Comments posted by z810707


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+17 1. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video World First Frontflip Bikeflip

Pfft.. I did that on my tricycle when I was 3... :P
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+11 2. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Largest glacier calving ever filmed

This has already been posted Snotr.
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+8 3. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Alex Honnold, Free Solo

The definition of having balls: Alex Honnold
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0 4. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video How Evolution Works

All you bitches be crazy! :)
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+19 5. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Sink hole swallows a dozen mature trees

Thats the stuff nightmares are made out of
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+4 6. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Down Syndrome MMA fighter

#8 Drop dead
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+4 7. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Boy catches fish in record time

Thats not a sea fish, its a land mammal!!.. (I have no idea what I am on about)
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-5 8. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Porn is different from sex in real life

But mine is 27 inches. What does that make me?
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+1 9. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Summer fail compilation | TNL

The person filming at 1:07 died from the brick that came flying
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+4 10. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video The Best Overtake Ever?

Like a boss!
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+19 11. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Robert Downey Jr. performing with Sting

#2 Thanks Buddy! :)
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+28 12. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Robert Downey Jr. performing with Sting

So he's Ironman, Sherlock Holmes and a great singer. Well done for making me feel useless uploader :)
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+13 13. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Animatronics of "The Thing"

And now I hate my job.
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+5 14. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Young blind and Autistic man sings from his heart.

Awesome! Simply awesome!
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+46 15. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Inside a 1st Class Flight

Why is this video even on here??
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-3 16. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video The Lucky ones

I think the first clip is fake. Looks like someone used the Movie FX app from an iOS device?
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+14 17. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom

It is a great speech but its only touching the top of the iceberg.
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+2 18. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Surfing the biggest waves in the World

So if 1 cubic meter equals 1 ton, they are practically being chased by a liquid train!
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+15 19. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video 1,000,000 matches lit all at once

What would happen if they capped the top of the barrel?
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+15 20. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Somewhere in Canada, someone has raised an army of Saint Bernards

After seeing this it made we wonder why there were 42 dogs in the woods. (damn cool though).
This is what I found if anyone is interested:
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+3 21. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

If Chuck Norris was driving the boat there would have been explosions.
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+15 22. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video So this old man walks by a snake.....

Like a boss!
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+15 23. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation January 2013

Let the year of Fails begin!
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+1 24. z810707 commented 11 years ago on video Just defying gravity, that's all

And I'm standing in front of a 15" screen............. Now I feels sad. :(
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+3 25. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Loud sounds over Sweden

The noise @ 1.38 could possibly be an Elk, the other noises sound like its taken from a game if you ask me.
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+30 26. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Tin foil is Cat repellent...

catophobic material!
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-6 27. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Top 10 Bike Fails Loading Unloading

did these people not have a push bikes as kids? how hard is it to go in a straight line?
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+4 28. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Crow unties the laces and tries to steal a pan..

I want one!
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+7 29. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video GoPro Camera On Trombone

Its like a David Lynch short movie!
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+28 30. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Taking your dog for a w.. errr... drag

I've heard of dogs dragging their ass on a carpet but this takes the biscuit
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+7 31. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

@4. Well Spotted!
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+41 32. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Burnout

As a guy, am I suppose to find this impressive or something?
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+32 33. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Amazing 3D illusions on paper

Very cool! And VERY good editing!
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+5 34. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Missile kid

Road Runner reincarnate?
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+6 35. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Nintendo's line of consoles

This video should be called "The collapse of a giant". 8bit console was/is awesome.
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+3 36. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Dog and deer share a beautiful bond.

And what do human do to our own kind... Kill each other!
Great video uploader
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+8 37. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video 10 Common Science Myths

#5. I probably should have written: Fact 5 isn't 100% accurate. :)
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+4 38. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video 10 Common Science Myths

Fact 5 is wrong. Bovines are actually colour blind. The only colour they can notice is yellow. Thats why they don't eat yellow flowers.
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+11 39. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video I Want

Dog reincarnated as a cat?
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+8 40. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Trick Shot Battle 2

The panda is definitely the one with most skills!
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+7 41. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Rubik solve while doing one hand push-ups

Now give him a rubiks cube he didn't figure out before he started and see if
he runs out of strength before he solves it :P
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+10 42. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Ice Bomb

The iceman cometh??
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+10 43. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Kid Loses Stutter When He Raps

I used to stutter in my native language (swedish) until i moved to the UK. After speaking english constantly for 6 months my stutter vanished in Swedish. Weird bit is I never stuttered once in English
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+30 44. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

Snotr.. I love you... But wtf?
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+3 45. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Fishtank filled with robotfishes

Now make a spaceship that can swim through space like these little fellas please! :D
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+1 46. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Talkative bird!

