Comments posted by solofara


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+3 1. solofara commented 16 years ago on video Hiroshima

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Posted 28 minutes ago by Aliquantulus

You're referring to him as the younger generation, yet you still end your post with 'Fucktard.'. Do you even have generation younger than yourself?
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Yes. A couple in fact.

And I wasn't referring to "him" (i.e. the author of the post to which I referred to in #51). I was referring to the various readers and responders on this board who, for whatever reason, exhibit little knowledge of the events of WWII. It was those people who comprise the audience to which I recommended watching "Pearl Harbor" instead of reading history books (yes - I know that the movie is fiction, but based on fact, and yes, I know that history books go into far more detail). But chances are people are more likely to watch an action movie than sit and read history books, and those that ARE interested in the detailed behind the story will be smart enough to find the appropriate history books without me having to spell that out for them.

And for the purposes of the debate here, the end result is the same, regardless if you watched the movie or read the books.
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+2 2. solofara commented 16 years ago on video Hiroshima

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"Posted 5 hours ago by Googiboo

Now isnt this some funny mouth poo. We got one nuff nuff telling us to watch a hollywood movie to get a history lesson.
A Ben Affleck movie at that. Are you daft??"
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No - but you're a complete idiot, too stupid to see the forest for the trees.

Most of the younger generation is far more likely to watch a Hollywood movie than go pick up a history book and spend hours reading. However, as far as introducing the history for the sake of the debate here, both mechanisms would accomplish the very same thing, However, watching the movie is far more appealing than reading dry history books to a generation accustomed to instantaneous gratification.

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+3 3. solofara commented 16 years ago on video Hiroshima

And, by the way - all you younger posters should go rent and watch the movie "Pearl Harbor" - you know the one with Ben Affleck in it. Take a look at how hard the US was trying to stay out of the war and get Germany and Japan to lay off their imperialistic war mongering. Watch as Japan launched a suprise attack on the US - a country that was not even engaged in the war at that time. Just because the US was victorious doesn't make the US amoral. Most of us in the US view the atomic bombs used during WWII as a necessary evil - what with the likes of most of Europe and the East being overrun and defeated. The US was your last hope - and we delivered.
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+2 4. solofara commented 16 years ago on video Hiroshima

The US also helps more people throughout the world than the rest of the countries combined. Why is it that your beloved EU isn't lifting a finger to help Myanmar? Selfish, greedy, self-centered ego-maniacs is what you all are. Which country is the ONLY one that persisted and has landed relief flights in Yangoon? It sure as hell isn't any European country - you lazy good-for-nothing parasites.
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0 5. solofara commented 16 years ago on video A classic mother - daughter conversation

Aliquantulus - I don't believe you for a second. And if you listen to the video - you can tell the mother says "in the butt" with disgust that her kids are talking with such language. It's not in the context of an affirmation of humor.

And the mom is not "old as shit". She looks pretty good for a suburban mother of multiple teenage children. Of course with brood like yourself and your siblings, you're unable to contribute anything other than amusement at the expense of others and are blind to the degeneracy you are advocating.

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+4 6. solofara commented 16 years ago on video A classic mother - daughter conversation

It's obvious that most of you morons here are teenage kids yourselves with arrogance that outstrips your intelligence by a 10-to-1 margin.

Yes, this is funny in a very serious/morbid kind of way. You can rest assured that there are arguments such as this occurring every day across much of the developed world (I know of a very similar situation myself). If I had been the mom, I would have told the brother (the one filming) that this was non of his business and to leave the room immediately, then waited until he did so. It's disrespectful for one sibling to be castigating another with the mother there.

Yes, the daughter is an "adult", but she's still living at home and therefore still the responsibility of the parents.
However, the mother obviously thinks this is a serious issue, and the fact that she laughs has more to do with a conditioned response to being on camera than the issue at hand. I do feel bad that the daughter has this private issue put on display for the world to see, but this is very typical of new 18yr olds-she shouldn't be ashamed.