Comments posted by therippedpage


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+1 1. therippedpage commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Run

this is why helmet cams were invented >:)
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0 2. therippedpage commented 13 years ago on video Sky diving ballet

aerodynamics at its best
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+4 3. therippedpage commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Magic Rings Illusion

He probably trained his entire life for that..
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+1 4. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Just two glasses of wine...

#3 its called cops. Check it out
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+4 5. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Power of the Sun

just like the time i almost burned down my cottage making a fire on wood chips in the summer. with a magnifying glass
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+1 6. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Laser Eye Surgery

#18 it was a monkey
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+1 7. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video North Korea military parade

those are not human
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+2 8. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Lego ancient greek computer

looks like lego has a new kit coming out
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+6 9. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Bleachers Collapse

Who won the race!?
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+38 10. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Zippo Commercial

So never cary a zippo?
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+1 11. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video assembling and disassembling a car in 4 minutes

they backup and.. it falls apart
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+1 12. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Chinese bike acrobatics

i like the monster Chinese girl that has to peddle with all those girls on her
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-2 13. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Big Bang Big Boom

i couldn't watch the whole thing because it was to disturbing thinking about the amount of time it took to make this thing
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+2 14. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Bridal boot camp

9 pounds. 7 months. 1 fail
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-2 15. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Huge Explosion

there goes japan..
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-2 16. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Huge Explosion

there goes japan..
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+1 17. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Texas police secretly deploy spy drones.

there trying to catch those sign hackers!
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+3 18. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video How a differential gear works

science fair? =]
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0 19. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Nasty pig food

no.. no.. no.. no..
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+1 20. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Japanese Slide Trick

what do Japanese ppl do!
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0 21. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Intense Mentos Commercial

cough* cough* wtf!
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+1 22. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Saturn V

looks like abort was needed. not enough solid state fuel looks like
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+1 23. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video How to Catch Thiefs

haha epic.

i guess haha epic is to short so i added this
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0 24. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Grand Theft Dog

hahahahahahahahahah #3 "I don't believe any amount of smoking can make you this stupid, not even smoking crack"

keep telling yourself that
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+10 25. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Piranha bite!

haha this would be great for doing your trimming
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0 26. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Avatar 2 Trailer

i thought shaak ti was going to pop out
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+5 27. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Nut bra to the rescue

#(removed comment) its the scum of the earth people that call themselves " CleverBastard" that ruin the internet for the rest of us

i wish there was a spit on button
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+1 28. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Jump Street

this stuff really isn't that high level..
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+2 29. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

0:25 its where you put your search terms.. correct?
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+43 30. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Baby hates Miley Cyrus, loves Bon Jovi

its not thatt hard to tell whats good and whats not =]
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-2 31. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

blastoise! blastoise! blastoise! :D :'( :D :'( :D >:)
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0 32. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video David MeShow

wonder what his neighbors thinkk
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+1 33. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video The Internet people

where is Charley bit my finger? !
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0 34. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Rube Goldberg machine from Waiting

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-14 35. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Police car gets totaled

hahaha black van full of little boys smashes into cop :D
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+1 36. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video You`re Beautiful - parody

i love james blunt.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 :P
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+1 37. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Darth Vader vs. Japanese Police

i love those jokes the cops made
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+2 38. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous licking dog toy commercial

whats next a tonka commercial where they do something outrageous like your going to get dirty..

i dont get it
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0 39. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Dancing cops

im not sure how a guy spinning a rifle and a guy shaking his but with a rifle is dancing cops..
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+14 40. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video How to pronounce Snotr

one of the best.. if not the best video on the sight
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0 41. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Huge water bill explanation

with all this water cycling through there has got to be a fish every now and thenn
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0 42. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Baby Scared by his Own Fart

0:05 ummm!
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+4 43. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Machine Gun Prank

he ate like 6 bullets :D
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-5 44. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Cheeta

#3 haha its like thats new..
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0 45. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Pen trick fail

at 0:39 the screen just goes to negative.fake
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+4 46. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Close call

lucky? or fast
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0 47. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Jetboat crashes

haha i cant resist saying FAIL! after every one
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+3 48. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Beer launching fridge

so screw the gift bags and shit.. launch the boos at the crowd
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0 49. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Motorist Hits Guy

#1 she just doesn't know what does what
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-6 50. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

as if woman were bad drivers already..
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+1 51. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Psychotic neighbor vs. lawn mower

i love all the little voices in the background :D
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+3 52. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Lilly: the geography baby genius

wow i really learned something here.

wheres ireland? agggiee!!
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-2 53. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Fat Woman Falls

and off with her cloths??
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+1 54. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video The Hexakopter

the acceleration is fucking out of this world
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0 55. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Too much power

haha he has got to feel like the kid who falls on his ass showing how good his wheelie is 8-)
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0 56. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Dramatic Cat

then he runs off.. haha
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+1 57. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Brain Orgasm Fail

holy shit... #3 +60!.. if everyone that sees this puts +1 idk if i would get that many..
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+1 58. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Head-banging kittens

theres a guy off screen waving a mouse around

lol great video
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+40 59. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Ken Block sno-trax

hahaha i should get some award then:

first comment ever on the internet!
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+26 60. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Accident at Pink tv

i love how they always try to play this stuff off :D
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+6 61. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Duck and Dog

this reminds me of some disney movie
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+8 62. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Musical Tesla Coils

jimmi hendrix would be proud

rock onn!!
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0 63. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Biking

more like:

Extreme Douchebags

two hotshots push riders off a two foot path
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-2 64. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Sarah Palin uses a hand-o-prompter

already i think this is going to be one of the most disliked videos no snotr.. its been 18 minuets and already it is 2.5/10
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-12 65. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Sarah Palin uses a hand-o-prompter

hahaha political humor.. we all pretend to understand.. >:)
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0 66. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Pigeon: Impossible

now its all well and good. radiation in dc instead of Russia. thats real good haha
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+2 67. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Violin + DJ

best of both worlds!!
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0 68. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Godzilla vs. Statue of Liberty

someone always gets something up there ass in these videos..

haha love the flys around the torch at the end :(|)
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0 69. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Frankenstein vs. D'artangan

its all fun and games until the boos get smashed >:)
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0 70. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Future designer laptop - Rolltop

flexible ipad?
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+12 71. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Umbrella vs tornado simulator

he is so pumped about getting his socks blown off =]
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+5 72. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

the very sad part of the creation of this video is that somebody sat through tons of bush speaches.. took out every um.. and well i.. to make a one minute video.

and because of it my life was one minute better :D
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+79 73. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Ken Block sno-trax

This is the first comment on snotr!?
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+8 74. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Wheelchair tricks

looks like this kid gets some money.. wearing all Oakley that or hes got some dough of his own

this would be a crazy sport if more than .03 % of people used a wheel chair
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-1 75. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Baby Loves Heavy Metal

hes so excited to hear it.. i love it!
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+1 76. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video This is one lucky baby!

#4 then its the wind who broke the law. shit happens
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-1 77. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video An elephant throwing darts at balloons

0:37 its rigged! haha
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0 78. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Trampoline fail

haha #2 that question would be much more valid if we knew what the centered comment was. but for the 4 ppl who saw it.. answer away
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-4 79. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Dupleggcated

mr c! its jesse =]
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-1 80. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Acoustic Freedom

you think thats good you should see what ppl do with it the other way.
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0 81. therippedpage commented 14 years ago on video Voca People

and they wonder why kids come to school with guns.