Comments posted by zongap


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+3 1. zongap commented 6 years ago on video Goodyear Oxygene Concept Tire Filled with Living Moss!

Audio issue?
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+2 2. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Santa saves woman after fall - Good Samaritan !

A real Volvo driver !
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+2 3. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Didn't see that coming

3:30 is pretty lucky :/
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+1 4. zongap commented 7 years ago on video How to defeat dishonest baggage handlers

This is his channel : if you guys want to see more :)
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+2 5. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Single vehicle crash into traffic light, Carleton Place, Ontario

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away…
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+3 6. zongap commented 7 years ago on video A human centipede race against the bull

For pure information, it's in southern France.
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0 7. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Canadair

midilibre. fr/2017/08/29/gard-peniche-percutee-par-un-canadair-on-n-a-pas-eu-le-temps-d-avoir-peur,1553480.php [remove the space after the dot and add the 3xW at the beggining of the link]

It happend in southern France a few days ago.
Human error said the pilot.
No one got injured, and they were lucky to be able to only loose the floater (see bottom pic). They quickly released all the cargo to be able to take off after the impact and fly back to base.
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+5 8. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Schoolbusses in the Netherlands

Fake. It's not raining.
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+7 9. zongap commented 7 years ago on video Don't Poke a Lithium Polymer Cell

Don't poke it, but you can breathe it... :x
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+3 10. zongap commented 8 years ago on video Knockerball Soccer Rodeo

What do you call a sleeping bull?
A bulldozer
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+2 11. zongap commented 8 years ago on video Caveman finds a vice...

Q: What games do cocaine enthusiasts play?
A: Snort, you simply watch your favorite videos here on Snotr, and whenever they say the "special" word you snort cocaine!
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+3 12. zongap commented 8 years ago on video Jump from 25,000ft (almost 8km) in a net... Without parachute!

#5 Yes, with a wingsuit...
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+9 13. zongap commented 8 years ago on video VOLVO LIFEPAINT

Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. (Mark Twain)
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+6 14. zongap commented 8 years ago on video Bizarre Opening Ceremony For Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland

#10 the 12 billon "swiss franc" were mostly paid by the Swiss. Moreover, they are not part of the EU
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+7 15. zongap commented 8 years ago on video Doing Your Nails and Hair in Space

How does the man-in-the-moon cut his hair?

>> Eclipse it!
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+2 16. zongap commented 9 years ago on video Sleepy hamster eating a carrot

What do you call a hamster with no legs?

A furball.
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+10 17. zongap commented 9 years ago on video Monkey saves his electrocuted female

(i) The journalist says (in french at the beginning) that the female monkey fell from the electrified cable above the rails. The "saving" lasted 20 minutes.
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+8 18. zongap commented 9 years ago on video The Launch: Do You Know What Your Marketing Is Doing?

Q: What is an astronauts favorite key on the keyboard?
A: The space bar!
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0 19. zongap commented 9 years ago on video Chip & PIN Fraud Explained

More infos on Roland Moreno, the (french) guy behind the smart card : :)
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+9 20. zongap commented 9 years ago on video Amazing Jump Skills

// Girlfriend : So, what are you going to do on 14th February?
/ Boyfriend : What day of the week is it?
// GF : Friday.
/ BF : Legs. I'm going to do legs that day.
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+3 21. zongap commented 9 years ago on video You Thought The Slingshot Ride Was Scary Before

Luckily for the passengers, only a little injury to the leg for the girl !
More info here : (
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0 22. zongap commented 10 years ago on video BGirl Terra Vs. BBoy

For more info, visit the event website and the wiki (Chelles Battle Pro, Chelles is a city in the "poor" suburb near Paris, France) :
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0 23. zongap commented 10 years ago on video First taste of chocolate in Ivory Coast

#12 They speak french and some special local dialect (mixed with french).
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0 24. zongap commented 10 years ago on video The two cutest BMX shredders you'll ever see

#7 Shazam says "Tell Your Friends - Regan"
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+28 25. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Small Plane Lands on Cargo Ship

And then they invented the helicopter.
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+1 26. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Water Transfer Printing

We used to do that in class, kinda like Marbling ( ).

But the results here are way more consistant than ours :D
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+2 27. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Coloured Sky

There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing on a Paraglider.
Unfortunately no one knows what they are.
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+5 28. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Crazy Rollerblader

Helmets are for sissies... Future soup eater.
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+1 29. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Bird Prank

#7 shit, my english teacher got it all wrong ! Sorry, I'm a poor frog eater !

