Comments posted by zoidberg-returns


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+1 1. zoidberg-returns commented 8 years ago on video These are some hungry hippos

Imagine that your skull. Crack :-)

What is he saying all the time?
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+20 2. zoidberg-returns commented 8 years ago on video Town overrun by tumbleweeds

One word: Match.

Then: Puff.
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+5 3. zoidberg-returns commented 9 years ago on video Lucky truck driver

Okay. What abort the traindriver?
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+8 4. zoidberg-returns commented 9 years ago on video Man sings to 93 year old dying wife

"Lou bega mambo number 5" :-)

Great video. I hope I'll be able to say goodbye to my wife when time is!
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-1 5. zoidberg-returns commented 9 years ago on video This Rescuer Was Brought To Tears

#5 Infantile? Yep - and I have fun every day :D :(|) <3
Ignorant? Well, I know the fact. They are asking for money. And I guess they need them!
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-6 6. zoidberg-returns commented 9 years ago on video This Rescuer Was Brought To Tears

#2 Actually, all they want is $5
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+4 7. zoidberg-returns commented 9 years ago on video How to not couple a train

A bit hard. Although, not abnormal. Sometimes it is just easier to give the cars a "push" with the trainengine. But not that fast :)
I have coupled a lot of trains – but always with the engine attach ;-)
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+2 9. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Woman Tossing Raw Bacon at 'Pig' Cops

LOL, fluffy guy: FLASH! Da da di dum, Nothing to see here.
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+12 10. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Great Recovery

#3: Maybe because we are tired of always yell that at everything.
Who cares? When you watch movies do you also scream "FAAAAAAKE (and gay)!"? Could be fun in the cinema, though :-D
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+6 11. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Are You Sitting Too Much?

I´ll start by take my dumps standing!
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+4 12. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video The Most Confusing Commercial Ever

"I don´t know if it's videogames or wHHHHat"

I'm Scott Hhhhoy - sounds a bit... ... ...
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+6 13. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Dad cracks up while scolding kids for making a huge mess with paint

Lol! :-D
I would love to se the mess downstairs though!
Reminds me of this:
"Not funnyyyyyyy!" ;)
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+2 14. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Rabbit Attack

I once had a rabbit like that. He is just horny and wants to hump a leg :x
But they still bite. Otherwise they will fall off, and the "package" will not be delivered.
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0 15. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Windowless Airplanes Of The Future

That Vocal Fry trend has to stop!
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0 16. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Microwaved Glo-Stick Explodes In Kid's Face

What did he knock down at 2:42...?

In your face, kid - and shirt! :-)
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+11 17. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Motorcyclist rescues girl from car

#3 And if they write "Motorcyclist rescues cute girl with boobs from a car",
then views would explode!
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+6 18. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Woman fails extinguisher training

#2 !
If the goal was to put out the fire, then this is a WIN! >:) :D
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+11 19. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Home-made flamethrower

2 things:
- A kitchen in the garden??? Nice!
- Too many questions, woman. No need to "why" him. "Wow" him!
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+7 20. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Lifeboat Launch, Win Or Fail?

It looks as the weight is distributed incorrectly. Maybe they have a stock of beer in the front. Otherwise, looks like fun
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+2 21. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Fail Compilation July / August 2014 || TNL

#2: No worries. Just survival of the fittest
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+8 22. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Making string from a plastic bottle

#4: Plenty of power in the battery. The drill bit is not properly tightened in the machine...
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-1 23. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Social Psychology. Leader/follower.

So thats how! ;-)

Guess he's got a point.

Here's the video with another speaker:
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0 24. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Awesome Childrens Orchestra

Lol #2 "Sounds good to me"
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+1 25. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Man celebrates homeless woman's birthday

Hypersonic WARNING!
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+4 26. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Norwegian helicopter Induces a Rock Fall beside a Fjord

#4: Well, after THAT you will also need a flush :-D

Did not know the true meaning before now. Getting smarter, every day I guess :)
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+3 27. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Norwegian helicopter Induces a Rock Fall beside a Fjord

#2: Don't you flush after had squeezed out a Cleveland steamer? :x ;)
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0 28. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Burning pollen

#6 Hi old you from Kiribati. 112 years old? :-)

"Jeg er her også".
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+1 30. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Look up

#7 No, you should ignore calls when with friends\family. How many IMPORTANT calls do you receive?
You are addicted, my friend. Realize it... Do you also sleep with your mobile in "sound mode" (or what to call it)? No where on earth I will risk being woken up for a phone call or at text.
If it is important, I will find out soon enough, or just text me. “Dog died, plz. call”.
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+1 31. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Look up

Answer your phone when you are alone. If you are together with friends, the caller can wait. Why shit on your friends for at single-person-call?
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+1 32. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video WTF is sugru?

