Comments posted by thefox


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0 1. thefox commented 5 years ago on video "Free" energy generator

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+1 2. thefox commented 5 years ago on video convert a parabolic satellite dish into a solar oven.

Interesting (though lengthy) demonstration of how sunlight can be focused with a parabolic reflector. But calling it a 'solar oven' is stretching it a bit. The total heat generated is probably similar to that of a candle, so expecting it to heat up and cook a large pot of food is laughable. Add to that the requirement for brilliant sunshine on a cloud-free day, and the additional requirement for continuous movement of the reflector so that it tracks the sun as it travels across the sky, and you can see that this contraption is a non-starter. :)
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-1 3. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Learn how to do the Doo Dah Doo Doo!

This video is a waste of electricity.
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+1 4. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 8 Cylinder Stirling Engine

While we're waiting for new videos, I'd just like to say one thing:

WELL DONE BORIS!!!!!!!!! :)
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-1 5. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Country Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission History (1960-2017)

#8 Thanks for explaining that Robert. We're lucky to have a Venus expert on Snotr, and what an eye-opener to find out that the laws of physics apply to all planets eh? I thought they only applied to Earth, and possibly the moon.

So the CO2 on Venus came from its volcanoes? Well, all I can say is, lucky for us there aren't any volcanoes here on Earth. Phew! What a relief eh? Looking at your figures, I notice that at the moment it's 450 °C on Venus, which is down by 150 °C on five days ago when you said it was permanently 600 °C. That's amazing! :O at this rate it could be a balmy 28 °C on Venus by the weekend. :D

By the way, were you aware that one of the founding father climate change believers Wallace Smith Broecker has died. Just thought you might like to know. :)
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0 6. thefox commented 5 years ago on video White Guy Surprises People in NYC Chinatown with Perfect Chinese

#2 I'll assume you are in fact asking me, not yourself, in which case the answer is yes, I enjoy baiting you, and knitting. :)
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 7. thefox commented 5 years ago on video White Guy Surprises People in NYC Chinatown with Perfect Chinese

The Internet is awash with these so-called 'pranks'. A prank is a practical joke or a mischevious act. This video doesn't qualify as either. Instead he's just an attention whore, who likes to demonstrate that he is smart because he speaks Chinese. :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

-1 8. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Country Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission History (1960-2017)

#4 Thanks Robert. I never realised that Venus was once inhabited and that the Venusians' gross mistreatment of their planet led to the rise of CO2 there, with its inevitable and catastrophic effects on the Venusian climate. It all makes sense now. Did the same thing happen on Mars as well? :)
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+1 9. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Sunk Costs Fallacy

#1 By a gradual replacement of numerous parts of the vehicle, a point would eventually be reached when nothing remains of your original car. Reminds me of Trigger's Broom:
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+1 10. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Mental Karate

At first I presumed that this was some sort of Monty Python/Not the Nine o Clock News/ kind of mickey-take/send up video, but my grandson tells me that it is in fact a 'real' pop group. :O

It's rare that I ever bother to rate videos, but on this occasion I feel that it's my moral duty to give this one the 'thumbs down'. After all, I don't want to encourage this sort of stuff. :D
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+1 11. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Country Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission History (1960-2017)

I heard on the news last night that we are rapidly approaching the climate change point of no return. Well, I wish we would just hurry up and get there, and then we can all move on and turn our attention to other stuff instead. Another bonus is that it would remove that irritating little Greta Iceberg kid from the newspapers. Shouldn't she be in school? :|
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+1 12. thefox commented 5 years ago on video What Can $10 Get You in AFGHANISTAN?

#5 LOL I'd like to see him do a video on what $10 will buy him in Bermuda. Should be a short video. :D
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0 13. thefox commented 5 years ago on video What Can $10 Get You in AFGHANISTAN?

#2 What would I say to "Syria has Beaches" Mr Tator? I'd say, "I'm off to grab my bucket and spade". :D
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-2 14. thefox commented 5 years ago on video What Can $10 Get You in AFGHANISTAN?

So $10 can buy a hell of a lot more in Afghanistan than in the USA? Well who would have thunk it eh? :| Pity he didn't see fit to examine the average daily wage in Afghanistan, not to mention its tax regime and availability and quality of public services and infrastructure, because without that information this video is meaningless.

What will his next video be called? "Beirut real estate is cheap compared to London"? :D
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+1 15. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Man Trying To Break Open Gate To Save Firefighters

#1 Yes I have to agree. Sometimes none of the video links open at all. Yesterday I clicked on a link and then went to make a cup of tea, after that I serviced my car, mowed the lawn, walked to the North Pole and back, taught myself Chinese, took the dog for a walk, wrote a best-selling book about dwarf throwing and finally made myself a cheese and ham sandwich, went back to my computer... and the video 'still' hadn't loaded. :|
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+3 16. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Fish Market on Galapagos Islands

The (* insert random country here *) should have been left to nature.
It was a mistake to allow human settlement of this unique and pristine land.
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0 17. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Goh V Shem Powerful SMASH

#8. Quite so. Spectator sports, and especially football, are as close as you can get to organised religion, with their followers encouraged to adopt a simplistic, frenzied, excited tribal attitude towards 'their' team. Professional football and the unimaginably colossal sums of money paid to players, managers and promoters etc is all a result of just one thing, a gullible Joe Public handing over their cash in gate money, TV Sports packages and numerous and wide-ranging merchandising schemes, due to some imagined affinity with 'their' team. It is this, and only this which keeps the money rolling into the football 'business'.
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0 18. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Travis Pastrana Raises the Bar

I'd have been more impressed if the bike wasn't actually strapped to the car roof.
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+1 19. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Goh V Shem Powerful SMASH

#4 'Vicariously' is an important word in this respect, because what I find bizarre is the vicarious pleasure millions of fans derive from watching 'their' sports idol or 'their' team.
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0 20. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Goh V Shem Powerful SMASH

#2 As I recall, we spent the best part of a day on logs before moving onto other stuff. To reach this level at any sport requires YEARS of dedication. And I'm still left wondering ... why??? :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 21. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Travis Pastrana Raises the Bar

Travis Pastrana? Sounds like a health food snack.
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-3 22. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Goh V Shem Powerful SMASH

I can't get excited about any sport. Hitting a tennis ball, shuttlecock, cricket ball, scoring a goal, doing a double triple flip on a BMX, skateboarding down a glacier... I'm always left wondering... so what? :|
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0 23. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies, Explained

#1 Logs are very useful, in fact they're essential when you go on to study advanced mathematics.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 24. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Long Long Man

Phew! Repeats eh? I've watched this four times now, and it's still crap. :D
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+2 25. thefox commented 5 years ago on video How to put air in your tires with a lawn mower!

Tune into next week's video, when this genius will show you how, for just a few hundred pounds you can modify your car rear axle so it can double-up as a pencil sharpener. :)
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0 26. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Long Long Man

There needs to be a new category just for this: 'Jap Crap.'
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0 27. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Exposing Australia’s recycling lie | 60 Minutes Australia

Australia should dispose of their own rubbish at home. Why not dump it behind Ayers Rock? No-one will see it there. :)
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0 28. thefox commented 5 years ago on video CPR lesson from Vinnie Jones

#17. That is incorrect. The rotary dial phone produced a series of make and break pulses which were sent down the line to the exchange and operated a mechanical switch for each digit dialled. You can see each switch in action here, note how larger value digits take longer to travel up the switch stack. So 999 did take longer to connect a call than 111 for example, but the difference is just a couple of seconds.
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0 29. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Diane Abbott vs basic maths & logic

#9 My Learned Friend will no doubt realise that's also what you get when you call a general election. It is self evident that many, if not the majority of citizens are able to bring very little critical thinking to the table when making a decision at election time. Nevertheless, it's the system we have right now, often referred to as democracy. Plato gave a lot of thought to this subject:
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0 30. thefox commented 5 years ago on video DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

I completely lost track of time while watching this video, and drank entire bottle of milk. Tsk, I'll have to nip down the shop now and buy another couple of litres. :)
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0 31. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Countries With The Highest Immigrant Population

#11 Laying the blame for Brexit at the feet of austerity, and the Remainiac conspiracy theory that over 17 million poor uneducated racist UK voters were hoodwinked into voting Leave by a collection of scheming billionaires is a desperate misrepresentation of the facts. The EU referendum was not about the banking crisis and its aftermath. It was about the EU. (The clue is in the title). And the fundamental reason why 17.4 million People voted to Leave was because they want to be free from controlling EU shackles, with its diktats penetrating ever deeper into the UK way of life.

By the way Robert, do you like children? Well I have some great news for you. The coach arriving soon with your permanant house guests will have three women in late stages of pregnancy. So as well as all their current children (11), there should soon be at least another three nippers running around your house. Won't that be wonderful?
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-1 32. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Back-To-School Essentials

#1 ...freedom to post crap on snotr...
Nice to see you got that one covered too. :)
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 33. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Countries With The Highest Immigrant Population

#8 Thanks for the list of billionaires Robert. I must confess I am not acquainted with any of them, though of course I have seen their names mentioned, usually disparagingly, in newspapers such as your favourite, the Guardian.

I think I ought to point out here though that almost certainly, the vast majority of the 17.4 million British citizens who voted to Leave the EU, are not billionaires, multi-millionaires, millionaires, or even plain well-off. They're just ordinary folk who wanted their voice heard and their concerns dealt with.

Now, back to business. Have you made out a rota to stick to your fridge yet, detailing the allotted times for you and your new house co-habitees to share use of the kitchen and bathroom facilities? Oh and don't forget your driveway, you're going to have to make room for at least half a dozen extra cars. Just one last quick question. Is your garden big enough for a horse.... or two?
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+3 34. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Starting an old British Field Marshall tractor with a shotgun shell!

I read the title and was immediately reminded of this:

Awesome film! <3
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+1 35. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Countries With The Highest Immigrant Population

#5 Ah, the naïve Guardianista, Owen Jones soundalike finally makes his appearance. I knew it wouldn't be long. Pick a few well known political figures, Cameron, Johnson, Farage., they'll do. Character bash them, throw in a page of vitriolic anti right smears, and use the racist word a few times. Finally, rake up the tired old theory that people only voted for Brexit because they were manipulated into doing so by evil political forces who want to destroy Britain.

How big is your house Robert? Three bedrooms? Four? I tell you what. I'll arrange for three foreigners (and their families) to come and live with you. Forever. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
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0 36. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Countries With The Highest Immigrant Population

#2. Unfortunately Mr Addict, no-one knows the real numbers. UK immigration rules have been so lax that even the best informed concede that the current figures are certain to grossly underestimate the situation.

As for the reasons for Brexit, they are many. The Guardianistas would have you believe that all Brexiteers are xenophobic racists, but personally I can't see what's wrong with controlling immigration. Countries like Canada, New Zealand and Australia have been doing exactly that for decades. Are they all xenophobic racists?

I didn't vote in the last referendum (the reason why is a long story which I won't bore you with), but if there were to be another referendum I would definitely vote to Leave. My main reason for doing so would be to prevent our country from sleepwalking into a United States of Europe. I feel the EU as it exists today, and their plans for the future, go way, way further than was ever envisaged by UK voters in the original decision to join the EEC back in 1973 (when I was still a schoolboy).

As George Orwell might have said: "EEC good. EU bad."
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+1 37. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Countries With The Highest Immigrant Population

Interesting to see the UK's and Germany's rise in the rankings, reflecting the serious immigrant problems in both countries, largely ignored by the left of course. Yesterday, shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott suggested that it should be made even easier for immigrants to enter Britain. It is frightening to think that this clueless idiot could potentially hold such an important position in governement if ever Corbyn got the keys to number 10.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+3 38. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Japanese Technique for Harvesting Sea Salt by Hand

His goal is to produce 10 to 12 tons of salt per year?
He could start by investing in a water pump instead of carrying the sea water back and forth in buckets.

But maybe that wouldn't be Zen enough... :|
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+3 39. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Muslims Invented Everything - Douglas Murray examines the hilarious claims of the Muslim world.

#9. Don't worry. It only seems that way because you're an idiot. :|
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+5 40. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Muslims Invented Everything - Douglas Murray examines the hilarious claims of the Muslim world.

#6. Your hypocrisy is outstanding. The majority of videos on snotr are hosted here without the copyright owners' permission. So what are you doing here watching them?

The rest of your 'argument' is baseless. Read the book and get back to me. Or don't read the book and continue talking about things of which you have no knowledge. You're good at that.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+5 41. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Muslims Invented Everything - Douglas Murray examines the hilarious claims of the Muslim world.

#1 I'm not sure when Douglas Murray produced this video, but his book 'Islamophilia' is available right now. In fact I've just finished reading it. It's on Pirate Bay if you're interested. Hey, here's a thought... why not read it and 'then' you'll be in a position to comment on it? :D

#2 You should read it too, you might learn something. :D

A word to the wise: Thanks to our irritating Internet censorship laws, the above Pirate Bay link will probably not work for anyone based in the UK trying to access it on a normal browser. If so, go to and install the Opera browser, turn on its built in VPN mode and (for safety) deactivate Javascript, then you should be good to go. :)
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 42. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Seven Million Years of Human Evolution

#8 To lay people, the word 'theory' can mean an opinion or conjecture; you'll often hear people say: "oh, it's just a theory", which is basically the linguistical chicanery that believers use to dismiss evolution. Scientists however use the word in a much stronger sense, to mean a "well substantiated explanation". Gravitational theory is an example of a well substatiated explanation, but I invite you to put it to the test by stepping off a very tall building without a parachute. Let me know how that turns out. :)

I may indeed have my origin in some slime filled pond in the dim and distant past. Science is showing that is increasingly likely. You believe you didn't. There is no scientific reason for you to believe that, except that it fits in nicely with your made-up creator-god narrative and it makes you happy.
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+2 43. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Seven Million Years of Human Evolution

#6. I see you get your simplistic world view from the bible, a static document composed of writings originating a few thousand years ago, from a variety of sources, men struggling to find meaning and explain their existence on this planet using only the modest amount of knowledge and evidence available to them at the time.

Things have moved on a bit since then.

Understandably, there are people such as yourself, who still cling to and find solace in the words of our ancestors, finding 'truth' via religious dogma, scripture and authority. However, I prefer to place my trust in the scientific method, building knowledge by creating hypotheses, deriving predictions from them as logical consequences, and then carrying out experiments or empirical observations based on those predictions. Science has not revealed all the answers yet; far from it. It is a struggle that continues.

Slavish adherence to ancient superstitious writings seems to work for you. It does not work for me.
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+3 44. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Untold Story of Property Owners Who Let Us Build Wall On Their Land

Good fences make good neighbours. <3
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-4 45. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Bison released into new territory in Badlands National Park

Q. What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison?

A. You can't wash your hands in a buffalo. :)
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+2 46. thefox commented 5 years ago on video No God?

A very unconvincing slant on the ages old 'Argument from Design', attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas, Samuel Clarke and William Paley. It reminds me of a quote by Douglas Adams, who described how a puddle might feel upon waking up one day to find it is inside a hole which is, as chance would have it, 'exactly' the right size for the puddle to fit into.

BTW #3. Before you start mocking someone for their poor grasp of English, you might want to consider examining your own command of the language. The singular of 'dice' is 'die', not 'di'. :)
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0 47. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The TANK vs The World

#2 Perhaps Prius owners should wear Prius lapel badges. That way, even when not driving their cars, they can still be recognised and admired as the planet saviours they are. :)
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-1 48. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Inside Isfahan

#10 Next time you're in the UK? :D That's funny. You think you're well travelled ever since you took a dump in your neighbour's pig pen.

btw. I didn't vote in the EU referendum. :)
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 49. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Inside Isfahan

#8. What a singularly moronic thing to say. FYI here are some of the reasons why you could be executed in Iran:

...homosexuality; incestuous relations; fornication; prohibited sexual relations; sexual misconduct; prostitution; plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime; political dissidence; sabotage; arson; rebellion; apostasy; adultery; blasphemy; extortion; counterfeiting; smuggling; speculating; disrupting production; recidivist consumption of alcohol; producing or preparing food, drink, cosmetics, or sanitary items that lead to death when consumed or used; producing and publishing pornography; using pornographic materials to solicit sex....

And according to you, the UK government is 'playing the same game', keen to ban homosexuals and ready to 'put coloured at the back of the bus' . It seems that you might have been 'at the back of the bus' when they were handing out brains. :D

Oh and... just remind me would you, out of Trump, Johnson, AfD and the FPO, who is it that is in charge in Iran?
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0 50. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Inside Isfahan

Iran. "... a cultural and historical heritage that still honours its traditions."
Yeah, traditions like executing homosexuals, and executing or imprisoning anyone found guilty of apostasy. :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 51. thefox commented 5 years ago on video If the Universe is only 14 Billion years old, how can it be 92 Billion years Wide with a W

#3 In the beginning there was nothing.
And then it exploded. :)
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0 52. thefox commented 5 years ago on video How to travel faster than light

#1 Quite so. In the distant past, it was inconceivable that anything could travel faster than the fastest horse. Then the internal combustion engine was invented, and the speed of a car became the defining limit. Then aeroplanes were invented, and suddenly there was no need to travel on roads, so a new limiting speed was established. Then along came jet engines. Then Rocket engines and space travel. It's just a matter of thinking outside the box.
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-1 53. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Catching a phone in rollercoaster

Am I the only one who thought that with all his waving the phone around after he'd caught it, it was just a matter of time before it slipped out of his hand? :)
Picture of thefox30 achievements

-2 54. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Air Drummin' on the B Train

I've seen some stupid things on snotr, but this has to be one of the most stupid ever. :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 55. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Geekster and friends Quad-biking in Romania Countryside 2019

#2 Looks great. Beautiful and unspoilt. My kinda place. Whereabouts in Romania is that Geekster?
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 56. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Teleoperation of RC car from inside a cylindrical dome

#6 I also can't help but notice that snotr takes longer to load than almost any other site. No doubt down to DigitalOcean, the hosting company.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 57. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Best Tool Chest Ever

No room for a power drill, angle grinder, circular saw or arc welder. So.... pretty crap then. :)
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0 58. thefox commented 5 years ago on video All Countries Total Forest Area Comparison (2019)

#8 and #10. Quite so. The hysteria surrounding this is breathtaking. Here's a snippet from The Spectator which makes interesting reading:

Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese expert on forests who also plays football, so when he shared a picture online of a recent forest fire in the Amazon, it went viral. Perhaps he was in a rush that day to get out of the laboratory to football training, because it later transpired that the photograph was actually taken in 2013, not this year, and in southern Brazil, nowhere near the Amazon.

But at least his picture was only six years old. Emmanuel Macron, another forest ecologist who moonlights as president of France, claimed that ‘the Amazon rainforest — the lungs which produce 20 per cent of our planet’s oxygen — is on fire!’ alongside a picture that was 20 years old. A third bioscientist, who goes under the name of Madonna and sings, capped both their achievements by sharing a 30-year-old picture.
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-3 59. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Teleoperation of RC car from inside a cylindrical dome

I can see how that could keep me entertained for ... ten seconds. :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 60. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Driver keep his nerve after loosing his brakes while going downhill.

Should have kept changing into lower gears and using the engine's compression to brake. Simples! :)
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0 61. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The CO2 debate

#12. Confirmation bias works both ways. #13 gets his daily dose of it from The Guardian hacks. :D
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 62. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The CO2 debate

#10. Oh dear. krazeeeyez is Guardian reader. That explains everything. :D
No doubt you're a Remoaner as well, and I'll bet you own a t-shirt that says: "This is what a Feminist Looks Like." :D

At least you got the bit right about 'beards don't make you highly qualified'.

In fact, it's qualifications that do that:

Tom Harris - B.Eng, M.Eng
Richard A. Keen - Ph.D., Geography/Climatology
Stanley B. Goldenberg - M.S. Synoptic Meteorology, B.S. Meteorology
Terry L. Gannon - Ph.D. in electrical engineering and device physics
Jay H. Lehr - Ph.D., Ground Water Hydrology, Geological Engineering

Still krazeeeyez, I suppose you can blow them all out of the water with your common sense can't you? :D
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+1 63. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The CO2 debate

#8. So, relevant qualifications? None. Got that.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

-1 64. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The CO2 debate

#1 They all appear to be highly qualified in their field. What are your qualifications krazeeeyez?
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 65. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Car backs out from garage without breaks

I find it odd that admin allow obvious spammers such as #6 to remain on the site.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 66. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Denmark's Sand Sculpture Festival 2019

Makes my bucket and spade attempts on Fistral beach with the grandchildren look rather tame.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 67. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Turning a Thrift Shop Skateboard into Art - Kurt Cobain Portrait

Certainly a talented artist. Can't help thinking that it's a bit of a waste doing all that to just have his work hidden on the underside of a skateboard. :|
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0 68. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Ferrari Test Drive

Engine too big. Brain too small. :)
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0 69. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Where is the owner?

