Turkish Ice Cream Man

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Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-5 1. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

Good show, but Halal ice cream....I would pass on that. :S
Picture of Bart123127 achievements

+11 2. Bart1231 commented 9 years ago

#1 just don´t be dumb
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-5 3. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#2 If you want to eat food prepared in the name of allah , go ahead. I find that distasteful.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 4. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#3 And that is very disrespectful, sux! :(
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-2 5. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

I don't see how it is anymore than a muslim turning down a pork sandwich.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+3 6. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#5 Declining a food for whatever the personal reason is, is one thing but to express distaste because of the way it is prepared by another culture's spiritual belief is disrespectful.
Picture of russian-don14 achievements

0 7. russian-don commented 9 years ago

#3 your comment just goes to show how ignorant you are. You need to get your lazy butt off your one seater couch and travel a bit more. If the likes of Fox News has filled your head with anti-muslim sentiments, why don't you travel east and see just how good-natured muslims are. By the way, Halal also means it does not contain pork and alcohol!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-2 8. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

So be it then if that is how you progressives see it. That culture's "spiritual belief" is just a political ideological system that sees itself superior and disrespects ALL other religions,or hadn't you noticed.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+8 9. Sizzlik (admin) commented 9 years ago

#3 wow..thats a new low..even for you sux.. SMH..
What does american ice cream taste like? Warmongering and gunpowder? Oil and Freedom? Gasoline sprinkled with hatred? Best i stick to german ice cream wich tastes like nazis and gas chambers..
Halal just means its made to be eaten for those who stick to their diet..like kosher for jews, gluten free for hipsters, vegan for birds or 100% pure bacon for you.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+4 10. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#8 So does the Christian religion, hadn't you noticed? #7 really agree with you.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-5 11. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

American ice cream tastes great , especially Pistachio Ice Cream.
#7 The Muslims in my country mostly stay to themselves and don't really want
anything but free everything. The muslim parts of the big cities are slums and the
people are not friendly.
Christians tolerate other religions as long as they don't start getting attacked by another .
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+4 12. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Man, I'm checking out of this conversation because it is absolutely ridiculous and meaningless to discuss anything with someone that is a hater...
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-2 13. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

Everybody hates something but I never said I hated anything,but I do have my opinions and they are just as valid and validated as yours.
Picture of taxman9 achievements

+1 14. taxman commented 9 years ago

#11 "Unless you're Native American, you came from someplace else"! This is not my quote but an actual quote by Obama himself!

Get your facts straight before generalizing a segment of the population. I have lived in 3 cities in the US and always found most muslims there quite friendly.

Learn to be compassionate towards other religions! We are no longer living in 19th Century Texas where racism and prejudice were thriving...the language of the world now is the "Language of Humanity".
Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

+3 15. ringmaster commented 9 years ago

Thundersnow, can I please send Colonel Sanders on sux2bu?
Picture of kirkelicious44 achievements

+4 16. kirkelicious commented 9 years ago

#9 German ice-cream with gass-chamber-flavour would taste like almond. :squirrel:

My objections to eating this ice cream would be more of a sanitary, than of a racist nature. Those cones seem to be handled by a lot of people...

Also a snot-screen wouldnt hurt.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-7 17. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#14 In case you haven't noticed Obama is an idiot."Native Americans" came from somewhere else too,probably from the area of Mongolia over the bering Strait when there was a land bridge. I was born right here in the US as were my parents and grand parents so I didn't come from someplace else.Geezzz
#15 Colonel Sanders and I are buds.
Picture of taxman9 achievements

+5 18. taxman commented 9 years ago

#17 Your comments remind me of a famous saying by George Carlin "“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

And with that I will argue no more...
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-11 19. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#18 When you are beat it IS time to give up. When you quoted an idiot you left yourself open to sound like one,I just pointed it out. O:)
BTW Do you ever come up with anything original or do you just constantly quote others? :D
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+6 20. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#15 haha
Actually did not want to continue this conversation but sux you really make me sad and you need to change your username to
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements
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-5 21. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

Thunderthighs , I could tell you were still lurking, and I would not want to steal your maiden name. >:)
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-2 22. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Lurking? Haha as if I don't have other things to do but watch you make a fool of yourself, you can call me thunderthigs all day long because it does not have an effect on me, especially because I'm one of the few fortunate ones around here that does not have thunderthigs and I'm glad I don't.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-1 23. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

