collection

this is a rip off of an earlier post
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+3 50. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Hungry hamster

Cover him in caramel and chocolate and hey presto, candy bar >:)
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+1 51. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Scary banana

Heart attack from fruit >:)
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+1 52. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Skater vs security guard

this guy is probably on min wage taking shit from snot nosed shit head kids every day. should have hit him harder
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+1 53. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Fasten your seat belt

Fairly mild compared to some of the road safety ad's they have here in Ireland. They don't pull any punches. They show in graphic detail what happens in car accidents
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+2 54. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Catch of the year

Is this a viral for Scotch Tape. Have no idea about the game but that was impressive. Super Spidie Hands. #11 the padding allows rougher, harder tackling. If someone tackled me like that on the rugby pitch, I'd kick them senseless after they let me out of hospital.
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+2 55. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Reporter on a roller coaster

#11 Not voluntary, ITN network forced her. 'Rachel if you don't do this essential piece of journalism we will be forced to remove the stick of Britishness from your ass and beat you with it!'
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+3 56. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Copying Goes Wrong

#12 Tits big and heavy enough to break toughened glass? They sound nasty
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0 57. sealand commented 16 years ago on video World fastest clapper

some chat up line... 'Hey there darling, I have a clap certificate'...... Twat >:)
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0 58. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

The helmets are a health and safety issue, totally dumb I know but those good old bureaucrats are like roaches, there one and then there every where. I have been on construction sites in Dublin doing painting jobs where ladders are not allowed. If it's too high to reach you have to use the electric lift.
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+2 59. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Craig Ferguson takes U.S. citizenship test

Does the fat ass and heart disease arrive in the post with your green card?
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+2 60. sealand commented 16 years ago on video A dog attacks a shark

my pit bull's afraid of cat's. she would have a breakdown if she saw a shark. Sharks can drown, they need to keep moving or it dies due to lack of oxygen... why am I trying to explain this, it's the internet. look it up
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+17 61. sealand commented 16 years ago on video How to scare the sh*t out of someone

#1 Shit Censored? you fucking kidding or what
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+5 62. sealand commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

Children!! Enough with the name calling or your all grounded. We all think we come from the best country and we all have our own views. Mister number1 (Hi ya doin dude) and myself got stuck in to each other over this a while back, gets you no where just pisses you off and makes you shout at your computer..

Deep breath.........


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-1 63. sealand commented 16 years ago on video WipeOut - Big Balls

My turn my turn myturn!!!!
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0 64. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Drunk people compilation

ya think that seeing people in this state would cure the rest of us of the demon drink... but no, we soldier on with the war on liver. Humans, how did we rise to the top??? :|
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+6 65. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Waterfall Printer

ok found it on gizmodo but thanks guys
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+5 66. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Guiness Good Times

not showing this on Irish tv. Mmmmmmmmm.. Wonder why!?!

And to all the numbnuts who keep posting position in the list as a comment. GET A LIFE!!
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-5 67. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Waterfall Printer

can someone explain the science behind this please
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0 68. sealand commented 16 years ago on video British aircraft marshalling

Mr Number1, scene of humour!?! Love it!
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+2 69. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Modified BMX

Barf bag optional
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+2 70. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The worlds happiest street cleaner

This guy saw the "Elephant handler fail" clip and figured life could be worse
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0 71. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Pregnancy + alcohol

For the love of God will no one save the vodka
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0 72. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Interestingly trained dog

love it! My pit bull charged across a guys bare ass one night in the park just as he was about to get down to some serious business with his girl friend. They weren't as understanding as the people in this clip >:)
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0 73. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Amazing river surfing

There is a river in England that surfers use on high tide. the sea level rises an incredible 20 meters pushing big waves up river
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0 74. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Jaguar vs Anaconda

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-2 75. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Wipeout - Funny new game show

Stupid americans
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-1 76. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Funny Heineken Commercial

Great add for the foulest tasting crap in the world
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+1 77. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Elephant Handler Fail

Next time I'm having a bad day, I'll just remember this moment and things wont look so dark, well not as dark as the inside of an elephants ass.
Good job it didn't think it was having a crap and pinch...

