Comments posted by snus69


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0 1. snus69 commented 9 years ago on video A flying robot that can walk

shut up and take my money
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+3 2. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Ronnie Russell Bowls a Perfect 300 Game

this guy has balls...
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0 3. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Russian ship sinking in Arctics. October, 2014

what was the captain thsinking?
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0 4. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Giant Lobster: Biologist Discovers 70-Year-Old Crustacean

the guy has a lobsterface too!
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+2 5. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Cruise ship being beached at full speed

#1,#6,#7,#9 gangbang?
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-5 6. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video No need to ever walk this puppy

you could do the same with an obese american tyding up a hamburger at the end of the rope...he would acually loose some wheight...hmm patent?
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-3 7. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Kokeshi Making (Japanese wooden dolls)

is that a dildo ?
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0 8. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video League of legends, A new dawn

soon a new pornmovie with this charakters will come out better than original
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-2 9. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Inside SpaceX

wondering why google didn´t buy this company yet
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-1 10. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Almost got hit by a lightning

didn´t know gopro comes out also with flashlight
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-3 11. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video Have a nice summer, on France3

on the beginning i thought it´s an american mcdonalds advertisement..
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0 12. snus69 commented 10 years ago on video New speed skiing World Record

they are almost freefalling... close to 9.81 mtrs/sec2 of acceleration ... and if you freefall from a plane that´s also the maximum speed you can reach
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+2 13. snus69 commented 11 years ago on video 64-year-old says it's never too late to get fit

well for sure he also did't eat at mcdonalds all his life
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+6 14. snus69 commented 11 years ago on video Different Kind of Trash Can

#3 hey the band "garbage" exists and makes nice music so don´t offend them!
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0 15. snus69 commented 11 years ago on video Inside the world's quietest room

would like to make some farts inthere
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+5 16. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

#6 also in your wiki-link they talk about "building" and not about "erection"
well there is a big difference this building has only "erected" in 15 days , the real building of it began when they started with the contruction of the prefabricated parts .. much earlier...
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0 17. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video Mudskipper

Wait till the next oil disaster... :-(
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+1 18. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video Dog Rides Bike By Himself

i can see a "tilf" in this video...
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+8 19. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video world first 720 double tailwhip - FISE Costa Rica

#5 720 is also HD :-)
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-3 20. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video WW2 - German Railway guns in action

#10 yes for sure they were so stupid to build a canon that shots only in one direction...
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+25 21. snus69 commented 12 years ago on video Water droplets in space

pity my needle doesn't have the same effect on girls...