She seems to be enjoying it so perhaps time to make her an ex-girlfriend.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+3 70. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Car backs out from garage without breaks

Made me smile when she ended up in the water and immediately switched on the wipers. :D
Picture of thefox30 achievements

-2 71. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Johnny FPV x Beautiful Destinations - Turkey

Regardless of its scenery, Turkey is a place to avoid, as long as the dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains in power.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+5 72. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Car accident 2019

#2 Look closely. The brake lights defintely came on, just before the other car made its move. Impatient lane changer. Makes you wonder how some people ever pass their test. Oh... here's how:
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+2 73. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Throwback Thursday: Racist Or Funny? | Gabriel Iglesias

Racist Or Funny?

Neither. Not racist and not funny. :|
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 74. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Charice Pempengco at Star King

Looks like I'm the only one who thinks it's a real din. :(
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0 75. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Everything About Grain Bins (Farmers are Geniuses) - Smarter Every Day 218

This guy is an irritating tit. 15 minute video just so he can push his money making promo code right at the end.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 76. thefox commented 5 years ago on video I Wasn't Me

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+1 77. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Chiyonokuni vs Takanoyama

I could've been a sumo wrestler, but I couldn't stand the pants riding up my arse. :|
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+1 78. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Epic Don't Drink and Drive Prank

Already has 5 DUIs?
Penalties for drink driving in the USA must be very lenient.
If he was in the UK he'd be serving some serious prison time long before now.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 79. thefox commented 5 years ago on video AUNTIE FEE POKE CHOPS AND GRAVY

#6. It's not the motherfuckin' language per se that I motherfuckin' object to. It's simply the relentless motherfuckin' use of it, every other motherfuckin' word. Doesn't this motherfucker know any other motherfuckin' words except motherfucker?
Picture of thefox30 achievements

0 80. thefox commented 5 years ago on video AUNTIE FEE POKE CHOPS AND GRAVY

Too much motherfuckin' swearing. :|
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+1 81. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Why V4 engines are so rare and which cars use them

#3. So you've finally stopped driving your Sinclair C5? :D
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+3 82. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Why V4 engines are so rare and which cars use them

Blast from the past: Ford Corsair and Ford Transit, both had V4 engines. Both were pretty poor.

My favourite configuration is the straight 6. Perfectly balanced power strokes, smooth as silk.
Triumph GT6, and the PI Triumph TR6. Beautiful cars.
I wonder where mine are now... :|
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+1 83. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Tetris God

#3. You are almost right. In fact my mother opted for a revolutionary Interamniotic Gameboy birth, and that's possibly why I was born with a Reverse Squiggly. :)
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+1 84. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Tetris God

Loved my Gameboy. Tetris was best played as two player game with two Gameboys connected by the link cable.
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+1 85. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Butterfly and cat

#2 Sorry to hear that Jake. Dogs truly are special. They give so much love. It's heartbreaking when you have to say goodbye. :|
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+3 86. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Pedestrian 0, biker also 0

#10. No. I decided there's a difference between being 'Action Man' and just Accident prone. lol. :)<3
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-1 87. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism

#12. "go outside, travel, meet people, listen to them, read.. visit China and Cambodia factories, Visit Kenia, go to Israel... see for yourself."

LOL. My turn: Climb mountains, live outside your home country for half of your working life, learn 2 foreign languages, meet people and explore foreign cultures, travel throughout Europe, Asia and the far east, backpack around Australia, write a book and get it published, learn to fly and get your private pilot's licence, have sex with a hot chick in a hot air balloon... try it yourself.
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+2 88. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Pedestrian 0, biker also 0

Similar thing happened to me when I was riding my bike home from school one day. Mother and child walking on the pavement up ahead and the kid suddenly ran out in front of me. I hit him, the bike stopped dead and I was flung over the handlebars, performing a perfect mid-air sumersault into a forward roll on the tarmac and ended up on my feet, totally unscathed. Mother was embarrassed, child started crying, and I suddenly realised that I was a super hero and completely invulnerable. :)

That belief took a bit of a blow six months later when I ran out from behind an ice cream van and was hit by a car, thrown into the air and dumped unconscious on the road. No broken bones, but spent 2 weeks in hospital with concussion. :|
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-1 89. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism

#8 It's interesting that you focus on a casual religion-oriented reference by one of the professors, because the whole of the anthropogenic climate change hysteria has an air of religious dogma about it, and the belligerent reaction from Climate Change Believers to anyone who challenges their doctrine, closely mimics the aggressive backlash often encountered by atheists who dare to question the beliefs of god-fearing zealots.
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+2 90. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Advertising campaign for “AeroMexico” airlines: DNA Discounts

Uncontrolled immigration is a bad idea.
Just ask any American Indian. :)
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+1 91. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Russian man tests chloroform

#6. No Jake. It was definitely Chloroform. It said so on the jar. :)
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+2 92. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Russian man tests chloroform

Fake. We had access to chloroform at school when I was a teenager and we tried many times, to knock ourselves out with the stuff. Not once were we successful. Here's a paragraph which sums it up neatly:

How long does it take for Chloroform to knock you out?

While the right dose of chloroform soaked in a rag can definitely knock you unconscious, it would take much longer than what they show in movies (you wouldn’t drop unconscious just by taking a whiff!). Even with a perfectly measured dose, it would take at least 5 minutes to render someone unconscious.

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+3 93. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Shockwave on the sun

#3 Light travels at 300 million metres per second, but sound travels at only 343 metres per second (through air). The light from any event which we witness taking place on the Sun, has taken 8 minutes 19 seconds to reach Earth. The sound of that same event would take 13 years, 11 months and 15 days to reach us, and that would assume that there is air between us and the Sun through which the sound could propagate, which there isn't, so it won't. :)
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+9 94. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Shockwave on the sun

Would've been more impressive in full colour, but obviously this was filmed at night.
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+2 95. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Repost of Thundersnow's Awesome Video

#9. Ah, Judgemental Jake! Are you still here? I imagined that while I was away on my Top Secret Mission you might possibly have been kidnapped and sold into white slavery in Senegal or Sierra Leone or somewhere...

Anyway.. great to see you! :D
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+1 96. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Trump deepfake - Toddlers and Tiaras

#11. It's the job of Democrats to find Trump amusing. Probably because he made such a fool of them when he walked away with the Presidency. Clinton was the one with egg on her face. :D
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+1 97. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Repost of Thundersnow's Awesome Video

#7 In what way? Just in the hitting of those black and white things with your fingers. If you notice, he tends to slam his left hand down on several keys at once - easy. And his right hand simple wiggles his fingers around a lot. Quite straightforward really. Piano Playing 101. :)
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+1 98. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 75 000 h.p. The Biggest Nuclear Icebreaker

#17. Zee Fox iz alwayz close-by ma cherie <3
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+2 99. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Low cost version of Titanic movie

Difficult to decide which was the original. :D
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+3 100. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amusement Park Ride Snaps In Usbekistan

Very sad indeed. :(
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+1 101. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Repost of Thundersnow's Awesome Video

Actually, not as difficult as it looks.
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+1 102. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 75 000 h.p. The Biggest Nuclear Icebreaker

‘Climate has always changed and it always will. There is nothing unusual about the modern magnitudes or rates of change of temperature, of ice volume, of sea level or of extreme weather events.’

- Professor Bob Carter’ - specialist field: Marine Palaeoclimatology.
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+2 103. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amazon Delivery

#11. There are times when you just gotta go, and holding it in any longer is simply not possible.

This is not one of those times. :|

She is hardly hopping from one foot to another desperate for a leak. The disdain with which this disgusting bitch tosses the package onto the ground is clear. And the follow up squat and piss on the driveway is a deliberate act to display her contempt for.... who? The home owner? Her boss? Amazon?

Anyone who's ever held a job slaving for shit pay knows what's on this girl's mind. The difference is in the way the rest of us handle the situation. Clearly, she needs to consider other employment more in keeping with her high intelligence, lofty ambitions and social standing. Apparently these are some of the roles she is presently considering:

1. TV News anchor
2. Pop star
3. Victorias Secret Model.
4. Multi millionaire Entrepreneur.
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0 104. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Sadness As An Orangutan Tries To Fight The Bulldozer Destroying Its Habitat

I felt like that guy a couple of years ago when the powers that be decided to level some green belt land not far from my country estate ( ;) ) and build yet another colossal retail park. :|
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+2 105. thefox commented 5 years ago on video How to wake up a lazy Boy

Love how the dog soon scarpers when piggy finally gets to his feet. :)
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+2 107. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Pilot nails sideways landing in 40-knot crosswinds at Bristol Airport

Business opportunity here, selling clean underpants and toilet paper in the Arrivals Lounge :D
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-2 108. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show

#8 Con comme un balai. :|
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-4 109. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show

#6. Kindly post your SJW woke shit elsewhere.
I'm not interested in your opinion.
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-6 110. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show

Oh dear. :(
Clearly there is no cure for stupid.
And only marginally less stupid than this brain-dead dumb-ass black bitch, is the crowd of numbskulls in the audience a whoopin' and a hollerin'. :|
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0 111. thefox commented 5 years ago on video How to save our planet

Freak weather used to be just that - freak weather, but now every event, large or small is produced as an example of climate change. The handy thing about labeling it climate change instead of global warming, which is what it used to be called, is that even when we have a dodgy cold spell, it can still be held up as a confirming instance of climate change.

People love to get hold of a topic and milk it to death. Climate change, brexit, whatever... the other day a large building in France was partly damaged by fire. We had to suffer several days of hysterical blanket news coverage as a result. :|
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+1 112. thefox commented 5 years ago on video How Lice Turn Your Hair Into Their Jungle Gym

#3 You probably already are. :)
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+4 113. thefox commented 5 years ago on video When Gorgons Ruled the Earth

#1 I was going to read your entire piece, but I realised that long before I could finish it, the 7th major extinction event would have been upon us.

... so I went down the pub instead. :)
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+1 114. thefox commented 5 years ago on video STRANDBEEST EVOLUTION 2017

Impressive and inspiring. :O
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-2 115. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Random Japanese guy VS my wife

Let's take your first point. It took me a minute or so to watch the video. Compare that to the many, many hours that boy must have devoted in order to play the machine at such a high speed. It's quite clear here who's wasting their time.

Point two, examine the timeline. I comment on the vid. You comment on me. I comment on your comment, pointing out that this site is for commenting on videos, not other users. How else was I to have done that, without inserting a comment? Shall I try telepathy next time? Or maybe you're the only one allowed to make comments about other snotr users?

Point three. "Surgeons use them to protect patients from their mouth-borne germs..."
He doesn't look like a surgeon to me, and that doesn't look like an operating theatre either. Read the article again and this time try to understand the thrust of it's meaning - that Asians habitually wear masks in the mistaken belief that the masks protect them from microscopic airbone particles and disease etc.

Point four. "I'm a simpleton, I'll give you that..."

Well, what can I say. I agree. :D

No doubt you'll now dash out yet another childish response. So go ahead, but don't hold your breath waiting for a reply. I'll let you have the last word. It's obviousy very important to you.
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-1 116. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Random Japanese guy VS my wife

#5 In your ideal world, you would always be right and everyone else would agree with you.

Meanwhile, back in the real world you're just a simpleton with an over-inflated opinion of yourself, who believes no-one else is entitled to an opinion. I comment on the video, which is what this site is for, but you feel compelled to comment on 'me'. That speaks volumes.

Here, educate yourself, and afterwards, crawl back up your own arsehole, which is where you appear to spend most of your time, Seldomseen. :D
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0 117. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Random Japanese guy VS my wife

#3 "Why make Racist and stereotypical remark about someone you don't know"

You don;t know him either. Oh and... my life is fine thanks, BTW, I don't hate my life, but thanks for asking. :)
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-1 118. thefox commented 5 years ago on video China's Bike-Sharing Disaster

#7 "On average, in the west, folks spend up to one third of their income on a depreciating asset they use 5% of the time. That does not make sense."

It doesn't make sense purely from a financial perspective. But the majority of people don't look on car ownership as an investment. For them, and for me, car ownership is about freedom, and not having to hang around waiting for a taxi or a bus or a train. I just jump into my machinery, turn the key, and go. :)

And as for: "When you need a car, an autonomous electric vehicle turns up...."

I hate to break it to you, but autonomous vehicles are still very much in the development stage. They won't be coming to a street near you for at least another 10 to 20 years.
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0 119. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Why Can't We Get Power From Waves?

Tidal power is the way to go. 100% predictable.
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+2 120. thefox commented 5 years ago on video World's Fastest Stree-Legal Car Breaks 300 MPH in a Standing Mile at THE TEXAS MILE!!!

And the thing that makes it go? Y'know... that engine thingy? No insight into that whatsoever.
Crap vid. :|
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+6 121. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Collecting money for the Death Star

Bass guitar. The only instrument where you can actually sound like you know how to play it after just five minutes practice.
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0 122. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Random Japanese guy VS my wife

On the left is a mentally deficient individual who has clearly dedicated a large proportion of his as yet, short life, to mastering a pointless arcade game. He also wears a mask which he believes will protect him from microscopic airborne particulates. It won't.

On the right is an intelligent girl who is I suspect, playing this game for the first time. It will probably also be the last time, as she moves on afterwards and finds something more useful to do instead.
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+3 123. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Simulated Reality

I woke up this morning and was shocked to discover that everything in the house had been removed, and replaced with an 'exact' duplicate. :O
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+1 124. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Simulated Reality

Interesting vid. I like this kind of stuff. It reminded me of a book I read a while ago: Realtime Interrupt by James P. Hogan.

"Joe Corrigan awakens in a Pittsburgh hospital without memory. As director of the supersecret Oz Project, he had worked on a virtual reality software project, and as he slowly recalls his past, he sets out on a quest to pick up the pieces of his past life. But he soon begins to suspect that the virtual reality project is still going on, and he's inside it."
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+2 125. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Bruce Lee Interview 1965

Bruce Lee, a true legend if ever there was one. I have to say though, I'm not too comfortable with the way he was handled in this demonstration. "Stand there, look right, look left, profile, do this, do that... " I felt like he was being treated like some kind of performing circus act. It just didn't sit right with me. :|
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+3 126. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Cornish naked Pheasant Dance.

No need for a dance... just a crossbow. :)
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+2 127. thefox commented 5 years ago on video First Time on an Electric Foil

$12,000 USD! LOL :D
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+2 128. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 6 year old visually impaired piano player plays Bohemian Rhapsody

#3. I doubt if he's using the pedals.
Know yo' kids.
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+3 129. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Flat Earthers try to justify their beliefs

Some people will do anything to get on the telly. :|
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+5 130. thefox commented 5 years ago on video If I Were the Devil

If I were the devil, I would demonstrate to young children that adults have no power over them. Teachers cannot strike them, police cannot discipline them, parents cannot smack them, their happiness and contentment is paramount, social workers must strive to protect them from any distress, no matter how trivial, and they must be convinced that they are the centre of the universe, and their hopes, desires and dreams must always be satisfied.
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+1 131. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Polar Bear Mom Creates Small Avalanche to Save Cub

Formulaic drivel.

Select an animal event - shark attack, bear attack, wilderbeast trapped in a swamp, mongoose giving birth to triplets etc. etc. Invent ridiculous story surrounding said event. Scout around for any suitable additional animal clips. Edit with emotive soundtrack and sympathetic voiceover of concerned naturalist.

Package up and broadcast to gullible, moronic, eco-zealous, nature-watching consumers..
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-5 133. thefox commented 5 years ago on video True Facts: The Bolas Spider

Watched this until the first censored naughty word and then stopped. :|
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-3 134. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Timelapse Of The Future

Lost interest in this video as soon as I heard the voice of the twat Brian Cox.
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-1 135. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 1769 Cugnot Steamer

#1 Good point. And after this piece of shit, he went on to invent another... the Citroen 2CV.
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-2 136. thefox commented 5 years ago on video 'Hemorrhoid Guy' skit from In Living Color

Laugh? I couldn't start. :|
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+4 137. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Inside Corning's Gorilla Glass Factory

More left wing bashing from Sux2bu. :D
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+1 138. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Koncepto Millenya

I can travel higher than that sitting on the top deck of a double-decker bus. :|
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0 139. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Turn a Broken Egg into a Ping Pong Ball - Backward Picnic

#4. Good call! :)
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+1 140. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Barking mad! Tiny Papillon steals the show at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show

Love dogs. Fantastic little dog, you can tell he/she is having a great time. And big thumbs up for the trainer. Great job. :)
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0 141. thefox commented 5 years ago on video When a physics teacher knows his stuff

Great teacher. At secondary school we had only one great teacher. He was my Fench teacher. All the rest were crap.
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-1 142. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Is It Southern or Hipster? – wellRED Comedy

About as funny as a wet fart. :|
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0 143. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Trust

The maker of this video seems to have a colossal chip on his shoulder. Get over it buddy. :|
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0 144. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Russian slap contest

The guy in blue is not only bigger, but he has a much better technique, (and he also has an airbag hidden in his beard.) :)
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+2 145. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Stossel: Sweden is Not a Socialist Success

#3 Fisrt of all, just glancing at sux's previous 10 vids, only this one seems to have a leftist bashing slant, and secondly, maybe snotr believes that his opinions are just as valid as yours or mine?
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+9 146. thefox commented 5 years ago on video What happened?

"No-one was killed in the bus, which was empty of passengers, but the driver suffered serious burns. The explosion was caused by a "traffic accident," say authorities; the vehicle runs on natural gas, the tank is on the roof, and it tried to enter a low tunnel."
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+1 147. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Artist Can Turn Anything Into A Mirror

I watched the entire video waiting to be shown how the mechanics behind each 'mirror' works, but it looks as if that's a secret. :|
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+6 148. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Turn a Broken Egg into a Ping Pong Ball - Backward Picnic

:O ? siht si kcuf eht tahW
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+1 149. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Radiohead - Creep (Mimi & Josefin) _ Blind Auditions _ The Voice Kids 2019

#8 "Morons also watch / hear an entire 12 minute video before they comment..."

I agree, anyone who watched and listened to this drivel for 12 minutes before commenting, has either never seen an episode of The Voice before, and was captivated by its mind-numbing nonsense, or they actually find this kind of twaddle entertaining.
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+3 150. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Radiohead - Creep (Mimi & Josefin) _ Blind Auditions _ The Voice Kids 2019

TV for morons.
Morons make it.
Morons appear on it.
Morons judge it.
And morons watch it.
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0 151. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Pulling the first Enormous Show Carrot

"Unfortunately it's got a crack in it..."

So it's shite then. :D
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+2 152. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Pay attention!

Self righteous cyclists... even worse than SJWs and vegans. :|
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+2 153. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Why all solar panels are secretly LEDs (and all LEDs are secretly solar panels)

#1. Since videos continue to be posted by users, and people, including yourself, continue to post comments, snotr is clearly not dead.
... but it is dying... :|
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+3 154. thefox commented 5 years ago on video A Humorous Tourism Video For Australia (Made By A New Zealander)

#3 What if a crocodile eats you because it's bored? Then technically, you'd die of boredom. :)
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+2 155. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Drunk friends in the woods

Barman! Gimme a pint of what they're drinkin'. :)
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0 156. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Everyone laughed at and belittled her chalk art performance... until the very end of the contest.

It looked great until she turned it upside down and blew that shit all over it. :D
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-1 157. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

#15 "Your inability to ever win a argument with JJ..."

Here, let me just correct that for you:

"Your inability to ever lose an argument with Little Jakey... "

Frankly I'm surprised you keep coming back for more, but then again, being driven, as you are, by a perceived height handicap to overcompinsate in other aspects of your life, even in the face of failure and embarrassment is a well documented characteristic of Little Man Syndome. :D

Oh hey, look here, I found one of your home videos: :D:D:D
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0 158. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

#13 If you and Joe Pesci were standing next to me, even wearing your built up shoes, you'd both look like little schoolboys.

I had a hunch you were a little man Jakey, your overt aggression and desperate desire for respect, your big old banger Bentley it's so important to you that people believe you own, and finally your imagined martial art mastery, all point that way. But finally your adulation of Joe Pesci and the adoption of his pic as an avatar, seals the deal.

Thanks for confirming it. :D
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0 159. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

#9 OK Little Jakey, and if you ever meet him you give him a big hug and whisper tenderly: "Joe, us little men have to stick together." He'll like that. :D
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0 160. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

#7 That's probably exactly what the little squeaker might say.