Just go to a DIY-shop and buy a tube of cheap silicone. I guess that stuff has the same potential as sugru. Silicone is a bit liquid when it's not dry though...
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+6 33. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video WTF is sugru?

$0.325 for 1 gram of sugru.
Can I sniff it?
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+5 34. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video There is a reason they call it a "suicide grip"

That's gotta leave a mark
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+5 35. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Boiling and freezing liquid at the same time

If you hate the rating system (like me), then just log out, and you can se the ratings. And stop rating comments. If we stand together we can change Snotr back :-)
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+13 36. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Star Wars Symphonic Suite on a theatre pipe organ

#3: That's what she said... You ask for it :)
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+8 37. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video ROSE by Carte Noire

Coffee beans should not be blended, but grinded. Shame on you! But otherwise it looks delicious


Recipe: (it's in French - use google translate :-) )
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+9 38. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Mudslide Close Call

So... That's how they make skiresorts
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+15 39. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Mountain Man White Guy Kills It Dancing

#1 Just as on Facebook where you have to like a stupid page just to watch a particular video.
This rating system is a load of crap.
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+11 40. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video How not to jump over mud

"I'm gonna SHEEET my pants" Great! :D
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+3 41. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video You Get What You Look For?

This video explains the same
Great stuff! The world is mysterious. But if we find the answer, we have the answer for everything - so to keep us busy, the world won't let us know :P
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+8 42. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video The difference new engines make in Formula 1

Hmm. A billion of factors can make the noise different (microphone, camera (soundfiltres, eg. highpass of lowpass filtre), wind, temperature etc. etc.).
Was it recorded with the same camera?
Anyway, a lot o different in this video.
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+15 43. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Shark Attack

Well, he is poking holes in the Lionfish... So the shark smells lunch.
But why collect them?
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+3 44. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Wall of water hits Newlyn Bridge

Someone finally got the plug out of the toilet. Use the ECO-flush next time. Waste of water this is.
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+3 45. zoidberg-returns commented 10 years ago on video Audi S5 drift goes wrong

"Audi $5 drift goes wrong". That car can’t even fit a pram in the trunk. I guess that’s why he chose to smash it.
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+8 46. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Where do ships go to die?

That's brutal. A lot of them are warring hardhats, are few gloves and only one safety goggles (15:14).
But if these men and kids didn't do this, how would our earth look like? They are doing a important job, no doubt!
And here I'm sitting... Drinking a coffee. It's good, but somehow it taste a bit bitter.......
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+2 47. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video I so much love this cake (gummy cake)

Gummygasm at the end, lol
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+15 48. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Cannonball in mercury

#2: Do not worry. He is wearing glasses. I'm more worried that he's not wearing a helmet.
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+2 49. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

#11: Well, your app could use improvement. But I guess iPhone users use it without complain.
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+4 50. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

#9: He just tells you that there are some issues with the app. Is that not allowed just because it is free? He gave you his opinion for FREE.
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-7 51. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

#5 Go buy a lollipop. And when you grow up - get a girlfriend, merry her, get kids - AND GET A LIFE!
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+2 52. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Pi is Beautiful

#2: Just use the browser on your iPhone. Then you will also be able to comment :-D

Am I the only one who read the title as "Pis is Beautiful"?
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+4 53. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Beans

#3 But(t) then the sun will shine there :'(
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+5 54. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Longboard Girl Hits Cow

Guess she was training to be faster in the kitchen ;-)
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-2 56. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Concrete Snowboarding

Comment to short
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+1 57. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Cat scares the living shit out of dog

#2: You live in Antarctica? Can’t you say Merry Christmas there? ;)

When the dog runs away, it looks likes the bag leg runs faster then the front, hilarious! :D
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+1 58. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Michael Winslow's Sound Effects

He has a passion for "ooogah horns"

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+1 59. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you pour 1200F molten aluminum into an anthill?

