Comments posted by tomas


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+1 1. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Def Leppard

Its a Yamaha Electone. A D-Deck to be precise, I love those organs.
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+2 2. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Maradona fighting

#10, Thanks a lot mate, Fail on my side, I'm spanish, never liked football, thats why I confused names. Fixed.
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-2 3. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Maradona fighting

#4, I edited the description. It's "Atlético de Bilbao", to be precise.
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+17 4. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Sprint - HTC EVO™ 4G Firsts

LOL #6 "Same rules apply!!!" Rage, hilarious!
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+1 5. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Fareed Zakaria blasts media.

Calm down guys, dont take it that serious :P
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-2 7. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Duck dance

An interesting case for my friend Pavlov to study ( 8-)
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+78 8. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

They eat their "Pu-pu" 8-)
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+9 9. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Beautiful, perfect wine bottle cutting.

"-Meaaaaaaw -What?" ::(|)
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-2 10. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Kung Fu Bear

:S It MUST be a fake :O
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+3 11. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Purse Snatchers on a Motorcycle Beaten by Angry Crowd

I couldn't start laughing at 1:16 , that massive chair straight to the head :P
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+3 12. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Ghost pig

#10 Actually its quite simple, a concave mirror, and a pig inside it :P
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+18 13. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

Wow, that was shocking, never thought Donald Duck could be used in such a violent context "Guns, bombers, airplanes, to defeat the axis".

Doesent the start steam whistle sound like "DIEEEEEE, DIEEEEEEE"?
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+4 14. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Octopus vs Shark

#1 Thats what I thought at the moment it began
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+7 15. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Mass panic in Netherlands

#30, I think you are right, I add that people are lame in general. People are scared of needles, some faint when they see blood, and panic if they break a limb...


I understand that it's somehow like a domino effect, where a stupid start makes tons of people go nuts...

But anyway this only demonstrates once again human stupidity...
It takes the piss out of me.
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+3 16. tomas commented 14 years ago on video The Botfly

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+6 17. tomas commented 14 years ago on video The Feather-Legged Bug

I actually think if the narrator told me my mother has died I would probably find it pretty amusing... 8-)
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+29 18. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Cordyceps

That was simply gobsmacking, you made me be late to uni....
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+4 19. tomas commented 14 years ago on video New ASIMO learning capabilities

"ASIMO, ello mate!" :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+7 20. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Amazing card trick

Its a very nice trick, just avoid idiot pseudo-explanation comments.
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+20 21. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Ultimate Protection Cat

I love how the kid stands by looking how the babysitter gets torn by the cat. Im sure hes laughing his ass off ::(|) ::(|)
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+2 22. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Would You Intervene?

Well, I get really pissed off watching these situations, I must admit in violent situations, when there is a fight I understand that untrained people (martial art-wise) dont intervene, as they will probably get hit.

In march this year an 18 year-old guy was beaten by another in the Madrid subway, everyone but two out-of-service policemen simply watched how the guy was beaten.

Personally, I've intervened in violent situations, one of them regarding "Violence against women", about 15 friends of the assailant watched as he slapped his girlfriend.

I hate this passivity
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+3 23. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

#25 That was crazy mate. :S
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+7 24. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

Exactly #12, dont mess with russians, if you take hostages, they will kill you AND the hostages :P
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+7 25. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Flooded meadow

What a petty the original quality was reduced, :( , anyhow that water is incredibly clear.
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-2 26. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Employment

Gobsmacking! :O
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-5 27. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Dragging a tree

Fucking Hooke!
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-2 28. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Wall Of Death

Why didnt they fall? :(|)
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-3 29. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Aborted Landing

Thats a near hit!
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+9 30. tomas commented 14 years ago on video METEOR!

One day a big rock is going to fall and kill us all :P
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+1 31. tomas commented 14 years ago on video I'm cute, I'm cute, I'm hurt

Sorry to read it now mate, but yes 13 is right in his theory, as stated before numbers are simply stupid.
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+4 32. tomas commented 14 years ago on video The Grudge Girl

Anyhow that super simple costume would scare the shit out of anyone.
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+1 33. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Can I get a napkin please?