At only 5ft 3 inches in height, Pesci is a classic example of Little Man Syndrome. :)
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+2 161. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

#4 Squeaky, ... like he might have swallowed some superfluid helium.

#3. Yeah, my tits complain every time they hear Joe Pesci.
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+1 162. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#20 You're a retired little provider of smelly pooh??? :O :D
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+1 163. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Superfluid helium

Superfluid helium doesn't appear to be very useful.
What we really need scientists to discover, is superfluid concrete.
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+4 164. thefox commented 5 years ago on video My Cousin Vinny - Magic Grits

Hate Joe Pesci. His squeaky little voice gets on my tits.
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+2 165. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Wasp killing machine

Seems like an unusually complicated and messy way to get rid of wasps.
I had a similar problem at my previous house.
A couple of cans of insect killing foam sprayed liberally over the entrance as wasps arrived and left did the job niceley. Swept up the little buggers off the slabs the following day. Job done. :)
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+1 166. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amazing footage of Earth during a spacewalk on ISS

#14 But not just any old antenna, ThunderousSnowBabe. But a 'HUGE antenna'!
People don't usually have a HUGE antenna in their garden to receive Sky News, BBC Radio 4 or Eastenders.
Think on... ;)
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+2 167. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#16 The only 'stuff' little Jakey knows is how to type 'pigeon diseases' into Google.
He'll be telling you he's a Doctor next :D
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0 168. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amazing footage of Earth during a spacewalk on ISS

#12 You're way off SnowLady. The clue is in Cameramaster's second comment. ;)
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0 169. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Typical Cityrail Announcement

#12 You may be right Favourite Female Thundersow Angel. Austin may indeed be gone forever,... but something inside tells me that he will return... in some guise or other...

I am enjoying my weekend thanks, I've stepped inside in the last half hour, the sun's going down and my glass of Pinod needs a refill, so I'll continue indoors with some more liquid refreshment. I hope your weekend has been as relaxing as mine Snow Babe. <3

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. "
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0 170. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amazing footage of Earth during a spacewalk on ISS

#10 It's something only certain people would understand My Dear Thundering Lady
As is this: 88 <3
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+2 171. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#10 You completely understand the facility of reading the Times online, and yet... you seem to think the only way to read it when abroad is to have 'ordered it'? Confused really is your middle name isn't it little Jakey?

Amusing to see how anxious you became at the possibility of my soaking up the sun in foreign parts, and yet my original post never mentioned that at all. That tells me a lot about your financial hang-ups, no doubt exacerbated by your meagre income, subsisting on benefits and/or a ppp (piss poor pension).

It must be awfully depressing for you to be huddled up in your ice cold council flat, too skint to drop any money in the meter and with nothing to look forward to this Summer except your annual coach trip to Butlins. :D
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+6 172. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#6. I'll take care to type this slowly jakey, so you don't get confused. The Times is available online, via something called the Internet. So I can read it anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection, which is... anywhere in the world.

As for it being "February in the UK", yep, it's also February in Australia, February in Florida and February in the Algarve, amongst many other places. I realise this is a difficult concept for you to understand. Just try a little harder.

I'll let you get back to your Kitty and Rover book now. :D
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+1 173. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Typical Cityrail Announcement

#10. I think it was his holier-than-thou preaching that irritated a lot of people. His motto was: "why use 10 words when 500 will do". To be honest I rarely used to read more than a couple of paragraphs of his comments, before moving on. He really did go on a bit. His left wing drivel was quite mind numbing. Oh... and his avatar was crap. :D

Anyway, I predict that in a few months time he will return.
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0 174. thefox commented 5 years ago on video RIDICULOUS RIDES ~ The Learjet limo

Looks like he took the aeroplane and uninvented it. :D

Tune in next week when he'll be converting a Saturn 5 rocket into a wheelchair.
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+1 175. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#4. Not too bad at all sex kitten. Just chiiling out in the sun with a cool drink and my laptop, flipping between snotr, The Times, and 'The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared', have you read it?
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+1 176. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

#2 Hey Mademoiselle Female Thunderbabe! How's it goin' ma chérie? <3<3<3
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0 177. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Typical Cityrail Announcement

The announcer was Austin, just started his new job after being booted off snotr. I wonder if he'll go grovelling to Geekster to be allowed back, the same pitiful way Jakey did.

Oh... and the clueless guy on the platform is of course little Jakey, on his way to Wolverhampton to see all of his extended yam yam family. :D
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0 178. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Do Birds Hibernate in Lakes?!

#2 Tony Blair.
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+1 179. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Amazing footage of Earth during a spacewalk on ISS

#4. M7, 2E or M0?
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+3 180. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Staten Island Ferry pigeon's water fountain moment

I don't have anything against pigeons.
It's giggling "Oh My God" women that irritate me.
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+2 181. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Venezuela Protests in Caracas: January 23, 2019

Note to self:

Cancel Caracas holiday.
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0 182. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Veganism Destroyed Europe - Why Over 90% of Vegans Are "White"

Difficult to decide who's the funniest. The Old Sage Austin, a legend in his own imagination, writing his pompous, never ending boring tomes masquerading as meaningful comments, or Ugh, the prodigal child, who seems to be frightened of just about everything... except his imagined room full of hot chicks. I'm betting the hottest chick he's ever encountered is a KFC 6 piece Bargain Bucket. :D
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-1 183. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Veganism Destroyed Europe - Why Over 90% of Vegans Are "White"

#6 I'm not worried Ugh, because as your posts have clearly demonstrated, you have the very highest standards, which is why you're still talking to me. :D
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0 184. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Veganism Destroyed Europe - Why Over 90% of Vegans Are "White"

#10 "it is not wrong to be tattooed, obese, whatever. It is just something that triggers me. Thus it is my problem, not the problem of all those people out there. "

And this year's award for stating the blatantly fucking obvious goes to.... Ugh.

Incidentally Ugh, all of those super hot perfect chicks you cream your pants at the prospect of being locked up with? Guess what? They don't exist. This Latino chick would be slightly too plump for your liking, that ebony babe would be a tad too short, and that Asian girl would, upon closer examination, be revealed to have a slight stutter.

I just hope you can find a way to cope with them all. :D
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+1 185. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Veganism Destroyed Europe - Why Over 90% of Vegans Are "White"

#5 "Then you can start being xenophobic about the next thing, religion or disability maybe."

...or maybe xenophobic about people who are overly tattooed, whatever that means. Is an arm OK? What about both arms? Chest? Chest and back? When is it too much? Who decides? You? Mr Perfect?

Or maybe xenophobic about people whose body weight/mass doesn't conform to your own idea of perfection. Or people whose teeth aren't perfect and gleaming white, as yours must undoubtedly be...

Guess what scares me? Being locked up in a room with just one twat like you. :|
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0 186. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Athlete tries to become first dwarf ironman

#3 I am here for this thank your share update all save Window Internets setting version for latest.
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+5 187. thefox commented 5 years ago on video The good...The Bad...and the Ugly.

This guy's name is Italo Vegliante, and if he isn't a legend, he certainly should be.
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+1 188. thefox commented 5 years ago on video NHRA 2018 Wild Rides

#1 Did he died? :O
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0 189. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Death Buy Lemonade

Capitalism at its worst.
The little bitch got her just deserts. :)
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+1 190. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

When did they start being called Preppers? What happened to Survivalists?

Personally, I'd rather be a Survivalist; someone who's got his shit together, weapons at the ready, self-defence skills honed to a deadly art, and ready for action in any scenario.

A Prepper on the other hand sounds like someone who's getting ready to cook a meal and has all their vegetables neatly sliced, meat marinating in a trendy colour co-ordinated dish, sauces mixed and sitting in glass dishes on a granite worktop, utensils at the ready and oven just coming up to temperature. :)
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+4 191. thefox commented 5 years ago on video When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - Vernon Franklin - Chappelle’s Show

#2. Uppity nigger with colossal chip on shoulder loses his rag with white honky boss man over appropriation issue. It made me smile. There. That's the best I can do Austin.

Tbh Austin. I don't 'do' humour deconstruction. If something amuses me, I laugh. It really is that straightforward. I don't pause and look around timidly to determine whether I might be about to commit some terrifying politically incorrect faux pas with my impending chuckle.

Now it's your turn. As you say, deconstructing humour can be challenging, but I am certain this is a challenge you will rise to in explaining why this video doesn't tickle your funny bone.

So in 5,000 words or less, go for it. :)
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+3 192. thefox commented 5 years ago on video When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - Vernon Franklin - Chappelle’s Show

Funny, though I doubt whether Austin will think so. :)
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+5 193. thefox commented 5 years ago on video PSA for Libertarians

Nice tits. :P
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+3 194. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Anti Social Media

"social media is meant to be a place where you share things about your life..."

Which sums up neatly why I don't participate in social media.
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+2 195. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Danger of Gas Cylinders ???? We will show you their power / Stay safe

Phew! How lucky am I eh?
I woke up this morning and I was just about to place a full propane cylinder on a bonfire, but then I saw this video. :O
Thanks snotr! You saved my life. :)
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+1 196. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

#130000 127 comments eh thunderbabe? I'm going to bet that video was either about religion, guns or Brexit. Am I right? :)<3
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+1 197. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

#110 Yes. Sometimes the numbers get messed up a little bit. :|
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+3 198. thefox commented 5 years ago on video Updated LEGO aquarium.

Hard to believe this idiot #7 hasn't been removed from snotr yet.
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0 199. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

#9 Here in England we call them busybody arseholes. :)
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+1 200. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

#6 You are correct of course. It is documented elsewhere that this was staged. But funny nontheless, and I have to say that I have met people, men and women, who behave just like her. They see it as their mission to complain about everything.
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+1 201. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Paperboy on bike goes full speed

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+6 202. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

LOL. It's amusing that she's complaining about the noise, yet with her fishwife foghorn gob she's making enough din to wake the dead. :D Thanks Thunderbabe Snow Lady! <3
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0 203. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Theresa May CCTV images

#3 No, not particularly. It just seems that way to you because you're an idiot. :D
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-2 204. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Theresa May CCTV images

Different bag, green folder vanished, jacket with no centre vent.
I call fake. :|
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-2 205. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Barber prank

#11 Little Jakey exercising his very fertile imagination as always, and clearly rattled by The Fox reappearing on SNOTR after several months break. Jakey is truly an amusing chappie (though not in the way he hopes).

Go to bed and dream now little Jakey, then you'll have something new, (though not very original) to write here tomorrow. :D
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-1 206. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Barber prank

#8 Oddly enough, I think it's possible that you really do own a Bentley, after all even someone of your meagre means can pick up a shabby version on eBay for just a few grand, in the mistaken belief that it'll impress the neighbours, parked outside your council house.

No doubt your bilious attack yesterday was a result of the old smoker failing its MOT... again. But cheer up little Jakey, after all, at least you managed to con your mom into remortgaging her hovel so you could buy that personalised number plate you always wanted: JJT1T :D
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+2 207. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Barber prank

#5 The Fox casually flicks a hanky to little Jakey, from the window of his Aston Martin as he and Lady Thunder Babe roar past.
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+1 208. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Barber prank

#3 Hi there Mademoiselle Snow Female Thunderperson!
How could I stay away from you any longer babe? <3<3<3
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+2 209. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Barber prank

The unedited version is much better:
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+8 210. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Meet Aisha: Amazon's New Sharia-Compliant Version of Alexa!

The World According to Islam, a strange alternate reality inhabited by misguided, mindless Dark Age throwbacks.
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0 211. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Waterfall - Women's Head

Mais oui ma cherie. <3<3<3
Belated Merry Christmas to you and a very Happy New Year. :)
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+2 212. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Waterfall - Women's Head

Merry Christmas Austin.
Merry Christmas Jake.
Jingle Bells, Silent Night, Auld langs syne usw.
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+4 213. thefox commented 6 years ago on video A car accident caused by three sheep

#9 Yes the world is a shit place and shit things happen all the time. But there better places to display the shit than here on snotr. I think I'll give this site a miss for a year or so.
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+8 214. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Simple shack's door leads to paradise

The Maldives.
An Islamic State.
Certainly not. :|
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+10 215. thefox commented 6 years ago on video A car accident caused by three sheep

Not nice. Remove this fuckin' shit now.
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+6 216. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Freestyle with Yorday Martínez & Jhonxitho Acevedo

WTF was that? 8-)
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+11 217. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Rapsody in blue

Looked more like Rhapsody in red. :)
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0 218. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Medieval Tune. Hurdy-Gurdy With Organ

#3. That girl just sent my attractivometer right off the scale! ;)
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+8 219. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Despacito

Definitely professional quality squeezing there. :)
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-1 220. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Home made dream car

1:44 130/70 My granny's wheelchair's got wider tyres than that! :D
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+2 221. thefox commented 6 years ago on video FALCON HEAVY LANDING 02/06/2018

#4 'Double sonic booms?? ....... Does not look like that to me.'

Me neither. I assumed it's just the noise from the engines re-igniting, delayed because of the distance away from the camera.
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+5 222. thefox commented 6 years ago on video FALCON HEAVY LANDING 02/06/2018

Stuff like this was standard when I was a nipper... on Thunderbirds. :)
Incredible to see it actually happen. Truly awesome.
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+1 223. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Russian arrested in Toronto for scary stunts.

#12 "Could be doing it just for the attention."

I think you might be onto something there. ;)
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+2 224. thefox commented 6 years ago on video I hate smoke ...

That sccoter she's on reminds me of an old 2-stroke chicken chaser I used to ride many years ago. :)
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+1 225. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Russian arrested in Toronto for scary stunts.

#9 He has followers on facebook and Instagram? :O

How could I have been so wrong? :|
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+1 226. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Russian arrested in Toronto for scary stunts.

#6. The deep psychological trauma surrounding grief and loss can affect someone for the rest of their lives. This boy is a selfish prick. :|
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+12 227. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Russian arrested in Toronto for scary stunts.

I watch this and I think to myself, yeah, it's all in the mind. Skipping around like this at ground level wouldn't bother anyone, so it really isn't any more 'difficult' when you're a few hundred feet up in the air. Problem is, at ground level, a minor slip and you drop a few inches onto the pavement. When ( not if ) this guy eventually slips, it's Game Over. Pity he doesn't give a bit of thought to friends and family he'll leave behind, and of course the poor bastard he might land on top of. :|

He's 25 years old now. I doubt he'll see 30.
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+3 228. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Tiger Wants a Toy

#4 The really sad thing is that very soon, zoos will be the only places on the planet where these creatures exist. :|
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+1 229. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Introducing the amazing Compact Disc (1982)

#13 "it's very easy to connect pc's laptops etc to amplifiers but it remains a fact that most people don't."

Quite so. And the reason is obvious to anyone not still living in the past. Even the most modest digital setup today will easily out perform the most expensive snap-crackle-pop, fluff collecting vinyl analogue, setup. ;)
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+1 230. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

#8 That's great news! Congratulations on getting yourself a new model! MadameThunderLady must be so excited to be chosen by you to come to clean for you, to be chained up and eat insects in your cellar. She's probably packing her bags already. Aint she the lucky one eh? :D

BTW. Don't forget to tell her you have windows and heating upstairs. I'm sure she'll be impressed. :D
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+2 231. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

#6 " she complains a lot doesn't she..."

Why do you think I got rid of her? And listen, it's not too late to take the kids, although of course, being in their 30's now, they're not really 'kids' any more. But they may still come with their own insects. Do you like curry and lice? :|
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+5 232. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

#4 Sold the wife and kids into white slavery.
Much more peaceful now. :)
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-2 233. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

I'd put both little shits up for adoption. :)
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0 234. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Earthship Global Model: Radically Sustainable Buildings

#2. I didn't see much wood in that house Mr. Ator. :)
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+1 235. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Introducing the amazing Compact Disc (1982)

Jake #6, you make some good points regarding the extreme difference between a high end Hi-Fi setup with discrete turntable/amp/speakers and quality stylus etc, and a ... record player, and yes, the weight is crucial. I remember my mom used to set the weight on her stereogram by sellotaping a couple of pennies to the end of the arm. :)

I'll be honest here, as a teenager I never had the dosh to put together a top of the range setup. But my brother, a few years older than me, and a self-confessed 'afficionado' used to spend everything he earned (and more) on his system, so I've witnessed first hand what can be achieved with the right gear. Nevertheless, since it's just as easy to attach a quality amp and quality speakers to a CD/PC as it is to a turntable, that side of the equation cancels out, leaving just the source of the sound signal to deal with.

I'll never forget the day my brother bought his first CD player, a £60 Philips item. He popped in a CD, and turned the volume on his NAD amp up. Right up. The sound was breathtaking. We looked at each other and were both speechless. I guess that was the day that CDs replaced LPs for me. The quality of digital sound simply cannot be matched by an analogue vinyl setup, and just look at the price difference.

I can only attribute the resurgence of interest in vinyl as a rose-tinted 'nostalgia' effect, a bit like when I often think back with fond memories of my old cars of the 70's and 80's, but then after a moment's reflection I realise... they were actually crap. :D

There is one part of the LP experience that I do lament the passing of though; the album covers and contents. Many of them were works of art in their own right. 8 Tracks, musicassettes and finally CDs put the nail in that coffin. Pity. I wonder where my old Quadrophenia album is now...? :'(
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+4 236. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Introducing the amazing Compact Disc (1982)

The recent upsuge of interest in vinyl records leaves me quite baffled. I was very happy to abandon this medium in favour of CDs, and the reasons are still just as valid today. Low quality sound including additional pops and crackles, fluff on the stylus, jump out of chair every 20 minutes or so to turn over the record, more frequently if there was a particular track I wanted to skip. The myth of genuine, warm, quality sound of vinyl is laughable. They were, and still are, crap. Of course even CDs are now old tech. When I left the country I gave away all of mine to friends and family, but not before ripping them to my PC in FLAC format. Now I have well over 2000 albums available at the click of the mouse, all of them stored on a hard drive no bigger than a paperback.
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0 237. thefox commented 6 years ago on video How Do Kids and Artists See While Drawing? | Eye Tracking

#2. I once drew some curtains.
And at some point in the future I might draw my pension.
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+9 238. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Octopus performs shocking trick to devour crabs

Octopus enters container to eat crab. Amazing. :|

Next week: Bird lands on grass to eat worm.
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+1 239. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Cracking London’s Legendary Taxi Test

Even more impressive is the way a cabbie is trained to take you on the longest possible route, bore you shitless with his inane banter during the journey and then stitch you up with an outrageous fare when he drops you off. :)
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+6 240. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Package Thief gets Instant Karma

Yet another disgraceful character assassination by low-life Austin #4.

The crucial part of this video is the break in timeline when the delivery van leaves the road.

At this point the homeowner checks the parcels and realises they have been delivered to the wrong address. She calls the depot and they send out their collection agents, a helpful, well meaning couple who's job it is to travel around the neghbourhood making sure wrongly delivered parcels are re-routed correctly.

Sadly, in this case, in her haste to collect the parcels the woman slips on a poorly maintained lawn and injures herself. At this point her loving partner, who had been busy administering a vital diabetes injection in the vehicle, courageously lends his assistance and carries the woman back to the car. Notice how, even in this difficult moment, the man does not neglect his prime duty, to retrieve the packages, and install them safely in his vehicle.

This selfless human being will now make sure the packages are safely delivered to the correct address before taking his traumatised partner to the hospital for emergency treatment.
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0 241. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Unissued Nº26 - H G Wells On How To Restore Prosperity

Isn't anyone elso worried that HG Wells is uninsured? :|
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+2 242. thefox commented 6 years ago on video News fails 2017

Some priceless gems there. :'(

But definitely NOT funny, Austin. :|

Love weathermen fails, btw here's one where the guy handles it like a boss:
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+3 243. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Are Intelligent People More Lonely?

Are Intelligent People More Wobbly? :D
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+3 244. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Judges are Skeptical of Him But Then THIS Happens | Auditions 2 | Britain’s Got Talent 2017

"Judges are Skeptical of Him But Then THIS Happens"

But... but... but... nothing happened... 8-)
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+9 245. thefox commented 6 years ago on video Glock-Fishing Underwater...Invasive species removal

Can't help thinking these cowboys were getting a hard-on dreaming up a new way to shoot their guns, and then just had to come up with a valid application for this 'ground breaking' project.

Next week: getting rid of residential termite infestations using drone-launched rocket propelled grenades. :|
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+2 246. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Christmas Tree Fire: Watered Tree vs. Dry Tree

I have a 7ft non-flammable tree made from steel and plastic which comes out of its box in the attic once a year for a few weeks, and then it goes back again. No danger, no waste, no mess, no cost. No problem. :)
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0 247. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Differences Between Petrol and Diesel Engines

3:55 "turbo feeds compressed air into the cylinder which helps the piston's descent therefore saving energy..."

