Comments posted by spook24


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+1 1. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The best Guinness world records in the world

we are both right. British language comes from the French. American language comes from Latin.
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+1 2. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The best Guinness world records in the world

to put the nail in the coffin:

no more arguing about spelling and such it really show the maturity level on this site. and this is why i haven't been around this place in a while.
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+1 3. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The best Guinness world records in the world

#7 unless your a "meth head" :)
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-4 4. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Petty Thief in Internet Cafe

hehe that's funny u deleted my comment..this site is starting to suck anyways. between all that spam, virus links, and douche bag moderators/admins my opinion still stands.....FUCK SNOTR
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-3 5. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Mac VS PC VS Linux! South Park Edition!

hehe that's funny u deleted my comment..this site is starting to suck anyways. between all that spam, virus links, and douche bag moderators/admins my opinion still stands.....FUCK SNOTR
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+2 6. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Funniest Video Games Glitches

poor Alex and the big rigs game. I feel for you bro.
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-3 7. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Mac VS PC VS Linux! South Park Edition!

"And another good tip is to read the FAQ before submitting anything.. We get a lot of garbage videos which aren't family safe or interesting for other than the one person who made it (videos of your new dog is in 90% of the time only interesting to you).. And besides, even if it gets approved it can still go weeks or in some cases even months before it reaches the front page.."

that's not true every video i submitted was put on the website after a few days not weeks or months.....DAYS! prolly 4 at the most. its not like there's 2,000 people waiting for food. its a website with videos. each video is what??? roughly 1:30 minutes long? and dont worry about number here. I said roughly. and for argument reasons your not going to tell me anything different so save it.
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-1 8. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Sylvania Light Bulbs

i know im entitled to my opinion thats a given. all the video i submitted were family safe. how weren't they? some may of had bad language in them but there have been some on snotr that had bad language in them or violence. ive read the FAQ's like i always do. the only thing i see IF i was breaking anything was copyright and then im not asking you to remove any videos. im submitting them. try and make a valid point cause you not.
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-4 9. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Sylvania Light Bulbs

wow this was fucking retarded.....i submit better video than this and they dont get posted?? FUCK SNOTR!!
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+2 10. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Baseball tennis

ok yeah they were but still they're tring to hit a 3 inch sphere with a 2 inch surface.....not easy by any standards.
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-5 11. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Baseball tennis

yeah when u hit a tennis ball with a baseball bat it goes very very very far....even if u barely hit it.

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+8 12. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Animator vs Animation 2

nice....reminds me of this:
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0 13. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Broken skateboard takes revenge

well the thing about it is that it all part of growing up. at least it was for me. it builds character. i did a lot of dumb thing and i dont regret any of it. im not handicap or disabled in anyway but i did have A LOT of fun thats for sure. i would do it all over again. time and time again. and i would go bigger the next time around. ;)
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+1 14. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Broken skateboard takes revenge

a broken board it better than a broken face...oh wait he got that as well. ;)
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0 15. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

you can take any Corvette you want, put all the money into you want, and take it to any professional customization shop you want and you wont break 250mph(and why would u get a ZO-6 the 2009 ZR1(approximately 3,350 pounds) from the factory will do 205 mph).

F1 cars have a million+ dollars into them and there top speed are 230mph on/off track(The minimum weight permissible is 1334 lb including the driver, fluids and on-board cameras). and thats with $30,000 in carbon rotors and ceramics brake pads(Expensive carbon-carbon composite rotors - the same material used on the Space Shuttle - introduced by the Brabham team in 1976).

so a 3,350 pound corvtte car will out run a 1334 pound F1 car?(including driver...etc) no, go read more.
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0 16. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

that because war suck and Low-flying Corvette are cool. ;)
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-1 17. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

but its definitely a Corvette. i have driven 2(@ regular speed limit) of the three i had access to. i will say that they stick to the road like super-glue. but @ $4/ gallon i wouldn't be owning one anytime soon.
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0 18. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

enough chit-chat about what cars is faster than the next.....its the SSC Ultimate Aero TT is the fastest production car in the world.

