Comments posted by somas


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+1 1. somas commented 5 years ago on video RV crashes into ferry

Real life GTA
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+3 2. somas commented 5 years ago on video Man Falls Off His Bike

This dog is a sleepless guard...
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+2 3. somas commented 5 years ago on video Barycentric balls in space - classroom demonstration video

Another point is that you dont need to wear a bra at no gravity space station ...
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+3 4. somas commented 6 years ago on video Drone hits something

Ohhhh $h!t
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-4 5. somas commented 7 years ago on video Watch what happens when a woman hits a police officer in the face with dog poop

A.C.A.B. ... nothing else !
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+13 6. somas commented 8 years ago on video Cheeky North Koreans win Euros

more or less... we live in lies too
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+1 7. somas commented 8 years ago on video How a Film Projector Works

i love videos like this !
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+1 8. somas commented 8 years ago on video Corinne Sutter painting a rebus

even Chinese language sounds better
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+3 9. somas commented 8 years ago on video Kulning - Ancient Swedish herdingcall

Next to the word "Ancient" there is allways a white dress
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0 10. somas commented 8 years ago on video Nipple fishing

Gay fish ...
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+9 11. somas commented 8 years ago on video Black cougar about to....

i was expecting a glass between the cougar and the man !
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+4 12. somas commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Driver With Road Rage Gets His Ass Kicked

Advice From Me: Next time use a HD camera >:)
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0 13. somas commented 8 years ago on video Building a Primitive Hut

He sould make S type tiles. its better for the rain.
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+1 14. somas commented 8 years ago on video If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35

He is a small God !!! :D
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+5 15. somas commented 8 years ago on video 100+ MPH Winds 2016/05/16

its time to dance SMOOTH CRIMINAL !!!
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+1 16. somas commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag SPB - An Ordinary Man

every time i watch a video like that, i am wating for a guy to get out of his car with a gun ...
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+1 17. somas commented 8 years ago on video How To Get Rid Of Headache Or Migraine In 2 Minutes Or Less

if i watch this video some more times, i am sure i will have a headache ...
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+5 18. somas commented 8 years ago on video Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

i hope we will never need it ...
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+2 19. somas commented 8 years ago on video Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

conclusion: When people start stoping, thats when they start getting old ...
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0 20. somas commented 8 years ago on video Helping hands

watch out, one turtule's bite, can cut your finger
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+1 21. somas commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Nails Rocket Landing on Drone Ship

It sounds like NBA funs ...
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+2 22. somas commented 8 years ago on video How To Count Past Infinity

what a waste of time ...
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+13 23. somas commented 8 years ago on video HUGE Eunice / Bristle Worm

Here in Greece, we use them as a bait. We call them pharao (like the Egyptian king). This worm can be longer than 2.5 meters. You cut a piece from the tail (5-6 cm) and you put it to the hook. When the worm is no longer than 10 cm, you sould let it free (it grows up again). But be careful... it has 4 big teeths like needles, and it bites hard (trust me, i know that!)
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+5 24. somas commented 8 years ago on video Player 2 Is Up

nobody got hurt in this accident???... NOBODY GOT HURT IN THIS ACCIDENT????... NOBODY ???
nobody got dead , not hurt !
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0 25. somas commented 8 years ago on video Peat-train in a north german moor

#1 i think that you overestimate Germany. let me remind you VW... siemens ...
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+2 26. somas commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - You ARE the Problem

sometimes its better to kick her ass than waiting for the police... sometimes ...
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+3 27. somas commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Greece

This is nothing !
You should see how Olympiakos wins the games ! Its a REAL Criminal organization !
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+1 28. somas commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

i think that the old man is Greek as i can unterstand from his accent :P
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0 29. somas commented 9 years ago on video Tanker Implosion High-Speed | MythBusters

i was expecting an explosion from mythbuster but that was impressive too !
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0 31. somas commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

#5 yes its Greek
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-2 32. somas commented 10 years ago on video Fair Play

Thats very nice but that player FALL DOWN all alone and he should get a yellow card for that...
on the other hand, its + for him that he admit that it wasnt penalty.
PAOK Saloniki neen player Costin Laz?r, refuses a penalty some years ago.
That is a REAL RESPECT situation