That's a rather confused description of the function of a turbo. In fact by raising the air pressure at the intake, more air can enter the cylinder over and above what would be possible simply under normal atmospheric pressure, thereby allowing more fuel to be burnt, thereby producing more energy.
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0 248. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Homeless man’s savings bonds returned 30 years later – just when he needed them the most

I wonder how many bottles of wine $3k buys?
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-1 249. thefox commented 7 years ago on video All conditions are perfect conditions

I watched the first 15 seconds and then glanced at the progress bar to see how much was left... and bailed out.
I don't regard skiing as a spectator sport, with our without snow. :|
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+7 250. thefox commented 7 years ago on video A Millennial Job Interview

Ah yes.
Today's entitled youth.
Pass me the sick bag. :|
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+5 251. thefox commented 7 years ago on video SU-30 uses "Hi there" maneuver

I would sell my own granny to fly one of those. ;) Super cool.
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0 252. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Self Driving Robot Attemps to Beat Valentino Rossi (MotoGP Champion)

#4 #8. I'm afraid the golden days of motoring are a long way behind us now. I passed my test over forty years ago, and back then people actually used to 'go out for a drive' for the pleasure of it. Roads were new and in good condition, not littered with roadworks. Traffic density was low, and free roadside parking was plentiful. Speed cameras were non-existent, as were other traffic calming measures such as speed bumps and chicanes.

But driving today is nothing but a laborious time consuming and soul-destroying process... regardless of what car you're driving.
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+4 253. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Speeding powerboat runs over smaller fishing boat

#2 Install Addblock.
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0 254. thefox commented 7 years ago on video First Look at Nintendo Labo

Cardboard box game.
Hilarious. :|
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+3 255. thefox commented 7 years ago on video LUKA DONCIC HIGHLIGHTS VS FCB LASSA!! FULL COURT SHOT AND ANKLE BREAKER

18 year old puts ball in basket.
Hold the front page. :|
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+2 257. thefox commented 7 years ago on video New Age Guru Thinks His “Energy Shield” Will Protect Him, Challenges the Wrong Guy

That's odd. It seemed to work fine when he tried this with his granny.
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0 258. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Former banker in San Francisco confronts new reality

#11 This man knows nothing about 'shaping our world'.
The narrator was correct right at the start.
He is a dinosaur.
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+2 259. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Ron White on Flying With Engine Problems

#2 I'd like a fortune teller to tell me 'where' I'm going to die, then I'll make sure I never go there. :D
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+1 260. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Impressive Kookaburra call

Sounds like Austin finally found something funny.
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+6 261. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Former banker in San Francisco confronts new reality

This man's experience will pale in significance compared to the impending AI revolution.
Do you think your job's safe?
Think again.
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+1 262. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Ultimate Paper Airplane

He spent thousands of hours making his paper aeroplane, but uses a crap cardboard box to cover it.
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+3 264. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

My browser has an AdBlocker, but does anyone know where I can get an AustinBlocker? :D
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0 265. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Irish flight delayed...

I didn't see a single black face in this clip. I do hope this isn't one of those waycist videos.
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+3 266. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

I think the one lesson we can learn from this is that it's vitally important, before we decide to find something funny, to check with Austin first. It would be so embarrasing to laugh out loud at a video, only to be then informed by Austin that it wasn't actually funny.
Oh, the shame of it.

Austin's knowledge and wisdom will guide us all.
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+2 267. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The 1917 Halifax Explosion (in brief) 2

#3 I strongly suggest you run a deep virus/malware scan on your box. :|

Incidentaly, if you're not interested in any of the nude women, would you mind passing them on to me? :D
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+1 268. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Building a log cabin in the forest without powertools timelapse

Nice job. Only thing I would have done different is to cut down the trees in the immediate vicinity of the cabin for some of the timber, clearing a space for a driveway, patio, conservatory, vegetable plot, and trampoline for the grandchildren. :)
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-1 269. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Pemmy Floor Project

#13 Welcome back Mr bu.
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+2 270. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Repitition

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
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+1 271. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Repitition

If this had been a short film for an English GCSE, he might at least have spelled 'repetition' correctly.
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+2 272. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Getting dressed in the 18th century - working woman

#7 A whistling pussy eh? The mind boggles. :O
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+2 273. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Getting dressed in the 18th century - working woman

Could get a bit draughty up there with no knickers on. >:)
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+12 274. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Oprah Winfrey Receives the Cecil B. DeMille Award - Golden Globes 2018

More Hollywood fakery from self-important celebrity luvvies with their heads wedged firmly up their arseholes. :|
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+4 276. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar

#1 I just consulted and apparently I live at 138 metres above sea level. So, not too worried at the moment. :D
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+7 277. thefox commented 7 years ago on video All that men know about women

I have a book that's much smaller than that.
It's called: "All that men NEED to know about women" :)
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+1 278. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Merry Christmas dear Snot Fans!

#9 So sorry to hear about Harvey TS. The loss of a dog can be a gut wrenching experience. Dogs offer unconditional love. Actually they don't just 'offer' it, they flood you with it, in heaps. Am I right? Try not to get sad. Think of all the good times and the great memories. <3<3<3

#8. Chin up buddy. The only way you know about good times is by having bad times to compare them with. Better fortune could be just around the corner for you. And listen, I know kids can appear pretty shallow, especially at Christmas, but I guarantee you that underneath that thin veneer of the Christmas gift collection culture, your nephews and nieces will treasure their uncle a million times more than the presents.

2018 beckons. I'm looking forward to it. :)
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+4 279. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Merry Christmas dear Snot Fans!

Merry Christmas to all of you. <3
I hope Santa brings you what you wanted. :)
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+2 280. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Meet the robots making Amazon even faster

I buy lots of stuff from Amazon. From a consumer point of view it is a fantastic resource.
But I think if I had to work there, I'd rather cut my head off with a rusty breadknife. :|
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+1 281. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How To Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" In 46 Different Languages

Nadolig Llawen! <3
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+6 282. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Can You Spot a Fake Rolex?

You can keep your Rolexes.
My Citizen Eco-Drive Perpetual Chrono_E650 is the best watch I have ever owned. It looks and feels great and cost a fraction of the price of the cheapest Rolex.
A few hours in sunlight charges it up enough for three months. It updates it's time at 2am every morning via radio beacon, and in the four years I have owned it, I have never had to set or reset the time or date. :)
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+3 283. thefox commented 7 years ago on video A Scientist Spilled 2 Drops Organic Mercury On Her Hand

Hmmm... looks like I won't be mixing that tasty dimethylmercury and banana smoothie after all. :|
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+2 284. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Kate del Castillo Won't Wear Fur—Here's Why

But animal rights warrior Kate del Castillo doesn't seem to have any objection to wearing leather clothes: :|
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-1 285. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Crane Operator's competence test in Germany.

#3 ... and not very amusing either. :)
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+1 286. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Nobody Ever Buys Salt

I get paid in Bitcoin and dollars, and I convert the dollars to Bitcoin.
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+4 287. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hawk almost takes me out

I knew a girl once who almost took me out.
But she said she didn't have any money.
So she didn't. :|
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+1 288. thefox commented 7 years ago on video REAL Life GTA mission #2 - Burger Joint

If I live to be 150, I doubt if I'll ever see anything more stupid than this. :|
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+9 289. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Male cat rejects female cat in heat ( Opposite World )

. Gay Cat.
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+3 290. thefox commented 7 years ago on video When you want to play guitar solos like the eagles but your russian parents made you learn piano

I don't think much of his wallpaper or his beard. :|
But he does have a lovely dog.
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+3 291. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Soup can to nuts

Good to see Geekster selecting another quality video for snotr. :|
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+4 292. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Amazing homemade inventions

#1. The large wheel is driven by a hidden motor, timed to move at intervals. Take a close look at 1:43 and you'll see that when the ball lands on the wheel, there's a distinct delay before the motor moves the wheel again.
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+16 293. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Russian Zip-Line

I detected one or two health & safety issues there. :)
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+4 294. thefox commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

#6. Let's leave it to the courts rather than the Daily Mail, to decide what Weinstein did or did not do. I've already conceded that I think he's a nasty piece of work. :|

Regarding your 'nasty older woman' scenario:

If a nasty old woman grabbed me by my best parts, and instead of walking out, I allowed her to continue and have her wicked way with me, secure in the knowledge that because she's rich, powerful and well-connected, she could advance my career and turn me into a Mega Star, how sympathetic to me would you be?
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+2 295. thefox commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

#2 #3. I wonder how many of these alleged rapes and molestations were in reality nothing more than a case of Quid Pro Quo, surfacing after all these years as the stars, who would all sell their own granny to get on in the movie business, now try to come to terms with their past and their sordid career climbing technique. I've no doubt whatsoever that Weinstein is a very nasty piece of work, but I think it's unlikely he ever raped anyone. He didn't have to. They presented themselves to him on a plate.
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+3 296. thefox commented 7 years ago on video American Beauty Cheating Scene

Kevin Spacey, great actor, currently being castigated during the latest Hollywood harrassment hysteria.

Too many top films to mention, American Beauty being one.

Other favourites:

Glengarry Glen Ross
The Usual Suspects
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+1 297. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Audience Reaction to Steve Jobs Scrolling on an iPhone in 2007

#8 and #9. I am in awe of the fact that a hall full of people found a scrolling touchscreen... breathtaking.
I remember seeing that clip back in 2007, and I also remember thinking ... "errrr.... so what?"

I guess some people will whoop and holler about the most trivial and insignificant things. :|
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-1 298. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Audience Reaction to Steve Jobs Scrolling on an iPhone in 2007

"Isn't that cool?"

No Steve. It's just a fuckin' phone. :|
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+2 299. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Evolution of Atlas (Boston Dynamics)

#2. I know what you mean. Not so long ago I would have been convinced that this was CGI:
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+3 300. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What is facts?

Donald J. Trump is the democratically elected president of the United States.
Fact! :)
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0 301. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Woman loses hat while watching Astros World Series Parade & fans bring it back up to her

#12. This site isn't making any money (except for the server hosts). It's just being run as a hobby, and I imagine the site owner(s) have a lot of other demands on their time. Nothing wrong with that. I wish them well. If new and interesting videos turn up occasionally, that's great. And if not, it's not the end of the world... just chill. O:)
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+2 302. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Armless girl with a special license goes to the drive-thru.

This girl is just fuckin' amazing! :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
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+3 303. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out

Clickbait. :)
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+2 304. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lars Andersen Turning Arrows

#1. Yes it was. But it's a pity Lars doesn't want to show us how he does it.
It must be a secret. :|
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0 305. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Oscilloscope Music

#5. I have to confess, this seems an odd way to run a web site... :|
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+2 306. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Man uses homemade mower for his hard to cut lawn.

Nice big plot of land, but the lawn is largely unusable and as the video explains, very difficult to maintain. The solution is to terrace it, building a high retaining wall at the bottom next to the tree line, and leveling off part of the land. The result would be a more attractive, more useable and more easily maintained garden.
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+8 307. thefox commented 7 years ago on video GoPro attached to model passenger train

This is exhibit 1 in his wife's upcoming divorce case.
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+1 308. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Powering stuff when there is a power outage

#6 He is smart. His name's Mehdi Sadaghdar, he's an electrical engineer with two Applied Science degrees, and his channel has more than a million subscribers. So, thumbs up to him for that. :squirrel:

But he's about as funny as a burning orphanage. :|
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0 309. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Powering stuff when there is a power outage

#4 I guess sometime way back, somebody told this guy that he's funny and talented (it wasn't you was it Madame T.S ?)
Anyway... unfortunately, he believed them... :(
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0 310. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

Very lucky no-one got shot. These two cops seem like a pair of bumbling rookies. Two onto one and it still takes them all weekend to disarm and cuff a spaced-out homie. :|
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+5 311. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 5 Things OKAY in Japan (but illegal/rude in the USA)

#5 Whenever the subject of tipping crops up I'm reminded of this scene from Reservoir Dogs:
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+7 312. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 5 Things OKAY in Japan (but illegal/rude in the USA)

I'm surprised they didn't mention tipping, which in Japan is rarely acceptable and can even cause offence, whereas in the USA you're considered a social outcast if you refuse to tip or tip too little.
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0 313. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wanna be tough guy gets what’s coming to him

#6 tužibaba? Telltale? Not quite. Try self-righteous trouble making arsehole. :)
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+2 315. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wanna be tough guy gets what’s coming to him

Gotta go with #3 Monsieur MindTrick on this one.
There is a douche here, and it's Stanley Roberts - Professional Busybody. :|
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+4 316. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Goalkeeper celebrates prematurely

Premature celebration. How embarrassing. :)
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+2 317. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 245 people jump off a bridge together

Did anyone died? :O
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+11 318. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Nice motorbike sound

Sounds like a Trombone 750cc to me. :)
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+5 319. thefox commented 7 years ago on video NFL 2017 Bad Lip Reading

#4 Burimi was a bit too over-sensitive to comments, especially about his religion. I don't think over-sensitive is a label that anyone would ever hang on Sux2bu. :D

Comments forums tend to bring out the best and the worst in people... and more frequently the worst. :|
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+2 320. thefox commented 7 years ago on video NFL 2017 Bad Lip Reading

#2 I don't think he could handle all the Love.
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+1 321. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Russian kid dancing at club can't be bothered. 1997.

Looks like a childrens' school disco to me. :|
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+1 322. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The world's fastest reflex

Looks like a Casio fx-83GT Plus to me.
Just like mine. :)
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+1 323. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What to do after crashimg into the wall @ 486 kmh

#4 I shall pray for your soul and hope that The Good Lord did not hear you say that. :|
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0 324. thefox commented 7 years ago on video AirBerlin flying lap of honor over Düsseldorf on its last flight.

#8 and #9. Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of blowing myself to smithereens without providing snotr with a HD copy of the event. :)
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-1 325. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What to do after crashimg into the wall @ 486 kmh

#2 The Lord moves in mysterious ways.
We cannot know the purpose of The Almighty One.
Have faith in The Lord and Ye shall be delivered. :)
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+2 326. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What to do after crashimg into the wall @ 486 kmh

Fortunately the Good Lord was looking after him. Hallelujah! :)
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+1 327. thefox commented 7 years ago on video AirBerlin flying lap of honor over Düsseldorf on its last flight.

#4. When I board a commercial airliner I don't expect the plane to be piloted by some Biggles wannabee.

If I want a bit a bit of excitement, I'll jump off a block of flats with an umbrella for a parachute and a 3 litres of nitroglycerin in my pockets. :)
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+1 328. thefox commented 7 years ago on video AirBerlin flying lap of honor over Düsseldorf on its last flight.

Not really the sort of stunt a pilot should be doing with 200 passengers on board. :|
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+5 329. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Some of Buster Keaton's most amazing stunts

This certainly brought back memories. I grew up on this stuff. Thans TS! <3
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+1 330. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Why Age? Should We End Aging Forever?

#5 Benjamin Button was just an infant when he died of old age. :)
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+3 331. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Koenigsegg Agera RS 0-400-0

I like the fact that there was no camera jittering or abrubt blackouts.
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+3 332. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Why Age? Should We End Aging Forever?

The social implications of vastly increased lifespan are immense. Where is all the additional food going to come from for this rapidly expanding world population? Where are all the jobs going to come from? And where is everyone going to live?
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+3 333. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Proof Chesterfield Cigarettes have no adverse effects.

I've never smoked in my life, but if I could get some Chesterfields I'd start tomorrow.
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+1 334. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Motorcycle Fail

#13. Not at all, which is why I wrote:

"The very nature of religion means that the only way it can be propogated is by imposing it on others. "

No specific religion mentioned there, and Islam used as an example afterwards partly because this thread was started due to concerns about Burimi, and his reaction to anti Islamic comments, and secondly because of the ever present violence exhibited by Islamists daily and the corresponding link back in time to the birth of the religion and its evidently extremely violent past.

The other kind of imposition I mentioned is the indoctrination of children by their family, friends and social elders, and this is the most insidious of all, and takes place in every religion.
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+2 335. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Top 5 MIND OPENING movies

#3. I know what you're saying, and I have no time for Scientology, or any other cult/religion, but as far as I'm concerned, there's Tom Cruise the actor (entertaining) and Tom Cruise the Scientologist (twat). I can separate the two and enjoy most of his films without being bothered about his beliefs. :)
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+2 336. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Top 5 MIND OPENING movies

One of my personal favourite movies: 'Magnolia - 1999'.

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jason Robards, Julianne Moore

An epic mosaic of interrelated characters in search of love, forgiveness, and meaning in the San Fernando Valley.
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+1 337. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Motorcycle Fail

#7. "as long as they don't impose it on others. "

Therein lies the problem T.S. The very nature of religion means that the only way it can be propogated is by imposing it on others. For example, Islam, from its birth around the year 570 has been spread not by reasoned argument and discussion ie. "hey take a look at our religion and see what it has to offer", but more by threats and coercion along the lines of: "Worship Allah or die!" On top of that we have children of religious zealots, Muslim, Jews and Christians indoctrinating their offspring into their particular illogical and archaic belief system, and so it goes on. It's tragic and it's wrong. :|
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+1 338. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Scythe lawn mow

A lot more bovver than a mower. :)
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+8 339. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Motorcycle Fail

#1 Madame Thunderfemale, you're becoming something of a... Burimi stalker. ;)
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0 340. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This dog is earning his keep...

I'd arrest that dog for begging. :)
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+2 341. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Straight Girls Respond To "Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends"

#1. You're right. It isn't funny. It tries too hard to be amusing, and fails miserably. :(
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+13 342. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Shotgun Wedding Ceremonies In Algeria

I spotted one or two health and safety issues there. :|
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+2 343. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Glacier bridge collapses in Perito Moreno

Shame after all that wait it didn't show the final piece collapse.
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+1 344. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Age...level asian...

#4, #5. The girl's name is Julie Zhan, and when this video was made she was 43 years old. :O She is now 45.
I think she has a terrific smile. :)
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+3 345. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Is the Moon a planet or a star?

You're all wrong.
The moon is a hoax:
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+3 346. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Is the Moon a planet or a star?

Shit for brains. :|
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+3 347. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Throwing rocks in Franklin, PA

#4 ThunderBabe, I'm a bit worried about you living in that nutshell. Couldn't you afford a proper house? The nutshell must be really cramped. :) <3
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+2 348. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Throwing rocks in Franklin, PA

#2 You live there? It looks a lovely place Thundering Lady. You're very lucky. :)
BTW, back here in England we call this 'skimming' stones.
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+7 349. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Japanese Milk Commercial

Tits on that. :O
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+1 350. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Do You Transplant A Human Head? - Earth Lab

I stopped watching after a minute or so. His silly, redundant and very irritating graphics ruined it for me. :(
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+3 351. thefox commented 7 years ago on video View from B-17 Flying Fortress Bombardier Position

“They're trying to kill me," Yossarian told him calmly.
"No one's trying to kill you," Clevinger cried.
"Then why are they shooting at me?" Yossarian asked.
"They're shooting at everyone," Clevinger answered. "They're trying to kill everyone."
"And what difference does that make?”
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+3 352. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster

#1. I get these kind of messages occasionaly, though not on snotr yet as it happens, so I doubt whether it's linked directly to snotr. Do you run an adblocker? You might find that will cut down the number of these kind of problems. I run anti virus, though it's not a paid one (I'm far too tight for that) :D I use Avast, and it seems to catch most bad stuff.

Incidentally Jake, you don't need to turn your PC off to get rid of these things. Type Ctrl + Alt + Delete and then select 'Start Task Manager'. Click on the 'Applications' tab and you'll see various applications running, Select the one you want to stop, it'll be running in a browser window such as Firefox or Chrome, and then click the 'End Task' button. After a few seconds the offending little bugger will go away. :)
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0 353. thefox commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

#11. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, but if you want to examine the real reason for the current situation with North Korea, perhaps you should turn your attention to previous US Presidents, Clinton, Bush and Obama, whose various forms of diplomacy and strong language have had little effect in halting the relentless progress of this wannabee nuclear state. Some might even say that they've encouraged it.

