Comments posted by sfry513


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+3 1. sfry513 commented 11 years ago on video What happens to a coffee cup at 2300 meters depth in the ocean...

not what I was expecting.
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+2 2. sfry513 commented 11 years ago on video A proper "HOLY SHIT" moment

in snow the GoPro does not give a really good depth perception either that was probably a lot steeper than it looked.
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0 3. sfry513 commented 11 years ago on video Car Horn wired to Brake Lights

I remember doing that to the turn signal on my friends car
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0 4. sfry513 commented 11 years ago on video Bird singing dubstep

I think they broke there bird
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+3 5. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Please Move The Deer Crossing Sign

I couldn't believe this when I heard it on the radio, then I really couldn't believe it when I found out the person is from the same area as me
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+1 6. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video FedEx aircraft movements

no wonder it takes forever to get something from fedex hardly anything goes through grand forks.
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+6 7. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Bulldozer operator must wear some big pants....

#2 that's true they are heroes and you never here of them, just like where I'm from 3 guys went out to break an ice jam in the river with an excavator chained to a bulldozer, one guy on the excavator another on the bulldozer and a 3rd guy to hold a torch to cut the chain if the excavator started to fall in. saved the town and didn't even get a mention in the local news.
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+2 8. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video What went wrong ???

#7 they are fun events to go to as long as you have some common sense you wouldn't get hurt. like not stand 2 feet from the event
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+7 9. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Show-off Failed

this could be a win, he did have 2 good looking girls on top of him
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+6 10. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Archery - Fast Shooting

do it with a 70 pound bow and I'll be impressed
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+8 11. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Secret Pool

they should make a hot tub version.
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+2 12. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made: Drill Bits

#6 putty looks like shit
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+2 13. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Fire Tornado

what did they use for the fire it didn't look like they had any wood in there
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+5 14. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation July 2012

I don't think 8:55 is a fail
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+3 15. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

#16 are you retarded if someone is killed I'm pretty sure there will be a report on it
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+1 16. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Queensland Australia Flash Flood

I can't believe people would think that letting the air out of the tires will cause a vehicle to not float...
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-13 17. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

this just shows if more people had there permit to carry a concealed weapon there would be less crime, your less likely to rob someone if you know they also have a gun
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-1 18. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video BBQ Chip Bandits...Busted

#7 I think those are for dogs...
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+2 19. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video 500 Magnum vs Watermelons

now you gun is going to get all sticky
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+1 20. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Federer said 113 mph, Agassi Did 114!

#4 a newspaper could probably kill you if you get hit right in the head
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0 21. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Graphene: Strongest Material on Earth

I'm almost positive ricers will want Graphene hoods now.
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+1 22. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Fixing An Old Engine Stop Motion

why such a large flywheel for such a small clutch?
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-1 23. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Craneception

must be a verizon commercial
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0 24. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video The Ultimate Zombie Destroyer

#20 that is what they are made for...
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+3 25. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Unintentional Flying Tents

I guess everyone forgot their tent stakes
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+23 26. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Cats with CH

this could be funnier if they were trying to use the litter box
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+1 27. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Blonde and parking

one day a blonde backed the car out of the garage perfectly...the only problem being it was the morning after her husband had backed the car into the garage
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0 28. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Solution for global warming...

#3 your idea of a air conditioner would never work because you would never be able to build pressure, you need an inline restriction to go from high pressure to low pressure you can not just simply change pipe size.
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+3 29. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Snow Bomb

#9 I think its harder than you think to clean the top of a semi as there usually are not any ladders on enclosed trailers
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+20 30. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video A Liberal Prison System - Bastoy Island, in the fjord of Oslo, Norway

murder someone and get a free vacation, sounds like a pretty good deal
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-7 31. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video 16 week labrador retriever puppy dog training and tricks

that dog is going to be obese in a month
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+6 32. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Big tornado close call

He should probably get closer to get a better appreciation for this
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+5 33. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Money and imagination makes for a cool garage

I like that he has a snap on tool box, that will probably never be used either.
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+3 34. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Vacuum Cleaning Fail

man they think of everything hoseless vacuum cleaners, never thought I'd see the day
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+2 35. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video boy knows how to do it, with persistence

that move doesn't work at the bar either
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+30 36. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Dubai Airport Flash Mob

and now everyone is late for their flight
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+86 37. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video How Not To Change Lanes