PS : why does it say ?
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+2 30. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Bird Prank

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be baygulls!
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+2 31. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Amazing hula hoop dance

And the winner of the Hula-Hoop-A-Thon is SATURN !
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+8 32. zongap commented 11 years ago on video 4-Way Stop Vs. Roundabout

#5 in France (and Europe too) we also have roundabout with traffic lights changing according to the time of the day and the traffic flow.

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+3 33. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Fly Like An Eagle

#7 La mer de glace = The sea of Ice (
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+3 34. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Animated Pulp Fiction in 60 seconds

#4 watch it
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+5 35. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Costa Concordia salvage timelapse

* Management consultant to crewmember *
Consultant: To confirm, are we short of lifebelts or lifeboats?
Crewmember: Both, Sir.
Consultant. Excellent, we've made savings across the board.
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+1 36. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Camouflaging abilities of octopi and other cephalopods

- How can you tell when an octopus is lying?
- It’s mouth/beak is moving!
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+3 37. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Caterpillar transforming into a chrysalis

What does a caterpillar do on New Years Day?
Turns over a new leaf!
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+8 38. zongap commented 11 years ago on video A crow refereeing a catfight

What is the most popular FPS among crows?

Caw of Duty
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0 39. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Banana

How do you spell banana ?

E - V - I - L !
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+14 40. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Scared ?

- How does a Lynx greet the other animals in the field?
- Pleased to eat you.
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+11 41. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Cliff collapses at a beach in France

Drop cliffs, not bombs.
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+6 42. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Greatest Game of HORSE

How many ultimate (or frisbee) players does it take to use a phone?
- Fourteen, one to make a call, and thirteen to discuss
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+2 43. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Bumble Bee High Fives

So bee it !
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+12 44. zongap commented 11 years ago on video 8 signs your cat is actually a dog

Dog: A cat's device for running practice.
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0 45. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Following Kyle

#4 Totally agree. Good equipment + Steadicam ( + Good editing sofware ++++ Skills and patience :D
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+1 46. zongap commented 11 years ago on video A high-speed dynamic target tracking camera system.

We'll finally see the golf ball ?
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+9 47. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Juggling Around Iceland

Q: What's the capital of Iceland?
A: About $20.
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+36 48. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Honest Trailers - Independence Day

Do they have a 4th of July in England?
Yes. That’s how they get from the 3rd to the 5th.
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+6 49. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Self-Recognition in Apes

#1 I think it's more like : :(|) | :(|)
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+4 50. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Intelligent headlight technology

What if the car in front has a broken tail light ? Or it's a bike ? Can you still swith manually very quickly ?
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-2 51. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Falstaff the Raven

Is this also the raven "quality of vision" we can experience ?
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+5 52. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Tetris Printer Algorithm

Two Z pieces are sitting at the bottom of a well.
The first one says "Everyone really hates us, huh?"
The other one says "OH MY GOD, A TALKING Z PIECE!!"

==> I'm out :x
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+4 53. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Deep Brain Stimulation for a Parkinsonian Tremor

#15 Oh GOD, not Sizzlik again ! :D
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-1 54. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Flatground bike skills

#2 "How come this guy isn't YET sponsored by Red Bull?" :x
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-2 55. zongap commented 11 years ago on video One of those days

I hate my country when I see this.
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+32 56. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Cloud Jump

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.
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0 57. zongap commented 11 years ago on video How to make way for a firetruck

In France they try to pass on the right lane, but on some freeway it's risky beacause it's where all the junk (tires pieces, etc.) end up. So sometimes they do the same as here, like German. And it works pretty well even in our country. I guess some european countries can teach others about trafic kindness^^
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+2 58. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Falling like Dominos...

Cora is a french supermaket chain in France. They are famous here, but not really into marketing usually. I'd say they are the 4th in size in France. They wanted to give a nice and youg image to them ^^
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+3 59. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Hallucinatory Optical Illusion

#5 the look at anything else on your screen, and it should feel like they are small waves behind it. A bit like sea sick perception.
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+2 60. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Daft Punk's Aerodynamic on eight floppy drives

#6 I hope he programmed a little converter for that ;) But still, it takes time to programm it, and feed it with the right infos.
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+6 61. zongap commented 11 years ago on video 7 year old steals car to escape church

Lucky to live in country full of automatics ^^ If it were in France, only one out of 10 children could try the same thing :)
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+6 62. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Shadow Dance

Let's hope they don't stay in the shadow.
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+3 63. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

By the way, check out our German friends and their 79 letters long "compound word" :x :

(Source : My german teacher from middle school, and wikipedia for the copy/paste :
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+5 64. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