Incidentally, using the word Dotard45 to describe the democratically elected president of The United States probably reveals more about you than it does about Trump.
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0 354. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Railcar wheel changeout. AKA Insane Repairs

Seems like a lot of trouble.
Here's what I would have used: :)
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+5 355. thefox commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

"Waycist, waycist, waycist. Fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' waycist." :|
She seems to have a very limited vocabulary, and an unusually large and ugly mouth with which to exercise it.
A very unpleasant woman. She needs a good slap. :)
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0 356. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Albatross

#10. In fact quite a lot has changed since charging for plastic bags was introduced. According to The Guardian:

"The number of single-use plastic bags used by shoppers in England has plummeted by more than 85% after the introduction of a 5p charge last October, early figures suggest.

More than 7bn bags were handed out by seven main supermarkets in the year before the charge, but this figure plummeted to slightly more than 500m in the first six months after the charge was introduced, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said.

The data is the government’s first official assessment of the impact of the charge, which was introduced to help reduce litter and protect wildlife - and the expected full-year drop of 6bn bags was hailed by ministers as a sign that it is working."
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0 357. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Up The River // Hypetrain Motors

#3. Get some therapy. 8-)
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0 358. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree felling

#14 Don't worry Thundering Mademoiselle Snow Girl. Here are my socks: <3
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+2 359. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree felling

#12. No, I have to insist. My jokes are definitely funnier. I read yours and ... nothing.
Then I read mine and I laughed my socks off. :D
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+2 360. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree felling

#9 Paddy the Irish man gets a job as lumberjack and at the end of the first day has cut down only one tree while all the other lumberjacks have cut down fifty trees each.

Foreman sends Paddy out with Joe, the top lumberjack the following day to pick up some tips. Joe starts up his chainsaw and Paddy shouts: "What's that noise?" :D
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+3 361. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree felling

The Irish Job Centre advertised for Tree Fellers, but only two applied for the job. :)
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+5 362. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree felling

The man did not cut his own leg off.
The tree did not land on a house.
The tree did not crush the truck.
∴ This video is a fail. :)
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+5 363. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

Perfect pert bottoms in pretty pink panties. :P
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+2 364. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Energic head massage

Slaphead. :D
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0 365. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Albatross

Homo Sapiens wasn't here first, and no matter what we do to it, the planet will live on long after we are all gone.
Ultimately 2 to 3 billion years is what current estimates suggest is left before Earth is finally consumed by a dying Sun.

Make the most of it today folks. That's all there is! :)
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+12 366. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Sound of Australia

I'd say there's been some Men at Work making this video. ;)
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+2 367. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Plainville plane crash

The plane in plainville falls mainly on the car park. :)
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+2 368. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Nun using chainsaw after Hurricane Irma to clear debris from roads.

#2. I can't help it Scotsman. How can I break the 'Habit' of a lifetime? :D
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0 369. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hurricane size comparison

#13 But your secret passion is a secret no longer, FamousFemaleSnowingThunderBabe. <3
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+6 370. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Nun using chainsaw after Hurricane Irma to clear debris from roads.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways. O:)
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+2 371. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BUGATTI Chiron 0-400-0 km/h in 42 seconds

#5 Yes you're right, it does depend on the car, and from what I've read about the Bugattis, they're designed and engineered to handle the power. Dropping a Bugatti engine into a Morris Mini (my first car) would certainly have been a bit hair raising. The car I was referring to previously was a Jag. That car was easily up for the task of hurling down the motorway at twice the speed limit. I was not. :D
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+4 372. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BUGATTI Chiron 0-400-0 km/h in 42 seconds

From a technical point of view, very impressive, though as a production vehicle on public roads, really quite useless. Even being on a road which would legally allow such speeds, few people have the skill to handle this kind of vehicle. On occasions when I was younger, I took my own car up to a slightly illegal 140mph on a UK motorway. It was a frightening experience. I am certainly not cut out to be a racing car driver.
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0 373. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hurricane size comparison

#9 "use your eye for detail, accuracy and honesty more introspectively in the future as well"

We all have room for improvement Austin; only a fool would deny that. Here's hoping you can reinforce your impressive book knowledge with real world experience. ;)
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+3 374. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Problem With Our Phones

I was in a coffee shop a few days ago, relaxing and people watching.
A young couple came in the shop, sat down with a drink each, took their phones out and stared at them, prodding and swiping at the screens, never looking up and never speaking to each other.
Fifteen minutes later I left the shop. They still had not spoken a word. :|
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+2 375. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hurricane size comparison

#7. Austin. You wrote 'makes' twice.
I just thought you might might like to know. :)
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+3 376. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hurricane size comparison

Pity the hurricane graphics are rotating the wrong way. :(
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0 377. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Backwards running contest Reversed

So we've seen it forwards and backwards, so now how about showing it sideways?
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+3 378. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Insane F22 Raptor take off!

'Awesome' is a very overused word, but in this case, no other worrd will do.
Truly awesome. :O

Thanks Madame Female Thuderperson. <3
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+3 379. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lynx helicopter landing on ship in rough sea

Phew. It's a good job that deck's magnetised, otherwise the next big wave and the helicopter would slide right off again. :)
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+8 380. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Boaters helping rescue flood victims pound shots of vodka; news anchor think it's water

"Remember. Grab what you NEED!"

... a bottle of vodka. :D
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+9 381. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249

#6. Yes. Definitely struck a nerve there. The child doth protest to much methinks. :D
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+11 382. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249

#4. Yeah. Definitely a rant, and a rather silly one at that. And for some odd reason you lambast Sux2bu, climbing on board your favourite Second Amendment bandwagon to do so, even summoning up rather feeble sexual imagery to support your view. I suspect you feel a bit stupid now you've suddenly realised this video was posted by myself, not Sux. Pay attention next time, silly boy.
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+19 383. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249

Phew! That sure was hot. :O
... but not as hot as Austin's keyboard after another one of his trademark rants. :D
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+2 384. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Somethings you just need cheering up a little

6:20 'Clonk!' :D
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+7 385. thefox commented 7 years ago on video POV Full Run - World's largest parkour course

This video just won the 'Snotr Dull Video of The Week' award. :|
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+6 386. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Driver keep his nerve after loosing his brakes while going downhill.

4:58 Look at the size of those toilet rolls! :x

Something tells me he's going to need them. :)
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+5 387. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The flight of the eagle

Stunning! :O
For a longer version and in HD:
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0 388. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hamlet...the bird that can’t stop babbling (but no one knows what he’s saying).

This is Little Jakey's bird. He taught it everything he knows. :D
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0 389. thefox commented 7 years ago on video American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t\

#4 Don't hold your breath waiting for anything different from #3. Austin, the empty-gun gunslinger doesn't have an original thought in his head. He just re-hashes stuff he's read after his mummy tucks him into bed at night. He's even started repeating my words,... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :D Personally I think he's nothing but scum and a blight on society. I'm going to let him have the last word again now. He likes that.
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+1 390. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wakie Wakie

#4 You could try (temporarily at least) automatically rejecting any comments which include a URL.
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+1 391. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Ride an inflatable slice of pizza down a 300 foot iceberg

I'd be more impressed if it was a real pizza. :|
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0 392. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Singing with angels

I'm agreeing with #4 on this one. I'd rather cut my head off with a chainsaw than listen to this again. :|
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0 393. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#18. Gypsies are part of the Human Race... just. :|
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-1 394. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#14 Textbook waycist scumbag gypsy.
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-1 395. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#11 Burimi, take no notice of what #6 Austin writes. He's a gypsy. :D
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-1 396. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The most honest Arab Muslim on Planet Earth

#6 Waycist.
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+1 397. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

#28 Klemm does not speak for me. I am not a racist. My views and opinions of Gypsies are born out of a lifetime of experience, witnessing first hand this small sub group of the population who steadfastly refuse to live by the reasonable standards set for the vast majority in the community. They milk the system incredibly well, and even convince idiots such as yourself to leap to their defence on the basis of some imagined persecution of them and their equally imagined 'rich cultural heritage'. By your own admission, bookworm you may be, but on this subject your knowledge is non-existent.

Austin, you are the cowboy who turns up at every gunfight with a shiny new gun, but no bullets, and just stands there shouting "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Except in your case of course, you just shout "Waycist! Waycist! Waycist!"

Arguing with you is like arguing with a drunk, entertaining, but utterly pointless. Once again I'll let you have the last word, since we all know how important that is to you.
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0 398. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

#24 One day Austin you may realise that continually shouting 'racist' just makes you seem rather desperate. You've painted yourself into a corner defending gypsies when you either a) don't have a clue what they are really like, and/or b) are too steadfastly blinkered to even bother to find out. Either way we've now clearly established that your knowledge on this subject is zero. What's odd is that you appear to be quite proud of that fact.
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0 399. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

#22 Don't worry Burimi. I don't hate Austin. I just find him rather amusing... like a court jester. :)
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-2 400. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

#19. Austin, the most telling part of your comment is what you've left out, with no mention whatsoever of the well documented disgusting anti-social behaviour of gypsies. I'll bet you've never even seen a real gypsy. You probably have some romantic notion of a jolly red faced lovable vagabond, playing a flute, sitting by his camp fire, bothering no-one and just getting on with his wonderful cultured life. It's really quite sad. You're simply a socially inept, nerdy bookworm, totally out of touch with reality aren't you Austin?
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-2 401. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

#11. I don't know which world you live in Austin. I live in the real world and since a child I have seen examples too numerous to list regarding the activities of Gypsies. In later life in the work I have done (I'll leave you to guess what that job was) I have come into 'very' close contact with gypsies on many occasions, therefore I know what I am talking about. You on the other hand have clearly never met a gypsy, never had a few dozen of them park their vans close to your home, never had to put up with the intimidation in the community as they wander around seeing what they can pilfer, and never had to deal with the disgusting aftermath of a temporary gypsy encampment on your doorstep. Your many posts indicate that you are nothing more than a well-read, tiresome twat.

You remind me of a guy who used to work in our office a number of years ago. When a few of us were having a chat, he would invariably sidle up and barge into the conversation, pointing out our numerous failings, holes in our logic, and our many shortcomings. When he had finally finished lecturing us, he would wander off with an idiotic self-satisfied smirk plastered over his face. He was clearly under the impression that he'd helped us all by passing on some of his valuable knowledge. Little did he know that we all thought he was nothing but a boring tit. In fact, that was our nickname for him: The Tit.
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+1 402. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Monkeys v Cat & Dogs

The Thought Police aka Austin have turned up again to lecture us on what we ought to think, say and do. His latest hobby horse is Gypsies, or as Austin would rather us refer to them, Roma. We all know of couse that regardless of P.C. Austin's laughable defence of these peoples' valuable cultural heritage, Gypsies are in fact nothing but scum and a blight on society. They pay no tax or National Insurance, and prefer to live outside the law except when it might suit them to take advantage of society's benefits such as doctors, dentists, hospital etc. In the meantime they do their own thing, which usually involves travelling the land in caravans and pitching up on illegal camps to make a nuisance of themselves for a week or two and do a spot of thieving, or tarmac a few driveways with 1mm of the black stuff before finally vanishing and leaving a shit load of rubbish for the community to clear up. Fly tipping fines? Like most things, they don't apply to Gypsies.
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+5 403. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Water Slide Like A Boss

That looked pretty damn cool... up until he started clapping himself. :|
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0 406. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What kind of a dof is this ???

#11. Thanks for that little Jakey, but are you sure your parents will let you stay up late? :D
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+5 407. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Bo Staff, Top 10 Spins and Strikes

Excellent video!
Often seen this done, but never slowed down like this.
Mucho thanko SnowBabe. <3
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+3 410. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Fox playing with dog

I'm going to have to go and lie down after saying this, but I agree with little Jakey. #11
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+2 411. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Reusable charcoal mound

#7 And what about his haircut? And no beard either? There's no way he did that with a piece of flint. Any true primitive caveman would have hair and beard as long as the M6.
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+2 412. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What kind of a dof is this ???

#8 That's a bit harsh. Bedu's only trying to share with you the means to make a fortune. He sounds like a real nice guy. I've just emailed him your credit card number as a thank you. :)
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+3 413. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Reusable charcoal mound

#5. Agreed. And why does he use the Internet at all? Instead he could document his progress by painting images on cave walls to be discovered centuries from now.
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+9 414. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Instant Karma

Boy takes a leak in the street, and is splashed by passing vehicle. Awesome? :|
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+3 415. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views

I wonder if this video has been uploaded to FB? :)
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+1 416. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Overly Dramatic Horse

Phew! Just made it. :|
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+8 417. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Redneck Wedding

The crowds are cheering, the bride and groom are full of joyful happiness, and as Dave accelerates away from the reception, he is confident that his fledgling wedding limousine driving business will be a spectacular success. :)
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0 418. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Funny fishing

#2 and #3 My next door neighbour's friend's cousin's brother-in-law only works three hours a year and earns $15 billion.
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+1 419. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Angry sea compilation

Yowza! Hey there Lady Snowing Thunder Female Person! <3
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+1 420. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Angry sea compilation

The squashed aspect ratio made it look a lot worse than it actually was. The sea was in fact as flat as a pancake. :)
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+1 421. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Women Have Lived With Their Periods Since 1900

#11 Austin, you may have gathered from my dismissive response to the video that I don't take this Tampax Tax quite as seriously as Feminazis such as yourself. I could go into more detail but... a) I don't enjoy typing as much as you do, and... b) I just don't have the time. Instead, take a look here to read an article by a woman who's views broadly echo my own on this issue. You can then compose a verbose, tedious and multi-paragraphed reply which I shall not bother reading. :)
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-1 422. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Women Have Lived With Their Periods Since 1900

#5 Wot next? Free toilet paper? :|
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+2 423. thefox commented 7 years ago on video You can't even text and walk

#9 I notice that you are severely critical of my viewpoint, though too weak to propose a solution of your own. Here, take this cushion to park under your arse, it must get uncomfortable sitting on that fence.
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+4 424. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How Women Have Lived With Their Periods Since 1900

When (if) VAT is removed from tampons, perhaps it will be removed from razor blades too.
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+1 425. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Close call - Compilation

8:44 That sure is some cool overtaking manoeuvre. :)
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+1 426. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Ping Pong Trick Shots

#4. Playing with his balls is all little Jakey has ever managed to do. :D
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+3 427. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Google's DeepMind AI just taught itself to walk

Is that a Mexican trying to get over Trump's wall? :)
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+11 428. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Nick Jacobsen jumps off a hotel roof in the Bahamas

Just what you need when you're trying to relax at your Bahamas resort; some jerk with a kite arsing around in the pool. :|
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+1 429. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

#3. It's impossible to say. :)
Who do you think it might be?
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+3 430. thefox commented 7 years ago on video You can't even text and walk

It should be made illegal to have a non-hands-free mobile phone switched on inside a driven vehicle. Fine offenders £1000 for first offence, £5000 fine and 1 year ban and retake driving test for second offence. £10,000 fine and life ban for third offence. Get these dangerous morons off the road. :|
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0 431. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

It's obviously just a man dressed in a bear costume.

Hi there MadameFemaleThunderperson! <3
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+4 432. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Amazing Girl Uses PVC Pipe Compound BowFishing To Shoot Fish

Surrounded by trees and therefore plenty of natural materials from which to build a bow, it's odd that she chooses to use PVC pipe instead. And the toxic gases released from heating PVC over an open fire to soften it, means this is very derfinitely a bad idea. :|
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-1 433. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Saturday Night Live "Dog Translator" skit

Apparently these guys recently attached a translator helmet to little Jakey's head, to see if they could manage to get some sensible conversation out of him. It failed miserably of course - no brain detected. :D
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+2 434. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Psychology of fish - bowl inside tank experiment

The only thing dumber than a goldfish, is little Jakey. :D
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+5 435. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Driver Tries to J-Turn

Pity we don't see him get out of the car. I've often wondered what little Jakey looks like. :D
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+2 436. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Policeman stop traffic with car to guide elderly walker

News: China, traffic patrol officer helps elderly man to cross multi-lane road junction.

In other news: China, multiple pile-up up occurs after police car is parked without flashing lights, on pedestrian crossing at busy junction. Two people dead, three seriously injured. Two vehicles burst into flames and are dealt with by Fire Tender, two firefighters treated for smoke inhalation. Road junction closed for two days while surface is repaired.

Police officer named as "Hu Fukt Upp".
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+2 437. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Children run from tiny dog in hilarious tribute to Running of the Bulls

"Children run from tiny dog in hilarious tribute to Running of the Bulls"

Hilarious? :|
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+1 438. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lada or Optimus Prime?

#10. LOL. Quite so Señor Burimi. Quite so. :D
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+1 439. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lada or Optimus Prime?

"... I bet I'm bigger "

#7. As I mentioned once before little Jakey, you certainly do have a very fertile imagination. :)
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+1 440. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lada or Optimus Prime?

#5 Ah, it's little Jakey, as expected. :D
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-1 441. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lada or Optimus Prime?

#3 If I spend the rest of my life on a single-minded mission to seek out the dumbest of the dumb, I doubt whether I'd discover anything quite as harebrained as this.
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+2 442. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lada or Optimus Prime?

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. :|
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-10 443. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Almost impossible pusszle solved ater 10 years

Since the ring is still attached to the rope, the puzzle has not been solved.
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+4 444. thefox commented 7 years ago on video How It's Made: Bread (American bread)

#4 Flour God's sake, did you knead to say that?
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+5 445. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Bus drives through tunnel at the Needles Highway.

I'd be more impressed if he went through in reverse. :|
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0 447. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Attacked by shark

Take a look at the last comment right at the bottom of the page.
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+1 448. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BGT 2017 AUDITION = MAGICIAN JOSEPHINE LEE

Nice legs. Shame about the boat race. :|
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+1 449. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 100 People Seductively Eat a Banana

#8. Little Jakey displaying his fertile imagination once again. :D
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+1 450. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 100 People Seductively Eat a Banana

#3 After having eaten pussy and eaten banana, I have to say... I prefer banana. :|
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+3 451. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The MOST ANNOYING Chick Ever Pepper Sprays GRIZZLY – Grizzly Gets LAST Laugh!

#8 Austin my dear boy, words can have a variety of meanings. Let me help you with petulant in this context:

moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance:

I think that sums up you and your regular verbose diatribes rather nicely.

and 'rant' ? Really?

OK here you go:


to speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.

Get back to me if you're still confused. :)
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+1 452. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The MOST ANNOYING Chick Ever Pepper Sprays GRIZZLY – Grizzly Gets LAST Laugh!

Funny video sux. But not as funny as Austin's petulant rant. :D
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+1 453. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Press-ups. This guy is strong!

#3 Rubbish! Not only can he do no-hands press-ups, but he can also push the guy up and down on the plank behind him. :)
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0 454. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Dance by kremushka

#7 "...who is down voting us, I wonder.."

Perhaps it's Spectre, Miss Thunderpenny. :)
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-1 455. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Dance by kremushka

RIP Roger Moore. :|
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+11 456. thefox commented 7 years ago on video And climbs down

And.... exactly the same video in reverse. :D
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+4 457. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Dog climbs ladder

He's up to no good.

You've heard of a cat burglar?
This is a dog burglar. :)
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+4 458. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Superman's Return - Michael Guerra is back on bike to fight road cyclists' crimes

Very impressed with his crime fighting. :|
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+2 459. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Big engines starting up

Big thumbs up to Jakey for these engine videos. Spent quite a while in the motor trade, done my fair share of engine rebuilds, and found these clips very interesting. Laughed my socks off at the colossal radial engine hanging off the back of the beetle. Great stuff! :D
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+2 460. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Don't Poke a Lithium Polymer Cell

Tune in next week when the boys will be poking a nuclear reactor.
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-1 461. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

#23. Ah, just three lines that time. Now you're learning sonny.
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+1 462. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

#21 You always make me smile. One word from me spawns a dozen from you. You're just too easy to bait.
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0 463. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

#18. But he does rather go on a bit doesn't he? I'll bet he's great fun at parties. :| Imagine being trapped up a corner by him, suffering the onslaught of his astounding intellect ? 8-)

"Oh really Austin? Oh that is SO interesting. Oh LOOK! There's some paint drying over there, I really MUST go and watch it." :)
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+4 464. thefox commented 7 years ago on video NASA at Saturn: Cassini's Grand Finale

"After 20 years in space Cassini is running out of fuel..."

What? Only 20 years on a full tank? Crap! :D
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+3 465. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

Very funny guy.
And Ali G's quite amusing too. :D
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+3 466. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Chimp chucks poo at granny in zoo and score a direct hit.

Don't you hate it when you take granny to the zoo and she gets shit-faced? :|
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+2 467. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This is some unbelievable stuff........