I believe that should be the only way to change lanes
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+6 38. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Barrel Explosions Party

is this there militia's artillery training
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+3 39. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Ball Control

he has way to much time to play with his balls
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+3 40. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video World's luckiest deer

someone should tell the hunter you only have to lead your target when its moving
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+6 41. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Whipper snapper

thank you #14 for converting mph to meters per second
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+26 42. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video World Earthquakes Visualization Map 2011

didn't understand most of that but it looks like japan would not be a good place to live
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-2 43. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video There are many ways to open a bottle of beer

I believe 1:16 is a federal offense
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+2 44. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Moms' tips for baby sleep

my mom just gave me NyQuil.
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+1 45. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

impressive just to get traction with that much power lots of skill to keep traction
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+2 46. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Girl can say any word backwards!

I bet she can't say anna backwards
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+2 47. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Insane Trapeze Acrobat Hanging off a Helicopter!

I guess OSHA does not exist there
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+2 48. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video WW2 - German Railway guns in action

only see one problem with that design, you can't aim right or left....might be a problem
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+6 49. sfry513 commented 12 years ago on video Grizly Bear Cub & Wolf Cub Playing

its all fun and games until someone gets ate
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+4 50. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Truck driver

the truck driver was just trying to get the guy behind him off his tail
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+8 51. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Golf Cart

I didn't know Toyota made golf carts
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+1 52. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video The Universe

0:34 best part
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0 53. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Carving a pumpkin with fire

This the reason why kids don't want to sit in the front of the class, awesome video tho
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+1 54. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Girl in Toyota Supra

i want a car that can do that
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-2 55. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 5

i think they need to stop giving drivers licenses out on the back of cereal boxes and teach drivers how to use the brake before they get in a crash
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+2 56. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Insurance scam fail

#9 why did you put a bull bar on a Toyota pickup?
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+1 57. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Bus Barrier Test FAIL

designer of guard rail: don't worry we are perfectly safe here no way a bus could make it through that...
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0 58. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Duck and luck.

i can't believe they stood there that long to video tape that
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+7 59. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video 720 fail

he forgot to stop spinning
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+2 60. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video How to wash clothes on a washing machine without electricity

alright now spin cycle
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+1 61. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video 100 Greatest Shut Ups in Films

i couldn't just be the top 10 shut ups in film then it wouldn't feel like a complete waste of time to watch half of it
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0 62. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Kid Attempts to Punch Through Board

you still have another had try it again
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-2 63. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Glowing Rims on a BMW 7 Series

this video just made me hate BMW even more
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+2 64. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Bottle Rocket

i know what i'm doing at work tomorrow >:)
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0 65. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Janet and Kathy throat singing between classes

#9 thats probably that would make a great name if they were a band...please welcome the throat infections
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+1 66. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Kilian Martin: A Skate Illustration

awesome video... but i want to see bloopers also
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+4 67. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Freetraining

was anyone else hoping he would over jump and get ripped off the train by something
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+2 68. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Secret Knock Detecting Lock

i like how its made of PVC pipe and suction cups...i hope he has a video of him trying to get in his apartment but the suction cups fell off
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0 69. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

here i though it was only the asians in america that were horrible drivers...proved me wrong
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+4 70. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Playground Fail Compilation

it won't let me like this enough
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+1 71. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Captain Awesome!

this is the reason bottle rockets are illegal in North Dakota, hopefully they don't take away other fireworks now too
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+1 72. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War

i guess someone forgot to tighten the U-Bolts
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+5 73. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Do you smoke ?

Visual Horse Power, gotta love diesels
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+1 74. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Russian truck KAMAZ going per.... river?

i am impressed that motor didn't hydrolock
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+1 75. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Glasses-Free 3D Display for iPad 2

amazing how a 3d screen looks the same as a regular 2d screen on here
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+4 76. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Mission Impossible Squirrel

squirrel: this guy always has the best nuts.
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+2 77. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video How to make a big bang..

here is an easier way to do the same thing get a 5 gallon bucket and 1 firecracker
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+1 78. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Guy falls from top of mountain

so did the girl follow him or did someone else get him
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+19 79. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Monkeys vs Trunks

i bet that guy is rich from that sexual harassment lawsuit
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0 80. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Duck Downhill Marathon

duck, duck, duck, GOOSE!
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+3 81. sfry513 commented 13 years ago on video Releasing a truckload of pigeons in 15 seconds

forget clay pigeons lets use real ones....PULL