Tribe practices euthanization

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Picture of EDMPingu22 achievements

+2 1. EDMPingu commented 11 years ago

Wow, it's always interesting to see how the other small minority lives, it's fascinating but hearing what they do kinda churns my gut.
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+13 2. huldu commented 11 years ago

Just leave them alone. They haven't been tainted by the rest of mankind. I'd rather live like them than I do right now. Stuffed inside a tower block full of people I don't know - and don't want to know. Collecting useless things that we're told we need through media. Piling up money so you can die on top of it - alone. When I see these people I see the definition of innocence. I'm sure they have their problems, but at least they have each others. The whole social aspect of mankind just seems to blow out of the window once you get "modernized".
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

+1 3. fjwjr commented 11 years ago

Well, as long as they're only practicing euthanasia.....
Picture of darkmas46 achievements

+7 4. darkmas commented 11 years ago

6:28 those boys think girls talk too much, poor jungle :x
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

+5 5. loadrunner commented 11 years ago

There is always someone in a docu, who sais somthing like "We should not do that" or "it is not civilized to do such things". But I have never seen a jungle tribe, who killed millions of people because they think different.
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+14 6. Austin commented 11 years ago

WTF is up with Paul Raffaele? He is described an anthropologist, a journalist a tour guide and an adventurer. ..It should include clumsy ethnocentric white twat. He moves to shake, shake, a young woman’s hand and is then stunned that it is not taken well. And he calls their cultural practice of infanticide etc. one of the worst rights violations in the world. It is not pretty but neither is his lame hyperbolic reactions. How has this twat visited some many indigenous people under the guise of an expert…? I don’t get it.
Picture of camoga37 achievements

+4 7. camoga commented 11 years ago

#5 then you do not know any history of the indigenous tribes of the Americas. tribes have wiped out other tribes throughout history.
Picture of orion27 achievements

+3 8. orion commented 11 years ago

Wait I think I see a loop... they kill themselves because the people they loved killed themselves?
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

0 9. loadrunner commented 11 years ago

#7 I made a silent association to the nazis in my comment..
Picture of mcmagalhaes35 achievements

+6 10. mcmagalhaes (reviewer) commented 11 years ago

It is very hard to know what to do, but one thing, as a Brazilian citizen, I can say: the tribes (here, in Brazil) that have got in touch with white men are definitely living worse now. Diseases, poverty, alcohol, crimes and even hunger.
Picture of psBigFanSnotr16 achievements

+3 11. psBigFanSnotr commented 11 years ago

Some things ARE universal, then :D
Picture of mcmagalhaes35 achievements

+6 12. mcmagalhaes (reviewer) commented 11 years ago

And, by the way, if I go to a culture that bows to say hi, that's what i'll do. the same with handshaking, headbumping etc. I agree with #6, wtf is up with Paul Raffaele? He goes to their home and wants to teach them how to behave?
Picture of deadhorse32 achievements

+4 13. deadhorse commented 11 years ago

The dude claims human rights violations on people who barely know they are human.
Picture of Dumfbuck24 achievements

+2 14. Dumfbuck commented 11 years ago

It is completely unacceptable to confront the last untouched tribe in the world for the sake of documentation. These people will never think the same of themselves and their livelihood. It is like finding living cells on Mars and pissing on them.
Picture of kirkelicious44 achievements

0 15. kirkelicious commented 11 years ago

#5 who do you think the portrayed tribe goes to war against? Its just the scale that is different because of the lack of technology.

On an other note: Isnt Euthanasia supposed to be an act of compassion? All i can see this tribe doing, is infanticide motivated by selfish or supersticious reasons. It barely even fits the perverted definition the Nazis used to justify theyr crimes against the handicaped.
Picture of drunkmonk42 achievements

0 16. drunkmonk commented 11 years ago

#6 Oh my thoughts exacly. How the fuck did they let in such a .. help me out here. I love how rationally they think of life, and that they do what they think, because there are no social norms and sanctions that would forbbid them to kill themselves because they've done with this life. So beuatifull. Just like that. You live to be happy and fulfilled, when you feel like it's not that way you die and a million more replace you. You have sex a lot, and get rid of the defective ones. Mom's have enought nutrition to constantly pregnant. You don't have to take the burden of being a part of technological, moral, methaphisical growth of the society, the society is constantly in consensus, and if you do die the next one is just as you are, where. In the continium of time your life bare nakedly is a blink. Of biologically fullfilled individual, which after his cognitivly evolutionized mind, sets you to die, as genetically you where programmed to.

It is unnecessary to talk about the ethical issues of those individuals. They shouldnt've have come there, even so brought their technology with them, and changing their ways. Majorly distrupting their way of being. Not even imagening how the english twat subliminally influenced them due his ethnocentrical and freudian internal problems. I am quite sure that due to him people in that community indirectly will be killed and die, because of the psychological distruption in motivation, etc.

I can't disallow the poeple to be motivated to go outside the jugle and expiriance the world and help the global community information mixing wise, that would only be my ethnocentricity. The wrong thing here is that it will happen due to that enlish twat, not a genetical marker, that will motivate that individual to change his ways and be more aspiring. I hope everyone agrees.

#14 correct

#15 your a narrowminded dumb fuck.
Picture of Mucha8 achievements

+1 17. Mucha commented 11 years ago

Go away they don't have an oil!
Picture of BrahmaBull44 achievements

0 18. BrahmaBull commented 11 years ago

#2 wow man. The way you describe it you make it sound like that is the way modern society is everywhere and the better solution is someone who doesn't even want to live beyond the 30 year mark and who kill off the weak and disabled. If you feel like your life sucks like that why don't you just do something about it? like the woman in the end who actually realized that doing what they did was wrong and decided to follow her own path for her and her daughter.
Picture of makbeth36 achievements

+1 19. makbeth commented 10 years ago

7:26 the loincloth accomplishes nothing :|