#11 I'm french too. But I don't think that "landslide" is a good example... It's just that american like to do it the german way : create new words by combining existing ones : LAND + SLIDE = LANDSLIDE >> YAHOOO !
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+3 65. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Simpsons Live Action Intro

#4 Let's say it's filmed 'in mirror' so we can't tell what brand of clothes she is wearing xD
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+1 66. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Massive landslide in the French Alps

#6 > I suggest you read the definition first next time ;)
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+2 67. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Pentatonix - Evolution of Music

::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) What else ?
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0 68. zongap commented 11 years ago on video The Piano Puppet

Part of a french TV show called "Le plus grand cabaret du monde" hosted by "Patrick Sebastien", aired on "France 2" public television.

He invites famous people sitting at tables in small groups, and he shows to them talented artists (comedians, musicians, magicians, dancers, etc.)

The hot blond, as said before Adriana Karembeu, is famous in France for being a (hot) soccer player's wife, and now taking part in tons of actions (Red Cross fundraising, etc.).
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0 69. zongap commented 11 years ago on video The Delivery Truck Prank

Looks like he pied himself though (at 2:13) :S
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0 71. zongap commented 11 years ago on video NASCAR pit crew tire change POV with purple glowing brake rotor

Why don't they use central locking nuts like many other race cars in Europe and Asia ?
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+6 72. zongap commented 11 years ago on video The worlds best Crêpe maker


In France a crepe is thinner and "lighter" than a pancake (you can bake them without any oil or butter using a PTFE coated pan -- Teflon Dupont). They are also well known to be served as main dishes (you dont necesseraly use regular flour, but also "raw" buckwheat flour wich give them a more salty taste. You can accomodate them with ham, eggs, cheese and tomatoes for instance. O:)

Crepes are one of the most common recipes found in France (and kids love them, we even have a special day for them : "La Chandeleur" on February 2 (Virgin Mary's Blessing Day).

When I went to the USA I recall someone calling them something like "Swedish Pancake"

--> (i)
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+4 73. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Amazing new Concrete tent that can be erected fast

#4 water might not be available everywhere, but in most disasters you have access to non-drinkable water (hurricanes, floods, etc.)

#2 It says in the video provided by #6 that it can easily stands for 10 years (minute : 2"03).

See many more applications already used :
(walls, lining, road/boat ramp, etc.)

And here is there youtube channel :
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0 75. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Dude Changes a Tire While Driving a Car on Two Wheels

Reminds me of those guys swapping tyres, even crazier imo :
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+4 76. zongap commented 11 years ago on video Cleaning the world's tallest building

#6 in those areas workforce is very cheap. At least it's cheaper than an automated system.
And you know how it works in our modern (capitalist) world : I don't care how it must be done, but I'll do it the cheapest way !

Wikipedia ==> "A study conducted in 2004 found the median salary range of Indian migrants to be between Dh 1,001—1,500 (between US$ 270—408) per month (or US$ 3,240—4,896 per year), considerably below the national per capita income of US$ 55,200"
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+5 77. zongap commented 11 years ago on video 136 mph Rally Car Jump

I'm gonna try right now with my Legacy... If i'm not back in 15 minutes you know what it means.
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+14 78. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Huge building jump 5 stories up with a helmet mounted camera!

Where is the Red Bull sticker?
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+9 79. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Emergency braking

Volvo has always be ahead of most other car and truck manufacturer in term of safety. Both for the passengers (eg. top notch crash test center : or others people not in the car (eg. expensive safety features :

I feel safe driving my V40, and I won't change for any other brand unless they provide the same level of protection. When you see how many crash videos they are on Snotr... You know what I'm talking about. I don't know about other countries, but here in France and Europe, the EuroNCAP safety centers has always rated Volvo's with 5/5 stars.
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+4 80. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Human Catapult

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+9 81. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Nice Ball Control

Paris, Montmartre. He is here everyday (almost).

See this old video :
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+8 82. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Girl Accidentally Gets Kicked In the Face

Heads'up !
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+8 83. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Street Drummer

Now I know what to do with my old paint buckets... or not.
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+10 84. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Gramps Rocks Out To Insomnia On The Spoons

I like the sign behind him "This is the new Republic" :D
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+3 85. zongap commented 12 years ago on video The Wind Wall

My neurons when my girlfriend talks to me.

(sorry for the bad english)
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+4 86. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Best Drag Race Ever

#6 they put the Subaru BRZ because the big test was not about pure performances, but "which car is the best drivers car of the year".

