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Thumbnail of Hyper-Sub Fathom

Hyper-Sub Fathom

Published 16 years ago in Awesome

The Hyper-Sub is the first small craft built with the horsepower, sea-keeping, and range to allow operation on the high seas, which also functions not only as a boat but also a submarine.

Thumbnail of Bike Destroyed During Bad Wipeout

Bike Destroyed During Bad Wipeout

Published 16 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by Matthijs

Someone tries to do a stunt while on a busy highway but loses control and wipes out sending his bike into oncoming traffic.

Thumbnail of Funny Stupid Goals

Funny Stupid Goals

Published 16 years ago in Sports

Some incredible goals in football.

Thumbnail of African Pole Dancer

African Pole Dancer

Published 16 years ago in Awesome

Incredible balancing skills!

Thumbnail of Jet-Turbine Fire Extinguisher

Jet-Turbine Fire Extinguisher

Published 16 years ago in Other

A group of Hungarian engineers have built the world's most powerful fire extinguisher, equipped with two Mig-21 jet turbines. Basically, the water is injected through the exhaust, throttled up, and used to extinguish fires.