The SSC Aero is an American-built mid-engine sports car[citation needed] by Shelby Super Cars. Its higher-performance limited production version, the SSC Ultimate Aero TT, is currently the fastest production car in the world, with a fastest recorded speed of 413 km/h (257 mph). This speed was reportedly achieved during tests on September 13, 2007 in West Richland, Washington, United States and verified by Guinness World Records on October 9, 2007.
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-3 19. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield SNAKE EYES!

what a waste of a good game.....its on the console not pc.
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0 20. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video BMX pool jump fails...

a little more speed he would of had it.....for sure
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+1 21. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Anti-gravity

yeah i just saw a video on youtube and a kid explained it and he said it can be attached behind your ear with tape or magicians wax.
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+2 22. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Star Wars floppy disk

back in the day i had a few FDD make a sound like this.....not the stars war theme tho....loop :20 over and over again and thats what its sounded like lol.
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0 23. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Real time tracking

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0 24. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Pedal Power

yeah had me fooled for a sec. hehe xD
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+3 25. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Bad hiding spot

lol that was great!!!
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0 26. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Painful to watch

i did when i saw it a few days ago. >:)
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+3 27. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Grazy German water-slide looping

ewww...old german men in banana hammocks.....not what i want to see :'( :'( :'( . a hot german babe in a bikini now thats what i want to see.
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+5 28. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Highliner

impressive....he made it Squeeb said ''Let's see him get back now.'' :D
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0 29. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Car wash - women style

i would do that........if i had a 1986 Chevy Silverado Deluxe Edition and some rhino liner instead of carpet to go along with my 2-60 air.
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0 30. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Three and a half minutes of crashes

lol juju >:)
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0 31. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Training to be a pilot...

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0 32. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Death Star Canteen

hahaha cool little parody. :D
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+6 33. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Not so funny kid

damn BRAT!!!
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0 34. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Amazing flatland BMX skills

out of all the year i rode/raced bikes i could never do flatland. great video I always enjoy some great flatland tricks. :D
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+4 35. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Trial riding

its called trials not trails. :D
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+3 36. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Trial riding

a quick look at this pic:

alum. frame and fork
double walled alum. rims and hubs
alum. cranks and a 28T chain ring(28 tooth front sprocket)
alum. neck and handle bars

the frame alone weighs less than 5 lbs. these guys bikes are prolly worth $2500+. all the parts are custom made to the rider specs. but they get paid the big $$$ to do these crazy stunts. >:)
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+2 37. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Trial riding

i worked in a bicycle shop for 6 years on and off. the tires are regular tires. they run low air pressure in the tire for grip, with a smooth street tread. the bike prolly weigh 15-17 lbs. my race bmx bike weighed 21 lb and it was a factory team frame. their frames are a little different as it has no seat. i cant tell you the all the specs. for trial bikes cause we did carry them, but i can tell you that it definitely does not have shocks on it. lol. only mountain bikes have shocks on them.
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+1 38. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video America's history by Michael Moore

well we traded rum to the tribes chiefs for them.
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0 39. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video 3D domino card

yeah for a sec the cat looked it was going to handle "business". >:)
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+2 40. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video German candid camera

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+1 41. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Having fun with mattresses

we did that with the shopping carts at the grocery store i worked at. fun times!!! >:) >:) >:)
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0 42. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Cell phone evolution

i dont really feel that old. i feel like i lives a long time. :D
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+1 43. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Chinese take-away prank call

wow. this was great!!!
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+2 44. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Beer wave

makes me thirsty!
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0 45. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video BMX crash compilation

0:51-0:53 - FAIL!!! this brought back memories.
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0 46. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Seaplane landing gone wrong

came in a little too fast there.
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+2 47. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Ken lee

where ever she from and what ever language that was fact still is that it was horrible. maybe next year.
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-1 48. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crutches dance

i agree with u there JonnyC. :)
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0 49. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Bowling: spinning ball spare definitely beats this one.
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+1 50. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Stuck in an elevator for 41 hours

i didn't read it all but --

"He lost his apartment, spent all his money, and searched, mostly in vain, for paying work. He is currently unemployed."