The Subary eventually finished 4th among the 9 cars.

Its not really fast, neither really powerfull, but its one one the best in term of handling and driving (especially for such a low price ~28.000$).

[Sorry for my pooor english]
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+22 87. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Nice Car Accessory

I use one almost every week for the regular DIY mechanic. However mine is larger (the bag part).

In France we call it a "Dakar Jack" (from the Paris-Dakar race) or sometimes a "Sahara Jack". It's really fast, secure, and helps you lift the car on almost any surface. Its also lighter than a regular 2 tons jack.

It takes arrounds 20 seconds when accelerating at middle boost to lift my Subaru Legacy 2.0 Liters LPG. The only difficult part is to fit the pipe in the silencer tube when the tail is not round. It's easier when they are two people, one in the car, the other holding the tube on the rear exhaust.

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+3 88. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Rich Forne Shows How to Wall Ride

No brake, of course. Because braking is cheating !
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+28 89. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Dive bombing Monkeys

Drop monkeys, not bombs.
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-11 90. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Duck Walking

Watch it again, but try to replace the word "duck" with "woman"...
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+4 91. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Landing On Mars

#16 the parachute cannot slow down the rover below 200mph (320kmh) because the atmosphere is too thin and differs in composition from ours (different gases = different density and friction). Also add the different gravity...

Additionnaly, the balloon is not a precise enough option when it comes to "where do we land". The rover must absolutely land in a valley, otherwise it would be useless. And the balloon has to fall far from the rover not to smother it !

PS : sorry for my foreign english
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-6 92. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Nutshot

i don't know why but it reminds me of Chip and Dale (Tic et Tac) :

Playing with nuts... :x
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+2 93. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Golf shot into a car doing 120mph

Pointless, but I liked it.
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0 94. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

Do that with rugby players... won't end in the same way ! :x
(Sry for the english)
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+4 95. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Beautiful performance on uni-cycles

It's from a french TV show called "Le plus grand cabaret du monde". If you search on youtube (or else) they are hundreds of videos like this one ;)

Anyway, it's impressive !
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+7 96. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

It's actually "legalish" to passe between the cars in some countries (like France).
Here, it's allowed when both lines are at stop (or below 5km/h), and if you hit a car, what ever side it is on, you must pay the damages (unless the other car was swapping line without any turn signal).

So, don't start saying stuff like "it's illegal in the first place". It depends. We don't know how is the law in Brazil.
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+10 97. zongap commented 12 years ago on video Breaking a sheet of 1/2 inch tempered glass

#5 : the windshield is made of laminated safety glass. It must stay in one piece in any case !

However, you're right about most of modern car's windows : they are made of tempered glass because it's somehow secure and cheaper than laminated glass. Some manufacturer like Volvo or Audi and Mercedes let you choose in option for laminated glass for all windows (around 300€/$)

Source : my own experience and
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+3 98. zongap commented 13 years ago on video Base Jump from Burj Khalifa

A while ago, a frenchman and a brit did it, when it was stil under construction.
But they had no permission to do it, so they were purchased by the security guys.

[sorry for my poor english, I'm french xD]
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+6 100. zongap commented 13 years ago on video Pole Climber With Skills

Montmartre (in front of the "Sacre Coeur" ), Paris, France.

This guy is here almost everyday...
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+3 101. zongap commented 13 years ago on video Freeboarding In Austria

#5 Temporary French I would say (considering their names ;)
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-5 102. zongap commented 15 years ago on video Hidden Camera Prank Gone Wrong

Yep, it's in France :D
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+3 103. zongap commented 15 years ago on video Pedicab operator + taxi driver fight

Crazy americans :O
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+3 104. zongap commented 15 years ago on video Southwest police motorcycle competition 09'

@14 is right... it's not an american custom ^^
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+6 105. zongap commented 15 years ago on video John Cleese - How to Irritate People

No No, not yet.. let them scramble a bit xD

Hilarious, as usual ^^ :D

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+12 106. zongap commented 15 years ago on video 500 horsepower quad

Actually (cauz Im french..) the guy says it only has, for now, 350 hp but the designer will modify the engine by adding a compressor to take 500 from it.
Also, it weights only 500kg.
Wheels and brakes from a Porsche GT3, no chassis (the driver seats on the engine...).
Price will be 200.000 Euros (pretty much the same in dollars).

PS: by the way, the bugatti Veyron is a french car... Citroen won several times the WRC (world rallyes championship) and Renault won the F1 championship a few times too... and recently Peugeot won the 24h of Le Mans with their 908 (racing mainly against Audi). Just a reminder :p