Comments posted by unknownVS


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+1 1. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Techno Jeep

i walooking for the sidebar the whole time
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

+1 2. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus

i got the 24 DVD for season 1 through 3 and i didn't sleep for 10 days and lost 13 pounds
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

+1 3. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Valet Parking

When life gives you a crappy job, make lemonade! :)
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

-1 4. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Bait Ball Feast

Probable ate a bird or two
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

0 5. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Best ever wedding entrance dance

This is so going to be on Tosh.0
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

-1 6. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Porsche GT3 173 mph

#34 & #35 could not survive without Wikipedia
Picture of unknownVS6 achievements

0 7. unknownVS commented 15 years ago on video Camping Weekend

The same happen to the last group of people a week ago.