Comments posted by xarfaxus


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-2 1. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Internet is made of cats !

What seems to be the officer problem?
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+4 2. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Portal: No Escape

Well thank you for spoiler title :(
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+33 3. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Stand By Me - Playing For Change Song Around the World

Amazingly creative project!
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+19 4. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Real Time Rendering Technology

ah great, now i only need to combine 17 computers to run next super mario :D
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-10 5. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video How Moken children see

It must be so easy for him to drive out of the tunnel :D
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+46 6. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Girl Fail Compilation

Atleast they cant break their balls xD
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+2 7. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Team Ryouko

#8, Portugal agrees xD
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+33 8. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Sitting On Top Of The Burj Khalifa In Dubai

I he fell down, he would have time to remember what he has done in his life... twice! :D
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+31 9. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video Icey Cables

You get disco with train ticket. Nice!
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+78 10. xarfaxus commented 13 years ago on video 100 Famous Rock Guitar Riffs

Bro die ?
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+14 11. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Never shoot a propane tank...

ultimate skip rock :D
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-6 12. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Weird Celebration

Something that is not gay in football/soccer? :O
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+24 13. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Bolivian Punch Up

UFC 151: Bolivia

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+23 14. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video The Naked Gun Trilogy - funniest moments

Lt. Frank Drebin: Now, Jane, what can you tell us about the man you saw last night?

Jane Spencer: He's Caucasian.

Ed Hocken: Caucasian?

Jane Spencer: Yeah, you know, a white guy. A moustache. About six-foot-three.

Lt. Frank Drebin: Awfully big moustache.
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+12 15. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Invisible fire

It's not fire, that are wasps xD
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+81 16. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video crazy ninja girl

Parents: ''Kid you're grounded''
Kid: ''Am i?''
(blood everywhere)
Parents: ''Aaahhhhh''

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+42 17. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Indian pole gymnastics.

not only skill, this requires great strength to weight ratio :O
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+2 18. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Huge backflip in wheelchair



Great vid :D

This is Scotland the brave, but by what band?
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+3 19. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Guy tries to squat 1,008 pounds

No, actually he tried again after 30-40 seconds xD then he said apologies to judge for puking on him :D
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+43 20. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Dog vs. Car

It would be funny if police had stopped him. :D
''sir, where are your registration plates''
''ammm, dog took them off''
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+71 21. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Shark Bites Fisherman's Hand

By the sound of his screaming i guess he hasn't finished puberty yet :D
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+14 22. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video 8 square meter dream home

Where does she washes herself? :O
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+23 23. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video World's Largest Skateboard Disaster

I want to see a kickflip :D
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+5 24. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video A little incentive to help him run faster

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit :D :D :D
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+61 25. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video It takes a car prowler just a matter of seconds

apparently this car is sissy proof :P
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+7 26. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Brand new bike, brand new fail!

that's what i call a test ride!

good job m8!

idiot xD
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+11 27. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Baby's reaction

Ahhh what a great moment! :'(

you can turn that on/off?
one day he is going to have great excuse for not listening his wife...''I am out of batteries darling, can you go and buy some?''
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+7 28. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Make a weird ball

Sweet...literally :P
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-3 29. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Enjoy Your Flight

Why is there nobody between black guy and white chick...another security matter or? :D
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-3 30. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Perception

He needs to learn how to deadlift :)
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+4 31. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Track Star Destroys Unsuspecting Woman

This guy must have had crush on her! :)
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+17 32. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

I think this will leave a mark xD
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+3 33. xarfaxus commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

Hmmm why would anyone from future want to sand anything back to past, wouldn't that create entire new future changed because that information/object or something?