Comments posted by themoose


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+2 1. themoose commented 13 years ago on video Time for another car.

well that yellow fiat ain't gonna get him laid... i'd stick with his dads car...
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+1 2. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Boxer destroys two park bullies.

0:27 what a punch!
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+2 3. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Some pretty impressive Parkour

i wanna know how tht last guy got down...
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+2 4. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Papercraft

f**k the wheel!
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+1 5. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Handjob

try asking for that at the store...
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+2 6. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Mind experiment with Derren Brown

#8 what is wrong with you? do you not understand that people don't just pick random cards. he suggests the card to their subconscious. just as #1 said...
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-5 7. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Fermi discovers giant bubbles in Milky Way

was it just me or did you think the video was going to be about chocolate as well :D
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+1 8. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Make an invisible bottle!

#12 the name is the refractive index. the light is bent through the glycerin at the same angle as it is through the glass bottle so it appears to have vanished.
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+1 9. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Ford Meteor

Faster than a ninja!
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0 10. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Speed Riding - Antoine Montant in CLAIM

3:11 I was clenching pretty hard at this point...
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0 11. themoose commented 14 years ago on video How to balance two forks on a toothpick

hi, um god? i think we got a glitch...
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0 12. themoose commented 14 years ago on video The Invisible artist.

he would make a great criminal! :(|)
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0 13. themoose commented 14 years ago on video Football freestyle moves

this is just one long ad for puma, their logo and name is everywhere in this clip...