This video is also mindblowing:

Cool little guys! :-)
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+4 60. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Lorenz Machine


Comment to short
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+4 61. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Tooth Fairy Tooth Transport

4:01 - 4:07: I feel and say the same at payday! MoooooNEY! Weee :-)
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+1 62. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Croissants

#6 Maybe in UK. Here in DK that stuff costs about $1,5 / 1 pound - If we find it cheap! The greed here has no end!
And $2,5 / 1,8 pound for half a liter of coke!
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+1 63. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Do you even lift bro?!

The new bouncer-lift. Thats the new black in the gym!
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+3 64. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video He loves his job

#1: ... or the pilots
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+4 65. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Self Repairing Tire

#10 You think the most fun part of a woman is the hole where the non-air exhaust? :S ;)
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+17 66. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Inside a 1st Class Flight

LuftHansa paid his ticket if he made this video :P
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+26 67. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video The World's Most Contagious Prank


Comment to short
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+6 68. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Open 24 beers in one go

Then there's pie!
#4: I think they all are open - the cap is just lying on the bottle.

The Danish beer-wrench from 2007 looks more cool ;) (0.24 in Danish - no subtitles :( )
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+10 69. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Now that's Team Work!

Hurray for safety shoes... Wait...
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+5 70. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Simpsons Live Action Intro

Why is my comment deleted? The same video was posted 6 years ago - that video is now deleted... Wierd!
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+2 71. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video CN Rail Train wash out.

#3: It happened here in Denmark some years ago. A train ran over a landslide - the driver could not see that the soil was gone (night time). He told that it felt like the train ran over a big log! The train stayed on the track and nobody was seriously injured.
Here is there something about it (Google translated)

The Danish article:
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+2 72. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video CrippleTron

LOL a snotr video with only 7 comments
#8 now
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+3 73. zoidberg-returns commented 11 years ago on video Ambulance in Venice

Lol, Tarzan to the rescue! Wow, an annoying sound!
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+1 74. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Mars One...

Is it a trailer for a b-film?
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+1 75. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video I'm Not SLEEPY

Lose seatbelt and shoulder pilows on his stomach...
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+1 76. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Ice cream any way you want it, in 55 secs

The ice crystals in the ice cream is much smaller when making ice with liquid nitrogen - which makes way better ice cream!
But she says the same thing in 3 min. +
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+7 77. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Armless girl with a special license goes to the drive-thru.

I thought she was about to crash at 1:20 :-)
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+3 79. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Terminator

One of the fingers should have a bottle opener... O:)
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-9 80. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Lucky Lada driver

The ass in this video is the one recording it.. Overtake, and back in the right lane immediately! Why is the jerk staying in the left lane for that long? The black Lada may have tried to overtake for ages! He get mad, and I understand why, and makes a quick, and bad, decision to overtake before the one with the dash-cam overtakes the bus - and crash. Stupid man don’t know how to drive and make traffic flow (the dash-cam man) :S

I know there’s only one lane each way - but people still driving like there is 2/4.
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+1 81. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2012 || TNL

My a$$hole is squishing
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+4 82. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Dear Santa..

I just gave you a thumb up... in ... ... :*
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+5 83. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Dear Santa..

Yea, a sweet story, BUT:
"She has only seen him 2 weeks in the last 2 years", how can he leave his family for a job for that long!?
And do some kids really believe in Santa?
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+2 84. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Toy Train in Space

#6 Point taken! :D
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+17 85. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Toy Train in Space

Great video, sweet story.
I have seen videos like this before (where people sent stuff to the upper atmosphere). How come that things never end up in china or other place far far away...? If it get caught in at jet stream or just upper wind levels - they should be able to push a balloon many km/mi...
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+3 86. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Talkative bird!

NO! Your not shooting that right, dummy!
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+2 87. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video The Screaming Sheep

#8: Thanks, bro. Now I want to watch the video, lol
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+4 88. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video The Screaming Sheep

I want to know what #(removed comment) wrote :'( :S
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-11 89. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video 2 hamsters one wheel

Not as disturbing as the other video: “2 something one something”...
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+15 90. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Man gives crooks taste of their own medicine

In Denmark he would get charged for talking on his cell while driving - and of cause for steeling a car :x
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+3 91. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made - Vinyl Records

If you want to know the different between vinyl and cd's, then watch this link:
Vinyl is recorded "full range", CD's are not! But it does not have to be this way...