and the co-workers didnt even care that he was gone. some 'friends' they came out to be.
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0 51. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The internet is expanding

yeah a friend of mine was still on aol 56k dialup until about 3 months ago. 15/5 mbit uncapped + digital premium(hbo, showtime, etc..) cable = $115. thinking on getting basic cable. it should be around $65-$70 then.
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0 52. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Super Mario Reloaded

i always knew luigi was evil. >:) >:) >:)
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-1 53. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The internet is expanding

geezzz i remember those days...[scarasm]14.4kbps modem i miss them days :'( :'( [/scarasm]

and y does any1 care about being 1st.....7h47 jµ$7 94¥
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0 54. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Worst rap battle ever

the 1st guy was garbage, the second guy is a 'little slow' but he's up there trying to rap. i give him credit for that. it pretty sad that Eli was better tho. Evny dont quit your day job!!!

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0 55. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Pointless ownage - revenge on revenge

she still has a nice a$$.....
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+4 56. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Police chase with shootout

hehe Grand Theft Omaha!!!! >:) >:) >:)
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+1 57. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The dangers of being a TV news reporter

lol :P made me laugh
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0 58. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Playing with a truck

i saw this on another site a couple of days ago. it reminded me of the time when someone i know did this at my property. instead of going front 1st he went ass end 1st but he was doing donuts and for some reason there was a 3 foot deep hole one of my uncles dug out with a backhoe loader near where he was doing the donuts. it just self-explanatory on what happened......we ended up calling Triple A and had them bring in a flatbed to get his truck out. GET DRUNKEN TIMES!!!! >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+7 59. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crowded Japanese train

@ wtfysc

i dont see your point. whatever the case maybe there are thousands of passengers riding the train/subway in a unsafe matter. i sure the train station can get funding from the govt. some how. all-in-all that many people packed in to a train is very unsafe and they need more trains.
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+6 60. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crowded Japanese train

@ Jooma

ROFLMFAO....and i have bad gas in the morning......ewwwww >:) >:)
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0 61. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Incredibly accurate archer


i know what the episode was about. ive seen it several times. what their problem was that they couldnt get the arrow to hit directly center of the other arrow. what im referring to is they could find out who this guy is and have him shoot an arrow at the other arrow and split it, as this guy can obviously shoot straighter than the machine they built to shoot an arrow straight or even the pro archer that attempted to try it. and learn to spell it archer not archor.
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+18 62. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crowded Japanese train'd think with all that money from the passengers they build more train/subway systems.
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+1 63. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Ice Age 3 trailer

saw the 1st cause my friend had a kid who luv this movie, and every time i was over there this movie was on. didnt see the 2nd altho i should get it and watch it. prollay get this one too when it avab.

but summer 2009 ill have a kid of my own then. :P
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+10 64. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Only in Russia: Lada footage

when i ride around in my car with the windows down i get 2-60 air(2 windows down @ 60mph) wonder what this is considered? lol
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+1 65. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Incredibly accurate archer

i bet the mythbusters would like to see this video....they tried to bust the myth that its is impossible to split an arrow down the middle like robin hood did.

i bet this guy could do it!
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0 66. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Knock and don't run

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+8 67. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Real beauty

she was hot to begin with.....
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0 68. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crazy motorcycle driving

even wearing this isnt going to help you when you fall/crash on a motorcycle

true story - my friend his brother-in-law and nephew(at the time 2 yrs old) were driving in a early '90s Mercury Grand Marquis. they were making a u-turn and a motorcycle crashed into them. i mean dead smack in-between the passenger door and the rear passenger door(all were wearing seat belts). the guy on the motorcycle was said to be going 120+ mph. after he struck the car, he flew over it and landed prolly 100-200 feet away. everyone in the car was fine besides a few scratches on his nephew(from the glass) and some minor back injuries. the guy on the motorcycle was rushed to intensive care and a few days later my friends son was born. about 1 hr before his son was born the family of the guy on the motorcycle had the 'plug' pulled on him cause he wasnt going to make it. and they got ticket(s) for making a illegal u-turn or something dumb like that.

