Comments posted by sharkpoofie


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+10 1. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Omni-Ball why is it presented as something new? even guys from mythbusters have one of those linked in wiki. :D
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0 2. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Why marijuana is illegal...

#12 yes, totaly agree, but the junkies are trying to legalize high-THC hemp and are arguing with low-THC hemp as the best plant in the world.
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-2 3. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Why marijuana is illegal...

wait wait wait! why is he talking about hemp and marihuana? those are totaly different plants. One has high THC levels and hemp contains extremely low concentrations of THC. In europe we do grow hemp... but the junkies are always interchanging these two plants!
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+3 4. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Ken Block sno-trax

Future reporting in! :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+6 5. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Sperm Whale Explodes

The last deadly fart! :x
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+4 6. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video How we conquered the deadly smallpox virus

#3 dont worry :) there is trend amond young uneducated mothers/fathers that vaccination is harmful* and they are refusing to vaccinate their children, and yet they don't fully understand how vaccination is working

*yes vaccination can be harmful too, but what will kill you sooner? a viral/bacterial disease or the vaccine, and the statistics are pointing to the disease
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+6 7. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Bank robbery in Hungary

sadly, most of the times the security guard in banks there are either old people or lazy fat people.
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+6 8. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Toy Car does 329 KPH

#5 That is how salami is made :D
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+2 9. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video 4-Way Stop Vs. Roundabout

In my country in europe we had a small town where we allways had traffic jams during morining and evening. But then the city decided to change all of the important (and big) intersections with roundabouts (usualy smaller ones) and since then there are no traffic jams. The traffic is not necesseraly allways faster, but much much smoother. But traffic speed improved.

So roundabouts are supperior! :(|)
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+6 10. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video 10 Awesome Vinegar Tricks

for the people who think about the smell, yes, vinegar does smell bad. But once it evaporates it doesn't leave any odor behind
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-1 11. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Extreme Couponing to Feed the Hungry

why doesn't he use a x-acto knife? he would cut the coupons much faster :)
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+10 12. sharkpoofie commented 11 years ago on video Digital Carjackers Show Off New Attacks

#3 i would be impressed if they did this whithout taking apart half of the car in the process :D