Maybe you can’t tell the difference on some cheep speakers. But if you, like my, have invested in some quality speakers - then the compression on CD's is horrible :-( The do it to make them seem louder… There is enough space on the compact disk to record the music without mastering.
More info here:

If you want to let the music live, and stop the mastering/loudness on CDs - then go to this page: - The Loudness War - An Open Letter To The Music Industry.
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+1 92. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Airplane Refueling... in Congo.

How many times did he use the stairs to fill that plane? Guess it takes more than 5 litres
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+1 93. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Careless Reporter Knocks down Ice Sculpture

#31: Jeg tror bare han er en klaphat ;-)
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+5 94. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video New way to climb walls

#3 Wow that comment sucked.
You guys just try to type in english on a Danish iPhone. Autocorrect dicks big time.. Sucks!
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-6 95. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video New way to climb walls

Too much Mythbuster to those kids!
Dont they say "dont try wath you arr about to see at home". That also means "at school" :-)
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+11 96. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

#(removed comment) Nope, boxes made of MDF wood :x
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+7 97. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video $10,000 Car That Runs On Air

2.37: "If you use a wind turbine to compress the air, the emission will be quite zero"...

And if you use a wind turbine to generate electricity, the emission will be quite zero...
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+1 98. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Meet the Autobahn - The german Highway

#5: It's the same here in Denmark - around $1,600 for a driving license. How much is it in UK?

A litre of gasoline cost $1.92 / $3.8 for a gallon in Denmark...

Half a liter of coca cola costs $2.18...
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+2 99. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Stupid Porsche Driver

#10 Does it mean something...?

Is their a child in the car? :S Sounds like it.

Can't be his wife, she’s in the kitchen....
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+18 100. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Skydiver moves between gliders in mid-air

I would be more awesome if he could manage to slip between the rotorblades of the helicopter at 1:55. He just passes by it – what a chicken!
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+4 101. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Bloke Vs. Butane In Campfire

Never ever moon a campfire!
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0 102. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Bike Race Crash

What did they expect? Speeding on tyres with a thickness of a spiders web! And the tyres a pumped to 20 bar or something like that.
A penny's "footprint" is bigger than these tyres = Nothing to grab the asphalt to brake.
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-2 103. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Downhill Babes Maryhill Freeride 2012

1:51: The "butt-crack-cover-trick" >:)

If they fall, it will leave a mark... :x
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+12 104. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation - April 2012

7:10: So funny! Jumping around in pain yelling "MY BALLS!, MY BALLS!" >:)
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+6 105. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Domino's pizza The Netherlands !

#7 Thanks bro' :) That means a lot! :D
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+18 106. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Domino's pizza The Netherlands !

#(removed comment): LoL! And watching videos on the Internet in general isn't wasting time?
If Snotr didn't exited the dishes would be done by now!
My wife hates Snotr :'( Always yelling at me when she catches me sitting in front of the screen laughing...

I need a Snotr-hug :(
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+1 107. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Dallas Cowboys player helps trapped ducklings

#2 With a putter og maybe a driver...? I guess ;)
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0 108. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Robot Band The Hubos

Why just let one of them play an mp3? Much easier, and cheaper too.
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-1 109. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Underwater for 10 days

I piss in the sink everyday
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-3 110. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Man Terrified During Bobsled Ride

He's faking (an orgasm)
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-4 111. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Abundance is our future

I wish I had the time to watch 16 min. long videos :'(
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-8 112. zoidberg-returns commented 12 years ago on video Balls Crash

From the FAQ: "Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos"

It's just a guy that takes a hit to his jingle bells in a non-funny way! If you find that funny, I can link like a trillion links from youtube, submitted by dump kids that find balls-slapping funny. Grow up, and wait for the reproduction peanuts to drop, kids!
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+2 113. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Bad driving skills

#1: LMAF! So true! :D :'( :x
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+45 114. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Trains Just Don't Give A Shit

I’m a train driver myself - and when / if we see something on the tracks, generally it’s already too late to stop. We try anyway of cause.
So #5, we do give a shit :* - sometimes in our pants.
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+7 115. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Truck driver

Well, that happened for a friend of mine some years ago. Sometimes a tariler goes in "auto swinging movements".
There a only 3 ways to get out of this situation:
1. Brake at exactly the point when the truck and trailer is on a straight line. If you miss that point, you will crash bad!
2. Put the pedal to the metal, and pull the trailer out of the "wobble".
3. Close your eyes and intake fetal position!