never the less motorcycle arent safe but if you do ride one buckle-up...oh that right they dont have any. >:)
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0 69. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Crazy motorcycle driving

even wearing this isnt going to help you when you fall/crash on a motorcycle

true story - my friend his brother-in-law and nephew(at the time 2 yrs old) were driving in a early '90s Mercury Grand Marquis. they were making a u-turn and a motorcycle crashed into them. i mean dead smack in-between the passenger door and the rear passenger door(all were wearing seat belts). the guy on the motorcycle was said to be going 120+ mph. after he struck the car, he flew over it and landed prolly 100-200 feet away. everyone in the car was fine besides a few scratches on his nephew(from the glass) and some minor back injuries. the guy on the motorcycle was rushed to intensive care and a few days later my friends son was born. about 1 hr before his son was born the family of the guy on the motorcycle had the 'plug' pulled on him cause he wasnt going to make it. and they got ticket(s) for making a illegal u-turn or something dumb like that.

never the less motorcycle arent safe but if you do ride one buckle-up...oh that right they dont have any. >:)
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0 70. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Case chase with surprising ending

but hey when you gotta go you gotta go. it beats someone going in your yard, like my friend did. and i will never forgive him for that. bastard!!!
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-1 71. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Case chase with surprising ending

i would have to agree with you Brejn.
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0 72. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The Swing Wing

lol??? i got dizzy from watching that commercial.
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+1 73. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Hillary wasn't lying! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered

nice!!!! :D :D :D
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+2 74. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Bud Light: Las Vegas dude

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0 75. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Reverse bungee jump

nice looks like its from stunt junkies(tv show)
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+12 76. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video How to beat tight security

nice.....gotta try this sometime.
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+6 77. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Woman overreacts when tapped on head

call a doctor!!! shes in pain!!! :D
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+2 78. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Weird Ford Ka commercial

these cars have always had weird commercials

thsi one is a lil 'different'
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+13 79. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Musical keyboard skills

nope not a 'FAKE'

his name is Ronald Jenkees - youtube channel - website (i guess blog) - profile - and lastly his myspace

my friend been telling me about him for he past 9 months or so. really talented and a lil weird. all-in-all great artist!!!

:D :D
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+2 80. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Evil Easter Bunny

ehh i 'looks' like a trigger happy rip off but its actually better than it. didnt really like that show. but this was clever!

:D :D :D
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+5 81. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video How not to move a cable roll upstairs

nice find bynenss

:D :D
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0 82. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Tower of Pisa

wow browncoat whats your point? im asking you the same question. can you? no cause you'll be beaten to death by that mic as well as have wooden blocks shoved down your throat. so what are you trying to say? make some kind of valid point.
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0 83. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The Muppets - Mana mana

venomd you are correct. thats the final answer its Mah Nà Mah Nà.

nice one man!!!
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-6 84. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Mechanical calculator

theres a thing called a computer that can do that for you. what year are you living in? 1607? 1558? 5 B.C.?
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+2 85. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Predictions from 1930 about fashion in 2000

@ Noureddin its actually 2008 where are you living? in a time machine?

i wish i could have a time machine. that would be sweet.
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0 86. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Too detailed Line Rider

can someone delete Caives comment? its lagging the server

as for the the vid. i luv line rider. its been a while since i tried to make a 'line'. lol. i agree with Poomonkey on his comment. Noureddin you apparently dont know how hard it is to make a 'line' or maybe you do idk or idc. this guy has dedication to his work and im sure it took a long time to make that 'map'.

is the sound fx new in line rider or was that added seperatly? i dont remember the sound fx. but its been a while since i tried it.

nice vid!!!
:D :D
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+3 87. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Predictions from 1930 about fashion in 2000

candy for cuties....hmmmm doesnt seem like a bad idea. if your a pedofile.

>:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+2 88. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Baby can read at 17 months

smart lil girl
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-1 89. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Can time slow down?

one day is really 23 hrs and 56 mins roughly(23.934 solar hours)? that could also explain the atomic clock theory(not doubting one of the greats geniuses of all time or anyone else just to make that clear). none the less the thing he strapped to his arm could of had clearer numbers to begin with.
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0 90. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The Muppets - Mana mana

correction it was floyd nice call chisty. :) sry bout doubting your 'guess' - again sry bout the previous comment mang.

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0 91. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The Muppets - Mana mana

isnt not animal or floyd nor was he in the band. i cant say who it is but its surely a muppet.

definitely not either of them.

i was going to say it was Dr. Teeth but i cant remember who it was. it was a long time ago. god i love those muppets. i think most of us grew up on them. as i did.

