Comments posted by willbill


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-5 1. willbill commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Romanian truck driver

what you been feeding him?

what a tit.
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0 2. willbill commented 15 years ago on video Chainsaw breakfast

lol this is just so funny ppl like me spend two years in college to learn about chainsaws lol and these guys get hold of one and decide to cook breakfast LOL the funny fact is that like someone else has pointed out the chain needs special oil to keep it lubricated and if you dont lubricate the chain then it will snap because of the heat and speed it is going round at so obviously there was chain oil in it otherwise someone in there would not have a hand left or an arm or leg lol

this video is so crazy lol

itl be alot better when one of these cuts them self badly lol
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+1 3. willbill commented 15 years ago on video Let's wait for the train to cross

lol this train is real because the colour patterns of the containers are always different so the video cant be repeated over and over because the colours of the containers arnt ever the same. and what is it with some people on here the most simpleest comment and some of them make the most sense out of all of them they get the worst rating lol.