Video from the Washington, IL tornado

Man films tornado coming directly at his house, and gets inside just before his house is destroyed.

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Picture of Itsme7844 achievements

+24 1. Itsme78 commented 11 years ago

and i was complaining when my basement got flooded.
#(removed comment)
ever heard of a thing called panic?
Picture of cameramaster55 achievements

+16 2. cameramaster commented 11 years ago

#1 Shock will tend to make you concentrate on the "immediate" IE HER house...HER belongings...its human nature chap. Nothing to do with being selfish or ungrateful.
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+23 3. Zebulun commented 11 years ago

Are you freakin' kidding me #(removed comment)? Your life as you know it changes in an instant. How can you be expected to think rationally? On top of that of course the first thing you see is the home you've lived in is now in shambles around you.

In most cases your car is destroyed, you can't even get to a change of clothes. What do you do when you literally have nothing but the clothes on your back?
How do you cope? What feelings and thoughts take over?

I tell you what, it's easy to pass judgement from behind the safety and comfort of your keyboard.
Picture of cmmd30 achievements

+21 4. cmmd commented 11 years ago

If you listen carefully at 0:16 mark, she yells "DAD!". What would you expect of a child/teenager?
Picture of msavio00830 achievements

+10 5. msavio008 commented 11 years ago

I wish this video was an extra 20 mins longer so I can see what happened to the neighbors..
Picture of Dmitry33 achievements
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-11 6. Dmitry commented 11 years ago

#1 Have you ever heard of things like love, joy, peace, generosity, courage...
#2 Human nature, yes precisely, it's pathetic, there is nothing good in it!
#3 Yes indeed, it is very easy, it's also very easy to be a wonderful human being when everything goes well, strip away that ease and comfort and you can see what people are really like underneath!
Picture of Cloe41 achievements

+11 7. Cloe commented 11 years ago

#(removed comment),#6 since you are the same person .. fuck off..., yes what you are saying could be actual true, for a robot... maybe. How could you say that, they sound like genuine nice people who lost everything in a moment,did you hear those sounds of the house being destroyed?? i mean that was horifing. Also if you listen the whole video, they do sound concerned about their neighbors.
i don't want to happen anything bad to you or your loved ones, but how would you react in this situation? I doubt that you would get out of your basement and imediatly say... well fuck my house, all my belongings, let's go people!!! let's help our neighbors!! all this in a couple a minutes after your house, was riped apart! If you think, that you would react different, well you are going to have a surprise sometime in the future.
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+9 8. Zebulun commented 11 years ago

I love how Dmitry has reached some level of transcendence far beyond that of us normal human beings. :|
Picture of darkmas46 achievements

0 9. darkmas commented 11 years ago

one way to save, if a place with often tornado-event, build-up sort of a bird-cage for the whole yard, and fixed on the roof-top pinnacle point: not a very dense-in iron to ruin the landscape, or create uncomfortable heart, or claustrophobia, but an effective net-alike one.
Picture of r12323 achievements

+5 10. r123 commented 11 years ago

It's after moments like these that people give life its real value. You lost everything but kept the most important: your life! Life is precious!

Besides: Why don't they build stronger houses? Concrete? Steel?
Picture of cameramaster55 achievements

+3 11. cameramaster commented 11 years ago

My apologies....I meant to put #(removed comment) on my previous comment :-(
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+2 12. dave9191 commented 11 years ago

Well at least they survived. And by the looks of things, so did the tv.
Picture of dopkop29 achievements

+7 13. dopkop commented 11 years ago

This guy stays sharp under some serious stress!
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

+2 14. fjwjr commented 11 years ago

Well, at least he kept the camera rolling. That's the important thing, right?
Picture of Itsme7844 achievements

+6 15. Itsme78 commented 11 years ago

#2#11. No worries :)

#7 i double the fuck off you put on the table for #(removed comment),#6. and raise it with a scrue you.

#6 "Have you ever heard of things like love, joy, peace, generosity, courage."
Yes i have: Love my girl and my daughter. they give me love joy and somtimes peace <3. in my line of work i am a (sometimes) first responder to some bad fucking shit, so yes to courage and generosity to, when i risk my life, safety and my mind to help thos who need it. and sometimes actually realy don deserve it. even you ashole! Pleas get a do not prolong my life do not resuscitate card. And i hope you havent reprodused yet.
So one more fuck you to you sir
Picture of sidewinder26 achievements
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-11 16. sidewinder commented 11 years ago

Nothing to wonder. People who killed the majority of Indians and others drowned with alcohol and drugs deserve that. Earth does not want them there.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 17. Judge-Jake commented 11 years ago

My opinion for what it's worth is that idiots like #(removed comment)#6 oh and now #16 are just trying to be controversial. By giving them word play you just amuse them. Keep it very short type "Knob" and mark them down. Job done ;)
Picture of Skeesicks38 achievements

+7 18. Skeesicks commented 11 years ago

#16, maybe earth wants you on this planet but at least, judginb by the votes, snotr does not want you in here!
Picture of glassweaver20 achievements

0 19. glassweaver commented 11 years ago

Is *anybody* else at all bothered that this is under the Awesome category? This is tragic. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through anything like this.
Picture of jackDjohnson35 achievements

+1 20. jackDjohnson commented 11 years ago

Holy Shit ;) What a fuking Nighmare..
Picture of buckleg0858 achievements

0 21. buckleg08 commented 6 years ago

insurance pays?8-)
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 22. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

Well if ever you think that you are having a real bad day, just watch this video and count your lucky stars. :|