#1. I couldn't agree more. Stooges and accomplices, rent-a-crowd, and very imaginative editing can make magicians out of anyone, even the cheerless Steven Frayne - aka Dynamo. :|
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+1 468. thefox commented 7 years ago on video California solar power plants ignite birds mid-flight

Kentucky flied pigeon. :)
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+7 469. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Ping Pong trick shot

Way back in time, before the birth of the Internet and before the appearance of camera phones and You Tube, (maybe wayback when Thundersnow was just a little girl <3), if someone had told me that in the future, grown men would be cheering and whooping and hollerin' at managing to get a ping ball in a cup (after numerous attempts) I'd have said they were mad... :|
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+1 470. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Park and Slide

I wonder what the police would say about his Park and Slide number plates? :|
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+3 471. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Park and Slide

Or you could just reverse-park the car on the right hand side. :|
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+5 472. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Leonardo Da Vinci bridge

Agree with # 1 and ... wrong category. This should definitely be 'Awesome'. :)
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+1 473. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Unleash the 007 that is in you

Feel good factor overload! :)
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+7 474. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Verizon Hum Rider rises above traffic

I wonder how well it corners? :|
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+5 475. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Amazon Alexa Gone Wild!

Title should be: "Over reacting idiot parents frighten small child."
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+1 476. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Flippin’ amazing!

#6 Sergeant Pepper's just fine, but I always preferred kit-kats over penguins.
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+1 477. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Beautiful Iceland

Crap Banks. :|
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+1 478. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Flippin’ amazing!

#4 People may discover motivation and inspiration in many diffrerent and varied areas of life. Archimedes - bathtub, Newton - Apple tree etc. I'd suggest that's not an intrinsic value or attribute of the bathtub or apple, but an extraordianary experience and quality of the observer. Sometimes things are more black or white than you believe. ;)
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+10 479. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Farmer sprays manure all over protesters trespassing on his land

I'm no fan of fracking, but any chance to spray a self-important Luvvie (in this case Emma Thompson) with shit, has to be snatched immediately. So I have to agree with Monsieur Sux. Good job Mr.Farmer :)
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+1 480. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Flippin’ amazing!

#1. "Some records are just stupid.. " - Thumbs up... but...

My own opinion is that ALL records are stupid.
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+1 481. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Migingo: The Iron clad Island. The most densely populated island in Africa

I'm reminded of an old saying: "You never truly know someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes."

I think it applies well here. Fascinating video. Thanks Burimi.
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-1 482. thefox commented 7 years ago on video A Rabbi, a Priest and an Atheist Smoke Weed Together

Three guys smoke pot and proceed to put the world to rights.
Nothing awesome about this, it happens all the time. :|
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+3 483. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Mélanie presents the weather on TV

Cute kid. Spot on Jakey. Give her the job permanently.
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+2 484. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Firesticks

Having a roaring fire inside a grass hut. What could possibly go wrong? :|
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+7 485. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Is This Dolphin Speaking English?

#1 But I really enjoy a bit of cod, chips and mushy peas on a Friday. :|
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+6 486. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Girl Makes Dolphin Laugh

Title should read: "Dolphin makes girl laugh."
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+1 487. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Helicopter pilots grab RC-plane from a tree

#18 You certainly have a way with words Fred. Big thumbs up from me!
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+3 488. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Animated map reveals the 550,000 miles of cable hidden under the ocean that power the internet

Cables? Bah! They should've used wi-fi. :)
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0 489. thefox commented 7 years ago on video VIntage Reuge erotic automaton musical pocket watch

#8 Good idea Mademoiselle FemaleThunderPerson. Now I wonder where I can find a suitable babe to assist me? ;)<3
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0 490. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This video is not in reverse

#17. There's rather more to it than that little Jakey but not surprsing that you didn't notice, after all, you're not too bright. I'll let you try and figure it out yourself, but here's a clue: it's all in the name.
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+3 491. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 10 Egg Tricks

Eggsactly what I was looking for. :)
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0 492. thefox commented 7 years ago on video VIntage Reuge erotic automaton musical pocket watch

1:40 He seems to have a good rhythm going there, but needs more penetration. >:)
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+1 493. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This video is not in reverse

Looks like little Jakey has stopped taking his medicine again. :)
#6. Bienvenu. Je crois que vous êtes français, n'est-ce pas?
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+1 494. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Cooking burgers may not be a human job for much longer if "Flippy" has its way.

#14. Very deep. Very true. <3
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+4 495. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This video is not in reverse

"This video is not in reverse"

(i) .tnemmoc siht si rehtieN
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+1 496. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Cooking burgers may not be a human job for much longer if "Flippy" has its way.

#12. "Then why didn't he just do that in the first place?"

Maybe getting fired from his shit job was the impetus he needed to get his act together.

You might be happy that there will always be shit jobs, and people to do them. I'm not. I think progress would be to reduce the number of shit jobs or eliminate them altogether. It's laughable that you pretend a shit job might just be the 'ticket' for someone. You don't happen to own a shit burger joint employing poor saps for shit pay, by any chance do you?
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+1 497. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Cooking burgers may not be a human job for much longer if "Flippy" has its way.

#7 I heard that the kid was delighted when he got the sack, because he started his own dog walking business and is now making enough dough to put himself and his kid brother through college. :)
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+4 498. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Final countdown!

Just Fantastic. There are some things that really make me smile. This is one of them. :D
Thanks Burimi!
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+2 499. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Cooking burgers may not be a human job for much longer if "Flippy" has its way.

#5. I'd be happy to see all people, old and young, do meaningful and worthwhile work, and in this particular case, I agree that the arrival of a tomatoes, cheese and relish machine would put the kid out of a job. But I'd rather see him encouraged to do something better with his life, instead of being kept in a shit job, and that means getting out of the fast food joint altogether. The idiotic premise of this video that the boss is somehow doing the kid a big favour installing 'Flippy' is just hilarious.
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+1 500. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Cooking burgers may not be a human job for much longer if "Flippy" has its way.

Lucky kid no longer has to spend all day flipping burgers for a shit wage.
Now he can spend all day adding tomatoes, cheese and relish to buns for a shit wage. :)
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0 501. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 25 beer cans halved

#12. Healthy urine is not toxic. However, it contains compounds eliminated by the body as undesirable, and can be irritating to skin and eyes. After suitable processing it is possible to extract potable water from urine.

Just saying. :)
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+4 502. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Watch This Guy Build a Massive Solar System in the Desert | Short Film Showcase

Very interesting video Mademoiselle FemaleThunderBabe. I couldn't help smiling when he lit up Uranus. >:)
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0 503. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 25 beer cans halved

#8. Yes of course. It was luvverly. :P
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+1 504. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 25 beer cans halved

#4. I've tastedBudweiser, and you're right, it is not good beer. It's the kind of stuff produced in bulk for teenagers for their first tentative steps into the world of alcohol, and of course they believe it to be wonderful, and spend the rest of their lives singing its praises. But the sad truth is, cat urine tastes better. :|
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+2 505. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What its like to have a pet fox

#6. Here. Try this: :D <3
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+1 506. thefox commented 7 years ago on video No ordinary commute.

How could I refuse? ;)<3
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0 507. thefox commented 7 years ago on video No ordinary commute.

#11. But French is the language of looooooooooooove.
You must practice. :)
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+3 508. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What its like to have a pet fox

#4 Ah... c'est vrai chéri. :)<3
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+1 509. thefox commented 7 years ago on video No ordinary commute.

Sacré bleu chéri! Dîtes-moi. Que font ils? :P
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+3 510. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Time ft. Neil deGrasse Tyson

#11 Hmmm... I missed the bit where she blew him off. :D
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+5 511. thefox commented 7 years ago on video What its like to have a pet fox

Very intriguing video Mademoiselle FemaleThunderBabe. Are you a foxy lady? :)<3
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+2 512. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Time ft. Neil deGrasse Tyson

#7. Sorry FemaleThunderPerson, but Tyson hasn't published anything for years. He's too far up his own a***ehole playing the TV guru to actually do any real scientific work. :|

... and after reading your comment regarding Kathie Lee Gifford, I'd never heard of her, but I'll follow your link, just to take a look at her 'big tits'. lol :)

... I'm back. Her tits aren't that big, so no score for that, and her monotonous nasal voice got on 'my' tits after just a few seconds. So it's a big fat 'Nope' from me.
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+1 513. thefox commented 7 years ago on video No ordinary commute.

#7 ... ils mangent du pudding? :|
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+1 514. thefox commented 7 years ago on video No ordinary commute.

#4 ... go to the toilet? :|
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+6 515. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Time ft. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson is a celebrity scientist whose most notable achievement in science, is that he doesn't actually do any.
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+2 516. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

Deat? It's like death, but shorter. Think of it as a quick death rather than a slow and drawn out death.
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0 517. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

#14... and dies a sad quiet deat. RIP Little Jakey.
Now... what else happened today? :)
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+11 518. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Motocross Biker Attempts One of The Most Insane Jump Ever

Wot? No backflips? :|
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0 519. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

#11 Who knows? Maybe I'll post a link to some of my pics at some point. Definitely no selfies though, I wouldn't want to inflict my rough, rugged and reprehensible features on someone so tender as yourself. :)
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+1 520. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

#9 The lens is fine for a 'kit' lens, but yes, I'll be getting additional lenses soon enough. Can't reveal the price paid, but you're close; I have an acquaintance in ... er.... import/export. ;)
#8 Thanks FemaleThunderPerson. I'm unable to divulge my exact DOB for security reasons, Official Secrets Act etc. etc. But I can tell you that I am an Aries, not that I believe in any of that astrology hokum,,... us Aries are a sceptical bunch. :) <3
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+4 521. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

Thanks! I got a Nikon 5300 with an 18-55 kit lens. Do you approve?
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+4 522. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

#3 OK we'll wait for some definitive proof.
BTW Cameramaster, I treated myself to a DSLR yesterday ( belated birthday prezzie). Should I now change my name to CameraNoob? :)
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+4 523. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Huge car carrier terrifyingly batters through heavy winds

#1 I'd say we should marvel at the designers of that ship. Does anyone else find it amazing how high these ships sit out of the water, virtually perched on top of the waves? :O
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+7 524. thefox commented 7 years ago on video GF Thinks Smart Water Makes You Smarter

This couple have made a number of clickbait "look how stupid my girlfriend is" videos.
The only thing dumber than this pair, are the prople who disseminate this nonsense. :|
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+8 525. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Footage of North Korean missile launch fail

This looks fake to me.
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+8 526. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Woodpecker hitches ride through Chicago

Excellent! More stuff like this. :)
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+1 527. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Best of 'Our Top Stories' 2

#4. Sometimes a fox has to do, what a fox has to do. :)
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+3 528. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Gardening skills

#5 I concur.
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+5 529. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Summer moped

#3. It's about 3 sizes too small... but that's OK by me. :D
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+3 530. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wild fox asking for help

#3. Look, you can't blame me for the eagle. There I was just minding my own business, and out of nowhere comes this big flying thing. But the jam jar? What can I say? I like Branston Pickle. :)
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+3 531. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Gardening skills

Pretty neat. Good old boy! :)
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+3 532. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wild fox asking for help

Nice one Madame FemaleThunderPerson. <3
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+1 533. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Best of 'Our Top Stories' 2

#2. I'm going to shoot myself.
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+2 534. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Best of 'Our Top Stories' 2

These aren't funny after a while.
Don't take this the wrong way Burimi, but... I hope you don't have any more of these... :|
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+3 535. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Mountain Biking Rude Rock Trail / Queenstown, New Zealand

#2. Someone walking a ... fox??? :O
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+6 536. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Mountain Biking Rude Rock Trail / Queenstown, New Zealand

I wonder what happens when they come up against someone walking the dog.:|
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+2 537. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Things you can say about ___ but not your girlfriend

Judging by your incomprehensible jabberings, I'd say you're probably braindead. Something you'd say to Little Jakey or Frankenstein, but not your girlfriend. :)
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-4 538. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Norway

Looks like those pesky migrants have found a novel way to stowaway aboard a ship. :)
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+1 539. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Freezing rain accident

#28. It's a cliff edge. :)
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+8 540. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Thousands of Birds Flying Out of Truck

I want to see the bit where they all fly back in again. :)
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+3 541. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

"Please don’t presume to know my knowledge about Islam."

You either have an in depth knowledge of the subject, or you don't, and given that you are desperately seeking answers from people regarding the statement " [Muslims] overwhelmingly believe in many of the main points of Islam and Sharia law", after sayingt that this is something that you do not disagree with, would suggest the latter.

"'The fanatical beliefs of many of its followers'. Of course NO empirical evidence is given to support this ludicrous claim. Nor could you ever find any reliable data. "

I haven't counted them, if that's what you mean, but read the newspapers and watch the TV, you'll get the idea.

"So you presumably have the exact same concerns with Jews who view the Torah and its teaching as the indisputable word of god or all of the Evangelical Christians who hold the bible as the true and immutable word of god? Of course not. But Islam is scary…. "

Yes Islam is scary, because I don't recall any groups of radical Jews or evangelical Christians carrying out random attacks on the public, bombimgs, beheadings, setting fire to people, killing cartoonists, executing apostates or throwing gays off tall buildings recently . Do you?

" There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who simply want to lead a healthy productive life, raise a family, and be good citizens and live with and amongst people of other faiths. "

Of course NO empirical evidence is given to support this ludicrous claim. Nor could you ever find any reliable data.

"Christians, Jews, Hindus have produced followers who didn’t fear death and committed atrocities in the name of God. "

In the far distant past, yes. But this is the 21st Century, not the dark ages, though followers of Islam appear not to have noticed.


I hope that's cleared things up for you Austin. Incidentally, I don't believe it indicates any degree of kudos that I decided to reply to you. After all, it's not as if I'm addressing the Pope or the Dalai Lama or anybody important. You're just another keyboard turkey.

I'll let you have the last word now. Something tells me that is of the utmost importance to you.
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+3 542. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

OK Austin, I'll try and offer an explantion for my view, although I, like yourself, am certainly no expert on Islam, so my advice to you if you want to learn more, is to get a good book on the subject and study it.

One of the reasons I thinkl Islam is so dangerous, is the rock-solid, fanatical belief many of its followers have in the centuries old words written in the Quran. Infidels such as you and I, are despised and hated, and many see it as their mission in life to rid the planet of them. As has been witnessed many times, the followers of Allah do not fear death in the execution of this duty, and in fact even embrace it.

All IMHO of course. :)
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+5 543. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Russian husband fills wife's car with cement.

Maybe he wanted to cement their relationship. :|
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+2 544. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

The world would be a better place without Islam.
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+2 545. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Don't Mix Electricity And Water!

For his next video I'd like to see him douse his house circuit box with a garden hose.
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+3 546. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Colin Furze Bunker Part 2

Just imagine if you were this guy's neighbour...? :|
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+4 547. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

He doesn't sound like a lawyer to me. :|
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+2 548. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Recycling at its finest

Does it only come in red? :|
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+3 549. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Hunting a Fox From an Eagle's POV via a GoPro

#6. Foxes always get a lot of bad press, but remember, they have to eat too. :'(
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+9 550. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Zipper Merge

#2. The car driver was definitely in the wrong. The zipper rule is easy to understand and the bike rider clearly had the right of way, the car should have merged behind him. That being said of course, ... zooming off and getting a police car? Yes, the bike rider definitely is a prick; a prick with a head cam, out looking for trouble. :|
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0 551. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

#17. Hmmm... :| I'll contact my lawyer and see what she thinks. :)
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0 552. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

#14. Quite so. Worrying isn't it...? :|
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+2 553. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BOTANIC

#7. Hmmm well I'll have to think about this very carefully.
Being unladylike is one thing, but being unfemalethuderpersonlike ... is quite another. :)<3
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+2 554. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BOTANIC

#5 Hasn't anyone ever told you Madame FemaleThunderPerson? The best things are worth waiting for. ;)
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+1 555. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BOTANIC

Mais bien sûr ma chérie. <3
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+11 556. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

Pity she didn't shoot it down. What was the drone controller up to, invading her privacy like that?
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+1 557. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BOTANIC

Phew! Mieux vaut tard que jamais. :|
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+5 558. thefox commented 7 years ago on video British entrepreneur invents, builds and files patent for Iron Man-like flight suit

I can get higher than that on a pair of stilts. :|
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+2 559. thefox commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

Video performance seems to be improved, but I'm now getting a slight steering wobble on right hand bends. Coincidence? :|
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0 560. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This musical illusion will blow your mind!

#1. Pah! That's Just an Illusion. :)
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+1 561. thefox commented 7 years ago on video John Cleese on 'helping' his depressed mother

#16. I've emailed you a pair of spectacles Femalethunderperson. :)<3
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+1 562. thefox commented 7 years ago on video John Cleese on 'helping' his depressed mother

#14 Comment number 7.
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+1 563. thefox commented 7 years ago on video John Cleese on 'helping' his depressed mother

#12. Yes, no doubt. :)
#1 I am rather puzzled about the disappearance of my comment Geekster. Was it something I said??? :|
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+3 565. thefox commented 7 years ago on video John Cleese on 'helping' his depressed mother

CDN: Central Daily News, a Chinese-language newspaper formerly owned by the Kuomintang. :)
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+8 566. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Here’s why flights take longer than they did 50 years ago

I can remember the good old days when boarding a plane was only marginally more complicated than boarding a bus. Now it's a demeaning, humiliating and thoroughly soul-destroying process which you are forced to endure before getting anywhere near the plane. 'That's' why air travel takes longer! :|
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0 567. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Tree is so huge it took 126 photos to show it all

When it's cut down, it'll hit the ground with a hell of a 'THUMP'! :)
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+5 568. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Irish street dancers do their thing, and without music!

#3. I've emailed the girl a tenner to get her jeans sewn. :)
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+5 569. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Poop Splash Elimination - Smarter Every Day

It's interesting how the comments on this video have evolved into a discussion of toilet design. I'll throw my tuppence worth in now and describe the toilet from hell I encountered while driving in France about 20 years ago. Getting near to the border with Spain, I pulled into a service area. There was a smart looking restaurant, a picnic area with benches and people sitting around and relaxing in the sun. The place looked idyllic... until I visited the toilets. :|

I opened the door to the toilet block and the sight that met my eyes almost defies belief. Given the previous description of the facilities, I thought I must have slipped into some alternative reality, because I was faced with a small room, concrete floor and three round holes set in the concrete. It seems like the French are very poor at aiming, because there was shit everywhere. It was on the floor all around the holes, up the walls, and even splattered on the ceiling! Pools of piss lay all around, and used scraps of screwed up toilet paper were scattered all over the place. The place stunk so much I felt I would throw up there and then. 8-)

I staggered out, jumped in the car, pointed it towards Spain and didn't stop until I reached 'los servicios'.:)
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+2 570. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Poop Splash Elimination - Smarter Every Day

This guy seems to be running short of interesting material, so he's resorted to toilet 'science' click-bait.
The video was, to be quite frank... shit.
And... wearing protective glasses to drop modelling clay into water? Really? :|
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+2 571. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Science of Fire

#7 De nada guapa. <3:)
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+1 572. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Science of Fire

#4. OK. Here's a Summery: :)
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+2 573. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Science of Fire

Richard P. Feynman.
A legend.
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+2 574. thefox commented 7 years ago on video When Girls Says No!!!

Those guys don't realise what a narrow escape they've had.
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0 575. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Giant Döner Kebap

Is there a vegetarian version? :)
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+2 576. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Zebra

#12. Hi ThunderFemalePerson. :) It is perfectly legal in many states to own foxes, but probably not such a good idea. Foxes don't really make very good pets.
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+2 577. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Zebra

#10 Skulk, most commonly used as a verb, and I came across it in stories as a child, but also used as the collective term for a group of foxes, though clearly not as well known as terms used for other animals. But you're right of course, foxes are solitary animals which some find surprising since they are closely related to dogs.
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+2 578. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Zebra

#8... and skulk.
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+4 579. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Zebra

In real life, the rest of the zeal would have shunned him/her for being different.
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+3 580. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Using Windows 7, on Chrome, Opera and Firefox video does not play.
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+12 581. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Millennial International: Sponsor a Millennial Today

This video brought a tear to my eye.
And I'd love to be able to help.

But my finances are already overburdened helping two of my grandsons, one of whom tells me he is destined to become a You Tube star, all he needs is a state of the art PC , HD webcam and editing software.