All live musicals are impressive!
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-5 34. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Dont call big guys fat

Maybe "fat boy's" mum was right "hes not fatty, hes strong" :P
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+3 35. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Hospital Jump

"Waaaaahhuwaaahahhhh" *Crash!* :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+43 36. tomas commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

They went to the right place to ask those questions. :(|)
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+4 37. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette funny piano improv

I can smell the ban #(removed comment) :warning:
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+3 38. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Out of time

Somehow when I read a name like "Vladimir" or "Oleg" barely human faces are in mind... Fedor maybe? :D
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+2 39. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Mad Brits

This is a moment for Morricone :P
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+11 40. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Michelle's Tongue Tricks

How kinky :P
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0 41. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Wind Waker Unplugged

Why do I know all the geeks? Hes a friends brother :D
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+4 42. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

Another amazing creation from Gir2007 :D
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-3 43. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Female Wolf Spider

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+2 44. tomas commented 14 years ago on video Old school Fail

Famous 4th newton's law: "Dumbasses bounce" :P
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-1 45. tomas commented 15 years ago on video How Does This Work?

#5 You made that up mate, it's not right! XD

Maybe a cup inside another, fake volume? Archimedes? A person inside a bath tub? A rock inside a glass? Another empty glass inside each glass? ;)
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-2 46. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Angry man is going to KILL Burger King

WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaah You fucking nobhead! :P
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+1 47. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Prank Call Gone HORRIBLY Wrong

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+2 48. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Best fails of 2009

Excellent mate, I like to see what a nice community Snotr has made. :)
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-1 49. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Jet boat crashes

:S Duplicate :S
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+3 50. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Fireworks as seen from a RC plane

Nice one Niek!
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-6 51. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Icy Road

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+3 52. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Saturn V

#(removed comment),#1,#2 , totally right, maybe they'll activate the anti-misile protocol and fire an interceptor :P
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-4 53. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Hillarious spider mating behaviour

Bruuuuuum Bruuuuuuuuuuum!
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+28 54. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Beginner Smashes Motorcycle Into Wall

Poor bike..... 8-)
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+2 55. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Mystery Guest

Nice vid mate!
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-11 56. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Smart boys

Lol, They've got one big house....
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+2 57. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Chinese Factory

Title is right product's TESTING, FAILS miserably :D
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+20 58. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Facebook status: married

He forgot to post it on Twitter! : :(|)
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+3 59. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Skeet shooting jumbo style

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-5 60. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Balloon Bass Box

Very original, that box is a common Spanish "Flamenco" instrument.

#(removed comment) SPAM!
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-1 61. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Russian Merry-Go-Round

#2 Happy to hear that mate!
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+10 62. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Quad hits cliff

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0 63. tomas commented 15 years ago on video English guard FAIL

Ive been there!
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+12 64. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Slow Motion Cat

Cats are awesome!
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-2 65. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Palestinian Alarm Clock

#9, exactly it doesent matter...
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+29 66. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Palestinian Alarm Clock

Allah akhbar! XD
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0 67. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Now this is an incredible beard

#4 LMAO :(|)
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+2 68. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Slalom Free-style Rollerblade

Same as with a different camera angle. Please guys, take some memory pills!
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+4 69. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Epic Seesaw Flip

#7 "Watch your fingers kid" Totally agreed, expected him to get harmed somehow, luckely the russiski got wacked in the head :P
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+5 70. tomas commented 15 years ago on video She won

You just broke my ear drums! 8-)
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0 71. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Woman Falls in Front of Train

A bit tipsy :(|)
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+9 72. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Nahtzee - The n00b effect

Absolutelly brilliant (For people that actually play games)
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+3 73. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Marine Shoots Javelin Missile

I somehow expected something like this:
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-6 74. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Self Defense

LOL! :(|)
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-2 75. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

We can extract from the votes that snotr's comunnity loves accidents, I send at least 4 a week, why dont they get posted? :(
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-2 76. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Self Defence Class

:(|) :(|)
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+1 77. tomas commented 15 years ago on video How to ruin $250,000 worth of vodka

Wow, this vid was shown on my national TV (Spain)
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-12 78. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Demolition of Skyscraper

#1,#2,#3,#4, EXACTLY same thoughts when I saw it. First 9/11, then, That must be expensive, and finally, nah, it all has a different aim :P
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+14 79. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Halloween Class Video

Wow , brilliant teacher!
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0 80. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Audio Illusion

#11 Exactly, its a dual tone sound, so it seems the pitch is going higher and higher.
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-10 81. tomas commented 15 years ago on video ABB Robotics - Picking pancakes

Hahaha, had that one in youtube fav's allready!
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+6 82. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Girls Jumprope

WOOOOW This is somewhat alike the Norwegian military exhibition team!!!
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+4 83. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Japanese McDonald's ad

#3 Exactly, its KOREAN!!!! :D
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+12 84. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Things you dont say

Brilliant! :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-3 85. tomas commented 15 years ago on video F1 Brazil fire at pit stop