#8 What you on about?
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+39 47. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Drummer completely steals the show

10 points for enthusiasm, -3 points for choosing that song to "rock out 2"
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+4 48. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Drift parking with RC car

The first bit looks like it could have been played backwards? Anyone agree?
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+2 49. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation August 2012

The kid @ 3:50 really though about the layout of that ramp!
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0 50. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video 11 Month Old Twins Dancing to Daddy's Guitar

My faith in humanity is restored! Thank you uploader..
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+3 51. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Slackline

Anyone know the name of break beat song?
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+4 52. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Volvo Trucks - The Ballerina Stunt

I know she's a girl, but she's got bigger balls then all the men I know!
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+8 53. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Size Matters!

I'd like to see him drift with the big lorry at the start, That would be sick!
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0 54. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Kevin Richardson and his pets

Who do I send my CV to? I want his job!!
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-8 55. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Easter Island Statue Walk

It looks fake to me.
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-1 56. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video World Yo-Yo Champ

As much as I know that it takes a huge amount of skill to to what that guy does.
I can't help to think that its a pretty useless sport.
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+2 57. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Mars lander Curiosity lands on schedule

You can follow the Rover on twitter @Curiosityrover.
It upload photos from mars + videos captured by orbiting Mars satellites thats shows the Rover
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-1 58. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video The Scientific Power of Naps

Zzzzzz. Huh? What was that?
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+2 59. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video 10 Illegal Baby Names

And that video was a waste of time
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+7 60. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Faith in Humanity...

Thank you uploader. Thats exactly what I needed.
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+7 61. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video 500 Magnum vs Watermelons

Is the bullet hole so big the melon disappears?
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+4 62. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Introducing Word Lens

This app has been out for ages
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+6 63. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Runway Model Fails

They are all so thin that there is no down force causing balance failure !
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+4 64. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Downhill Babes Maryhill Freeride 2012

#2 Would having a boner make him more aero dynamic?
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+30 65. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Sony Rolly

WARNING!!! Unit will self destruct if you play anything released after the 1990's or anything with a bpm over 130.!
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-4 66. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video The Most Annoyingly Cute Thing Ever

Ok then... Moving on..
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+4 67. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

#15 Not to seem like I'm starting an argument but this is my reply

"There is not enough love and kindness in the world to give any of it away to imaginary beings." - Friederich Nietzsche

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+3 68. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

#8 And why is it better to believe in God?
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+21 69. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video How hard for girls to wear jeans...

This video is awesome if you play it backwards!!
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+2 70. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Slackline January 2012

Bit of a long video. But She does have some skills!
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+3 71. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Adorable Chipmunk in Slow Motion

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+1 72. z810707 commented 12 years ago on video Teahupo'o, Tahiti - Surfing on and under the monster waves

30 foot wave = 10 meters, 1 cubic meter = 1 ton. Now consider that a wave that size moves at over 30 miles per hour. Its like being chased by a fully loaded train.!!

Still wanna try it though.
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+4 73. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Homemade Synthesizer

Binary Solo!!
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+4 74. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Dawn of the Dead

People are F£$% idiots!!
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+1 75. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Trippy Sky Phenomenon!!

I like the video but there isn't really a phenomenon. The sun is lighting up the clouds from underneath.
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+2 76. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Brutus, the pet grizzly bear

And one day the bear will have a bad day and, whoops! No more human!
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+2 77. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Cloud waves

Surfs up!!
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+13 78. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Demolition man

#13. What in gods name are you on about?
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+21 80. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Eagle Fight

The only thing good about this clip as that they fly off at the end.!
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+3 81. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Abbas Farid 2011 Showreel

ok, so he can play with a ball..
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+7 82. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Russia car crash compilation 5

Do everyone in Russia have cameras mounted to the from of their cars?
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+2 83. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video 600lbs Sumo Vs 169lbs MMA Fighter

David and Goliath for the 21st Century?
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+4 84. z810707 commented 13 years ago on video Spinning the hulahoop

Why post this? Its pointless!
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+7 85. z810707 commented 14 years ago on video Monster Energy Fred Crosset Urban Trial

VikingO: Thank you
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-11 86. z810707 commented 14 years ago on video Monster Energy Fred Crosset Urban Trial

Does anyone know what song this is?