Comments posted by smacky


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-3 1. smacky commented 8 years ago on video Slap contest

#2 #5 #7 #8 #10 It's a game. Get the idea? MMA is a game too. K1 is a game too. Some games include violence. Get over it.
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-1 2. smacky commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

That's actually how dogs are being born in Russia. Might actually call that a Hell Hound!
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+1 3. smacky commented 8 years ago on video Blacksmiths of Modern Times ( Snotr Category Week )

#2 dying? Not so much, maybe not so advertised but still there are alot of blacksmiths out there. Here in Italy we got alot since people are in love with hand made gates, bedframes and what so.
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0 4. smacky commented 9 years ago on video You're Doing It All Wrong - How to Sauce Pasta

#1 I'm not even going to waste my time.
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+11 5. smacky commented 10 years ago on video London Tube Nightclub

Well done lads! At least they are not drinking or harming anyone, just having a bit of fun
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+11 6. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Microneedles

I expected leprechauns with this clip.
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+5 7. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Road rage takes an unexpected turn

#6 not staged, the guy that got a beating wanted to do an insurance scam.
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+30 8. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Road rage takes an unexpected turn

After the death of Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse took the wrong turn into picking his entourage.
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+3 9. smacky commented 10 years ago on video The Unstealable Bike by Yerka Project (Prototype)

#5 But if you manage to get a locksystem on the bike wheels like some car wheels have, that would save alot of trouble.

*edit* and then the thief out of anger cuts/punctures/vandalizes the whole bike.
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+2 10. smacky commented 10 years ago on video How the Dutch handle heavy rain...

#3 Softer. Softer ride! The houses are completely full there!
Very gently driving at 10-15 km / h. But not harder! WTF!

Thank you Google Translate.
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+3 11. smacky commented 10 years ago on video E-Cigs: The X Games of Vaping

Propylene Glycol (PG): Our Propylene Glycol is high quality pharmaceutical grade. Propylene Glycol dilutes the mixture to the correct viscosity and helps to produce the ‘throat hit’ in combination with nicotine and flavors. As a guide, our pre-mixed e-liquids contain a mixture of 80% Propylene Glycol and 20% Glycerine.

Vegetable Glycerine (VG): In its raw state this is a thick viscous liquid. Glycerine helps to produce greater vapor and adds a little sweetness to the mixture. As a guide, our premixed e-liquids contain a mixture of 80% Propylene Glycol and 20% Glycerine.

Aqueous Glycerine (AG): Our Aqueous Glycerine is high quality pharmaceutical grade, and is diluted with de-ionised water to the correct viscosity so that the e-liquid does not become too thick and this is what is used when mixing your own e-liquid at home.

Versus Cigarettes

Acetone – found in nail polish remover
Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye
Ammonia – a common household cleaner
Arsenic – used in rat poison
Benzene – found in rubber cement
Butane – used in lighter fluid
Cadmium – active component in battery acid
Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes
Formaldehyde – embalming fluid
Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid
Lead – used in batteries
Naphthalene – an ingredient in moth balls
Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel
Nicotine – used as insecticide
Tar – material for paving roads
Toluene - used to manufacture paint

There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous.
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+2 12. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Just how tough is Security Glass?

But will it blend?
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+4 13. smacky commented 10 years ago on video League of legends, A new dawn

Conclusion, Darius OP, need 3v1 and 3 ulti to take him down :O
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+23 14. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Very cool Russian motorcycle

Shut up and take my money!
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+3 15. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Jamaican kid makes a bike out of 2 lighters

Untill he grows up and finds out a new passion in botany O:)
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+8 17. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Un-pickable lock with an amazing design

Battery Powered AngleGrinder. Thank you for my new bike.
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+12 18. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Fingersnapping the Super Mario theme

He must have alot of time on his hands...
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+21 19. smacky commented 10 years ago on video Why you shouldn't turn off the light at night

I didn't plan to sleep anyway tonight.
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+5 20. smacky commented 11 years ago on video Longboard Girl Hits Cow

Thats why you don't leave cows unattended.
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+32 21. smacky commented 11 years ago on video New high-tech car theft device showing up in the US

Sonic Screwdriver.
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+7 22. smacky commented 11 years ago on video Unique Nissan Patrol with Steering in the Middle

#11 *Dubai

*flies away*
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+13 23. smacky commented 11 years ago on video Kitchen is a safer place for you, sweetheart!