No effect on you? Ha! You are so scrambled that you misspelled thighs twice. :D
BTW most of this is tongue-in-cheek play talk.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+2 24. Judge-Jake commented 9 years ago

Oh my goodness what on earth is going on here, cool it brothers and sisters, I am alarmed <3 Once again religion and references to it are causing fights. Why don't we all just agree here and now that there is no such thing as God in any religion everyone who has ever died hasn't gone anywhere they are simply not alive anymore just the same as everything that has ever lived including the insects, fish, birds, dinosaurs and your dogs and cats. That way life on earth can be much simpler for everyone. Peace and goodwill to all ah Fecking men. :)
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

0 25. Urmensch commented 9 years ago

"BTW most of this is tongue-in-cheek play talk."

Except the hateful stuff. That's meant in all seriousness.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 26. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

Which part do you consider hateful ?
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+3 27. Sizzlik (admin) commented 9 years ago

I consider the part "food prepared in the name of allah" hatefull. I was at a chinese restarant this evening. "Food prepared in the name of Buddah" The video is about a funny ice cream man..and all you say is agains muslims..how bad they are in YOUR city (not country). And you ask wich part of your comments was hatefull?
Seems muslims in vergina got a way harder life then you complaing about a turkish ice cream man overseas.
Common sense question..after everybody disagrees with your optinion..why do you try to keep up the fight?
Picture of name124 achievements

+3 28. name1 commented 9 years ago

It's about ice cream people.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

0 29. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#27 Well for one thing I will not be argued out of my views which have been formed by watching what is going on in this world and I see many things going in the wrong and dangerous direction.
Secondly these discussions help draw out of people their views on many subjects that they would normally keep to themselves. I find that very interesting.
Thirdly if you noticed, some have voted up on most of my comments even though the left leaning crowd on snotr is in greater numbers, which I have always realized was the case.
Picture of MrLogical25 achievements

+2 30. MrLogical commented 9 years ago

I would like to see a video of someone pulling the same shit when paying him :D


Sux2bu. You are no better than ISIS! Spreading hatred. It's all the same shit to me.

My personal view is f*ck religion, be good to people, live an honest life filled with friends and loved ones + watch a few Snotr videos here and there.

I think most intelligent people live like this, I do not try to enforce it, or say it's the way you should do things. We are all free to believe what we want to believe.

I have met intelligent religious people. You clearly do not fit the bill.

P.S. I am Turkish and wanted to help your ignorant bigot ass realise that the world is not as black and white as you clearly think/hope it is. Open your eyes.

P.P.S. 'Your views formed by watching what is going on in this world' - I can only imagine you mean on TV. American TV. Propaganda. PROPA'F*CKIN'GANDA. The truth is, you don't know what is really going on. None of us do really. Best to shut up and get on with life, not make idiotic comments on ice cream videos.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+1 31. Sizzlik (admin) commented 9 years ago

#30 Hakuna Matata :squirrel:
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-2 32. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#30 You said it the way it is and should be. Couldn't have said it better by myself. Sux's head is full of religious right wing Fox News Channel crap, the worst you can watch on TV, full of haters, I've watched it before to form an opinion, it is disgusting, and sorry to tell you #29, Obama happens to be the best President we've had since Clinton, the next campaign is gonna be fierce but I hope that none of the Republicans or brain washed tea partiers will get to be our new President. America has become a better country since the right wingers have been on the back burner a bit, and I hope they will stay there. This had to be said once and for all.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+3 33. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#30 Blah Blah Blah and you get your views of what's going on from Turkish or British news services? I live in a part of the US that has the highest concentration of military bases in the world. The guys coming back from bases around the world and especially from the Middle East give us the actual picture of what radical Islam has to offer the world and it ain't pretty. Maybe only ten percent of Muslims are radicalized but that is still hundreds of thousands of them. About 50% of Muslims polled in the US have said they believe Sharia should be the law here in the States. I am not spreading hate, just warnings.
#32 A true socialist feminist adherent for sure. Hillary should be in prison and she just might get there yet.The FBI has four different investigations going on concerning her handling of State Department emails and there is no doubt she broke the law and should never be allowed to handle classified information again.
Obama is making our country look like a joke to our allies and a push over to our enemies. Wake up.Stop watching MSNBC.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-2 34. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#28 Haha, yes you're right, that is how it initially started out, a harmless, fun, Turkish ice cream video, similar to what we had before a few years ago, which was also very pleasant. The people in this video are so happy and laughing and are having so much fun at the time, I don't understand how someone can see anything negative with this video ever, including the one that was posted a few years ago...

Do agree with #24! O:)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 35. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

Damn, I'm late to the party again... :x
Man this is soooo true : http://www.jokeitup.com/files/2015/05/You-miss-one-day-of-school.jpg
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 36. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

I'm not gonna open Geekster's links any longer for a particular reason ;) >:) :squirrel:
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 37. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#36 nah that one is legit >:)
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 38. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Been fooled too many times...not going there, dear Geekster ;) >:)
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 39. Judge-Jake commented 9 years ago

#35 VERY FUNNY GEESTER and you are supposed to be admin. I do have to say though that your link showing what appeared to be full frontal nudity of the guy from behind really surprised me and turned out to be...well lets just say 'That president' where on earth did you find that. :S
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 40. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#39 ?????????
Picture of MrLogical25 achievements

+2 41. MrLogical commented 9 years ago

#33 Sorry. Don't really think that's much of a response and shows you didn't really understand my point. Can't say I'm surprised.

Let's break it down for you so you can follow what I'm saying:

'Blah Blah Blah and you get your views of what's going on from Turkish or British news services?'

No, I make up my own mind using common sense.

'I live in a part of the US that has the highest concentration of military bases in the world. The guys coming back from bases around the world and especially from the Middle East give us the actual picture of what radical Islam has to offer the world and it ain't pretty.'

People sent overseas to fight. Put in danger. Fighting in the name of religion or countries come back with some bad comments about the opposition.
This is shocking. Can't say I would have expected that.

'Maybe only ten percent of Muslims are radicalized but that is still hundreds of thousands of them. About 50% of Muslims polled in the US have said they believe Sharia should be the law here in the States.'

Dont start a paragraph which will contain statistics with the word 'Maybe'. When you do that, you lose all credibility.

'I am not spreading hate, just warnings.'

Have to disagree with you there, but what do I know?

I'm just here to watch some Snotr vids.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 42. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#41 Well to make-up your mind and use your"common sense"you need intel from somewhere to know how to form your own opinion. Are you saying you are so well traveled that you have seen all there is to know on the topic and thus you form your opinion based on that? Pretty unbelievable . I am betting you get your ideas from the news outlets that you agree with.
I am ok with any peaceful peoples emigrating from their countries to start anew in another land as long as they intend to assimilate into their new country and not turn it into the same crapistan they came from and seek to change the laws of their new country to suit their belief system.
When you are talking of people that number over a billion it would be silly to try and put an exact number on the percent that have been radicalized but whether it is ten or twelve percent, that is a lot to contend with.
You can just keep ignoring the problem and let others who are awake to the dangers handle it.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-2 43. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#42 You are stating: "..I am ok with any peaceful peoples emigrating from their countries to start anew in another land as long as they intend to assimilate into their new country and not turn it into the same crapistan they came from and seek to change the laws of their new country to suit their belief system"...
You mean as in the US back then?...and don't say it did not happen..#41 has a good point..
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 44. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#43 Your liberal belief that the US is always the bad guy and we should apologize to the world for being who we are (like Obama did) is sickening.
By "back then " I guess you are talking about the "invaders " who came to these shores and took it over from the native peoples, right? Back in the 1500's, the 1600,s, and most of the 1700's those invaders were the English doing what the King of England expected of them. Starting in 1776 the colonists decided to kick English rule to the curb and within a few years and quite a few bloody battles we won our independence and came up with our Constitution and became The United States of America.Within about ninety years we also freed the slaves which is something it took the British about three hundred years to do since they had been in the slave business for centuries.
Picture of buckleg0858 achievements

0 45. buckleg08 commented 3 years ago

Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 46. Judge-Jake commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking six years on we should be getting back to the icecream. My objection which was raised by someone (can't bear to look through those comments again to find him) is the hygine. Is that box he is putting the cones in a waste bin, unlikely as waste means cost. So everytime he plays that game, the cones that you will eventually eat could have been handled by dozens of dirty hands, people who have been to the loo and not washed their hands afterwards, covid, if he's stupid enough to be still doing it, I hope not.!! Also even if he isn't recycling, he is handling each cone that has been touched by a customer and then handling the next. Funny but dangerous. :(
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 47. thundersnow commented 3 years ago

#46 Well, that was long before the corona virus. I'm glad the hater is not hanging out on snotr any longer. He poisoned the site with his ugly comments. :x