:D :D :D
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+5 92. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Tower of Pisa

wow i saw that coming

yeah you cant talk with blocks shoved down your throat huh?
>:) >:) >:)
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+5 93. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Brilliant iPhone investment

i remember when this was aired on G4tv back a few days after the elusive iPhone was released. i was lmfao then and still lmfao at her. lol i dont want a iPhone and if i ever do i will wait til they're under $200 but the guy that was in the #1 spot isnt complaining. :D :D :D
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+7 94. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video How not to pole vault

i would rather get kicked in the nads rather than have all my weight "fall on them". oooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats gotta hurt!!!
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+7 95. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Aggressive in train

that would be embarrassing but yet very effective. 8-)
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+1 96. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Sick motorcycle stunts

@ CadpigLover - looks like they're living life to the fullest. you arent your stuck behind your PC and are contuniously being a negative nelly. ol well you must enjoy it.

as for the stunts - one word sums it up - INSANE!!!!
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+5 97. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Log pwns human

i agree with you Fergus_Thedog.

@ Cadpiglover whats with the attitude man? every video i seen today has a very negative comment from you. got something in your puckered starfish hole? didnt your mom teach you if you dont have anything good to say dont say it at all? guess not.
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+5 98. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Best DUI test ever

yeah its not real. for those who thought it was i gotta say

heres your sign!!!

Deputy Clementine Johnson is the officer from Reno 911. i know this cause i watched season 1 and 2. i thinks its from season one casue if i remember correctly season 2 was about the police station under IAD investigation. movie was good too

again ITS NOT REAL!!!
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+5 99. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Pot Noodle - Tipping Point

was the guy pissing in the elevator? neat vid. clever!!!
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+9 100. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Police chases gone wrong

actually she used her car for cover and the criminal shot at her car. i seen that b4 in a couple of different tv show where they interviewed her.
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+1 101. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Theme Planet short film

troisquatre - u must of read my post wrong where did u get the idea that i was an actor.(moron) I also thought to film was great. where did u misinterpret my post? i mean really i was saying that dvh thinks it so easy to do something like this so i was bashing him. not the film or the creator of the film. like i said in my original post "i agree with lexa1979, and emjaysea."

emjaysea - no worries just trying to weed out the trolls.

dvh - you link u posted said "The URL contained a malformed video ID." you need to be banned off this site, well you need to be kicked off every site.
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+2 102. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Bald Eagle feed chicks

way to go mamma eagle!!! keep them bird really healthy!!!
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+22 103. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Near airplane crash caught on tape

would of been a scary ride thats for sure.
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+7 104. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video How not to pull down a palm tree

should of used a chainsaw!!!
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+1 105. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Theme Planet short film

yeah dvh I dont see your movie with a incredible story on here. you should at least give some credit to the guy who made this. I'm sure he spend a lot of time working on this. but then again like you said anyone with "CG" can do this huh? i agree with lexa1979, and emjaysea. you should stfu and go work on "Elephant Dream".
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+3 106. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video The first-ever iBand

cool but a waste of time. 8-)
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0 107. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Skater ollies moving car

a lil copying and pasting does the trick. heheh :)
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0 108. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Guy 'hacks' LCD screen at Utrecht Central Station

nice!!! :D :D :D
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0 109. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Cops dump paralyzed man on floor

damn i live less than 50 miles from that jail and I will say they do treat people like s**t there. not from personal experience but from word of mouth. Cops are criminals with badges!!!
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-14 110. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Oops... sorry!

heh i would done the same! US marines FTW!!! :D
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0 111. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Private war with stolen tank

yep i remember this on the news like it was yesterday.
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+1 112. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Awesome personal head-copter

a little more modification, testing and a 6 week course on how to fly one and it could be sold at a store near you. lol :D
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+2 113. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Broken chair prank

classic! n1
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+1 114. spook24 commented 16 years ago on video Is he lip-syncing? I wouldn't say so...

what else is fun that he actually try to pretend it didnt happen...idiot.
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+2 115. spook24 commented 17 years ago on video Review of the worst video game ever

i agree sell the code 8-)