Comments posted by yannou


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-1 1. yannou commented 15 years ago on video Taylor Momsen escapes paparazzi

#9 Seems not obvious for everyone :D You are right, I didn't check the category before commenting. My mistake. ;)
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+19 2. yannou commented 15 years ago on video Taylor Momsen escapes paparazzi

This one is fake.

My evidences:
- some photographers are using Canon zoom lenses (minimum focusing distance is 1.3m at least)
- some strobists (flash) are not even switched on !!!
- the final jump can be seen in one of the bests Chinese movies (using cable erased with CGI)
- she is wearing Nike from the toes to the top* (look at these frames: 0:5 and 0:14)

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+3 3. yannou commented 15 years ago on video Saturn V

That's awesome!
I don't even know what is the average speed just after ignition... pretty high I suppose.
Just amazing.
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+3 4. yannou commented 15 years ago on video Projection on Buildings

Sorry guys, but it looks fake to me... :S Look at the beginning: why is the sky light decreasing that fast compared to the movement of the handled camera and the other sequences?
I have a friend who knows the building projection very well and who told me they use to simulate what will be the final effect on a building using CGI.

This one is real: