Women in cars

A wrong combination :D

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Picture of fashanu23 achievements

+8 1. fashanu commented 16 years ago

It seems to be when they panic its like, What do we do?? ACCELERATE!!!! yeahhhh that will work?

Picture of Paul196825 achievements

+2 2. Paul1968 commented 16 years ago

people who can't control vehicles like these people obviously can't shouldnt be allowed to use them....that goes for men too because some men are just as bad as women.
my $0.02c
Picture of KokarcA8 achievements

+5 3. KokarcA commented 16 years ago

why are they giving driving licence to women ?
Picture of Kulgash52 achievements

+5 4. Kulgash commented 16 years ago

OMG, this is so funny to watch, even if they were not all womens, they obviously don't know how to handle a car >:)
The accelerator of the truck at 2:55 seems to be stucked tho...
Funniest part is at 1:03 when that stupid NOOB gets owned by the gas-pump hose ROFL!! :D
Nice ownage compil, you made my day start good ;)
Picture of yourmum35 achievements

+2 5. yourmum commented 16 years ago

I'm sure I've met some of these women. They must live near my work. :(
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

+1 6. MsZoomy commented 16 years ago

I take offense to the title because not all woman are bad drivers, not all of these were women and men are just as bad behind the wheel. retitle the video to stupid human drivers!!

funny as hell!! :(|)
Picture of senate10 achievements

+2 7. senate commented 16 years ago

2:35 i dont think the driver is a woman. since when do they drive Broncos? and ive meet my share of redneck women(yes i can say that i live in the south im am a redneck too)
Picture of d3vill0ck30 achievements

+2 8. d3vill0ck commented 16 years ago

Some of them are so stupid, I have the thought that they were framed...
Picture of OnetimeX36 achievements

0 9. OnetimeX commented 16 years ago

In my country we have saying, to let woman drive car is like to let monkey fly plane!! we do not let this happen anymore since great air disaster of 1998!!! Thank you please :(|)
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

-1 10. MsZoomy commented 16 years ago

#9 your country sucks
Picture of equilibrium2x25 achievements

0 11. equilibrium2x commented 16 years ago

well yeah... they`re funny. its not like death. death isn`t funny. men are more likely to kill or be killed when involved in car accidents. men think they can drive for 72 hours straight. man think that a more powerful engine will steer anyone away from questioning their penis size. men think the only way to drive is instinctively: you can`t learn it, you`re born with it. men aren`t funny. that`s why we have to thank women for funny accidents.
Now, really, think a little and be honest to yourself: in the news, when seeing really really really bad car crashes, is a woman driver ever the cause? Think about it.
Picture of chance35 achievements

+2 12. chance commented 16 years ago

Well.. yes actually.
Picture of chance35 achievements

+2 13. chance commented 16 years ago

The guy who got hit at 2:26 most likely died. The camera also took flash shots when the reckless driver sped by. Although I think they caught him! ;)
Picture of NucleoVega23 achievements

+2 14. NucleoVega commented 16 years ago

ok.. men, women, whatever. Let's just assume these drivers were Asian. That's as accurate a generalization we can get.

No lie. They're terrible. I SEEN IT.
Picture of LegendarySaint10 achievements

+2 15. LegendarySaint commented 16 years ago

Yes most road accidents are caused by young men. Because we can reverse out of the garage and get onto the road. I have a lamp post next to my driveway - 2 women have hit it reversing so far. Its like you look in the mirror only because you were told to, STOP driving when you are about to hit something. It goes like this(seriously) "OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG,ARRRRRGH,(long pause)oh dear". But its ok, its made of steel and your car is made of aluminium.
Picture of blckpythn30 achievements

+2 16. blckpythn commented 16 years ago

and for some reason women get better insurance rates
Picture of zerorain26 achievements

+2 17. zerorain commented 16 years ago

i give them props for doing so much damage without even trying... :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of rottensphinx17 achievements

-1 18. rottensphinx commented 16 years ago

First : In some of the videos that's a man driver. Second : In statistics, woman are less often causing accidents then the men. So, this video is just sexist and false. :(
Picture of SixaxisDualshock20 achievements

+1 19. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago

1. video with the woman hitting the barrier: http://www.snotr.com/video/1377
2. video with the woman hitting the barrier: http://www.snotr.com/video/1603 (this one)

Picture of Beowolf_PL8 achievements

+2 20. Beowolf_PL commented 16 years ago

who's singin' in this video?? enybody knows??
Picture of AverX19 achievements

+2 21. AverX commented 16 years ago

The thing that makes women worse drivers is the crap they do while they drive, half of them are talking on their phone ignoring things around them, and when it comes to reacting to things, as you saw in this video women have a tendency to press on the accelerator as hard as they possibly can apparently thinking maybe they can win in a joust with a wall or something, men might have more accidents but women always seem to be the ones making the stupid mistake, and all you girls out there need to shut up about this sexist crap, it seems that when anything seems to denote women in any way you automatically yell SEXIST BLAH BLAH! WHO THE **** CARES. Oh, and 22nd baby oh yea.
Picture of phantom111 achievements

+2 22. phantom1 commented 16 years ago

Right on, AverX... Some of the things I've seen, wow! Oh yes, a lot of ladies do drive SUVs. Not too long ago, I saw this lady in the biggest Infiniti rear-end a Mazda. Why? She was on the phone... So why don't insurance company introduce a stupid factor when assessing these things?! That would make things fairer, instead of penalizing men just 'caus we're men. >:)
Picture of bunnyskys2 achievements

+2 23. bunnyskys commented 16 years ago


I'm a woman. I take no offense to this as I see plenty of these twits driving around every single day, they are the reason road rage exists.

I have no idea where you're from, but maybe the statistics are what they are because there are less women drivers than men.

Great Video!
Picture of nooitaf40 achievements

+2 24. nooitaf (admin) commented 16 years ago

THE FLIP OVER IS STILL MY FAVORITE >> !!! .. even a man wouldnt be able to do that ! :D
Picture of Ashley2 achievements

+2 25. Ashley commented 16 years ago

How some of these accidents are accompished is beyond me. I JUST started driving and these people are absolutely retarded. I'd have to say old people are worse than women. Like 80% of our accidents where I live are caused by old people running stop signs and such. I fear old betties that drive Tahoes and Suburbans =/
Picture of bigmac7474 achievements

+2 26. bigmac747 commented 16 years ago

Saudi's have it right idea
dont allow women to drive..............mmmm thay just forgot to stop the men from flying planes
Picture of FloggingMollyLA3 achievements

0 27. FloggingMollyLA commented 16 years ago

#3 Was the most blunt thing I have ever heard in my life.. HAHAHAHAHAH really im lol'ing
Picture of sselfless13 achievements

0 28. sselfless commented 16 years ago

stereotypes suck for everyone: change title
Picture of gendarme44 achievements

0 29. gendarme commented 14 years ago

#26 - No, they just skipped the 'landing' lesson...