My friend chose the second option, and found him going 140km/h, 90 m/h in a car with a caravan wobbling after him. Luckily he got the caravan to behave normally, and he stopped the car in the hard shoulder to get his breath back and change his sweaty t-shirt and brown-marked underpants.

He got a "thumps-up" from several of the cars that he overtook :-D
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+4 116. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video The woman who got 69 red light cam tickets

Maybe she can cook...
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+7 117. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Can Men and Women be Just Friends?

... Waiting for kitchen jokes ... ;-)
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+17 118. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Ever seen a motorcycle go under water?

#3 You can se the snorkel for the intake right behind the "windscreen"
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+7 119. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video How to wash clothes on a washing machine without electricity

#5: Lol, or maybe she just uses the clothesline in the background :)
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+1 120. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Tom Mullica - Cigarette Trick

Is he Brittish?
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+8 121. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Spiders for dinner?

#2: I´m sure Mcdonalds burgers contains this fellow, cow and some other stuff only Grylls would eat. But somehow McD still are tasteful.
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0 122. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video The Standoff

What a pussy!
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0 123. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Bad things to say on a first date

#(removed comment): They are British...
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+2 124. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Painting Reality

#1: Excatly.

I would love to have paint splat'ed all 'under' my car.
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+6 125. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video FPSRussia - The 40mm Machine Gun!

Why can I see an explosion under the mannequin...? Hmm
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+20 126. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video A hawk attacke a cockatoo at a bird show

#2: Male chauvinist comments are always funny! :-)
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+6 127. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Best proposal ever

#5 I don't post new videos anymore. They will never get approved, and a half year later they show up by another user.
So just drop it. It makes no sense.
Another idea would be to have a page where all our links (submitted videos) are listed with timestamp and username. In that way we can watch more videos, we can see who first posted the video, text/links does not use space on the server - and the frontpage will still contain "quality videos"

On topic: Cool idea. Shouldn't the description say "Like a pro"? :-)
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+14 128. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Mosquito Sucking Blood

He should kill that sucker just when it finished
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+1 129. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Slow Mo 6ft water balloon burst

1:38: D00d, use some soap! ;)
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+16 130. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Biker

Well, the less time you spend on the road, the less likely it is to be involved in an accident = Drive faster!!
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+1 132. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Mentos creative commercial

LEAF BLOWER MANN strikes again:
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+9 133. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Epic illusion

My fist comment was:
Cool and well explained. The same illusion can be seen here:
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+25 134. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Epic illusion

Why are my comments deleted?
How would the room look like for a person that never has seen a house or a box/square...? Interesting thought I think...
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+6 135. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Individuals from Sudan are brought to the USA, cultural differences emerge.

#(removed comment): "Okay..."
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+6 136. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Work Accident

Rails....? Toth tooooth
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+29 137. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video President of Czech Republic steals pen

#10 Because nobody is being paid...?
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0 138. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette

#23 yourmum
Thanks :-)
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+6 139. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette

It's some Danish guys that made it. They wanted to make a viral video.
More about it here (Google-translated from DK - UK):

I'm trying to find a interview with them. But can't find it. The were in "Go´morgen Danmark" (Good morning Denmark) back in march. Anyway, the interview is in Danish - so nobody will understand it :)
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+6 140. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Robbie - Worst interview ever

Who is he?
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-2 141. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Washington dc escalator mishap

#(removed comment): LoL! Boobs are great!
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+6 142. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Motorsport accidents

In 5:00, does somebody knows what happened to the crowd? Looks serious...
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+1 143. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Maze game reaction

Great video :-) Great idea!
Simple setup I think - there are no moving pictures on the screen, just 2 pictures. So et is easy to put these pictures on a "home made easy to punch through" monitor and ad some effects (same method as with the green screens).
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+1 144. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

#11 Thanks :-)
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+38 145. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

It says retard because the pilots has to "retract" the throttles to idle. Just a reminder to them.
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+44 146. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

Great they found the RW - but how du they find the gate...??
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0 147. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video No Blinking World Record

Lol even the man in the picture change his expression to :O
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+3 148. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Luftal