How many thousands of octanes has that petrol got, it set off like propane :O
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+8 86. tomas commented 15 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

#5 With a really good webcam! (Joking)

They use a camera attached to a microscope.
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+19 87. tomas commented 15 years ago on video How to blow a deer out of a frozen lake

#2 Yes, the helicopter creates an air blast :P
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+43 88. tomas commented 15 years ago on video How to blow a deer out of a frozen lake

Wow, that is a pretty strong air blast....
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+2 89. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Norwegian Military Drill Team

Wow!!! Amazing skills!!! What rifle do they use, maybe a Garand?
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-1 90. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Hidden Camera Prank Gone Wrong

#7 The decission was in perfect timing. As #19 said, its not a robber prank, its a moron puting some kind of net on peoples head, so he takes the piss out of his mate (that actually does some martial art) and he decides to get in to the game.

#9 Savate, Kickboxing, Taekwondo, any martial art that uses propper kicks :P

#19 "Hit the nuts" ROLF
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-3 91. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Arcing powerlines cause tree fire & explosion

#9 : If you shut off electricity you cant continue playing ya geeky "WOW"

Why is the vid in the "documentary" category, when it would be more likely "awesome" or "Accidents" :S
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+1 92. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Don't provoke your neighbour!

The laughs on the background are insane.

Im a Taekwondo practitioner and I have been in the exact same situation, but in my case he couldnt speak after the first strike :D
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+4 93. tomas commented 15 years ago on video 100 famous clips in 4 minutes

Nice recopilation, I feel such a geek, ive seen all of them except for one or two dancing ones :S
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+1 94. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Southwest police motorcycle competition 09'

#3 Thanks mate!
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+2 95. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Bird eating a finger

LOL! I think they doped his food a little.
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+3 96. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Motorbike Vs Pole

If you like these kind of vids Ill keep them coming!
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+4 97. tomas commented 15 years ago on video How not to take off with a floatplane

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+6 98. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Speed cooking

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+2 99. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Speeding, no one thinks big of you

Absolutelly brilliant , would like to see these on TV.
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-2 100. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Opening 20 bottles of beer

#11 Totally true!
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+1 101. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Little Man

:) Brilliant film!
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+2 102. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Bears on slide

#1 Good question!
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+2 103. tomas commented 15 years ago on video Baptasia

Can some one explain me what the do they give theese guys? to get them into this pseudo-epileptic attack?
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+2 104. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Self leveling pool table

In fact , 20 feet is barely 6 meters :P
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+12 105. tomas commented 16 years ago on video This is your captain speaking...

Brilliant! >:)
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+14 106. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Bush ignored by the other world leaders at the G20 meeting

World doesent love him!
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+13 107. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Bush ignored by the other world leaders at the G20 meeting

Cool , what a dickhead! :D
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+6 108. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Insane dog

Im sure his brain runs under windows vista.
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0 109. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Russian window breaker

#6 & #3 If I have learnt one thing about car windows is that to break a tempered glass (the ones at the sides) you dont need power , just a sharp object or a piece of ceramics of a sparkplug , i have hit with a massive hammer a window (covered with a cloth) and i wasnt able to brake it , after I used a drill bit and with 2 fingers i could smash it , he can only break if its pretty thin...
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+9 110. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Russian window breaker

LOL Crazy guy , im sure i couldnt break a tempered glass with my fist...
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+1 111. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Chimp outsmarts tube (and you)

Thats the next "game" for SAW 6 , a toilet and a tube with a key tied to a cork with a string. :P
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+3 112. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Worlds fastest firefighter

Cool but i have the same view as #1 , try to do the same with a 40 lb hose on your back...
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+1 113. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Giant urban beach ball

Does anyone know where that happened?
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+7 114. tomas commented 16 years ago on video He loves a fat girl

Pretty LAME!
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+2 115. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Out of luck

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+2 116. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Hovis ad

Brilliant , I would like that commercials where as creative in my country :)
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+4 117. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Best of Trigger Happy TV

Brilliant! :)
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0 118. tomas commented 16 years ago on video British aircraft marshalling

Brilliant, HILARIOUS!!1 :D
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0 119. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Man gets sucked by a jet engine

I dont know if the guy got deafh after that as the jet engine inlet vacuum will pop your eardrums... :O
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-2 120. tomas commented 16 years ago on video Air rings under the water

I think it is totally fake, made with Alan DV 2 a video editing program , it is a person in a empy swiming pool , then turned upside down and added effects , seems real , but it's impossible!