Cop accident by police chase

A GTA-style police chase :)

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Picture of GiftSet2 achievements
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-5 1. GiftSet commented 16 years ago

The idiot didnt even stop ??.. (First <3)
Picture of smremde35 achievements

+2 2. smremde commented 16 years ago

har har har
Picture of talpazzo36 achievements
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-5 3. talpazzo commented 16 years ago

-_-''' imho american cops are totally idiots and play too much to the Playstation...
Picture of Predator-PT1 achievements

-3 4. Predator-PT commented 16 years ago

LOOOL!!! Thats fucking Stupid!!! In my country, if the cops did that, they were fucked!! =D
Picture of whowhatme17 achievements

+2 5. whowhatme commented 16 years ago

"and while it looked bad , both got up and seemed to be okay"

Both were hospitaized .
Picture of BaronKite23 achievements

+4 6. BaronKite commented 16 years ago

#3 imho, you're an illiterate idiot.
Picture of yuriythebest16 achievements

-4 7. yuriythebest commented 16 years ago

I agree with #3
Picture of Chumney_Warner19 achievements

-4 8. Chumney_Warner commented 16 years ago

Agreed #3 spot on
Picture of whowhatme17 achievements

-1 9. whowhatme commented 16 years ago

No.6 BaronKite

Perhaps talpazzo (no.3) does not use English as his or her native language ?

Could be , um , agh !!! , non-white American .

Arrgh !! The humanity !!!! :-)))

In which case , well done talpazzo as I know what you meant :-)

The attempted murder of a "suspect" by the police driver through vehicular homicide , where his colleague was inadvertently injured , will no doubt be ignored or , hopefully , litigated .
Picture of lacroupade17 achievements

+3 10. lacroupade commented 16 years ago

Death by Running Over - should be standard police procedure for all scumbag crims. :-)
Picture of LegendarySaint10 achievements

-1 11. LegendarySaint commented 16 years ago

If fatty could run faster he wouldn't have needed to be run over with the criminal.
Picture of nooitaf40 achievements

+2 12. nooitaf (admin) commented 16 years ago

bad move!
Picture of FireKube8 achievements

+2 13. FireKube commented 16 years ago

I will however... agree to the fact that American cops use their authoritarian force a little to aggressively! This is a prime example. Just the other night, i witnessed in my local area, a drunk guy get forearmed and pushed down and hog tied to the ground for just sitting there on this bench when the stateboy's and city cops approached him! however, i do not know what he could have said to them. but I do know it did not call for the aggressive behavior even if he was so drunk he couldn't stand. And with that said, if I run into that cop that forearmed him, I will speak my right to his face. And HOPE TO God he try's something in retaliation because I know a few city cops around this way :) catch his ass with out his badge at a bar one night his ass is mine! LOL
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

0 14. SpikedSilver commented 16 years ago

Where is the TANK?!
Picture of chance35 achievements

+1 15. chance commented 16 years ago

#9 To quote, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, "WHO TAUGHT YOU GRAMMER!"
Picture of BaronKite23 achievements

0 16. BaronKite commented 16 years ago

#7, #8, #9: #3 made the comment that "American Cops" are totally idiots.

Declaring that all of a group of people are something is idiocy. When I was in Australia, an Aboriginal stole my car. Following your logic - Aboriginals are car thieves.
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

0 17. MsZoomy commented 16 years ago

the cop that was driving the car was probably talking on his cell phone!!! LOL Just kidding

#16 I agree, you can't put one or a few bad apples in the pile and call them all bad....
clearly this officer was mistaken in his intentions
Picture of zerorain26 achievements

0 18. zerorain commented 16 years ago

lol the country that brought u friendly fire....
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

-1 19. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago

I agree with #3 too ....American cops are cowards ...they always go for the gun ...even if they are against a crippled and retarded child
Picture of KokarcA8 achievements

+1 20. KokarcA commented 16 years ago

it is defenetley the gta style !
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

-1 21. moskwiz commented 16 years ago

Well.. what more do you want from a country where it's legally ok to shoot someone in your own house if you can prove they were there against your will..

Picture of BaronKite23 achievements

+2 22. BaronKite commented 16 years ago

@ #19: Were you the crippled and retarded child? It's ok. You can tell us. We're all friends here...
Picture of Mooz23 achievements

+1 23. Mooz commented 16 years ago

yeah, #16 & #17, but we're talking about cops here!
Picture of ilovetrouble7778 achievements

0 24. ilovetrouble777 commented 16 years ago

damn man. take the guys license away
Picture of AverX19 achievements

+2 25. AverX commented 16 years ago

If you don't live in the USA how the hell can you talk about it? That's like calling a movie bad just because some critic said it was. Have any of you ever been to the US? If you have then maybe you can talk about it, but still. There are 300 million people in this country, just because you makes an aggressive move doesn't mean they all will. I've heard some bad things about cops in countries like Italy but I don't go calling the cops there mean or bad just because of something I've heard. Get your head out of your asses and think for once.
Picture of AverX19 achievements

+1 26. AverX commented 16 years ago

And when is this site getting an edit button. I type to fast to have no errors.
Picture of talpazzo36 achievements

+1 27. talpazzo commented 16 years ago

#9: you're right, english is not my first language.

I was just making fun of the situation. Was not my intention to rais a cloud of dust...
I saw many videos of american's cop doing bad and stupid things and I hope to never meet one of them...

#21: in a lot of country you can shoot somebody for personal defense.
In my country everybody has a FASS90 ( at home, but we don't have the bullets :-P hehe
Picture of Skyzo091 achievements

+1 28. Skyzo09 commented 16 years ago

Hi there, first of all I am French so please excuse any mistake I would do.

I do agree with the idea that all not the cops, not even in America are not like this F*****g cop driver. Most of them use to risk their own life to protect poeple. Theses guys deserve a little more respect. We have a sentence in France that says:
You can't put anybody in the same bag.
That means that cannot blame an entire group for one member 's mistake.
In the other hand, cops are supposed to be a model, they reprensents part of a government and it is totally insane to let such a guy wear a gun.

PS: I am a Muslim too and I totally do not agree with the bastards of Al Qaeda, they are everything but Muslmims. They forgot that Islam means Peace.
Picture of Purifiedblood4 achievements

+2 29. Purifiedblood commented 16 years ago

If I was a cop and some douche was fighting me I'd kick his ass right back... Because I'm a cop shouldn't negate my right to defend myself... I'll admit the cop in the unmarked was an idiot I wouldn't consider all US cops idiots and or power hungry people... If you dealt with the scum of the earth day in and day out you'd start caring more about your well being then theirs too.
Picture of malkavian23 achievements

-1 30. malkavian commented 16 years ago

After runing the stupid fucker over along with his colleague he probably went home to beat his wife.Cops are the same everywhere.
Picture of stepanstas29 achievements

+3 31. stepanstas commented 15 years ago

Nothing wrong with this,
some cops (especially the undercoverones) are trained to ram people at the right angle to not hurt them but get them to the ground. I've seen it a few times.
Picture of WickedOne1423 achievements

-2 32. WickedOne14 commented 13 years ago

90% of the posts attributed to this video are pathetic.