Courageous Boy Receives World’s First Double Hand Transplant

For most of his life, 8-year-old Zion Harvey has dreamed of using his hands and thanks to a medical miracle, it’s about to come true.

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Picture of Pyranthos41 achievements

+7 1. Pyranthos commented 9 years ago

a medical miracle, and someone else's tragic misfortune. Don't get me wrong, its amazing, and am very happy for this little boy getting a 2nd shot at life without this handicap. BUT, my heart goes out to those who lost their child which made this all possible in the first place. Perhaps one day we can get past the need to outsource organs from donors.
Picture of sunnydaze4me31 achievements

-1 2. sunnydaze4me commented 9 years ago

It's a shame they didn't just contact Planned Parenthood to order a couple of hands since they are in the business of selling body parts. :S
I hope the little boy gets full use of his new hands.
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

+7 3. loadrunner commented 9 years ago

I wonder if he can use his hands like it were always his own after a few years.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-1 4. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

People who condone what planned parenthood does are the sickest of the sick. :| Selling aborted baby parts is criminal.
Best of luck to this lucky little boy.
Picture of Klemm37 achievements

+4 5. Klemm commented 9 years ago

#2 I'm sure he will in due time.... fap-fap-fap :x
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+1 7. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#6 ? There goes your credibility down the drain. That liberal site is in the tank for everything abortion related.
Just watch the videos yourself to see PP execs and doctors haggling over livers and lungs and how much they can
sell them for.One woman said she wanted to sell enough to get a Lambo.

It is sickening to watch.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-1 8. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Certain commentators wallowing in information that was taken out of context, and condemn an organization that has helped countless sexually active teens (because guess what, sexually active they will be, like it or not), to provide birth control and therefore actually preventing pregnancies and STDs, exactly what one thinks pro-life would support. If there was truly any illegal activity going on, which we don't know for sure, go after the individuals, not the whole organization..ugh.

Great video, very happy for this little boy!!!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

0 9. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

Well let's just hope their practice of trafficking in baby parts gets shut down before Dr.Mary Gatter earns enough from it to buy the Lamborghini she said she wants.
The Feds are investigating....and now the 5th incriminating video is out.
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

0 10. Urmensch commented 9 years ago

#9 If the videos are so damning then why are they so heavily edited?

Just as people don't get killed in order to supply organs for transplant, these abortions aren't happening to supply organs for medical research. Abortion is legal. Going on to then use the tissues to advance medicine is not an issue for me, or many others.

It's especially funny that conservatives who will go on and on about the wonders of capitalism will then squeal about the economics of abortion. Of course there is going to be a money aspect to this. Keeping tissues viable is not going to happen by putting them into your domestic refrigerator. It needs to be handled, stored and transported properly.

Talk of baby parts is just emotive bullshit. This tissue is from foetuses long before there is any brain activity that is even remotely capable of supporting consciousness.

You are such a stereotypical wingnut. All about the guns, and bullshit claims of Europe being already a caliphate, and now the planned parenthood crap.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 11. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Thanks #10..I couldn't have said it better! :)
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 12. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#10 & #11 I can tell you have not watched the videos. In the newest one the PP executive shows a lab pan with very developed arms with hands and a whole leg that was torn apart in the mother after it had been murdered inside the mother.They feel pain at that stage and only a monster could do that procedure. Abortion is sadly legal but selling baby parts is a federal crime. Also altering the method used for performing an abortion for the purpose of selling the parts is also illegal, and PP has been doing and admitting to both those acts.
The full videos have been released and it still shows the same scenario. Google the newest video, #five, and fast forward to 11.00 and see if you still feel the same. They are even offering complete baby cadavers for sale.The liberal view is just sickening, against the death penalty for murderers but not for babies.

Ps murder is not part of capitalism.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 13. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#12, preferring old fogies to make decisions over pregnant young women's bodies, something women should have the right to do for themselves one would think.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

0 14. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

One would think that if one believed a 22 weeks developed baby is not a human. It's weird , a woman can snuff-out her unborn's life no problem , but if some driver accidentally crashes into her and she loses the "baby" they can be charged with vehicular homicide. So is it a human life or not?
To date since Roe v. Wade, the silent voices of aborted babies number more than 56 million. That's quite a mountain of corpses for abortionists to stand atop. Does that crowning achievement make you proud?
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

+1 15. Urmensch commented 9 years ago

"Unedited Transcript: "Nobody Should Be 'Selling' Tissue. That's Just Not The Goal Here." The Center for Medical Progress also released a full transcript and longer version of the video with Dr. Nucatola -- featuring more than 150 minutes of additional footage -- which include crucial portions that were edited out. In one case, Nucatola says, "no affiliate should be doing anything that's not like, reasonable and customary. This is not- nobody should be 'selling' tissue. That's just not the goal here." From the Center for Medical Progress' transcript (emphasis added):"

"Video Jumps Nearly 8 Minutes In The Middle Of The Conversation About Money. In the short version of the video, a confusing exchange takes place misleadingly implying that at one point, Dr. Nucatola discussed the cost of the tissue, but timestamps on the footage reveal nearly eight minutes of conversation was removed:"

"But The Unedited Footage Reveals PPFA Official Was Discussing Reimbursement Costs For Legal Donation Process During Those Missing Minutes. The unedited video reveals the full context for Nucatola's cost comments. Right after the video jumps forward, Nucatola specifically references exact "shipping" and other associated costs which could legally be reimbursed, before discussing affiliates' general "bottom line" attempts to "break even":"
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-1 16. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#15 OMG Media Matters...funded by socialist George Soros who as a Jew during WW2 worked for the Nazis by turning other Jews over to be sent to concentration camps. What a great bunch of misfits that group is. They paint the picture they want you to believe by lying and twisting the facts. I have watched the entire videos and the PP people are very careful in the words they use to obfuscate the business they are conducting. There is no doubt about what they are doing which is why Congress is investigating them , and they have also watched the entire videos.
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

+1 17. Urmensch commented 9 years ago

#16 A fallacious ad hominem argument is one that attempts to substitute evidence against the person for evidence against the position.

This is what your have done here by immediately dissing the source instead of substance of the report.
You then post a right-wing leaning site to say a left-leaning site isn't a trustworthy source. Yet nothing on that link has any relevance to this issue.

It is the evidence that really matters, and not the source.

"I have watched the entire videos and the PP people are very careful in the words they use to obfuscate the business they are conducting. There is no doubt about what they are doing which is why Congress is investigating them , and they have also watched the entire videos."

Or they are clarifying their position against the obvious attempts of the video makers to get answers they can twist into the appearance of illegal organ trafficking, which was the whole intention of this.

They state they are not selling the tissues, but just recuperating the costs of the tissue donations. You are looking to poison the well, so you project onto them.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

0 18. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#17 The evidence is the full videos themselves. I could have referenced any number of sites to show how Soros is behind media matters, even Wiki tells the history of that sorry bastard.
If they were just trying to recoup handling costs, after all their years in business they would have established rates for different baby parts, not sit there eating lunch and asking how much can they get for livers, lungs, etc.
In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
Here is an interview with the woman who used to run that PP clinic ; the skeletons in the closet are coming out. She has written a book about the horrors she has seen.
Picture of buckleg0858 achievements

0 19. buckleg08 commented 5 years ago

dunno what happened to him now...8-)