Something to ponder for the day. If s%*h wasn't tapered would your ass close with a bang?
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+1 78. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Hedgehog making funny faces

Sweet :)
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+7 79. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?


Do you ever get tired of talking bollox?
In your opinion you live in the greatest country in the world

The rest of us couldn't give a toss
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+4 80. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?

My Comment. That wad deadly... My wife's comment, You think he'd have learned to dance by now...
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+1 81. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The costs of war

This type of war can never be won, it's just an exercise in inflicting damage on each other. Look at history, Russia had to pull out of Afghanistan, America had to walk away from Vietnam, England had to pull out of most of Ireland. Powerful countries throw there might at poor farmers and fall flat on there face. Most of the battles they fight are against people who know there land intimately, they move in inflict damage and are gone back to there normal lives in a heart beat. My great grandfather was a member if the IRA during the occupation of Ireland by England in the early part of the last century, he went about his daily business after spending the morning being a sniper, he spent his life under the noses of the occupiers never getting caught. Unless you want to line every one up, men, women and children in Iraq and shoot them there will never be an end to this. Better America bring there troops home now and use them and the money they save to better the lives of all Americans within there borders
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+3 82. sealand commented 16 years ago on video scientology

are you implying that Mr Cruise is a little nutsie cukoo?
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+1 83. sealand commented 16 years ago on video How to torment telemarketers with one word

I've had my share of shit jobs. still feel sorry for that guy. A person does it once and thinks it's funny. the poor fucker on the other end has to listen to that crap dozens of time a day.
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-2 84. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Aircraft and explosions

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0 85. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Ball girl makes incredible catch

kleven. you'd snot yourself if you tried that
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-1 86. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Aircraft and explosions

people died in that footage, would you lot get a grip and stop all talking bull shit
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+1 87. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Unbelievable horse

redneck pikeys
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+5 88. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Amazing spray paint art

a guy was painting like that in the early 80's on Grafton St in Dublin
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+5 89. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Amazing spray paint art

a guy was painting like that in the early 80's on Grafton St in Dublin
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0 90. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Four kittens playing with a soda box

my wife had 14 of the little critters in the house from 2 litters. they wrecked the gaff but it was fun watching them
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0 91. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Man gets stabbed with sword but doesn't bleed

Cringe factor of 10+
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+1 92. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Are men better than women?

some one is not going to get laid for a long long time
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+1 93. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The Muppets - Mana mana

Thank you. I think I pee'd a little bit. Going to wake up laughing. Would love yo see the original again
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+5 94. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant prank - No reflection in mirror

Second last woman looked like she's a bit of a moon cookie without messing with her head
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+2 95. sealand commented 16 years ago on video How to draw Stewie from Family Guy

He's using a "Sharpie" marker pen.
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+4 96. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The "wake up" cat

:D You :D crack :D me :D up :D
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+4 97. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Frozen Grand Central

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+1 98. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Gunfire prank

As Bob Marley said after someone tried to shoot him. "I turn me side ways an make me self smaaall." Under the bed covers it, if I was there he would have needed to find somewhere else to hide, would have bet him to it
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+2 99. sealand commented 16 years ago on video The Ray Gun In Action

Police state just got a little bit closer :(
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0 100. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

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+8 101. sealand commented 16 years ago on video How not to park your car

if you clog up cities with suv's jeeps and huge cars,this clip is karma comin' to bite you on the ass... GO KARMA!!!
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+5 102. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Mimicking bird

Shared a house with 5 people and all our mobiles had diffrent ring tones, the starlings could mimic all of them, they dont seem so clever now
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+25 103. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Funny cats

I have 2 cats and a dog, they make you smile every day and beat the hell out of watching tv
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+5 104. sealand commented 16 years ago on video Cat massage

One of my cat's does this with my pit bull. cracks me up every time :D