Comments posted by yousoff


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+1 1. yousoff commented 8 years ago on video Weird

in Farsi (Persion) they say

?????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???

it means when a crazy sees a crazy likes it >:)
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+1 2. yousoff commented 9 years ago on video Something fishy happened...

It's nice to see an Eagle ray fish this much interested in humans. It's like if she saw its parents. :'(
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+1 3. yousoff commented 9 years ago on video Crazy Goat

Oo Oo I can translate it. It says 1. get out of my territory 2. I said get out of my territory 3. get outta my territory right now...
boy aint I smart 8-)
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+1 4. yousoff commented 9 years ago on video One Woman, Three Men, fight!

man what a woman!!! :O
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+1 5. yousoff commented 9 years ago on video 16 Photos Taken 1 Second Before Disaster

nice hair with the fire on it. I think she started a whole new fashion. ;)
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-15 6. yousoff commented 9 years ago on video Why there are no unicorns

what can we say. Sad to make fun out of a prophet.
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0 7. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video A day by day map of the American Civil War

nice nice nice :D
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0 8. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video The Most Confusing Commercial Ever

I just lost 8 MB of my internet for this piece of ... :'(
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-3 9. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video Love Letters to Richard Dawkins

Because Dr Dawkins doesn't believe in God so I have a question: if no God exist in this world and this world is just an accident and all of us are just a walking dirt so what is sense of humour doing here? sense of humour finds meaning when God exists, and God tells us that this world is not created by accident and we have some purpose of creation and all will some day come back to him and the good ones will be reward and the bads well be punished. Then every thing matters. If God doesn't exist so it means all of us are just walking robots so there should be no interests in robots there is no different in a broken robot or a fine one. So in this situation we can break all the robots (humans) in this world.
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+1 10. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video Dog "Saves" his owner

I wish we were all as faithful to our parents as this Dog unlike some of us that grow up and abandon their parents. Parents that work for us all their lives and worried about us every day and night. :)
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-2 11. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video Bush Chacarron

WOW I'm glad Ahmadinejad didn't do this. If he did so he was no longer my hero.
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+4 12. yousoff commented 10 years ago on video Slinky Master

Man he's a chines!!!!!!!!