Comments posted by xbeakerx


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-1 1. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Hippies crying over dead trees

was that last kid a girl or a boy??
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+5 2. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Rally crash - idiots fans

man how fing stupid do you have to be to park on the road at a rally race. they deserved to get their cars hit if they are that stupid!!!
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+1 3. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video More risk, more fun

Masterpeice of a Video

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+5 4. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video China's spacewalk was fake?

wow thats cray. i wonder what else they faked... hrmmm maybe the Olympic gymnast ages??
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+1 5. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Letterman pranks Taco Bell customers

very funny!@! very classic prank!!
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+1 6. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Beer bottle domino

very awesome... thats one way to drink a beer!
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+4 7. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Kevin Smith protests his own movie

thats too funny!!!
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+5 8. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video Imagining the Tenth Dimension

pretty cool!!

:(|) :(|) :(|)
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+3 9. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video New ASIMO learning capabilities

got to love james may. he is one of the great TV commentators. very nice video
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+1 10. xbeakerx commented 15 years ago on video The Doghouse

did that one year with a printer because she hinted at getting a new one for her computer... bad idea. she havent been able to let that one go and its been 4 years.

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+1 11. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video LineRider "Make Believe"

pretty amazing no matter what it is...
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0 12. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video How to cheat on any test

oh my fucking god!!! that was so stupid but funny in some way, lol
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-2 13. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Football is cruel

wish the maker could have continued the music... :'(

great footage thou...
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0 14. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Inflatable bag monsters

very cool...

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 15. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video President Clinton's last days in office

annnnnnd you wonder why nothing was done successfully during his terms because he was making this stupid video.
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+1 16. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Indian teacher explains the word "fuck"

this is a remake of the classic fuck documentary.
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-1 17. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Weird wrestling moves

like to see him try that in the UFC! lol
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+1 18. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Eyebrows raising

that was awesome!@!
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+2 19. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Folding gun

man i want one of those... lol
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+2 20. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Funny McDonalds ad

give it to them #11!!!

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) / 5 monkeys for #11
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0 21. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video The Simpsons @ Conan O'Brian

yeah very funny but wish had been insync... :(

:(|) :(|) :(|) /three monkeys for being very funny not the video.
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+2 22. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Painful compilation

OUCH IS RIGHT!! the surfer must of hurt like a bitch after that!
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+5 23. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Pole dancing

man i busted out laughing!!! that should teach a woman to try and do handyman work! lol

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of xbeakerx19 achievements

+13 24. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Pressure wave

that was awesome!! i wonder if that hurt?
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0 25. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video No Milk Today

funny but kind of silly...

:(|) :(|)
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+2 26. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video How a rock band chart sounds on real drums

very very nice drumming...

that was not a real drum set its a studio midi set. if you notice that the cymbals are black is because they are rubber. but still very awesome playing, my hat goes off for him.

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of xbeakerx19 achievements

0 29. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video PC vs MAC

very very good... would like to see a sequel

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of xbeakerx19 achievements

+1 30. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Little Tortilla Boy

very very well done! :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+3 31. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Things That Go Bump in the Night

thats just fucked up... lol
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+3 32. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Bollocks

#6 #3 Bollocks means "Oh Shit!" or "Fuuuuuck". that is an official translation.
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+6 33. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Rocky VII

very funny fighting.... :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 34. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Baybe cake

very creepy...
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+47 35. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Geek Turns To Emo in 5 Secs

staged... >:)
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+23 36. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Wingsuit ski BASE jumping

very very crazy... :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 37. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Russian drinking hits

pretty cool i have to say... :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 38. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video 25 of the most annoying music voices

f-ing priceless!
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+1 39. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Drifting kid

yeah that was not impressive...
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+3 40. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Amazing driving skill

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-1 41. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Clever chimpanzee

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)

Super Monkey!!
Picture of xbeakerx19 achievements

+2 42. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Crazy guys

the dude at the end look like chris farley on a skateboard!
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+6 43. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video SmartHayabusa

thats awesome, we just started getting the smart car here.
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+8 44. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Private car garage

it seems to me that its not a just one guys garage but maybe a very very high rolling company or casino. they were going on different levels. if you look you will see those transit vans. who would put transit vans in your personal garage of exotics??

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
Picture of xbeakerx19 achievements

0 45. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Two drunks try to mount horse sculpture

oh shit!!! lol
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0 46. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Dance fail

priceless :)
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+1 47. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Cable PSA For Old People

#10 - no shit its fake, did you not hear the laughing!

you are all welcome
its from a FOX online talk show.
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+2 48. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video A smart woman on the highway

some people... are just not meant to breed...
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+2 49. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video How to talk like a pirate

whats funny is that the 19th is my son's birthday...
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+4 50. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Ivan Sutherland's sketchpad

very awesome video. thank you uploader!
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+5 51. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Darth Vader plays golf


its DARTH Vader 8-)
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+1 52. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Wrestlers Need A Chair And Fans Deliver

fucking PRICELESS!!!!
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+2 53. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Photorealistic speed-painting

very very awesome!!
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0 54. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Jaguar vs Anaconda

i believe it probably was getting to close to the cub and he attacked it.
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0 55. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield SNAKE EYES!

i've played the demo yesterday and it awesome!!!!

very funny video
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0 56. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Low-flying Corvette?

did you notice the guy was driving on empty... :)
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0 57. xbeakerx commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield Theme Song!

its what you really would find on a real battlefield.

soldiers being soldiers...