#(removed comment) you lost my sandwich on your way back.
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+6 24. smacky commented 11 years ago on video This FBI agent didn't need to climb the fence

#7 maybe because not everybody is a spoiled brat like you and some people still have old school TV's
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-3 25. smacky commented 11 years ago on video Is it better to walk or run in the rain?

Mythbusters made it more fun !
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+10 26. smacky commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

#(removed comment) The filming was done at night and the burglars approach the truck with all the lights turned off. The trucker can not possibly check what happenes behind. Plus the truck is being slowed by another vehicle driving in front of it.
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+58 27. smacky commented 13 years ago on video Kid in Guitar Store

I choose this kid over Justin Bieber. Fact.
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+33 28. smacky commented 13 years ago on video Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia

Fake. He got himself into trouble for this. The "alien" is made from chicken skin, meat and bread.
Police arrested him for this.
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-4 29. smacky commented 13 years ago on video Air Show

WW2 airfights would had been much more interesting if the pilots would had been skilled like this guy :O 10 monkey heads for him!!!! :(|)
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+19 30. smacky commented 13 years ago on video Star Trek door at home

Good to replace the *squeek* of a rusty old door with a *puff*
Gotta be pretty annoying late at night
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+1 31. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Finding a Way To Escape the Crisis

P.S. so please don't call them ROMANIANS or any other nationality. We had the big disgrace of having them in our land... and now we cannot get rid of them.
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+14 32. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Voytek: The Soldier Bear

Awsome animal-human friendship ! No wonder he became the mascott with so many friends ^^
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+45 33. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Parking Difficulty Solved

Simple. Ingenious. This could be the future solution for parking problems.
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+89 34. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Exchange t-shirts?

The smell of victory...
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+1 35. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Volcano Lava

Like #4 said, this makes me want to touch it, it's so wierd but yet so cool!
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+11 36. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Albino Squirrels in Olney..

They look like lab rats/mice. Wonder if that happens if you take normal squirrel and put it in bleach?
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+55 37. smacky commented 14 years ago on video 3 euro joke

This is so evil. I have to do it! Poor Barman was stunned
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0 38. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Diffusion cloud chamber.

That's awsome. What does it do?
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+9 39. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Nice Day for a Kickabout

You gotta love Romania :D
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+32 40. smacky commented 14 years ago on video PR2 Robot Fetches Beer from the Refrigerator

"PR2, making the lazy fat Americans even fatter, call now and receive the WTF Blanket ( for free!" ::(|)
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+4 41. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Lucid Movement: Slow motion compilation reel

Makes you want to just go out, run in the happy because you are alive and able to think, speak and love! This vid is plain awsome and there could have not been better music for it than this!
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+45 42. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Support Crane Needs Support

When you unload a 40ton crane at an angle of 45° just know it's going to happen.
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+4 43. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Shaolin Kung Fu

#(removed comment) guns are for sissies, just like the one in the guy messing at the club vid. But it's sissies like that that shoot and kill you. Having a gun doesn't make you any better. Since the invention of crossbows, they saw the destructive power and accuracy and easyness to use.
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+25 44. smacky commented 14 years ago on video The stupid Cup - Remi Gaillard

The begin was fun, thought he would support the local team. But in the end it turned out to be a disaster. What a shame... Would had been nice to see Le Crest win with all that supporting :D
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+21 45. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Drunk guy vs pole

Stop giving us clues of what is going to happen, Snotr...u'r ruining all the fun of watching a video >_>
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+9 46. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Cat Machine Gun

you can see him hugging the cat and kissing the cat after he did that... do you really think he hates the poor kitty? i've seen worse...people playing football with cats, people eviscerating cats for fun, cutting their heads for satanic rituals, skinning them alive... this is not cruel, trust me.
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+12 47. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Snotr gets a mention on RayWilliamJohnson

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+38 48. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Police Sledding On Riot-Shield

#(removed comment) really difficult to spot the English accent, right?
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0 49. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Are we the baddies?

Pure german accent ROFL
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0 50. smacky commented 14 years ago on video How to make thermite

Energy Drinks.. You never know when it gives you plenty of it!
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+9 51. smacky commented 14 years ago on video OUCH!

-He deserves that, maybe even worse.-
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-6 52. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Amazing LED setup

I didn't know I had a Nightclub ! :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-4 53. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Voca People

rate ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) / 10
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0 54. smacky commented 14 years ago on video Broken skateboard takes revenge

why is there a rat running around at 0:07 ?

and especially, where does it disappear? O.o