Comments posted by smee420


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+1 1. smee420 commented 12 years ago on video Giant slingshot insanity

#6: The guy's name is Joerg Sprave, his Youtube channel (JoergSprave) is well worth subscribing to. Really cool guy and has a huge collection which he shows off, and makes new ones pretty much every week.
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+2 2. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Fisherman

That's two words.
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+3 3. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video The Best Gun Fail Accidents - 2011

#8, #9

5:05 If you want to know more, some details in the description. Harsh stuff, the guy died
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+20 4. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Resilliant Truck Drivers

Russia FTW! Those boulders aren't going to move themselves
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+2 5. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Stupid People Own Guns Too Video

Why on earth would you look down the barrel of a loaded gun? I'm pretty sure that's gun lesson no.1 when your dad is teaching you to shoot.
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+1 6. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2011

#10 I think he did something to the pylon that caused it to arc. Whether it was his fault or not it was amazing, Crrrrr-BOOOM! :D
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+31 7. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Don't Mess With Crabs

More proof of why there needs to be a "Russia" category on snotr
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+2 8. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video MMA Punch Out!

#3 The point is the same as boxing, to physically defeat your opponent using your own body, except the fighters can use mixed disciplines. So in the case of these two fighters they favour striking over finesse and you end up with a slugfest like this. Pretty unsophisticated fight but you can't put down the whole sport because of it, it's actually incredibly complex and not just for muscle-heads as some would believe.
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+2 9. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video The Scrollwheel

I see this all the time, and it drives me nuts. One PC I was working on recently had a desktop link to a Bing search for Google, presumably the user would click on that and then search for Google in Google (as is custom for the technologically challenged), making sure to doubleclick all the hyperlinks for good measure. Can't reform 'em.
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+2 10. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video LSD Research

#20 that last video is total horseshit! The guy could be a disinformation agent, he says the occasional thing which makes sense but the rest of it just totally discredits him... did you watch pt6? Where he talks about Gadaffi getting rid of his time machine by giving it to Saddam Hussein? I'll say it again: horseshit.
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+2 11. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video FAIL Collection

If it the sound was OK this would be the best fail compilation on snotr hands down.
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0 12. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video 35 Years Backwards Through Time with Sam Klemke

WTF happened between 97/98? Guy seemed to get ten years younger in one cut
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+1 13. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Cartoony Prank

1:07 "LOL herp derp!"
1:10 "Wat."
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+2 14. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Cheap Shot Car Race

Totally intentional. And funny as hell.
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+10 15. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video How Moken children see

Awesome video!

If anyone doesn't already know, it's from the BBC's Human Planet series, which is similarly amazing all the way through.
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+1 16. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Finnish rally crashes

Cool, but kinda sad to see all those awesome old Ford and VW rally cars getting wrecked
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+5 17. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Deadly Sleepy cat

We can learn from this that cats don't like watching the news... it makes them sleepy
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+2 18. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Space shuttle being prepared time lapse

#3 End of one amazing era, start of another: commercial spaceflight, which is going to be really interesting, and quick to develop as it isn't bound in layers of government red tape like the big space projects of the past. Check out Burt Rutan's SpaceShipOne project, there's a great documentary about it on Youtube:
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+10 19. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video Best Tool Chest Ever

Beautiful. Hank Hill would weep with joy if he saw that.
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+2 20. smee420 commented 13 years ago on video roll cloud

It's a god-sized reefer :O
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+6 21. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video Under water explosion (1958)

#14, #16 both wrong

Originally I thought it was Baker Shot, a test nuclear explosion which was part of Operation Crossroads in July 1946...

But it turns out it's from the WAHOO test, 1958, part of Operation Hardtack - also a series of nuclear tests.

With Baker they detonated a nuclear warhead of 20kt, about 60m underwater, whereas with WAHOO the charge was 150m underwater, and 9kt.

All of them are scary as hell, let's hope humans never have to use these weapons.
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+5 22. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video world burping champion

Wow, just checked the Youtube video and saw the video has 1631 likes, 1631 dislikes. Who knew that burping divides opinion right down the middle?! I know which side I'm on though, burping rules!
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+31 23. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video The Chinese teacup.

QI should replace school
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+1 24. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Crash Accident Of Car And Scooter On Highway, Hong Kong

Both drivers were at fault. Scooter guy should have looked before he moved, and car guy should have got off his phone, slowed down and not overtaken in the slow lane. I'd say car guy was the bigger douche in the equation.

e2a my mistake, in HK they do drive on the left so he was in the right lane, still driving too fast though
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+12 25. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video How the UK National Grid responds to demand

Britain is the only country where this happens?

Does everyone else not like tea as much as us or something?
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+6 26. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video Curious

#9 True, I remember seeing this on Tarrant on TV (UK Show) way back in like 1996!
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+11 27. smee420 commented 14 years ago on video Mad Brits

:D Made me smile.

I think these guys are like the united front for ukeleleists or something...

...just looked em up...
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+12 28. smee420 commented 15 years ago on video You won 100k!

Harsh, Master Shake was right to be pissed. These dudes are douchebags.