Baby can read at 17 months

Elizabeth Barrett is just like any other 17 months old baby, except that she can read.

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Picture of spook2413 achievements

+2 1. spook24 commented 16 years ago

smart lil girl
Picture of bourney6 achievements

0 2. bourney commented 16 years ago

very clever but maybe just a little pushed i think MAYBE
Picture of Noureddin5 achievements
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-8 3. Noureddin commented 16 years ago

Fake... They told the kid what to say. How sad... That there is such stupid people in this world that would ACTUALLY believe she can actually read it.
Picture of JimineyJilickers31 achievements

+6 4. JimineyJilickers commented 16 years ago

Hey Noureddin...just because YOU cant read doesn't mean you need to knock those who can! Not everything in this world is FAKE (except the moon landing).
Picture of dandelion2 achievements

+2 5. dandelion commented 16 years ago

How do you push a 1 year old to learn??? She's a very intelligent child who has been given the opportunity to flourish with supportive parents.

Hate to tell you this Noureddin...there are exceptionally talented people in this world. This little girl in the video is not the only one.
Picture of BombDiggady19 achievements

0 6. BombDiggady commented 16 years ago

Amazing girl
Picture of Fergus_Thedog36 achievements

+2 7. Fergus_Thedog commented 16 years ago

This isn't fake. My son (now 9) could read like this at this age. He is not a super genius, he just has innate language skills. I read to him from birth while others told me I was stupid because he couldn't understand what I was reading to him. He was not pushed, he had loving, interactive attention based around books for maybe an hour a day but in short sessions. Now my other children can't read like this, and are really nowhere close, despite having the same attention - I guess different people do have different skill sets from birth. All of my kids converse very well however, and a side effect of that is they verbalise their feelings rather than throw tantrums. How nice. I have a friend who pointed out that his amazing parrots spoke so clearly because he spoke to them in a normal voice, rather than the stupid 'polly wants a cracker' schtick that people put on. Oddly enough, I didn't baby-talk to my son either - I respected his mind from the start, rather than treating it like a blob of uncooked dough like so many parents do in our western culture.
Picture of tatti6928 achievements

-1 8. tatti69 commented 16 years ago

Please someone ban this asshole spammer! :) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-):) :( ;) :D :'( :| :* :O O:) >:) :(|) 8-)
Picture of repsol2 achievements

+1 9. repsol commented 16 years ago

My sister could read when she was about 2 years old. I remember how "angry" she got sometimes when she could read a word but not say it, hehe...

Check out this link, if you are curious want to try it with your kid.

My mum used something similar to this:

I don't want you to go and buy it, but it's pretty cool, kids love it, and with a little bit of creativity you can do it yourself at home ;)
Picture of Raven_Rampage2 achievements

0 10. Raven_Rampage commented 16 years ago

wow she is really smart :O
Picture of dickwad3 achievements

0 11. dickwad commented 16 years ago

gr8 kid, but I fear some modern parents do not realise that sometimes children need to act and be just that, children.
A little of this sort of encouragement is a good thing of course, but I wonder if they have spent way to much time with books smarts ? I mean going on TV and all, makes you wonder just how much of this little girls time is taken up "learing"

I just hope she spends as much time playing in the sandpit, digging up worms, making mud pies in the garden , without the parents stressing out about a bit of a mess on her clothes.
Learning through play is a given, BUT sometimes kids just need to be able to play, if mum and dad can join in, without controlling the situation too much, thats gr8.
I dont wanna hear" she gets all that interaction at daycare"

We have a friends who remind me of this couple
their kid is now 13 and she never seems to smile much. :(
Picture of Noureddin5 achievements

-2 12. Noureddin commented 16 years ago

@JimineyJilickers: Wow. Talking shit, Eh? I can read. You only say that cause its an insult. Pretty much all the time insult are false and just to make fun of the person.

None the less. Its fact. The kid can't read it. I'm sure it took weeks to make this kid act like it can read it. Maybe 3 months or something...

I didn't know people were so stupid as to believe this trash.
Picture of Energyone2 achievements

0 13. Energyone commented 16 years ago

I was able to read Hydrogen Peroxide on a bottle and read the newspaper at age 3. My parents have pictures of me when I was included in an advanced learning group.

This is very believable.

Noureddin, please give it a rest, it's real.
Picture of Kosmology5 achievements

-1 14. Kosmology commented 16 years ago

Noureddin... not to offend any dead witches anywhere but you should be burned at the stake and fucking quartered...
Let people enjoy their illusions and fucking shut the fuck up...
Picture of Noureddin5 achievements

0 15. Noureddin commented 16 years ago

Hmmm... Lots of ignorant talking shit children. Why not join the kid in the fake media TV?
Picture of Timaymay19 achievements

0 16. Timaymay commented 15 years ago

Hello folks,
Long time watcher/reader, first time poster.
This is real. I saw it live on the morning news last year, and was impressed then as well.

@Noureddin - The Today Show is not fake media, nor fake TV. It is a reputable morning news and talk show that has been around for 50+ years.

And here is the printed news report about the video in this post, along with the original video to watch.

Picture of angrytattedguy18 achievements

0 17. angrytattedguy commented 15 years ago

It's called evolution and after a few thousand years things like this are gonna start happening more and more. One every few generations like einstein or motzart who knows they just pop up.
Picture of ShahidulAlam1 achievements

0 18. ShahidulAlam commented 8 years ago

Mother is very important part of our life. we can't any moment without mother. I love my mother a lot. I have a blog about mothers and baby guide or baby double stroller. -