Simpsons evolution intro

New scientific evidence that proofs the evolution theory :D

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Picture of will2114 achievements
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-11 1. will211 commented 17 years ago

that was stupid
Picture of Trubbel3 achievements

+16 2. Trubbel commented 17 years ago

That was absolutely brilliant!
I hear some Americans don't even think evolution is real so Matt Groening deserves thanks for at least trying to enlighten those poor folks.
Picture of skywyze2 achievements

+4 3. skywyze commented 17 years ago

It's true! I'm a Norwegian studying in the US as a foreign exchange student and it's just mind boggling. If anything contradicts the Bible as written, it's dismissed as "blasphemy." And not just be a poor few weirdos, but on TV, in schools, in the White House even. It's the craziest damned thing I've ever seen. Before I moved here, I assumed everyone had heard of Evolution. That's simply not the case.
Picture of djgromo3 achievements

+2 4. djgromo commented 17 years ago

Great vid about evolution and great song:
Fatboy slim - Right here, right now
Picture of ThirstyJon6 achievements

+3 5. ThirstyJon commented 17 years ago

So far in my life I have never seen any good reason to believe in the bizarre "Theory of Evolution."

Now I have this historical documentary as proof.

Picture of greiner31 achievements

+1 6. greiner3 commented 17 years ago

Why do Republicans hate America?
Picture of fcker1 achievements

-4 7. fcker commented 17 years ago

too bad we didn't evolve from monkeys. 'cause if we had, monkeys wouldn't exist today since we "EVOLVED" from them. dun get me wrong i believe in evolution, just that the cartoon is kinda off. much love for the simpsons tho.
Picture of SixaxisDualshock20 achievements

+5 8. SixaxisDualshock commented 17 years ago

I'm also from Norway, and can't believe that everyone in the so called "west" doesn't believe in Darwin's Evolution theory.. Does America still believe that the earth is flat like a pizza as well?

I guess I just have to believe the fact that most Americans can't point out their own country on a world map, and I didn't want to believe that either, but some Hak5 friends told me that it's actually true.. Is America just a big hype?

For gods sake! Bush Jr can't even pronounce the word "nuclear" that stupid bastard..
I almost hope that Hillary wins the election, cause then people will see the inbreeding more clearly:
Bush, then Clinton, then Bush (again, but not the same generation) and then Clinton (again, but female).

Is the inbreeding over there so bad that you don't have more people to pick to be President? :o
Picture of bennyballz4 achievements

+5 9. bennyballz commented 17 years ago

Picture of jlcindustries1 achievements

0 10. jlcindustries commented 16 years ago

I am going to in no way take up for Bush (who should be flown to Baghdad and dumped to fend for himself), but I am wondering how an american cartoon about evolution led to multiple comments on how stupid americans are. You hate me because you ain't me.
Peace and Love to all Travel Snobbing Norwegians
Picture of Masutakusu13 achievements

+1 11. Masutakusu commented 16 years ago

Wow. Very few negative* comments.

Anyhoohow, evolution has been proven. Take, for instance, the seedless, asexual tomato** plant. Humans were around to see that. And the evolution of dogs. Humans saw that one, too***. So, evolution is just that, and anybody that says it's it's not true...

Is thinking of something else.

*Depends on who's being ironic.
**Basded on the way it develops, it's a fruit.
***Minimal evidence that we saw that one

I accidentaly hit two keys at the same time. Now I can't edit that well. Anyhoohow, evolution ONLY states that those that survive breed, and that genetics will randomly change. Put the two together, and TADA!

Btw, evolution may not make a species better. Example: Really furry animals. They went with the ice age****.

****There were two of those, right?

I typed that much? Woah.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 12. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

I'm glad for Simpsons trying to challenge the countless people that are in evolution denial around here....well done!
Picture of Himanshuarya3 achievements

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