Comments posted by try


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+2 1. try commented 9 years ago on video Bunch of people crashing in the same corner in an amateur rally

amateur co-pilots?
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+2 4. try commented 9 years ago on video 4,700 ft High Glass Walkway in Tianmen Mountain

spiderman cleans it
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0 5. try commented 9 years ago on video The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment) Boy Edition

islam supports teen marriage to prevent that kind of situation. Does it make people act stupid? #1
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+16 6. try commented 9 years ago on video Drag race car is too overpowered starts flying

video is about the second car dissapearing at 0:19 ;)
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+16 7. try commented 10 years ago on video Moment of Impact

poor's fault :S
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+3 8. try commented 11 years ago on video ExFEARiential

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+22 9. try commented 11 years ago on video Adaptive thermal camouflage for vehicle

#2 When did U.S.A stop acting predatorly? U.S.A is not defending, U.S.A is internationally known as a professional obsessive "looter" ;)
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+4 10. try commented 11 years ago on video Army fails compilation

#5 ignorant? Check this out to see for our respective country

Do you even know where the Vietnam is? ;)
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-15 11. try commented 11 years ago on video Army fails compilation

hope they fail and destroy themselves.
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-6 12. try commented 12 years ago on video Years and years of practice ...

this is funny! 8-)
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+8 13. try commented 12 years ago on video Never, Ever Give Up.

"Now, thats a story."
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+10 14. try commented 12 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

#6 She is not happy, we shouldn't let others suffer for our benefits.
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+6 15. try commented 12 years ago on video Man vs Subway

#4 you re right! 8-)
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-3 16. try commented 12 years ago on video Man vs Subway

try this in Japan, Paris has the first, oldest underground system 8-)
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+11 17. try commented 12 years ago on video Rotate Your Owl

chikens do that too. 8-)
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+15 18. try commented 12 years ago on video Shark aquarium explodes in Shanghai

poor sharks dreamed of freedom for a second.
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+1 19. try commented 12 years ago on video The Screaming Sheep

mutiny <3
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+14 20. try commented 12 years ago on video 9" Nails, Pump Action

3:38 >:)
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+4 21. try commented 12 years ago on video PIZZA!

thanks for being a good father! O:)
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+19 22. try commented 12 years ago on video Proof that not all cops are bad.

ur lucky to have cops around caring about laws..