Comments posted by sparK


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+9 1. sparK commented 15 years ago on video The Year of 2009 in Auto-Tune

this is awesome ! :O
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+9 2. sparK commented 15 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Personal Helicopter

inspector gadget!
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+1 3. sparK commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation

i so want to get this clip..some1 tell me how to download plssss or tell me te adress (if it is) to youtube .there i know how to dwld :D
Picture of sparK24 achievements

+1 4. sparK commented 15 years ago on video Malay Eagle Owl - Kitty

the sound s/he makes sounds like is on batteries >:)
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+3 5. sparK commented 15 years ago on video Badass police dog

wow that dog`s are flying :O
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+43 6. sparK commented 15 years ago on video Dog loves granny

i think she dropped down by herself... 8-)
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+9 7. sparK commented 15 years ago on video How to crush a car

i would like to ride a sled like that in the day by day life :)
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+2 8. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Remi Kart

omG . !
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+3 9. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Self leveling pool table

the balls are glued : >:) :D
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+1 10. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Football bloopers

lmao..this is hilarious >:) >:) :D :D :D
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0 11. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Top 10 Super Bowl commercials

pls somebody what's the song at 02:30 ? :'(
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+2 12. sparK commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

so the planet isn't blue anymore :'(
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0 13. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Super Mario rescues the Princess

#1 nu e sit roman asa k scrie in english!
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+2 14. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Guards that beat a fan are beaten by more fans

omG :O
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0 15. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Juggling in a cone

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-4 16. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Juggling in a cone

comment do don't say some idiot something what it beggin with f and is ends with t!
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0 17. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Down the stairs

#1 roman :)
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-1 18. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Rabbit and a snake

that rabbit is hi >:)
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0 19. sparK commented 16 years ago on video A Day With Meatball

after he licks chiuawa pussy he licks his owner face :O
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0 20. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Strange lions filmed on safari

woOhoO i'm first

from down-up >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+3 21. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Modified BMX

#1 i'm sure u are so proud of u ;)
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+2 22. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Penny prank at used car lot

anyway is a lil' bit funny!
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+5 23. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Penny prank at used car lot

oh..i thougt that it was something with ,,penis".
i'm not really an american so i didn't understand first time :(
sorry 4 my english and for my silly comment >:)
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0 24. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Simon's Cat 'TV Dinner'

noone is gonna be ,,first" at this vid >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+1 25. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Sarcasm 101

soooo funny
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0 26. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Funny 3D Animation Movie

wow..this is awesome :D
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+2 27. sparK commented 16 years ago on video I don't need subtitles

#15 i am totally agree with u...
it doesen't matter if is old or new some ppl never seen this vid b4...
as for me is first time i see it and is great!!absolutely funny :(|)
so snotr keep up the good job..i love your work:)
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+5 28. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Axe Imprints

#1/#2 so stupid!!
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-3 29. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield Heroes - new video game

i can't dwld it from website...i think is downloadable soon:)
Picture of sparK24 achievements

+3 30. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield Heroes - new video game

oh and btw:
looks great and interesting i will google it:)
Picture of sparK24 achievements

+3 31. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Evolution of Wedding Dance

thank you!! ;)
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+2 32. sparK commented 16 years ago on video Evolution of Wedding Dance

hy all

pls some1 tell me what's the song name at 3:35
sorry for my english(i'm romanian)