My other grandson knows for a fact that he will be a world famous actor. He's just waiting for 'that' phone call, so a new Apple iPhone is a definite must! :|
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+2 582. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Clint Eastwood Shootouts

#3. Hey Jim. Thanks for that. George Carlin is (was) the king. Love his stuff. Big thumbs up!
But back to 'gay'. There are a number of terms I could have used, though I think in this context specifically, the word 'gay' embodies those sad, affected and effeminate qualities that little Jakey would easily identify with. :D
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+3 583. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Clint Eastwood Shootouts

There's a word for a man who obsesses about another man's sexual habits.
I can't think what it is just now...
Ah yes.
Gay. >:)
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+4 584. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The World Is Slowly Running Out Of Sand

#1 Answer: B&Q :)
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+1 585. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Foreplay to a swing party

#12. Aegri somnia :D
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+3 586. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Unbelievable private museum of old cars , guns , and memorabilia

#6. Here's the thing. I love mooching around museums, so I might just give it another go, when I have 20 minutes to spare.
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+3 587. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Unbelievable private museum of old cars , guns , and memorabilia

"They call me the Dragon Man because of my famous dragon motorcycle..."

I stopped watching at that point. His denim jacket with upturned collar, his hat and his over inflated opinion of himself and his 'famous' dragon motorcycle, made me feel a bit sorry for the old fart. But I see that this video is over 20 minutes long, and I have better things to do. :|
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+1 588. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Foreplay to a swing party

#9 " I'll be too busy chasing women, catching them, and then wondering what to do with them"

Well at least you won't need to practice that. :D
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+4 589. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Foreplay to a swing party

#3. OK, it's a deal.
The gun will have 2 bullets.
First I'll shoot you, and then you shoot me.
Do you think we ought to practice? :)
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+10 590. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Foreplay to a swing party

"you are never too old"

When I'm old enough to find that exciting, I'll shoot myself. :|
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+1 591. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Four 4s - Numberphile (for the math nerds amongst us)

Moi non plus. ;)
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+2 592. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Four 4s - Numberphile (for the math nerds amongst us)

#3. Hey FemaleThunderPerson! <3 I applaud your decision to switch off Adblocker for some sites, including snotr. Just thought I'd point out though that such action on its own will not make a cent for snotr. You actually have to click on an ad and BUY something for them to get a cut. :)
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+2 593. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Rabbit vs Falcon

#10. That's a reasonable theory... for an idiot. :D
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+9 594. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Turkish guy risks his life saving a trapped dog

Excellent job. Well done that man! :)
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+2 595. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Rabbit vs Falcon

#6. I was referring to the ending of the video in Burimi's link, as was obvious, given my reply to comment number 3. Please do try to keep up. :)
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+7 596. thefox commented 7 years ago on video This Dude Rides His Harley Like a Rice Rocket! Crazy sharp turns!

Skillful riding on a bike clearly not designed for it. What a pity #4 has to hope for the man to be crushed under a truck. Typical ignominious remark from little Jakey. :|
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+3 597. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Rabbit vs Falcon

#3. Very good Burimi. I don't think I drew a breath throughout. The ending got me by surprise. :(
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+10 598. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Rabbit vs Falcon

And the winner was... :|
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-2 599. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Mary Ellis ~ Air transport Auxillary pilot second World war.

#2. Lighten up little Jakey. :P
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-7 600. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Mary Ellis ~ Air transport Auxillary pilot second World war.

She's 100 years old? What's that she's flying?
A Zimmer Plane? :)
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+1 601. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Idiot on a Motorcycle Demonstrates How Not to do a Burnout

#14 Vielen dank Mademoiselle Thunderfemaleperson. :)

#13. Oh dear. All my hard work and you're back 'fecking' again. I do hope you didn't waste too much time searching online dictionaries for words to impress me... because you didn't. :D
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+1 602. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Idiot on a Motorcycle Demonstrates How Not to do a Burnout

#7. Always pleased to be of service Jakey. And nice to know that I've been instrumental in elevating your vocabulary to double digits. I shall look forward to seeing you use your new word. It will certainly make a change from telling people to "go feck your mother" not to mention the devastating threat to add someone's name to the back of your little book. :D
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+3 603. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Idiot on a Motorcycle Demonstrates How Not to do a Burnout

#5 That's called Schadenfreude, a word incidentally, with too many letters in it for #4 little Jakey to understand. :D
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+5 604. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Idiot on a Motorcycle Demonstrates How Not to do a Burnout

The really sad thing about this, is that he's labelled as an idiot after he loses control of the bike and flies off into a car.
I had him tagged as stupid long before that.
Here: 0:04
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-1 605. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Temperature outside,-47 Celsius, Oops, i just broke my seat

Did he died? :)
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-6 606. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The World's Fastest Lotus?

The World's Ugliest Lotus?
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+3 607. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Further Proof That Babies And Dogs Can, Will, And Should Be Best Friends

#8. You are right about dogs being your best friends. They just love you unconditionally. Harvey sounds lovely. Very saddening to hear that he may not be with you much longer. That is very sad indeed, :( I remember when our first family dog was very ill and my father had to take him to the vets to be put to sleep. My dad cried his eyes out. Years later I found out first hand what that experience was like, when I was placed in an identical situation with my own dog. I still miss her today. :|
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+4 608. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Further Proof That Babies And Dogs Can, Will, And Should Be Best Friends

#5 When I was younger, dogs were very much a part of our family life. My parents had German Shepherds, so did I when we had children. My last one died almost 20 years ago. Never replaced her, kids were grown up by then and I travel around too much now to make owning pets a sensible thing to do (Top Secret Missions). Never understood the cat/kitten thing. Cats were just something that my dog chased, and that messed on our lawn.

PS. We have a fox frequently visit our garden, and he/she will often lie and sunbathe on the garage roof. Foxes rule! :) <3<3
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+1 609. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

#17. Why do you ask? Are you interested in comparing notes regarding your own incestuous experience? :D
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+1 611. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

#15. Profanity, the last refuge of the truly ignorant man.
Poor little Jakey. :|
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0 612. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

#12. 'Deliberate mistake' ? Hahaha :)
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+3 613. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

#8. Ahem... it's Thunder'female'person actually. Kindly get the lady's sexual orientation correct otherwise I shall be forced to reprimand you also. You have been warned. :|
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+2 614. thefox commented 7 years ago on video The Amazing Birth Of A Hand Blown Glass Pitcher

Astonishing skill. :O
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+2 615. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

#3. OK Madame Thunderfemaleperson, this is your first Public Warning for lascivious behaviour likely to cause a Breach of the Snotr. ;)
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+7 616. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils

Hmmm... two minutes 49 seconds of Dunking Devils, and not a sight of a single biscuit. :|
I call Fake!
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+2 617. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 6 Bridges Built By The Ancients That Are Still In Use Today

#12. I am in love. <3
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+2 618. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 6 Bridges Built By The Ancients That Are Still In Use Today

#10. That's not me. I wouldn't go anywhere in that car. It's a mess!
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+4 619. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 41-POINT TURN

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+7 620. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 41-POINT TURN

She finally did what she should have done at the outset. Pushed the bike out and 'then' mounted up.
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+2 621. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 6 Bridges Built By The Ancients That Are Still In Use Today

#8. Don't worry Thunderbabe. The truck was parked. :) <3<3<3
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+5 622. thefox commented 7 years ago on video 6 Bridges Built By The Ancients That Are Still In Use Today

#1. Just what I was thinking. After watching this video I went outside and threw myself under a truck. :|
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+1 623. thefox commented 7 years ago on video When Mom Isn't Home (Oven Kid)

The Blues Brothers.:)
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+1 624. thefox commented 7 years ago on video SAVE THE PHONE!

#9. It really isn't that difficult Thunderbabe. <3<3
I'm having a lot more trouble building my Fusion Reactor. :)
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+2 625. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

#15 Mine already are. :)
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+4 626. thefox commented 7 years ago on video SAVE THE PHONE!

#5. That's correct. It's some SIM free box I ordered off Amazon for £40.
Wait,... I just looked and it's made by Vodafone. The model? No idea.
It doesn't matter. I don't 'love' my phone. I don't care about it. It's just a phone. :|

... and before you jump to the conclusion that I'm some kind of anti-tech luddite, think again. All the computers in my house I built myself, I run a number of websites, develop sites and program proficiently in several computer languages.

I just don't give a schidt about phones. :)
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+9 627. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

#4 Step Five. Drive straight to car body shop and get quote for rear end respray, to repair damage from shotgun pellets.
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+8 628. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

This could so easily be an episode of 'Last of The Summer Wine'. :)
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+2 629. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

#18 Tak Jeg har aldrig tænkt på det :)
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0 630. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

#15. Please re-arrange your words to create a meaningful phrase. :)
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+3 631. thefox commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

At 0:12 the Mini easily out-accelerates the BMW and the guy (I'm assuming it's a man) in the Beemer is humiliated. He does the only rational thing in the circumstances, and tries to kill the driver of the Mini. :)
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+2 632. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Honda Riding Assist

#10 Fear not fair maiden, for I shall never leave you ma chérie. <3<3<3<3
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+3 633. thefox commented 7 years ago on video SAVE THE PHONE!

I couldn't even tell you what make my smart phone is.
It's just a phone, and that's enough for me.
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+3 634. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Honda Riding Assist

Hi there #2 Mr Scottishman and #4 Madame Thunderperson <3<3<3. It's good to be back. I've been away on a secret mission. I could tell you where... but then I'd have to kill you. :) No doubt Jakey will be along in a moment and try and give me big hug and a sloppy wet kiss. So embarrassing. :P

#3. Correctomundo Mr Kodak. But my bike could do a much better trick. I used to shout: "STAY!" and it would wait for me, and not budge an inch. ;)
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+10 635. thefox commented 7 years ago on video Honda Riding Assist

I used to own a Kawasaki Z1000. I could greatly reduce the possibility of it falling over while the motorcycle was at rest,
... by placing my feet on the ground... :|

When I wasn't sitting on it, I'd use the stand.
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+2 636. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elephant Family guarding Baby Elephant crossing busy road

#10 Definitely not, Thunderbabe. :)
Have a great evening, see the Old Year out with a bang, and I hope 2017 will be a cracker for you! <3<3
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+2 637. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elephant Family guarding Baby Elephant crossing busy road

#7. Anthropomorphism at its best. :)
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+1 638. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

#11. You can't be serious can you? :O
I started to learn to do 'joined up' writing at school at age 8.
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+6 640. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The worst first date ever

Have you noticed how idiots like this try and justify their childish pranks by rebranding them as 'social experiments'? :|
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+2 641. thefox commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

#12. Sorry Mr Ator.
... or can I call you Coment? :)
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-2 642. thefox commented 8 years ago on video How to make a funny video, even funnier!

How to make a lame video even more lame. :|
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+3 643. thefox commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

De nada guapa! <3
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+3 644. thefox commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

#7 Sorry Thundersnow. It's too late for me to edit the link now, perhaps the admins can make it safe.

I got control of my browser back by hitting ALT+CTRL+DEL, then selectring the Task Manager and stopping the browser process.
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+1 645. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Evan - A powerful advert

The shocking thing about this video is the way he signed the girl's yearbook, in capital letters??? :8-)
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+1 646. thefox commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

I just happened to click on a blank piece of screen to the right of this window, just under the 'Share this video' buttons' And this is where it took me:

What's going on admins??????????
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+3 647. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Colin ( Furze ) at it again!

This guy does some interesting stuff. But I just wish he wouldn't SHOUT so much. :|
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+2 648. thefox commented 8 years ago on video U.S. Immigration is easy.

#13. Hope you had a good night's sleep Thunderfemale. :)<3
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-3 649. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tightrope walking

#3. Yeah, it's difficult to see. I'm using my Windows tightrope tether detector (TTD) 3.61 version 5.
So he's never in any real danger.
Oh... and he's got a concealed parachute. :)
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+7 650. thefox commented 8 years ago on video New way of fishing

Maybe they were fishing for CARp. :)
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+5 651. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Hi...I am your Grandpa.

Nice. I'm a grandpa. To four boys. Four little monsters. >:)>:)>:)>:) <3<3<3<3
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-2 652. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tightrope walking

He's got a safety tether, so although a difficult thing to do, not exactly a life and death situation.
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+4 653. thefox commented 8 years ago on video U.S. Immigration is easy.

#11. You still don't seem to get it do you?

Let's agree that for any user who uploads videos, the staff review the videos and a proportion of them are found to be unsuitable, given the criteria adopted by the staff. These videos are discarded, leaving the remainder to be published on the site.

It's obvious that the more videos someone uploads, the more of those videos are likely to be accepted. So let's say for example that on average the admins reject 50% of all videos. If you happen to upload just a couple of vids each week, you'll be lucky to get one published. If on the other hand you upload 6,000 vids each week (Hi Thundersnow <3<3<3<3) then you will not be surprised to get 3,000 of them published.

Personally speaking, I don't suffer from Jake's syndrome. I upload maybe one video every once in a blue moon, and then I forget about it and go and do something else. Maybe you ought to try that. :)
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+3 654. thefox commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

#29 Well, like it or not, very soon he'll be making the rulezzzzzzzzzzzz. ;)
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+5 655. thefox commented 8 years ago on video U.S. Immigration is easy.

#8 Your tireless dedication to uploading videos deserves a big 'thumbs-up'. Keep 'em coming Mademoiselle Thunderperson. <3<3<3
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+6 656. thefox commented 8 years ago on video U.S. Immigration is easy.

#6 I doubt very much whether the site admins favour one or two uploaders over everyone else. At the end of the day it's probably all down to numbers. It stands to reason that anyone submitting thousands of videos (Hi there Thundersnow! <3 ) is going to get more videos published than someone who just submits a handful of vids.
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+6 657. thefox commented 8 years ago on video U.S. Immigration is easy.

#4. Well... I got this one posted.
I honestly can't see what all the fuss is about.
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+1 658. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Deer convention

#9. Men 'park' cars.
Women 'abandon' them. :)<3<3<3<3
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+3 659. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Who are Messi and Ronaldo?

#3. Naughty. :P
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+2 660. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Deer convention

#5. Deer think so? :)
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+3 661. thefox commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

#18. "All kind of jobs and what germany needs are not only high paid employees, but also workers with minimum wage. Jobs previously vacant."

It sounds like you have it all sorted in Germany. And just like in every other EU country, the government can direct people to different job sectors by being selective about the immigrants they allow in.
Oh wait... :|
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+4 662. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Who are Messi and Ronaldo?

#1. Only one.
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+5 663. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Deer convention

Oh deer. :|
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+4 664. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Wait for it!

Jesus H. Christ! That sure is some scooter! :O
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+4 665. thefox commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

#15 "Do you really think those immigrants will take away your job?"

I'm interested ughlah. What's it like in Germany? Are the immigrants you speak of there working? If so, then they must be taking a position that would otherwise be occupied by a German, and if they're not taking any jobs off Germans, then they must be unemployed, and a burden on the state. They really can't be both can they? Which is it?
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+2 666. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The Most Gruesome Parasites – NTDs Explained

"Does the world need more people in it?"

No. Shut down all hospitals and ban all life saving drugs now! :|
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+9 667. thefox commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

#2. So he's sent a few dodgy tweets, and he's not the most politically correct Presidential Candidate ever? He might pick his nose and fart at the dinner table too, oh and you forgot to mention that he likes to grab women by the pussy. So what? That behaviour might horrify you, but frankly I don't think it's going to lead to Global Armageddon, much as his political opponents might prefer us all to believe.

Peace and goodwill to all Snotarians. O:)<3
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+15 668. thefox commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

#(removed comment). Don't presume to speak for me Austin. I for one, am part of 'the rest of the world' and I am not recoiling in fear, anxiety, concern and horror. :)
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+4 669. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

Christmas wishes to one and all. :)
I hope Santa brings you all what you have asked for.
Jake, I've emailed you a 2017 calendar so you can get the date right next year. ;)
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+2 670. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Truck Commercial - FUNNY GIRLS

#18. Thanks for the link. Not surprisingly, the article header includes the following line:

"Hilarious skit was made by New Zealand comics from the show Funny Girls"

Anyone who has read the Daily Mail a couple of times will immediately recognise this completely unwarranted use of the word 'hilarious', when in truth this sketch is about as funny as an attack of diarrhoea.
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+1 671. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Truck Commercial - FUNNY GIRLS

#3. Sounds like you're getting in touch with your feminine side.
In fact, I think it's likely you are a female.
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+3 672. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Bitten by a bug

I find that Snotr videos often 'hang' like this. They need to sort it out.
When it happens, I usually go to You Tube to watch the video properly.
Here it is:
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+1 673. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Kinetic sculpture looks like birds in flight.

#5 I've eaten mushrooms plenty of times.
LSD? From what I've read, LSD could make dog shit appear mystical. So I'm not sure how that relates to paper folding. I think I'll stick to mushrooms of the non-magic variety.
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-6 674. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Kinetic sculpture looks like birds in flight.

"When a hexagon opens and closes, it looks like a bird flapping its wings"

No. It looks like a piece of paper folding and unfolding.
This video is almost as bad as Jake's sad offerings.
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+1 675. thefox commented 8 years ago on video At the TOP of Toronto.Canada

#15. I have a feeling his demise is overdue. Just be patient.
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+3 676. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Pod of 60 Humpback Whales in Cape Town

I like whales.
But I couldn't eat a whole one. :)
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+2 677. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Why Socrates Hated Democracy

#2 How about compulsory IQ tests for all people wishing to vote. Set the bar high enough to exclude idiots from placing their cross on the ballot paper. Sorry Jake. :)
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+10 678. thefox commented 8 years ago on video At the TOP of Toronto.Canada

I found this mildly unsettling to watch. :O

I definitely think that videos such as this need their own category:

Death Wish.
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+5 679. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Bangladesh

He used to be 7 feet tall. :)
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+1 680. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The Story of Fahrenheit

#6. You just saw Idiocracy yesterday? :|
You don't let the grass grow under your feet do you?
Here's another new release for you to watch: :)
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+1 681. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The Story of Fahrenheit

This video could have been awesome, if only he'd maybe, walked into a lamppost, or stepped out in front of a bus, or got run over by a skateboarder, or hit on the head by a falling piano. So many missed opportunities.

I never noticed what he was talking about. :|
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+8 682. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Narrow passage

I only watched this again just to see if he went off the road this time. :)
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+2 683. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Yuja Wang going off the rails with Mozart

#6. Unless Yuja Wang is a transvestite. :|
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+3 685. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Yuja Wang going off the rails with Mozart

Not bad. But I bet she doesn't know how to make a whistle out of a bullet case. :|
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+3 686. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

#9 "Now I have to make a confession which I am not proud of but I've proved a point"

The only point you've proved is that you are constantly in need of attention.
That can be endearing behaviour... in a two year old. :|
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+5 687. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

#3, #4. Scotsman and Austin, I've emailed you a large dose of arsenic to put you both out of your misery. I did shoot myself earlier, but I missed. So, the third dose of arsenic is for myself. Goodbye cruel world....
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+10 688. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

I just watched these 'awesome' Christmas hacks. :|

I'm now going to go out and shoot myself.
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+3 689. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Pencil fire?


A damsel in distress I have spotted,
On the road up ahead to the right,
I see her attempting to fashion,
From an old HB pencil, a light,

So I skid to a halt to assist,
This sweet lady in need of me now,
Stepping from my machine with a flourish, saying...
"The Fox, at your service, Thundersnow!" <3
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+5 690. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Pencil fire?

#4. No. I'm a non smoker. My car's a non smoker too, but it does have a cigarette lighter. ;)
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+2 691. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Pain why we have it and how we kill it.

My favourite painkiller. Tramadol. :)
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+10 692. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Pencil fire?

Oh dear. I don't have any jump leads. I wonder if my cigarette lighter would be any use? :D
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0 693. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Narrow margins

#5. No need to reverse. Just do a 3-point turn. :)
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+3 694. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Trick basketball stupidity unfortunately reaches new record heights - 180m (594-Feet).

#5 I also struggle to understand the popularity of these bewilderingly mindless videos, but to answer your question: "How and/or why is this still a thing?"

Because people such as yourself persist in disseminating it. :|
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+2 695. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail

#16 You missed out omnimalevolent. :)
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+2 696. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail

#14 That's what I thought at first, but then I remembered that The Lord God Almighty is all powerful. He can multi task, he can create tsunamis, kill children in the womb, bring down horrific diseases upon the entire human race, wipe out cities with volcano eruptions, and 'still' be able to watch snotr videos. >:)
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+1 697. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail


A fine example of carnage.