#3: Exactly.
Did they get the idea from this?:
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+10 149. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Arrested 1000 times

Catch me if you can. Wait... Wel
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+5 150. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Microsoft Surface

"iTable(t) MS"
And the OS should be "Windows RG" (Google it). I just did it for you:
You need flash, iLol.
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+5 151. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

Still stronger than their rice-paper doors normally used.
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0 152. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video Mass Brawl on Ice: KHL teams fight 6 seconds into game

1:08 Is he crying? "Buhuu, Charlie hit meeeee :'( "
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+2 153. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video The owl & the spider

The word "crap" dosent seem to cover...
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+1 154. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago on video FireMan

You hate this video but love the pice of crap of the "The owl & the spider" video?
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+6 155. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video FAIL Compilation 2010

2.33.. What? What is he doing?
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+4 156. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Giant Smoke Rings

I thought tracer rounds where illegal...??
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+26 157. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Atmospheric elves, (red) sprites, halos and (blue) jets

Her voice is SO annoying!! And the music too!
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-1 158. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Woman at the Car Wash FAIL

#18 At least I'm not living in a country with such a lame car-wash-system.
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+5 159. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Big Wheel Back Flip

#6: Haha yup! We love to watch people get hurt :x
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-5 160. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Woman at the Car Wash FAIL

And someone please tell me why some people leave their car in neutral and with the handbrake "off". Both people in this video shouldn't be allowed on the roads.
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+13 161. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Big Wheel Back Flip

#4: Nope, we has only seen the perfect jump before:
Great to see the rest of the jumps too :-D
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+3 162. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video The Animator

#16: Do not start that discussion. It will end in mudslinging.
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+8 163. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video The Animator

Just some history.
God made Adam, then Eve from his rib. They weren't allowed to eat of ONE of the trees in Eden, but the snake (Satan) tricked Eve to take a bite (guess he knew that the woman was easy to cheat :-/ ). Eve told Adam to take a bite as well (again, the woman is the leader in every relationships).
Suddenly they noticed they were naked - and used leaves from a fig tree to cover themselves. And then they hide from God.
God found them, and they were expelled from the orchard in Ede...
Just read Genesis 1-3.
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+44 164. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Ferrari vs Dodge Viper - Who Wins?

#2: Well, the Dodge was first at the bottom ;)
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+15 165. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Horse in a car

#2: Lol again. You mean a dog O:)
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+8 166. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video One Armed Handstand Pushups

But #3: We have a life
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+5 167. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Buggy on a Frozen Lake

Well, wait for the spring then...
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+24 168. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Baby Left in Car

If it was a hot summer day and the "baby" was crying, I would smash a window without thinking, and take the child out.
If the child is asleep and have normal skin tone (also = breathing) there's time to call the police. and of cause stay next to the car and observe.
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+5 169. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Newt

I was hoping that the frog would explode :'(
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+4 170. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video 16 Building Demolitions at Same time

Wouldn't it be easier (and much cheaper!) just to clone them away in Photoshop...?
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0 171. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Rubik's Cube

#7: If comments weren't deleted all the time, Snotr would make much more sense!
Drop that "delete feature", admins!

Aren't we all clicking on the "Comment rated too low. Show this comment" box anyway?? Who WONT read them...?
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-7 172. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Rubik's Cube

#(removed comment): Dario10: Happy Birthday! :D
Enjoy life, soon we all wont be able to wipe our sphincter :S :*
You live in "Unknown", how is the weather there?
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-5 173. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Rubik's Cube

Why do someone 10 year old mod. delete my posts??
#1: Jup, so easy to fake this. Just record your steps backward, and play it in reverse.
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+5 174. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Rubik's Cube

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+41 175. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video optical illusion to slow down drivers

Okay, and the next day when there really is a girl playing on the street, then we have the real little girl painted flat on the asphalt!
Looks like a bad idea to me...
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+28 176. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Stevie Starr's got talent

I would rinse that ring in water right away - gastric acid will destroy the fake gold/silver in no time >:)
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-10 177. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Thai Women Beating Up American Sex Tourist

Where is the kitchen out there...?
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+3 178. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video No Landing Gear

#12: Engines should always be running when it is possible.

