Comments posted by sircam


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0 1. sircam commented 13 years ago on video Machine drills square holes in metal.

Yep PowerRangers, thats all!
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+1 2. sircam commented 13 years ago on video The Minigun

I hear voices in my head but they speak Russian! FPS rocks baby yee haa!
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+5 3. sircam commented 14 years ago on video Russell Peters

He had a click in his name! Ha Ha, shit hot!
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0 4. sircam commented 14 years ago on video What?

Aussies again! Takin' over the world soon we are! :D
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-4 5. sircam commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened caught up in their own self importance, MORONS! There are other parts of the world you know you dumb arseholes! Can't even get their own shit correct but are the most 'powerful' country on earth. Is that not disturbing to anyone? Fuckwits! :D
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-2 6. sircam commented 14 years ago on video Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song(s)

Aussies again, shit we are good and bloody clever considering we're all convicts! Yee Haa! :D
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+2 7. sircam commented 14 years ago on video Incendiary Burnout

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi! Yea baby, Don't care what you greenies say, we rock! This is a yearly comp held in Canberra and is THE no.1 car exhibition show on earth! Us Aussies do it better and don't care what the rest of the world thinks so stick it you greenie suckers! :D
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+2 8. sircam commented 14 years ago on video Curling

Us Aussies are great aren't we? They had no idea! This has been played over and over and over on Australian T.V., it is an Australian Morning T.V. show. Funny huh?
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-5 9. sircam commented 14 years ago on video New SuperHero

Flying glass breaking, jeep jumping, all exploding horse. Movie title extraordinaire. Yee Haa! WTF!
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+4 10. sircam commented 15 years ago on video What Virgin mean?

Very clever! My 9 year old has just asked the same question. (Not the 'Extra Virgin' part though), and now i sort of know how to answer. >:)
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+8 11. sircam commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

A couple of years ago, he was persecuted for being a child molester, most hated him. Now he's celebrated just because he is dead? What the hell happened, he still molested kids. If I had my kids touched by him he would have been dead long ago and I'd be in jail. Obviously those commenting positively about him don't have kids. :(
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-3 12. sircam commented 15 years ago on video Idiot dancing in room

we sure this dude isn't retarded? >:)
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-16 13. sircam commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Truckers on European Highway

And maybe aliens come and probe the truck drivers who lose an unexplained 24 hours from their lives too! Come on, they're just rockin' off their box, uppers and coke will do that to you, goes to show truckers are crazy no matter what country it is. Any truckers watching......screw u stuffing up our roads and highways. 'WITHOUT TRUCKS AUSTRALIA STOPS', More like 'WITH TRUCKS THE WORLD IS STUFFED'! :P
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+20 14. sircam commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Truckers on European Highway

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-2 15. sircam commented 15 years ago on video China's spacewalk was fake?

Why do the Yanks think that they can be the only ones to do anything in the world before or better then anyone else? Look at your economy you asses! ;)
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+3 16. sircam commented 16 years ago on video How a rock band chart sounds on real drums

Mike Portnoy, the drummer of Dream Theater is one of the best drummers going around, seen him live when he toured with G3 a couple of years ago and he stole the show. AWESOME! :D