Don't tell me there is a creator!
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+2 698. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail

#9 "thundersnow commented 4 hours ago" :O

Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund
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+2 699. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail

#3. Hey Fräulein Thunders! Wie geht's? :)
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-2 700. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Sea snail

Sea snail.
Eat it.
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+6 701. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Little BIG

The little dogs are always the worst.
Rather like little men.
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+2 702. thefox commented 8 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

#11. It's clear you're determined to start an argument. I'm not. I'll leave you to have the last word now Jake, since I've noticed that's most important to you. :)
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+1 703. thefox commented 8 years ago on video German is a beautiful language

#7. No. I don't have the same feelings about Welsh, Irish or Scots Gaelic. Thanks for asking. :)
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+2 704. thefox commented 8 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

#9. In contrast to your rather terse and simplistic Daily Mail style headline statement, my comments offered an insight into the possible reasons for the sad plight in which an uncomfortably large number of people find themselves.
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+4 705. thefox commented 8 years ago on video German is a beautiful language

I am English, I studied German at school, and one of the first things you notice when learning this language is the preponderance of harsh guttural speech sounds. I would not regard German as a 'beautiful' language (no offense meant to all you Deutschländers on snotr) . To my ears, Italian holds the crown for that. What do other people think?
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+3 706. thefox commented 8 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

#5. The difference with the guy in the video is, he doesn't have any wage packets.

People earning regular income frequently fall victim to their own very poor/non-existent money-management skills. This is a 'must-have' society we live in, where people consider it is their right to own the latest phone/ipad/car etc.

'Save up and buy' is a concept totally alien to millions of people, who believe that pulling out the plastic to buy stuff they can't really afford, is perfectly acceptable.

More needs to be done in schools to educate kids about fundamental money and finance skills.
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+5 707. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Teller performs his mind-boggling "shadows" trick

It's not a real shadow.
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+3 708. thefox commented 8 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

#3. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but... artificial debt? What's that? Debt is debt. I only know of one kind.
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+8 709. thefox commented 8 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

He was fine until his wife divorced him, took his home, kids, and money.
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-1 710. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guitar Solo in NASA Space Chamber

He needs more loudspeakers.
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+6 711. thefox commented 8 years ago on video "Me trying to fix my life"

Very lucky bloke. A friend of mine had a similar mishap on a building site 20 years ago. He's been in a wheelchair ever since.
Hopefully this guy learned a lesson from this event, and went out and either a) got hold of some extra manpower or b) hired a crane. :)
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+3 712. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Chris Rock on Black people

I have no problem with the word 'nigger' or 'nigga' . Words commonly referred to as profane do not bother me. Replacing letters with asterisks however, does irritate me. For example when I see the word 'f**k' I immediately think of the word 'fuck' of course, which is. naturally, what the writer intended, though he or she lacks the courage to present the word in its full form.

“There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it.” - Frank Zappa.
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0 713. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fishermen found an unexpected guest in the fishing net

#6 The puppet doth protest too much, methinks. :P
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+5 714. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fishermen found an unexpected guest in the fishing net

#2 One might assume, from the condescending and insulting nature of your comment, that you are the owner of this site, and the admins answer to you. If I were an admin, you would be kicked off the site immediately. Have some respect. Or if you can't manage that, why not go and and watch videos elsewhere? :|
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+5 715. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Momondo - The DNA Journey

I hate to break it to you folks, but this is ... nonsense.

These are all actors, and this is nothing more than advertisement for their DNA kit, and it'll cost you £135.
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-4 716. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Van Gogh on Dark Water

Two things to mention here. First off, in the picture he's creating, the face is looking to the left. Taking a print off the surface onto the sheet would reverse that so the face would be looking to the right, but it doesn't. And secondly, dragging the sheet off the surface of the liquid as he does right at the end would certainly smudge and distort the picture. It doesn't.

For those two reasons I call Fake.
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+2 717. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

#15. Well Jake, speaking as someone who's helped out on numerous occasions in my mate's night club as a ahem... doorman, I've seen and been involved in more than my fair share of ... altercations. There have been Bruce Lee dance-alikes galore, and without exception, the look of utter surprise and disbelief on their faces when their 'moves' don't go according to plan, is just priceless. All it takes is a tap from my right hand, and they go down like a sack of spuds. Mind you, I can't remember ever knocking out a monk, but there's always a first time. ;) Go in peace my son. <3
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+2 718. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#26 Nor I yours, bella signorita Thundersnow. <3
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+2 719. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#24. If you like. But don't contact me via snotr PM. It's not secure. Here's my private email address:

Keep it to yourself. ;)
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+2 720. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

#13 Well done, you know how to use Google. Now you know what a dojo is. ;)

My amusement stems from the fact that Jake thinks practicing katas in front of his sensei in the village hall is the same as fighting.

I'll bet he's never been in a real fight in his life. :|
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+3 721. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Carnivorous plant eats Chahuahua

#6 No it's not fake. Those are really carnivorous plants... :D
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+5 722. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Carnivorous plant eats Chahuahua

#4 Alzheimer's is a terrible disease. We're all hoping you can get some treatment to make your final years less confusing for you and less of a burden for your family. <3
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+1 723. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

#8. I will say one thing for you Jake. You certainly have a very fertile imagination. You can handle yourself? Yeah. I think we've already established that from your 'tree loving' session. :D

and "I've fought all kinds of guys in the dojo" In the dojo? :D:D:D
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+2 724. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#22. Apologising to yourself Jake? Freudian slip? Hilarious. :D
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+2 725. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#18 Kiddlie fiddler? That term seems to just roll off your tongue Jake. And given your self-declared proclivity for teenage girls and rather unhealthy interest in their toilet habits, perhaps it's you we should be wary of... :|
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+5 726. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#9 I'm sending someone round to your house immediately Mademoiselle T. You need some therapy! ;)<3
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+9 727. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

Very sad. Big thumbs up to the guy for having a go, but when you get old and infirm like that, you just have to be very careful, isn't that right Jake? :)
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+2 728. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#6. You are wrong.
It's just over 121 million years, or to put it in more understandable terms, the time it takes jake to cross the road with his zimmeframe. :)
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+2 729. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Smart Dog Helps Change Baby’s Diaper

#6 No guapa, the dog in your clip is fantastic. Who wouldn't want a dog like that? <3
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0 730. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Smart Dog Helps Change Baby’s Diaper

Contrived situation. Place the baby changing items as far away as possible so you need the dog to help. :|

I can't wait for the next video in which she'll be cooking a meal in the kitchen and the dog will be fetching ingredients and dishes... from the garden shed. :)
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+10 731. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fireman Struggle to Remove Metal Nut from Chinese boy's Finger

Metal expands when heated, so the easy way is to heat up the nut with a blow torch until it's red hot. Then it will fall off. :)
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+3 732. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Gravity

#28. You really make me smile TS. Lovely to know you. :) <3<3<3
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+3 733. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Gravity

#26. That's a great tip. I'm off out now to go and buy a lorry load of pine wood. I'll be writing crap in no time. Who knows? Maybe with enough pine wood I'll be able to write as much shitty crap as Jake? :D
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+2 734. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

#16 Yes it's John Smiths. We just call it Smiths around here.

Wine then for you... any wine. Righto, I'll remember that. <3

I think it's unlikely that Jake and I are neighbours. But I did see a rather bedraggled looking old tramp the other day, rooting around in a waste bin in the town centre. Maybe that was him. :)
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+3 735. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Gravity

#22. Smelling pine wood??? wtf ? :O
#24 Thundersnow! Have you been smelling pine wood again? :) <3
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+2 736. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

#14 A snotr bar? Sounds like a great idea. I'll have a pint of Smiths. What's yours Mademoiselle T? Let me guess..., red wine?
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+2 737. thefox commented 8 years ago on video How wolves change rivers

#8. Yes, I just nipped in there for a moment Miss T. I wondered whether you'd noticed. <3
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+22 738. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Gravity

I think they've realised the gravity of the situation.
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+1 739. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Subway Long Jump

The look of incredulity on the guy right at the end. Sums it all up. :)
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+6 740. thefox commented 8 years ago on video How wolves change rivers

Thought provoking video. For anyone interested there's more information about Yellowstone National Park in the Michael Crichton book - "State of Fear" in which he discusses the management, or rather mis-management of the park in the wider context of mankind's effect on his surroundings. On top of that, it's a cracking good read too. :)
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+2 741. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tree cutting fails and idiots with chainsaws

"where to find such a good tree"

#13 In Jake's garden? :D
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+1 742. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

#10 Always happy to be watched by you guapa. <3 btw, did you notice Jake in the previous tree/chainsaw video? :)
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+2 743. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tree cutting fails and idiots with chainsaws

1:17 Oh look! It's Jake having his first sexual experience. :D
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+2 744. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

#8. Splendid! Thank you once again for regaling us all with your knowledge, limited though it may be. I'm sure everyone enjoys your tales. How exciting to hear about the way you strike terror into the hearts of those monstrous foxes. No doubt they turn on their bushy little tails and run for their lives when they see you approaching with your weapon. Hurrah for the little cock. Hurrah! :)
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+4 745. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

#4 Mais oui mon chéri, <3 (Just replied)

#5 Some more foxy proverbs:

An old fox understands the trap

Let sleeping foxes lie

Always trust a fox, never a hen.

A fox in the hand is worth two with a bush

The early fox catches the chicken
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+2 746. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#21 I will certainly give Jake a big kiss and a hug, because I know he'll adore that. But after he's left me his key, me and my foxy girlfriend will move in and paint the caravan red. :)<3
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+5 747. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fox Village in Zao Japan!

Foxes are adorable. That's my completely unbiased opinion. :)
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+1 748. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tree cutting fails and idiots with chainsaws

#3 You've obviously never tried to cut down a tree with a handsaw. :)
The point is, almost all of these jobs would never have even been attempted without a chainsaw.
In the wrong hands a chainsaw is a very dangerous tool, and best left to the professionals.

And sometimes, even the professionals slip up: :O
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+7 749. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tree cutting fails and idiots with chainsaws

This has got to be one of the funniest fails compilations I've seen in a long time. :D:D
Chainsaw + dummy = disaster.
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+4 750. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

#16. Who ???:D
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0 751. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

#12. Thank you once again for your ingenuous input. Always entertaining, albeit quite useless. :)
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+3 752. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

#8 Migraine can be very nasty. I don't suffer myself (fortunately) but had a friend many years ago, sadly deceased now, and her migraine attacks sometimes lasted a day or so. Very bad. :(
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+3 753. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

#6 Sorry for that Miss Snow. I won't argue that it is a moving piece of film, but my guess is she's no more his 'crush' than he is her Dutch uncle. :D

#3 What's your professional opinion Cameramaster?
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+8 754. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

They're actors, it's professionally shot in camera-shake-free HD, and edited to perfection.
Looks like a carefully staged fake.
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+2 755. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

#11. Fear not, fair maiden. Jake is simply coming to terms with his new condition. It's natural for him to feel upset and make childish comments.
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+7 756. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Japan's Cat Island

Donald Trump would like it here. He likes to grab pussies. :)
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+2 757. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

#7. Prolific though you might be with your videos Signorina Thundersnow, that alone does not indicate Jake's syndrome. For that you would need to display a distinct lack of maturity, stamp your feet, moan and whine, and cry like a little girly when your videos are not accepted. As I am sure you will agree, that certainly does not apply to you. <3

#9 Awfully nice to hear from you Jake. Thanks for that warm welcome. There's no need to thank me. xx :)
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+2 758. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

I shall certainly pass on your regards to Jake, and hope to send you a few photos of me enjoying my holiday in his modest seaside abode, situated snugly between the camp site shop and the toilet block. :)
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+1 759. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

#5 Forcing all submissions to be anonymous would be unfair to people suffering from Submitasnotrvidosis ( Jake's syndrome).
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+1 760. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 100 photos to restore your faith in humanity

My faith is not restored.
Maybe I need more photos? :|
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+1 761. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Ouch time

Too long. Amusing at first, but 4 minutes of the same old same old?
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+3 762. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

Not all families are happy families. :|
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+2 764. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#17. Don't worry about Jake. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to have this new medical condition named after him. In fact he's probably already composing his thank-you letter to me, and as a small token of his appreciation he'll no doubt be imploring me to accept a free week's holiday next summer in his static caravan. :) <3
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+3 765. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Animated map shows how religion spread across the world

I didn't see Scientology on there.
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+2 766. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#15. Señorita Thundersnow, you've cracked it! With just a minor change to your suggestion, replacing the 'a' for an 'r', now we have 'submitasnotrvidosis'. This is perfect, because not only does it correctly restrict the condition to snotr videos, it is also a longer word, and as we all know, the longer a medical term is, the more serious it's got to be.

That's it then, it's official. Submitasnotrvidosis, otherwise know as Jake's syndrome.

I wouldn't be surprised if I get a Nobel prize for this. :D <3
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+3 767. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#13 Not necessarily, I can just visualise the wiki entry now:

Jake's syndrome JS, also known as 'submitavidosis', is a disorder characterised by the severe compulsion to upload and have videos played on Snotr. The condition was discovered by TheFox in November 2016, while analysing the unusual behaviour of a Snotr user by the name of Judge Jake.

There is no cure for Jake's syndrome, but successful video uploads can serve to alleviate the condition somewhat. Aspirin also helps. :)<3
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+3 768. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

# Thanks Mademoiselle Thundersnow, but although I discovered this new disorder, I've decided that it might be more apt to describe it as 'Jake's syndrome', what do you think? <3
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+2 769. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#9 Submititis suggests (to me) a willingness to submit to something, or submit to everything, whereas submitavidosis contains the essential 'vid' part to indicate that the person in question feels this compulsion to submit videos, and if they don't get played... he might cry like a girly. hehe ;)
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+2 770. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

#7. Submitavidosis : 'A pathological desire to get a video played on snotr.' :P
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+3 772. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Speed Metal

A Yamaha motorbike drum kit. Hilarious! :D
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+2 773. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Neil Degrasse Tyson: "If you're scientifically literate the world looks very different to you&q

Degrasse seems to be stuck rather far up his own arsehole. Watching this, I was struck by the similarity to this:
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+3 774. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

#9 Hairiness is optional. lol. :D<3<3

#8. I have a solution for your dilemma. It involves a smart phone placed on the floor and you standing above it. Do you want more details? :P
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+4 775. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

#6 Take a look under your kilt cameramaster. If you see a big hairy dangly thing, you might be male. :P
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+2 776. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

#4 How else are you going to know what gender they are?

I'm reminded of this:
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+3 777. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

#2 Just like you to ask someone to look in their pants and tell you what gender they are.
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+10 778. thefox commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

There are only two genders. Male. Female. End of story.
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+1 779. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Think twice before you steal this bike! Skunklock deters theft

Thief attempts to cut it off, noxious gas escapes in a burst catching a passer-by in the face. Ensuing lawsuit destroys company. Bye bye skunk lock. :)
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+6 780. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Otto and Budweiser: First Shipment by Self-Driving Truck

"The world's first shipment by self-driving truck, a 120-mile journey with no driver in front seat."

Back seat driver. :|
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+2 781. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Amazingly creative street musician in London

#17 "i won't comment on this frustrated old man that can't get more than 2 videos approved

You just did...

As for Trump, he might not be perfect, but he'll be a breath of fresh air and a kick up the arse for the establishment in America. Just what the country needs. Meanwhile the crook Clinton exits stage left. Adios.
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+3 782. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Cold starting 12 cm. True Diesel Model Engine by hand

My impressometer just maxed out!
Definitely in the right category. :)
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+5 784. thefox commented 8 years ago on video National Day in Vienna

I don't believe they're real horses.
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+4 785. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Intense documentary scene: baby iguana being chased by snakes

Run Forrest run!!!:O
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+4 786. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Mango Kulfi - Amazing Indian Ice Cream!

#13. You provide a link to a wiki article, the first line of which states: "Drinking water supply and sanitation in India continue to be inadequate, despite longstanding efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage."

and then you launch into a tirade about water using CAPITAL LETTERS so much you made my head spin.

Lighten up son. ;)
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+2 787. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Amazingly creative street musician in London

#8 Yadda yadda yadda. Precious drama queen. :P
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+2 788. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Mango Kulfi - Amazing Indian Ice Cream!

#10 "Water can't get any cleaner than that since it comes from a water source of the area"

The Ganges? :D
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+3 789. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Amazingly creative street musician in London

#5 For your information I have not been a member of snotr before. I was introduced to the site by another member who is a personal friend of mine, (we play in the same rugby team), and I've done nothing more than just watch the videos and read the comments for the past six months or so, before finally deciding to register.

I must say, being accused of bullying by you is a bit rich, considering the kind of behaviour you've displayed to other users. And your attitude towards Jespera86 ( "who seems to have appeared out of nowhere" ) is a bit odd. Of course he's appeared out of nowhere, haven't we all? Or maybe you went through a special induction process? You do seem to think you're someone rather... special.

You say you've now been put off submitting? Oh for God's sake, do give it a rest. :|
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+3 790. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Amazingly creative street musician in London

He's clearly an accomplished guitarist.
I wonder how good he is at tennis?
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0 791. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Mango Kulfi - Amazing Indian Ice Cream!

I wouldn't want to eat anything there.
What a shithole. :|
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+3 792. thefox commented 8 years ago on video World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes

Text often too small to read. Irritating soundtrack. I watched it for about 20 seconds.
That was enough for me.
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+1 793. thefox commented 8 years ago on video I need to go fishing with this guy

#1. They remind me of Apple iDiot fanboys.
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+3 794. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Larf and larf and larf

#7 "There is medication you can take for that."

Something else you appear to be an expert on eh? :D
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+2 795. thefox commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

I do find it odd that someone who whines like a girly so incessantly that his videos haven't been published, finally produces such lamentably poor examples. I've managed to obtain a sneak preview of his next vid. here it is:
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+3 796. thefox commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

#15. As you are well aware, there is nothing in my profile information to indicate adolescence, or any other period of my life for that matter. Never mind though. It fits in neatly with your narrative, so it keeps you happy... rather like an adolescent in fact. :D
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-2 797. thefox commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

#12 Play it again, who knows, maybe you'll find it rather pathetic?
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0 798. thefox commented 8 years ago on video If this doesnt make you laugh you are already dead.

Oh dear.
I've seen funerals funnier than this. :|
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+9 799. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Wedding bouquet throwing tip

Seems a wise move on behalf of the men.
Since the possibility of catching the bouquet signifies the next person to get married, it's time to run like hell.
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+4 800. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fake and Real Wireless Power

This man is his own parody.
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+3 801. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Cycle Drifting

#3 Maybe the videos you submitted were all crap? :)
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+3 802. thefox commented 8 years ago on video I am a Mole

I watched it through the wrong end of some binoculars and it looked great,... but just a bit small.
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+7 803. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Skydiver loses shoe during dive

In his next video he loses his parachute.
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+8 804. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Switzerland highway

#4. No. After he put the sign straight, the car drove off, and he ran after it.
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+2 805. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World on hammered dulcimer


One bright evening as the sun was sinking on a glorious world a wise old Cock flew into a tree to roost. Before he composed himself to rest, he flapped his wings three times and crowed loudly. But just as he was about to put his head under his wing, his beady eyes caught a flash of red and a glimpse of a long pointed nose, and there just below him stood
.... Master Fox! >:)
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+9 806. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Fighter jet low fly over beach

#2 If they do, as Churchill said "We will fight them on the beaches..." >:)
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+10 807. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World on hammered dulcimer

My feelgoodometer just maxed out. :)
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+4 808. thefox commented 8 years ago on video How Entropy Powers The Earth (Big Picture Ep. 4)

I didn't have the energy to watch it all the way through. :|
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+4 809. thefox commented 8 years ago on video The History of the EU with David Mitchell

#4. They are politicians, and like all politicians, have to continually try to justify their existence, and they do it by creating law after law after law after law ad infinitum. The Common Market was a great idea. The colossal behemoth it has become known as the EU, is a total disaster.

and #3

""The things we do not like about the EU are the price we pay for having peace since 1945."

Thank NATO for that, not the EU.
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+1 810. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Self-Driving Car Level 5 Autonomy

#7. If I ever buy a Tesla, to impress the neighbours, then when it's not parked on the drive, I'll send it out to drive around the town, while I go for a spin in my old faithful machinery.
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+2 811. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Self-Driving Car Level 5 Autonomy

#5. Mais non. When Mr. tesla drives into my car, 'HE'S the other driver. >:)
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+12 812. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Self-Driving Car Level 5 Autonomy

#3. I always blame the other driver.
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+5 813. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Self-Driving Car Level 5 Autonomy

If the car has a puncture, will it change the spare by itself?
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+7 814. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher (Soft-boiled egg shell cracker)

"Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher (Soft-boiled egg shell cracker)"


(By the time he'd finished I'd already eaten my egg).
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-1 815. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Vote Trump. Please ?

Donald Trump is an idiot.
Hillary Clinton is a crook.

The future is bright.
The future is Brexit. :)
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+9 816. thefox commented 8 years ago on video Hiding from Police in the refrigerator

They got him cold.