And if the blades will lick the asphalt, I don't think the engines will explodes in a "Hiroshima-like" blast. The blades will bend - I think that the manufacture-people has thought about that the landing gear can fail :P
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+3 179. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video No Landing Gear

I believe that pilots are strongly discouraged not to have "engines out" in a case like this... There should be an article about it on, but can't find it.
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+11 180. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Guy with crazy limbo skills.

#6: Probably because "it" was hanging down to his knee, and he need it rolled up to perform the limbo.
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+5 181. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Guy with crazy limbo skills.

#4: So true :) He rocks!
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+9 182. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Trilobite Beetle

Small head, huge body
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+4 185. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video World's best birthday surprise party.

#19: "Tillykke" means congratulations. "Tillykke med fødselsdagen" means happy birthday.
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+66 187. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Determination

All his braincells looks like the melon...
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+4 188. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Crocodile penis eats fish

#14: Lol! Your comment made me laugh. Also funny that someone else does not see the fun :D
Love this anonymous forum. People are getting so angry!
You got my "thumb up"
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+39 189. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Sports commentator misses red card

This is the first (and probably also the last) sports-tv-thing I found amusing :D
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+5 190. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Skin Keyboard

2:32 lol!? So haw do you answer a call? Speaker implanted in the thumb and microphone implanted in the little finger...?
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+2 191. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Humping animals

#1: Why should I?
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-4 192. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Fire balloon

#1: Ops, yep, its butane gas.
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+9 193. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video What Trololo guy is really singing

These videos makes me repost my post from yesterday:
Snotr is not what it used to be... Maybe it's time to replace some of the mods that approves the videos!? You are clearly burned out, mods. Take a step back, retire and give room for new people - and COOL VIDEOS.
Come on! We don't want to see this kind of crap on this site!
In the FAQ, the first line says: "Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos".
You got two options:
Remove any sentence that says something like "Snotr is a place for great, funny etc. videos" - and replace them with: "Snotr is a place with some funny videos and a crap load of bad and boring videos.
Pull yourself together and only approve cool videos. I know that many of us actually upload some quality videos, but anyway you approve this kind of videos :-o
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-8 194. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Visa Ad Starring Bill Shannon

This has to be the most BORING ad I ever seen. They try to make it cool - but they FAIL BIG TIME!
Snotr is not what it used to be... :( Maybe it's time to replace some of the mods that approves the videos!? You are clearly burned out, mods. Take a step back, retire and give room for new people - and COOL VIDEOS.
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+32 195. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Dog Man

And even slower?
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-1 196. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Robocop Rap

I lasted 19 sek. What about you...?
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+1 197. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Nintendo sixty-fooooour

Lol!!! My comment was deleted!
Wrote that Americans have issues expressing feelings. It is this (in the video) reaction, or the "oh my god" said a million times, or crying out loud...
Is that wrong? Just watch "Extreme makeover" if in doubt.
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0 198. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Nintendo sixty-fooooour

Problems = issues... Anyway
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-2 199. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

Try with a tomato or some healthy wholemeal bread - I guess it will look the same! So #13: This video proves not that MCD food are more disgusting than Burger King or salad.
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-6 200. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Funny baby accidents

Only 1 or 2 of them are babies. The rest are just small children...
Btw, non of the clips made me laugh :S
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+5 201. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video I'm cute, I'm cute, I'm hurt

#(removed comment): That comment is always funny :P You got the "thumbs up" from me.
And mods, please DON'T remove comments - I want to know what "#(removed comment)" wrote :'(
It is also very annoying this "Comment rated too low. Show this comment". Aren't we all reading them anyway...?
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-4 202. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Lion Hugs woman

Bommer! Why did you delete my old user, admin (Zoooidberg)? Waaaahuu! Now all my statics is away in the drain.
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+2 203. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

#4: Ops, I saw the wrong number :D
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+24 204. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

Here we go - a funny video! Weeee! LoL! God job editing this video :)
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+15 205. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Pongs 'R' us

I saw 1 sec. of this movie and thought "not, another boring video with ping balls".
All people can do this - it's just a matter of attempts...
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+4 207. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video Godly Tetris skills

And now he can start allover again. Wooooooooooooo.
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+2 208. zoidberg-returns commented 14 years ago on video That is how you win a game

SNOTR just banned my account for "almost" no reason. Great. Well, I try again with another mail-adress, hehe.
#(removed comment): I guess he did :)
#4: I a lot of cases you are right.
You both got the "thumbs up" from me!